HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 392 Installments due November 1937 ----.....". -... . 870 COMMISSION HESOLU'J.'ION NO. 392 A RESOLWL'ION OF THE COMMISSION OIi' THE CITY OF 30zm.\AN DECLAHING CEHTAIN SPECIAL ASSESsr.:!ENTS AND II~STALL1lENTS 0Ii' SPECIAL ASSESS- nEWT S , DUE ~AJm PAYABLE NOVE1/IBER 30th, 1937, MID UNPAID AS OF TEAT DAl:'E, AND CER'I'AIN O'I'ImR SPECIAL ASSESSTiIENTS AND HLS'l'ALLT,lEN'l'S OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, DUE AND P AYABI,E NO\f1nmER 30th, 193'1, AND UN- F AI D , DELINQUEN'l' , AS prWVIDED BY OHDINANCE NO. 594, ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR 'THE COLLECTION OF rrAXES x x x x x, AND THE COLLEC'l'ION 0P SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS x x x", AND SECTION 5251, POLITICAL CODE, R.C.M. 1935. WHEHEAS: I I Pursuant to the provisions of Section 10, Ordinance i,o. 594, entitled: "AN ormnTANcE PROVIDING FOR 'l'rIE COLLEC'rION OF 'tAXES x x x AIJDFOI\ 'rIm COLLE'''''IOl' OP c'P,;'CIL\.1 Aoove'c,",TVl:iT\S ' II ,,1, :'< , ...) ."J _ 1J0..''':>ul'._-...L X X X X , the Director of l<'inance has prepared and fi.led wi tb theCommission of 'l'he City of Dozeman a report showing the special assessments and installments of special assessments, due and payable November 30th, 1937, and unpaid as of th~t date; and a~J ,- Section 5. That said special assessments and installments of special assessments, delin~lent as herein set forth, shall be collected by the County 'Treasurer of the County of Gallatin as provided by Sections 2169 and 2237, and Section 5251, Political Code, H..C.M. 1935. Section 6. Thnt the Director of Finance, under the direction of the City Manager, I shall attend at the time and place of the sale of property for delinquent taxes, as pro- vided by Section 15 of said Ordinance No. 594. Section 7. 'l'hat a copy of this Resolution, toget}Ier wi tl.\ Schedule "A II attached and made a part thereof, shall, on or before the 10th day of Decenber, 1037, be filed wi tJJ the "'Ol:U'Cty Clerk and Recorder and the County r2reasurer of the County of Gallat:in; Section 8. rrha t a ttachecl thereto and made a part thereof shall be a certificate of the Director of Finance, as provided by Sect1.on 12 of said Ordinance No. 594; Passed and adopted by the Oo;mnission of rrhe City of Bozcrmn at a regular session thereof held on the 3r;:; day of December, 1037. ;y~"'~ L~.a~.' - -.. · lJay6r Attest: (.:<:(/4~--'2;b-?t4'J Cifc/rk of tbe Commissien I ~rt) ~ f...J of COIlL'11ission Hesolution No. 392 passed and adonted by the Com.J1Ls sion of The City of Bozeman at a reglllar session thereof held on the 3rd day of December, 1937. IN Vnll'NE~)S VmEHEOF ~ heretmto set my hand and affix t}1e corDorate seal of The City of Bozeman, this 4th day of December, 1937. /' //./ I .02::/-, /!:/~//Cvc->:~~:&IJ clerk of tl~O:m111:Lssio:n--.- State of Montana ) ) S8 County of Gallatin ) I L. G. Shadona, Clerk of t11C Cormnission of The City of Dozern_reD do hereby , certify that tho foregoing Commission H.osoh1.tion JIo. 392 was pUblis110d by ti tIe and number in the bozeman DOj"ly Chron:tcle, a newspaper of e:eneral circua1 tion prin ted and published in said City :1.n the i3S1:1_e of December 5th, 193'7, and that d"rte proof of pub- lication was made and filed in my office. IN 'NI'l'NESS WIIEHEOP, I hereunto set m:{ hand and affix the seal of my office this 6th day of December, 1937. tl y/ft-#'p47tA v C e r k '0 f -tll.e---CO:vffinf:J s i 0 ~ I I . . ._.u_.u..._ ---