HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 390 SID No. 305 364. cO:,:,,':[ISSIOI< HESOL1J'I'IOH NO. 390 w~ 1/ A RESOLU'I'I UN OF 'T'l[::::' COi'..TMISSION 01" rl'IIE CI'rY OF- BOZ!':L':AN, }il0NT ANA LEV"lj,:G /' /. f.j(D ASSESSING A :JPECII-iL AS,'3ESS:,::2;Wl' OF 'I'AXES UPON ALL 'l'llE PHOP',.:H'I'":{ IJq , I~..\ \ SPECIAL n:1PROVJ~1':IEj~TDISr:I'RICT NO. 305 IN '.[,HE CIIIY OF BOZE],:IA;J, COm~TY OF GALLA'I'IN, S '1',\ 'rE 0 F ii~ 011 '1' Ai.. A , '1'0 DEFHAY 'rEE COST OF CONSTRUC1'IHG AND MAKING ~CIIE T!\~PHOVE;.ml;rrI'S WI'r:-IlN SAID SPECIAL IMPORVEl'iIE1,f'i' DI~;'l'RICT IW. 305. VnIEHEAS, the City Commission of '1'he Ci ty ofDozemiln, did on the 16th day of April, 1937, duly and regularly pass COrTh'11ission Resolution No. 358, en ti tled: I A RESOLUTION Oli' 'UtE CITY co:nUS:JION OF TI.IE CI'l'Y OF BOZETIAN DECLARING IT TO BE 'rES INrI'E"l';'rrOlJ OF THE Cl'rY OF BOZET,iXt,[ '1'( CHE!.{J.'E A SPECIAL IMPFWVE - J./;ENT DIi3TRIC'r ':CO BE IG-w\'n,~ AS :::;PECIAL Il'IIPHOVEI'I!El-iT DIS'i'Rlc'r rW. 305 01" THE CITY OP BOZE~,r;AN FOn TEE PUHPOSE 01" CONS'l'RTJCTING CO:NCRETE CURKj, STOHM SEWERS AND PLAN'I' tUX OIL-MACADAM PAVEl'..rp:N'l', OR PEl'JOLI'rHIC p'\Vm:]"<;\j't ON A CE.lJSHED GR1\VEL BASE, ON FIF'l'H AVENUE, SOUTH, BETlfmEN 'l'IIE SOU'I'E LINE OF STORY STREE'r AND 'l'BE SOU'rH LINE OF COLLEGE STREET, IN SAID CI'I'Y. and thereafter, after &1e and legal proceedings had, the Comrnls slon of 'I'he City of Boz- eman did on the 4th day of June, 1937, duly pass Comm:i.ssion Hesolution No. 364, entitled: A E.ESOLU'l'ION o I" 'rIlE CI'r:{ COI:unS:3ION OF 'riD-,-: CI'I':{ OF TF'ZE".'!Ai.:, IiI () l~TA JJ A, CREA'l'TNG A SPECIAL IMPROVET.1EWl' DIS'I'RICT 're, DE'-N01NH )\S E;PECIAL HIPHOVE- MENT DI S '1'1\ I (;'1' NO. 305 OF' 'l'UE CITY OF BOZEMAK, FOR 'II-II: PlTEPOSE OF COlT... SI'R1TC'TINCt CONCHE'I'E CURBS, s~eORNI SEWERS AND PL1\N'I' ;UX OIL-T.0ACADAI..l P A'lE- ME 1\) 'I', em PEJ'TOLI'I'--'IC PAVEl/lEIa' ON A CRUSHEDGRAVEI BA,SE, ON T;T?'l';'T A VETfUE 365 the pa~0ent of said sums shall be made in twenty-one installments and the payment of said installments shall extend over a nerlod of twenty years; thc..t the pa'TIent of the respective annual installments shall be made on or before the 30th day of November of each year until payment of all installments together with th,e interest thereof, shall be m'lde; thpt said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner I and in accordance with the law governing the collection of special improvement taxes; that failure to pay such assessments when the same become due and nayable shall ma1:e such persons and said lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to dellnqu.ent taxes; Section 2. That the rep:ular session of the Commission of 'l'he City of jjo:ceman to be held in the Commission Chamber in thoCity Hall of said City on the 29th day of October, 11;)37, at 7: 30 0 t cIocle P .~,1. , be, and the same is hereby des ignn ted as;tl1e time and place at which objections to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard by the said CO:D:Lmis s jon; Sect:1.on 3. l'hat the Clerk of theConrrnission of '1'he City of Bozeman be, and he is hepeby ordered and directed to publish in the Bozeman daily Chronicle, :9. daily newspaper prlnted and published in the said City of Dozeman, a notice signed by the Clerl{ of the Commission and stating th:'t a Hesolution levying and assess:l.nc; a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of constru,cting and ma]cing the improvements in the said Special Improvement Distirct No. 305 