HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 402 Creates SID No. 321 --.. ..---.---.---.".--.... 40~2 COIiJU S~~ION HESOLU'I'ION NO. 402 A REJOj DrI ON Oli' TEE CITY COI:I;i:I::):310N O.F 'r'lIE Cl'l'Y OF BO~1~1Ij,}j DEC.LiuJ_ 1'1' '1'0 13E I'[Ll:; IT;ln:;Jj'llIC'lY Cli'I'Hl~: CI'l'YOF 302T':Lid.. 1'0 elm...'L'E i:.. S2ECIi"lJ I;,hW\JE1<'~EljT' DIS- 'T'it! C'l' 1'0 "-:IE lc:~mVl, IJ..S SFEClI\.L u;nWV-S :.IT':N'I' DIS'l'HICrr hUI,;DEH 321 OF ['EE Cr'l'Y OF BOi.:.ET,U,-:. FOH l'HE ILJill'OSE OF' CCHSI'lWC'l'Ij"JG CONCHE'l'E CUlUS iU,Dl"'I'G ibD OUE-IIALF n;C1-1 FENOI,I'rrHC fi\. V:sr-..El';'I' 01, A SIX ILC CRuSIIElJ 1(OC1,( J.:U\.SE, 011 tW2f;:,j,}, i'i.VEFDE, :'; 0 In'lI , dE'l'i =:El~ 'l'HE i,Ol{'I'll Ln~E OIi' EAST I:1AIH S'I'f:l~;>:~rr AI< T) 'I"TS SCYLi I'ELLiT,; OF ~:I:A.S1' IiT-!:;'; DElrEAL I S~i'lmET , IX S1\.ID CI'I'Y. VVhereas: There has been filed with the Clerk of' tho C j t ,. C 0 ~O", -i C' '"' i en 0 f rl'l~ e C j t y I - t; .ULiLL w....... . . . ). "~ of Bozeman, L'iontana, a petition in due form of certain property owners on Dozenlan Avenue north, between the north line of East Main Street and the south line of East IIiendehhall Street, j.n saId Ci" ty, asking that a speciol improvement district be created for tb.e r;ur- rose of ccnstructin~ on said part of Lozemr1n i:"venue c('ncre te curbs and two and one-half , ()I ) inch penolithic pavement on a six inch (G) crushed rock base; and \ "-' ;',- ,~ Vmereas: At the rerC;1JIG.r meeting of the City Comnissicn of The Cit;y of Bozeman held on the 13th day of May, 193(3, said petition was duly considered and ""ranted NO'iJ l':tmnEFO.r:m, .~ , BE IT HE.20L'-/ED BY 'rIlE COI\tif,lISi::>IO}i 4'V3 _ :(h Cit;)' Hall of The City of Bozeman, j~ s the time and th,':; placo when and 1/,here ob,jectlcns will be }-were" to the creatlcn of sale] district and tho passa:e of an ordinance pursuant to this resolution of intention; and the City Manager is hereby directed to cause notice of this rosolution to be served upon all persons wtlose property is within sale] proposed Special Improvement District No. 321 and as herein described, on Bozeman Avenue, north, I between the north J~ne of East ~3in Street and tho south line of East IhendenhalJ Street, ane: to 7ive notice hrcrof by r:1'bl t cat) ('n, 0.1] in the manDer and form us I;rCscl'i.t)ed by section 52~~?, ~ ") C. Lion l~ an,J., 1<;:;35. J.~I. . Passed and adopted by the Ci ty ";0111,,;1381 cn of Bozeman at a .ces, 1801' sess.1.on of said Comy~:ission held on the 13thc1ay of May, H; 3 C3 . Attest: Mayor~- U;; La ~-A~,-- lerk 01 the ~lty CO@~lsslon NOTICE IN 1m CCl,Ili.I':):;rC'I; HF:30I,TJTIOli iTU:li5lm 402 OF' 'I'TlE CITY O,F' D(L,:J'i~lj DF:CIL,GliC: :.['E~ IlJ- 'l':~':',; 1'1 01'; Uii' TEE CIrl 02 B02:Ei':l\.N '1'0 Crml!l'E A SIECIi':..L I?iJ-'HOVEI,:El'!'l' DI S'l'lG 81' Ll04 'l'l^cls n () l; ice 1s rdven rmrsu:ccnt to the provisions of SectJon ;j~22?, h. \.J l\iontana, '.,.' .1. . ] C"C'L': . ,.'0,:). Dated this 13th day of ~ay, 1~:~'2)8. 0y order of the ConunissioD of 'rhe Oit.y of .i:30z;eman. I" """ e '. ' S' d) I ~. ~. Dcnoerson llgno ~........~.-.-,~~~ .._~-.........~.,~~-'~_.._......-~' ... '. ,,~" ".~ 'vi t';/ l:,lansc"'or "i t t est: ~~. C18r1,(0[' tb e 'J o111111i s s i. ('n Published in the ,uozermn Dally Chronicle kU;l 17th , 1 CJ 38 . state of I-,~ontana ) ) S8 , ) C011Dty of Gall',tln ) I L. " 0hadoan, Olcr}: of tl1G Corunission of tho C i t;1 of 13o/~ Gillan, do here '-' . , cert.i.fy tlVlt tbe foreg;o1-nr; ::Jot i ce ~ "', COm...'11L3Sicn l\.esolrltion 1';e. 4C2, wa::3 publ i shed ~_n ne, at length in the rlo~eman Daily Chronicle,