HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 407 Creates SID No. 322 /I.j' ~ .1 " COj,n.nSSIuH RESOLUrl'lON NO. 407 A RESOLU'';''IUlT J:I' 'rITE CITY COI.:::IS,3IOE 0:1' TIfE CI'I'Y OF ~~,OZEI.=Al\: DECLAIUNG 1'';' 10 BE 1'l:E n:tEH'i'IOH OJ" 'EIrE CITY OF DOZEY,TAI\' TO CREATE A SPECIAL HI- PROVET.:J'::'!'J:' DIS'1'RI CT 1'0 BE KNm'JlIJ AS SPECIAL H1PROVEF:mn' DIS'1'Rl e'r J'~UI,Im~R 322 OF 'liFE CI'l'Y OF BOZEI.:A;' JeOn rnm PUHFOSE OF CONS'i'I.nJC'l'n:G CONCTIETE CUFmS, CHFS:mD GHA'JEL I;:ACADALi PAVEr::;::;jd' A::D rmCESSARY DHAll:AGE S'l'rn;C- ~L'UHES, ':m WEST DICKEHSmT S'l'REET FE.O;.: 'l1IIE ';ms'1' LIJJE OF' SIX'l'E AVEIJUE ~()lT'T'I'" 'L'" 0 ;'i'-"!,i}.' :<,'11.,<<'1' I. 'j',\T;,' 0'[;1 (~T;"J'I..,.T "'1"-1"" A'IJ','- 'UTi' c: (1ur;11': I'i(I' SAID CI ri'V ' _. -. .".-, .,) ...I.,.".j.J.... I-J' ........._.c.......i .I.. ~..L..J .........._'. . ~ ,.......l. ..L.J, ;..), J.. ~_, ~. _.... . V'Jhereas: rI'here has been filed with the Cler1= of the City Counnission of 'l'he liit:\' of I Bozemnn, Llontana, a pet:Ltion :Ln dlJ_e form of certain property owners res:i.din2; on West Dicl~ol's()n Street from. the west linG of Sixtb. Avenue, IJou~h to the east line of Seventh Avey,ue, sou. th,i n said Oi t.Y', asl~in['; thn.t a special improvement di 3 tric t be created for the purpose of constructing on sald part of Dickeroon Street concrete curbs, crushed grave 1 "1lacada.,"!l pavem.ent and ne cas sary dra:inage s t1(1)c tlJ1'e s; and V{hereas: At the reCuln.r meet:1.ng of the City Cormnission of The City of Bozeman held on tll8 3rd day of Ju1"o, 1933, said petl tion was duly considered and granted, HOW 'l'HKnWrm BE 1'1' RESOL'JED BY '.l'Tm CO:.':T.lISSIO}} CI.' 'i.'IIE CI'YI OF BOZEJ~Al:: Section 1 That it 1s hereby decln.red to be tlle intention of 'l'he Gi ty of Bozeman to create a special inmrovemont dL,tr:i.ct to be 'movm and desiGnated as Special ImprovGmont Dis- trict to. 322 of The City of Doze:nan for ~he purpose of constructing concrete curbs, crushed c;ravel macadam pavement and necessary drainage structures, on West Dickerson Street from t~.'.e ';Je s t line of Si.xtl:c Avenue, south, to the cas t Ilne of Sevent}']. Avenue, south, ir1 said Oi ty, wi thin the bOl'ndaries particular 1;.T described as follows: I Be[",Jnninr: at a point in tb.o east lino of Seventh Avenue, soutl'., vll'1ere the snne 1S intersected b"r tlJC sOlltl} lin.e of' the cast and ',lest alle"{ in Blocl[ 32 O.f Par;: Ad..dit:i.On to Boze,"man; ..'1'HE...;\}\'CL." east along the. south.llne Of.. sa:Lcl alley to the west lire of Dixth Avenue, soUt;.l; 'l'UEIC:2 soutt] along said west line of Sj,:d'.:' Avenue, sout:" to a "Joint 150 feet south of the south line of 0est Dickerson Street, said Doint beinG midway between said West D:LcJ:81':Jon and ','lest Alderson Streets; '1'IIEECJ7: west parallel w:i.tl1 said sonth line Of.,'ost Dickerson Street and 150 feet sout1} of' .sm:'le to the castline of Sevent~l Avenu.e, south; TIIEITCE north alonr; said eas t line of' Soven th Avenue, sout}}, to the place of beglnnlnr;. Section 2 'I'ho.t a prel:imJn8r:1 and a 'pro:dl!1'1 te os th18.t e of tIle cos t of said improve::,ents in- clucl:i.ng curb~;, excavntlon, 1)Q'Ilo',:1e.-t, en:~ineerJr::.g, drainage structures and incidentals is :1;Jl?5?00, which is to be n.ssGs:]ecl ag8.1.n[~t the propert~T wj.t}11n said district on the area bn,sis. 