HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 403 Creates SID No. 317 405 COMI,IISSIOn ;U;;SOLljJ:'IOh no. 403 A HESCLUi'IC" C.0' 'I'm;; C I il'y COl.,;,; I S:; I C~: OLi' 'llTTF: CI'I'Y OF ;jO~,'::~UL'" Ii; 0 ITI1'l;'.]: A, r. T" 1'T [It''< I '. Ti.r'-"j'. I'(fj~.Y' I' ''''I,ll r,'l C, II)T I'T '1'C B'" "'TO - \. - '-" T,I(;J ,- 1". (j"E ...J. ,) '.L~~.ti ~J ~U...L~L ..,~J..L IIiL!j..~l .ualIJ1.Ll--,-'..I .J..L...I J..d~ I~.N i~.) i-..J.1..i.......}_Ji.J....J ..Lj~J::.l.Lr'V....- >F;:r'~T DI SThI CT ~~mmT::H 1 " OJ..' 'rIF~ CITY OF BO =-r:. hI" FOh 'l'HE 1 UHl~ OS"E 01" CON- ", I ,. T "TF 0 'l""c ,"" n"" 'rL ~ F cn "VI' or l' ""r C j "V"" v 'f OJ A 3r PO'!"!(1" I TD ,..) _il ),....1 .i~ I ~~ 11.l'L-' \... ~..L,;-..I. 11 .n ..J~~ I J ~ ) lLJ.. }). LI..LL ~.,L\ j A hvI.. l.J )...-.1 J 1..1 nOCh. B;~ ')'R~, 01; 3Lj1.=1~ A Vr IWTi:, IWH'1'~~, B:'.<::rrWEEl'; '11;m lWI\l'H LIl~r,; OF' '1'}lT.; 1,'Ih",rr 1\1 JTt;y lW;{'l]~~ Ol,' :',:l\.II~ ,'.WI ':""1' id,D T:m ;:),'1.)'1':; I II IE 0':''' W::~I~p~L'nlALL S l]l{r'~F;'l' 1 SAID OJ .L'~ . '-5y.1 .,~ . I 'Nhereas: A t a rer"ular se s sian of the C:ommi s :.:Jion of 'l'he Ci t'll of bozeman, 0ta to of " u Montana, held on the 20th day of April, 1938, the said Coymnis,e:;ion duly fJassed COrlmission ltcsoluUon 1';0. 398 declal'in?; 1 t to be the intention of said Co@uission to create a special improvement district to be known and desisnated as Special Improvement ~istrict :lJo. 317, of saie: City for the purpose of constructing two and one-half inch (2~''') pen- olithic pavement on a six ince (6") crushed rock base, cn BIacle Avenue, 40() ~(I~.-T"l~ C OI,J ~jfl'n.'\,i ~~ Ir7T";'S' OIil T~.~/() l\.',j:,'lD OIJE-:lj~L"l.:;l 11.-1'C11 EiJCLI'J'FIC I'"~ V E>:EL 'I' OJ< i". S I ;'<. I -i"'~' '~~ I ~ c; L<1J ::)~:i~r) ~ ~ U C l( LlJ\. ::~ I,':, CT'J 3I~ I~ (=; l( .i"i VT~ ',tTU I:C , H Ql{'I'I= , l)r.;lll~~\IEEl~ :I'III~ i:'~' C~'l!11I1 LIirS C~~: :'rTT.~ F1I.i.{".jl.t i~I;.L,',I::~~li: J:Olcr~I OF l'i:AIN S'111'iT~,~,r":'~lr j~l'11j 'lll'ITI~ ,)C:;'lJI'~J LILE OF' :;]II:i~DT::IE:_i\T ,I) ~',) T1I { T~'~ T'I~ I.l:J , lIT :)AID C1 L'Y OF' 1-.\ 1,:':.':I'J.l;, 1\ , l.;Ol.:rrA~';I, . Section 3 'l'h;) t the enttre cost and expense of maktne; t1;e s1:-,ec1o.l inivroven:cnt s hOl'etn refeL'red to . . J Special Improvement district No. 317 shell be paid b)' Sr-eci::J.l Improvenwnt ]...n SE:tlC .0istrict Coupon J::Ionds, as anthorizecl by tbe laws of tlJe State of' ;;:ont ana, which bonds I sbal1 be in the denomi.nE< tiOD of one hundrr;JcJ ( ~:;lCO. (0) dollcl's eE~cl'l, anc1 fructions thereof where necessary, to be i 03 sued and char.r-;eat)le agalnst a fun(l to }cnOVHl ~l s 08 "Special Improvement District No. 317 Fund, " said bonds t obe rccle o:ilabJ. cat tho op- t i cn of 'l'he City of do ze;:1an, nntana, when ever funds aro eva:i lable for tl1F< t 111'........0 se ., ,1 from sale} 407 doing of the work and the making of S [0,1(1 improvements in said Special Improvement l.)ist1'1ct No. 317, whic~l notice shall 1'0[('1' to the l:.lans and specifications on file, by publishin:: SUC~'l noti ce in two(2) :l S s'\),e s of bOZeQ2n Daily C~ronicle, a daLly newspaper printed and published in 'l'l1e City of boze~an, not lo3s than ton (10) days before the time such bids c"lil1 lie o}:ic:nec1, wId, ch shall be at a mcetln:; of the City I 1""1 . it- GO be hel c1 on :;:-"r1d[(7/, the ;:;rd day of June, lCJ3E3, at 7:30 o'clock t.~. v O:Cil.::n S .'J J. on of ., ] 3 a ~~" c. (a ;.;; III Passed and adopted b;r the COGL:nission of l'l1e City of bozcman at a reguJ~lr S83- s'on tllereof lw]( on the ;20t1, c3a:, of J.:8.Y, 1<;;30. _~La .i~ttost: Mayor ~~ C e k 0' tl1e-cron1lllfs81on- State of }'lontana ) ()) ss Vc1mty of GaT I ;::1. tin )