HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 405 Creates SID No. 320 411 COMMISSION RESOLU'l'ION NO. 405 a resolution of the ci ty commission of the ci ty of bozC1ilan, montnna, . CHEATnm A SPECIAL Il.'lPROVELILT!T DIS1'lUCT TO BE lJW""lN AS SPECI....'\L IMPF\'oVE- I.TEH'I' DIS'i'RIC'I' N1:n!:.B~;R 320 OF THE CIT'Y OF BOZEl,IAN, FOR 'l'EE PUHCOSE OF COlJ- STRUC'I'I:iG- CC)lJCHE'l'E curms, S'I'OnM SE'NEES AND PENOLI '1'~1I CPA VELIEN'l' ON A Foun INCH CT:;'USEED ROCE BASE, m'T VlILLSON AVENUE, SOU 'rE, BETWEEN 'rEE SOUTH LINE OP CLEVELAND 8TnEET ATTD.L'"im 3CUTII LINE OF GARFIELD STHEET, IN SAID Cl'fY. 'JIlhereas: At a r0~ular session of the Commission of '1.'1113 C1 ty of Bozeman, State of I Montana, held on the 29th day of April, 1938, the said CorruJlis.sion duly passed Comr:1iss:ton Resolution No. 401 de clarint:~ it to be the :lntentiOJ:), of said Corn:;11issiDll to creD.te a snecia1 iuproverilcnt distr:Lct to be known and desicnated as Speci al Improvement Dis tric t ITa. 320, of said City for the purpose of construct:~.ng conc:,'ete curbs, storrn sewers and penoli th:i.c pavement on a four incll crushed rock base, on Willson Avenue, south, between the south line of Cleveland Streot And tho south line of Garfield Street, an~ to specially assess tho entire cost and 8X1)OnSO of mal-:i nc; said improvements aGainst the Droperty within sald d:Lstrict under and by virtue of the provision of the Laws of the State of Montana, in such case made and provided, and said Comnis sion Resolu tion No. 401 is hereby referred to and made a part heroof for l'urtller particulD.rs :in respect to the boundaries of said 41') J.... Sect:1.on 3 That the entire cost and exnensc of 111a1:1ng the sDocial improvements herein refer- red to in said Special Improvement District lITo. 320 shall be paid by Special Improve- r:lont District Coup(,n Bonds, as autho rized by th.o laws of the State of :,~ontan.a, widch bonds sY~a]_l 1Je in the clenomlnatJon of one hundred dollars ( ~JJlOO . 00) each, anc1 frac t1 on s thereof where necessary, to be i::':Dued and c}l8.Y'c:eable 0.[;0.1 ns t a fpnd to be .i.Dl0\"ln 2, s I "Special Improvemer:.t District ITo. 320 Fund", said bc.,ncls to be redeemable at tho option of 'rho City of Bozem~n, J,:onto.na, whenever funds are available for tlJrt t pFr DO ;ole from said Special Improve:nent District Fo. 320 Fund; said bondE; s};all draw simple interest at a rate not to excoed siJ: (G) per cenlt per anrnlm, which 3Imll be chargeable as a Dart of trlC co ~;t of said improvemont d ; 11 " ., dCLte of :;he an sna run 11'0111 ~ne re[~istrat:i.on of said bonds until said bonds are paid. 'i'o nQC; said bo!\cls, rJ.Jl.d t ,O:Ul- tCI)Cst t11,.;reon, representi.f,g t1,\0 cos t of said im)rovemc:mt;, ~ 4t;3 Passed and adopted by the OOl11-,ds~d.on of The 01 ty of Bozeman at a rog'llls.r sesslon thereof held on the 2::Jth d8.Y of I.1ay, 19313. ~~ I ---.----.,.- ... ~ Mayor - State of Uontana ) ) County of Gall::d:;:Ln ) T L. G. Shadoan, Clor]= of the Commie :o;ion of r1.'ho City of Bozemo.n, do hereby certify ..L, that the foregoing COmrrli:301on Resolution No. 405 waspublisflod by title and number 1n the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of gen;~;ral circulation, pr1ntcd ar~d -:mblishCd In sa:'Lcl on the 22ncl day of J.Io.7T, 1'-"""' ~.J:U0 . lIT ':JITITT-DSS ;!l!!J3:rmOI:;' I hereunt (' set ~;lY hand and affix the seal of my office this 23rd day of Nay, 1 C' H--, .) O'~,). ~~- Clerk of the Commission I I