HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 408 Creates SID No. 323 420 CmilTnSSION HESOLU'I'ION NO. 408 A RESOLUTIOX OF 'l'EE CITY COM::ilISSION OF TIm CITY OFBOZEHAN DECLAFUITG 1'1' TO BE TEE IKrI'EXTIOH UP 'llHE cr'rY OF BOZElL4.N '1'0 CHJ2A'l'E A SPECIAL n,IPHOVE!JENT DISTRIc'r TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL INIPROVEJvIEJIT DIs':mIC'r NUMBER 323 OF THE CIrl'Y OF BOZEI,:AN POR nIB PURPOSE OF CONSTRUC'I'ING CONCRErrE CURBS, PEIJOLITEIC P AVEMEN'l' ON A FOUR INCH CRUSHED EOCE BASE Aim NECESSARY DHAP:U~.GE S'l'HUC'l'URES, ON TIURD AvmmE, lfOR'l'H, BETWEEN MENDENHALL STHEET AND LAI.nm srrREErr, IN SAID CITY. WHEHEAS : There has been filed with the Cler1<: of the Cit:y Commission of 'lihe City of Bozeman, Iftontana, a peti tio!' in due form of certain property owners residing on I Third Avenue, north betv.reen MendeY'l1.all Street and Lamme Street, in said City, asking that a special improvement dis trict be crented for the purpose of constructing OD. said part of Third Avenue concrete curbs, penoli thic pavement on a four lnch CrlJ.slJecl rocle base and necessary drainage structures; and WHEREAS: At the reQJ.lar meet:Lng of the City Comnission of The City of Bozeman held on the 17th day of June, 1938, said petition was duly considered and granted, NOW TH1~REPORE, BE r~ RESOLVED BY 'I'm.!; COIiII.1ISSDN 011' 1'1m CI'loY OF BOZE},TAH: Section 1 That it is hereby declared to be the intention of The City of Bozeman to create a special improvement district to be known and designated as Special Improvement Dis- trict No. 323 of The City of Bozeman for the purpose of constructing concrete curbs, penoli thic pavement on a four inch crushed rock base and necessary drainage structi.i.res, on Il'hird Avenue, north, between l,iendenhall Street and Lamme Street, in said City, within the boundaries particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the north line of West Lamme Street said point I bein[:'; 140 feet west of the west line of 'l'hird Avenue, north; Thenceeast along said north line of West Lamme Street to a point 140 feet east of the east line of said Third Avenue, north; Thence south parallel viTith and 140 feet eQst of said east line of Third Avenue, north, to tbe south line of l/i:endenhall Street; Thence west along said south line of Mendenhall Street to _a point 140 feet west of said west line of 'I'hird Avenue, north; Irhence 421 the Ci ty Hall of rl'he City of Bozeman, is the ti.me and the place when and where objec- tions will be heard to the creation of said district and the passage of a resolution creating said district pursuant to this resolution of intention; and the City Manager is hereby directed to cause notice of this resolution to be served upon all persons whose property is within said proposed Special Improvement District No. 323 and as herein des. I cribed, on Third Avenue, north, between Mendenhall Street and Lamme Street, and to give notice hereof by publication, all in the manner and form as prescribed by Section 5227, R. C. Montana, 1935. Passed and adopted by the City Commission of Bozeman at a regu1r session of said Con~ission held on the 24th day of June, 1938. ~~ Mo:yor ~ /~ ~/- rk ~itY Commission NOrrrCE IN RE Cor.unSSION RESOLU'l'ION NUMBER 408 OF TEE CITY OF BOZE.'MAN DECLARING rrEE IWEm:TION Oji' 'THE CI'I'Y OF BOZEl/IAN TO CREA'l'E A SPECIAL IMPHOVE~F:::NT DIS'rRICrl' 'ro BE KNO\VN AND DESIGNA'rED AS "SPECIAL IMPHOVEEElr'r DISTRICT NUMBER 323" FOE. rl'HE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING CONCHETE CDRBS, PENOLITHIC PAVEMENT ON A FOUR INCH CRUSHED ROCE BASE AND lmCESSARY DRAINAGE S'l'RUCfl'URES, o IiI 'l'HIRD AVENUE, NORTH, BETWEE1~ MENDENHALL STRImrr AND LMJIlilE S'l'F\}~ET, IN SAID CI'I'Y. I Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day of June, 1938, at a regular meeting of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, Co~~ission Resolution No. 408, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF '1':;m CI'l'Y COMr.GSSION OF 'l'HE CI1'Y OF BOZEMAN DECLARING IT TO BE THE I!!'I'ElITION OF tHE CIfrY OF BOZE1:IAN TO CHEATE A SPECIAL IMPROVE!',mW:J.1 DISrrHICT rrO BE ICNovm AS SPECIAl.) IMPEOVEMEWr DISTRICT NUMBER 323 OF TIill CI'l'Y OF BOZEI,IAH FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING CONCRE!l'E CURBS, PENOLI'l'HIC PAVE.1ITEHT ON A FOUR INCH CRUSHED ROCK BASE AND NECESSARY DHAINAGE STRUCTURES, ON 'l'EIRD AVENUE, NORTII, BETWEEN MENDENHALL STREET AND LAMI.1E STREErr IN SAID CI'l'Y. was passed and adopted. '.l'ha t Friday, the 15 th day of July, 1938, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the Cowmission Room of the City Hall, Bozenm; Montana, is designated by said Resolution No. 408 as the time and place for hearing objections to the action proposed to be taken by said resolution and the adw.,tion of a resolution giving effect to the same, 422 '1'11.13 :~otice is (:;1 ven pur-auant to the provisions of Section 5227, H. C . I'llontana, 1935. Dated this 28tl1. day of June, 1933. By order of the Commission of the C1 ty of Bozer:mn. 1.1. E. lIENDEHSON (Signed) I City Manager Attest: L. G. SHADOAN (Signed) Clerk of the City Commission Published in Bozeman Dai ly Chrcnicle June 28th, 1938. State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gal1tin ) I, L. G- Shadoan, CIerI, of the C1 ty Cor.l'11ission of r1'he C1 ty of Bozeman, do hereby . certify that the foregoing Notice In Re, COnL.'11is sian Res olu tioD No. 408 was pub 1i shed at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circualtion prl.nted and Dublisf:"ed in said C; ty on the 28th day of June, 1938 and that due proof is on file in my office. IN VII'l'NESS WHEHEOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 5th day of July, 1938. .. I I