'l'he area of p.ll property vlitllin said district located with1n t~.1i.rty (30) feet of ei thoI' side 11no of DiclceI'son ,street wi tl"in said district, clOSl:~J:lated as "corner lotsll for tIle purposes of' tl'lio resolution and \'lhic}J. o.re to be assessed at double the rate assessed o.gaIn.t "inside lots," exclusive of streots, averuos, alleys and pubLic places, is 15,000 squo.rc feet. The area of all "insido lots" wltJ:tin said district, exclusiv'e 0 f streets, avenues, 8.110;,'"s or public places, is 60,000 square feet. 'rho area of all property in said district wit}., the arOft of "corner 101;S" estimated at t':dce I their act'Jal area, is ~)O,OOO square feet. Il1l1e estimated rate of 8.8iJCssment is ::;;0.0065 per squ2re foot for !lirwide lots I! and ,:);0.013 for "corner lots". Pa~Ti;"~ent :1:'01"' said i111- nrovC::,:ionts to be ~nade in ten anr}ual installments covor:i.ni; a per:todf nine years. Section 3 'l'h.at tho rcgnln.r meet:i.ng of the Ci t;T COl111lliss:i.on to be held on the 1st day of Jul;y, 1938, o.t 7:30 0' clod: .2. I,I. at the regulo.r Jneet:Lne; place of the City Commission LltR in the City Hall of The City of Dozem~D, is the time and Uw pln.ce w11en nnd \'/here ob- j ec tions 'Hill be he,~rd to the creation of said district and the passaGe of aD ordinance [JiJTU,J}:l n t to this rosoll1.tion of intentiorlj 8.nd tll,e City ~anaser is hereby directed to t' . t' . cause notice of this resolution to be served lJ,pOn 8.11 -nersons whoGe propc;r-~,Y :LS vn-,:L'_D said propos eel Speci8.1 Improvement DiG tr:i. ct No. 322 and as here :in de scribed, on ';'lest Dickerson Street from the west line of Sixth Avenue, south, to the cast 11r' e of I Seventh Avern..1,e, south, and to give not ice :lerc of b:T publ:ica ti on, all in the ma nner and fornl [LS Dro~')cribed by Section 5227, H. C. ?:lon t. 10~'- ~ ...- t)O . PatHJoc1 and o.doptccl by the City Co~~is3ion of Dozem8n at a reVllar ' n said sess].on 01 CQ}~1rnis sion l:.eld on t',e 10 l;}L day of ,June, 1938. Attest: ~___~_~/a l,:ayor ~~~-~;_..._..,...._..,-,-"-,_._- Cler:'~ of :the Commission IW'l'ICE nr HE COliUnSS10N HESOLU'CJ:OH JiIlTI,TlrEl1. 407 OF T::E CI'I'Y OF' })()ZET.IMJ DECLART};G 'L'TIE 11<- 'l'I::-"l'ION OF 'L':{E CrL'Y 0:" B(X,~1;::\:!\.' 'I' '. CHE/c'j'E A ;'jPEC1AL n.lP!~:OV~:<:;;,::s:r.L' DISil'~nCT '1'0 BE K'i!O.'':l~/!.YfD DESIGj::N1'ED AS IISPECIAL D:lPI-WVE;,'iE:,::'I ' DIS'I'RIC'l'!'UI,IBEH 32211 FOR 1'jiE PTJHPOSE OF C()T,:3TRUCTI-~!G CC:liCHE'l'E Cr:EB:::';, C~_~,_ .- 41!) c:r.ally. ':n118 notice is C,ivcn DllrS',J,ant to the provlsj.ons of Section 5227, H. C. :.Ion ~;ana, lCJ:55. D{:" ted tlti s 11th d3.:-r of ,June, 19258 . By order of the COYnm:tsslc'n 0:1:' 'The City of Bo zeman. I :..::.:-_~~LE..:. Dl'L~S 0 l~__l~ i p;ne d) . Ci t,v I,Tanager Zf~ / /./'. ~., ~.- -'--- C _erk of the Comnia ulan Published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle June 14'(;1'1 to 13tll inc. , 1931:3. State of I,lon tana ) ) SS County of GaJ lati:n. ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clar:: of tl\.c COTIlm:1.3sicn of 'rhe Cit;:r of Boze~!lan do hereb\ cer- tify that the foreGoing otice in He COlJmlission Fi.esolutlon No. 407 waspublishod at length in tIle Bozeman Daily Chronlcle, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in said City on the 14th to 18th days of June, 1938, and tila t due is on file in'::':- office. I TIT \'JI'l':l':ESS WLEHEOF' I hereunto set my hand and ai'f:L:= the seal of my office, this 19t~~1 do.;,' of Jun~, 193D. a//