is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Comlnission subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days; that said notice shall I state the ti:lle and place at wllich object:tons will be heard by the Commission to the final ad:i:ption of this Resolu t iOll; th') tit shall be :9ublished at leas t five (5) days before the day set by the Commission for the hearing of objections and the final adoption of this Heso1ution. Provis:tonally Dassed and adopted by the (Jommlssion of 'L'he City of Boze;nan at a reg- ular session thereof held on the 22nd day of October, 1937. A'0: ~ )' ." ..-- /' __ ./". "/r'/~__{. -~ Attest,: May , .?':/ ,c ./"' -/' :c/ /" /' / .^ .... /./......./ ~ ..-j'.~ ./ (G1:rl~' cl~::~~~r~i~~ ..-.- Finally passed and adopted by the Commission of 'l'he City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 29th day of October, 1937. ~/ ,"/ LL_. .//' .... "':/c--c--l,~ . Attest: M~r ---.---.- (/ .;j . (:';:, &Ii" /v d---/{O-~J-~IJ ~. erlc"o:f-the Commissic;n- IN 0 TIC E ------ HEARING, FINAL ADOF"I'ION UF RESOUJ'rIOl-: NO. 390, LEVYING ASSESSLlEWJ.l C'"J:) v C IAr I~-TPR'" OH~"T ''',':''J 'I' 1)1 c, (L"l)I' '" 'r I,f() '7..05 I)A'r'rl,T(' Tl'I-1'i'T~tT A'V'I<"tT1nj' Bl,'1""TDJ'< ""l.T ~.J ,LJ ... ...J ...'.1........ j, V w 11.\,..J.. U _ \. \J ."J\... ~, v~.. .'i .,/ .1. .1.,..1. . .:.L'" )J",~J ,... _,,,'~ VY,L:jJ.~.I i COLIJ:;GE AND STORY STREI;TS. NOTICE IS HElmI:.<Y' GlVEI\, that at a regular session of ;:,he Commission of '1'he City of Bozeman, held on F'irday, the 22nd day of October, 1937, Conunission Resolution No. 390 was duly passed and adopted; that said Com.rnission Resolution No. 390 levies and assesses a special assessment of taxes upon all the property in Special Improvement District No. 305 in said City, to defray the cos t and expense of cons truc ting and malcing the im- rtesolution No. 390 a6G provements within said District; Tha t , said Commission Resolution No. 390, is now on file in the office of the Clerlr of the Com~ission subject to inspection for a period of five ( 5 ) days by any persons interested. That Friday the 29th day of October, 1937, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., of said day, at the regular session of the said Commission of '1'11e City of Bozeman at the Comm:lssion Chamber in the City Hall Building of said City, has been designated as I the time and place v/hen and where the said Commission wi11 hear and pass upon any and all objections that may be made to the final passage and adoption of said Reso- lution No. 390 and the levying of said assessment, and that said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at said regular session. All persons interested are referred to Commission Hesolution No. 358, declarIng it to be the intention of the Comm1ssion to create Special Improvement District No. 305, and Co:nmi~Jsion Hesolution No. 3,34, creating Specj.al Improvement District No. 305. Dated this 23rd day of October, A.D., ID37. ~ t;//~," ' . ...... . ../ . . -,t_. / / ..,~~-/ --It.-J....- , 1 ~i:;1{ / is f tl;_e - C orrnn i S 8-i 0 n"-"-- State of Montana , ) ) ss 00unty of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of t:'le Commission of 'rIle City of Bozeman, do hereby cer- tify that the foregoin~ Notice in Re, Co~n'11ission Hesolution No. 390, was published a t length in the Bozemn.n Daily Chronicle, a newspaper o:C general circulation printed anc1. published in said C1 ty in the iSSl1e of October 24th, 1937, and tJ,.,t due -oroo.c of I publication was made and filed in my office. IN WlrnrESS ViTFTmEOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this