HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 389 Levying taxes in SID No. 312 .--.". --. -. :.3Gl CmmlSSION RESOLUTION NO. 389 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF nffi CI'l'Y OF BOZEr:IAN, l!l(\]'j'r AN A, LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSJ,1ENT OF 'I'AXES UPON ALL 'rnE PROPEWl'Y IN SPECIAL IMPORVEMEN'l' DIS'1'RIC'I' NO. 31.2 IN THE CITY OF BOZEI.IAN, COUNT"'{ OF GALLtTIN, STATE OF MONTANA, fro DEFRAY rl'HE GOS'1'OF C01JS'l'RUCTING AND TilAKING 'I'FE n~PROVEMENfl'S 'vVI'l'HIN SAID SPECIAL HIPROVm/jENT DISTRICT NO. 312. VfHEREAS, The City CO~r:1ission of The City of Bozeman, did on the 9th day of August, I 1937, duly and regularly pass C01Th'1lission Resolution No. 375, enti tled: A RESOLu'rr ON OF 'I'lfE C1'rY COMMISSION 0:;:; TIm CITY OF BOZE:':AJT DECLARING I 'e '1'0 BE tIlE IN'l'EWI'IOl'i OF 'l'HE Cl'I'Y OF BOZEMAN TO CREATE A SPECIAL D1PHOVEr.~ENT DISTRICrr TO BE KlWVn; AS SPECIAL IMPROVELlEWl' DIS'1'RICT NO. 312 OF THE CIl'Y (Ji' BOZEHAN FOE 'ITrE PURPO~m OF CON'THUC/rING CONCH-ETE curms AND PENOLrrrIIIC P/I.VE- MElFI' ON A CRUSHED GRA'VEL BASE, ON iiVES'I' ALDEI-t:,ON S'l'HEE~[' BET'NEEN 'I'IIE WEST LINE OF GHA}JD A vE'NUE, SOU'rE, AND THE EAS'l' LINE OF' TJUHD AVENUE, SOUTH, IN SAID CITY. and thereafter, after due and legal proceedln~s had, the Commission of The City of Boze- man did on the 27th day of AU'p;u.st, 1937, duly pass Commission Resolution No. 376, entitled: A RESOLU'I'IOH OF 'rlJE CI'l'~ COi'/~_',:L-;::n()N OFi'HE CIII'Y OF BOZEI.IA, J.,iOlJTANA CHEA'rING A SPECIAL ITiIPRO\lm,Ei:N'I' DIS'I'RIC'r TO BE KNOV1N AIm DESIGNA'I'ED AS SPECIAL IhlPHOVE- 362 shall extend over a period of t\'lenty years; tl'Et the payment of the respective annual installments shall be made on or before the 30th day of Nove...nber of each year until oay::n.ent of all installments together wi tho the interest thereof, shall be made; thn.t said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance wi th the law [joverning tI1e collection of special improvement taxes; thn t failure to pay sllch assessm. ents when the same become due and Dayabl.. e shall make such I Dersons and sald lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law rel- ative to delinquent taxes; Section 2. That the regular session of the Cormnission of 'Ib.e City of Bozeman to be held in the Commiss:Lon Chmnber in the City Hall of said City on the 29th day of Uctober, 1937, at 7:30 o'clock P.T:1., be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and place at which objections to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard by the sa:id Commission; SectLon 3. iI'hat the Clerk of the Com'T1ission of The City of 1)oze1:mn be, and he is rlereby ordered and directed to publish :Ln t},.e Dozem.s,n DD:ily Chronicle, a daily newspaper 'jI' printed and published in said C1 ty of Dozeman, 8. notice signed by the Cler]{ of the Connn:Lssion and stat:i.ng thut a Resolution levying and assess:i_ng a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements in the aaid Special Improvement District No. 312 is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Gom.>nission subject to inspect:Lon for a period of five (5) days; that sa.l_d notice shall sta te the time and place at which obiect'_ons will be heard by t~e Commission to the fillal adoption of -t1LLS ReS.011:tion; ~ha t. itS. hall....be P.....llb1. iSh:d at leas. t five I (5) days before the day set by the l..Jo:m:mission for the heclrlng of objectIons and the final adoption of this Reso~ltion. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Commission of '1'1:1e City of Bozem::m at a reVl1ar session thereof held on the 22nd day of October, 1937. ~.~../ ~;..-::~. _ -..' .. -.... c.. ..., ~ _" . , -~-.. ~-- _._-~. .1-.----.-----.-,,--------- Z:t '~, . May6r / ~ -7~/f~~~~.-.---- lerk of the \.JomrnSSlon l"inally passed and ~~dopted by t'J-le Comrnission of 'l'he Ci-::;y of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 29th day of October, i937. 1Q1 ~_:>-~ i, ."____ ,_ ... , I .... _ ....~ .....-C--- -~Z:"~ -~_.. ...----.-.-" --- . Att,,:J31p JVlayar . /. //-" -- /{/ ;./ /' / ;.::;t . .i~/ ~,.,/ /' ,'<~~2"'('.c----V-7-"'\-_./ 'f; dr'::' <J.ciS11Et-CO:wnission NO'I'ICE I ------- liEAHING, FIHAL M)()P'DOTI CO?IL1ISSIOlj RESOLlLl'IOJ< HO. 389, LE\TYT,icr A""~'E~.S. .C'~ll;".'.'[' ';'OP 01)"1<"C'. IT II.!r-I:JF' {)-iT'.,;"J};'..\,II' DI"'C"lF'T("i'j '.0' 7.12 ':>A'V. "'C' ,.~r.-IC'T ..:>..:> ..:>." ..,,-.. .L J.e '-' -' ..lh.u ,.~ \v 1..-'...._-'.. _ 0.1 \_-,J 1 jj . 0 ,.L _,L~ _, \v.b-,..:> AI,DEH3):.~ ::; 'I'HEE '1' T:m'hI2~':;N GEA:]D At,]) 'IlEUm AVE]iUES. NOTICE IS lJEREDY rHVEE, that at a regular session of the Commission of I' he City of Bozoman, held on Pirday the 22nd day of October, 1937, Commiss:Lon Resolu.tion No. 389 was du17 passed and adopted; th" t said COTI1l11ission Resolution Ho. 389 levies and assesses a special assessment of taxes upon all the property in Special Improvement District No. 312 in said City, to defray the cost and eXn~nse of constructing and mak- .' ,.- '~, Resolution No. 389 ----.... t) f 1'3 U )t ing the improvements w3thin said District; Th3. t , said vOmmission hesolution No. 389, is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days by any persons interested. 'l'ha t Friclay the 29t:'c1 day of Oc to be I' , 1837, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., of said day, at the regnlllr sessj_on of the said Commission of 'l'he Liity of .0ozem:'J.n at the Com- I mission Chamber ire tl-!.e C1t',yfTaJ.l E'uilding of said City, has been des.i.i;na ted as the time a~'id place whon and whe re the said Commission will hoar and pass upon any and all objec- tions that may be made to the final passage and adoption of said Hesolution No. 389 and the levying of said assessment, and that said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at said regular session. All persons interested are referred to Commission Hesolution no. 375, declaring it to be the intention of the Cormnission to create Specail Improvement District No. 312, and Commission Resolution No. 37G, creating Special Improvement District No. 312. Dated this 23rd day of October, A.D. , 1937. /1 // /' ./ '7' /t,/.__//(/ .' '~(.(F#4"---/