HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 404 Creates SID No. 318 40R COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 404 A HE,SOr;(J'~"'ImJ OF' TEE CITY COLU,IIS;:)IOjJ OF 'l'ET,_: CI'i]Y OF BOZR:;IA~J, j,I () }?I' AN A, CHTi~A'rING A ;::JPECIAL INPFWVET::Elf'I' DI S'I'HIC'I' c'O BE KNm'IN AS SPECIAL IEPTWV}~;,mTJT DI S'J.'HI CT NULlBER 318 OF 'I'}::E C1'l.'Y Qlr'!j(;ZO::<;:,;Ali, FOE 'i'ID:C PUHFOSE Oi,' CO~:Sil'mJCTL'TG COJlrCHE'l'E CUHBS, S'.i.'Om.1 SE;in~H Al':D 'l]V1O AdD Ol<E-I-IALF IHCIl PEHOIJI'l'nIC P AVEI,~I;I.'I' OL AF'GUn LWH CRUSHED HOCK BASE, Oi-T GHA~m AVENUE, NOETII, ]3EIIVrEJ~,~.(~. ~rIIE SC)lJ'l' T' IJI ~{E OIl' THE PIRS'I' ALLEY HOWl',': mi' IU.r~ STHEErl' AND TEE SC'(Jrl'II LIlm o Ii' vmsrr LA1:a:lE Sl'HEE'l', EXCEPT 'firE Gl:,ATJD-r.1Ej-fDKiH-U-\.LL ITJ'I'EHSEC'rION, IN SAID CI'I'-{. Whereas: At a reQl1ar session of t he Com;lis~;ion of The City of Bozeman, State of LIon tana, held on the 29th d3Y of April, 19313, the said Comnlis~3ion diy passed Comrn:i..ssion I Hesolution No. 399 declax' ;J:1C it to be the intention of said C ommi c; C3 im, to create a suecial improveme:n_G d', s tri ct to be ]':r"ovn~, and des:L;;nated as Special Im'JJ:'ovcmcnt District No. ~518, of said City for the purpose of' constructing concrete c'llrbs, at ana sev/cr Dnd tvlO and one-half 2~ inch penolithic paveme~t on a four inch (4) crushed ro cje base, on Grand Avenue, north, between t}le sou tJl line of the fir st alley north of 1-18.in Street and the south line of We.st Lallnne Street, except tho Gr and -l'ilendenll.all :Lnterc;ection, and to specially assess the eD.t 11' e cost and expe nse of rnah:ir![1; said improveilcnts against the property within said distr:!_ct under and by v:irtl1e of the ryrovislon of the LavIs of the State of j,lontana, in such case made and provided, and said Connnic:Jsior1 Hesolution No. 399 is hereby referred to and made a p.~r t hereof for -.-....-."..."..-.-.-. .--.--..--.--..--..--.-.- 40~) Section 3 That the entire cost and eXDense of makinc the special improvements herein referred to in said Special Improvement District No. 318 sho.ll be paid by Special Improvement District Coupon Bonds, as authorized by the laws of the State of l;lontana, which bonds shall be :1.n the denominat:ion of one hundred dollars (4plOO.OO) each, and fractlons thereof where necessary, to be 1s sued O,J1d chargeable against a fund to be known as "SPec:ial Im- I provement District No. 318 Fu.nd", said bonds to be redeemable at the option or The City of Bozernan, Montana, whenever flmds are avai lab Ie for that purpose from said Special Improvement District Ho. 310 iunct ; said bonds shall draw simple interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent (6%) pOl' annurn, which shall be chargeable as a part of the cost of said improvement and shall run from the date of the registration of said bonds until said bonds are p~dd. '1'0 pay said bonds, and the interest tll.Oreon, representinG the cost of said imDrovement, a special assessmeLt slLal1 be levied against all of the land S vvi thin ~ said Special ImproveYi1(::mt D:ls tric t No. 318 as in said Resolution of Intention No. 399 defined, each lot or parcel of land within said district 4-10 :No. 318, vrhicD notice shall refer to the plans and specifiea t:i ons on file, by publishing . s1.1..ch notice in tVIO i~Jsues of Boze-;.l8.n Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and Dub- lished in 'l'lle City of Bozeman, not less than ten days before the time suell bids will be opened, which s118.11 be a t a meeting of' the City Commissi on to be held on Friday, t11e 3rd day of June, 1938, at 7: 30 0' c lock P. I/[ . of said day. Passed and adopted by the Cor-mission of ;rhe City of Bozeman at a regul8r session I thereof held on the 20th day of May, FJ3S. Mayor ---- State of Montana ) ss County of Gallatin ) I L. G. Shadoan, Cl-rl';: of the Contilission of' The City of BOZeYiF'_n do hereby certify , that Cl.iO foregoing CommlEJsion Hesolution No. 404, was publisJ,ed by ti tIe [',nel number in tho Boze-clan Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general CirC'llla tJ_on printed and plJblishod in said City on the 22nd day of May, l';~1;3d , and tho. t due Drool' of suell DublicatiQT; is on file in my office. n! VnrrlTF;SSWTTEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this I 23rd day of May, 1938. I Resolution No. 404