HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 400 Creates SID No. 319 a~)7 COMMIS~ION RESOLUTION NO. 400 A Hm30LUTION OF J..T;:E CTiY COT.r!n~)SIUN OF 'I'HE CITY 01"1302E1.[A1i DECLAnnTG I'l' 'i'O DE 'r1lE 1::TE1'1'1'1 (:;1; OF TEE CITY 01" "OZm,IAN TO CREA'I'E .A SPECIAL H/I- PROVEhIENT DIS'iRIC'l.' 1'0 BE KUo\VN AS SPECIAL D!iPROVm.1E11'I' DIS'l'::=(ICT NUlFBER 319 OF 'I'HE CITY OF' BOZE;:TAN FOR 'rEE PUn.POSE OF CONSTEUC'rnW CONCRETE CUIm3i\Tm PEIWLI'I'HIC P I~VEj,E:;;.;'l' ON A POUE INCH CRUSHED ROCK BASE, ON vms'r DICKERSON STREE'l' FROJ:: '1'EE WES'l' LINE OF SIX'l'i-i AvmmE, SOUTH, TO 'YEE EAsrl' 11 NE OF SEVKWI'H AVETHm, SaU'I'Ll, IN SAID CITY. Whereas: 'l'here has ':.een filed with the clerk of the City Commisc3ion of 'l'he City I ~ ' of BozemaL, l::ontana, a peti tion in due forn of certair: propert;y ovmers residinr; on 'West Dickerson Street from the west line of S :L.:~th Avenue, SOilth to the east line of Seventh Avenue, sou t11, in said City, auLinF'; that a special improvement district be created for the purpose of constr~lcting on said part of Dickerson Street concrete cl.'rbs and neno- l:1.thic pn.venent on a f01.1l' inc11. cl"lJ.shed rock base; and Vvnereas: At the re,''';T11ar meeting of the City Commission of 'lihe City of COZem8.D held on the 29th day of April, 1038, said pet:1.tion was duly considered and granted, NOW rllIIEI:'~l'~Iii()r\E , BE IT' HESCLIjED BY TE:G COl::::HSSIUN OF 'l'HE CITY OF BOZEl,IAN: B~)H in tl,e C ::;; ~.; "I' all of tho City of Doze~an, t1'1e t" , t}-, 0 nlnco when 8.~ld vii'ere ob- .'J C! . :1.1":10 C\r:(1 ~I...) jections will be heard to tho creation of said district arul the pnssa3e of an ordinance p17.1'S11ant to tJ1.is resolut:1. en of :tntent:Lon; and tIte Clty :]:~mager is hereb;r directed to canse netice of this resolution to be served upon all -e rsons wi-wse proertv is witl:in said proposed Special Imnrovemcnt District No. 319 and as 118reln descr:i_bed, on '{lest Dic>:erson Street from ttle Vlest line of SJ~dh Avenue, sout;}l, to tho east line of Seventh I A ve}~ue, south, fll')d to GIve notice }'ereof b'T publo cr'ction, all :i.n tbe 2nanner andfol'm as prescribed b:;- Section 5227 p. C. ;.;ontan'J., lS135. Passed and adopted by the C:~ty ComCJisGicn Of-;020111an o.t 0. 1'O[';\J_l<':1r ser3s:i OJ1 of"l said COlm:oi3 sion '-'eld on the 29th day of April, 1938. ~-~~~- NorrrcE IN HE COI,U,"ISSlON HESOLTPl'IOI< NUI:IL'JC:R 400 02 'rilE CI'I'Y OF BOL;E:\1J\J\i Dj.;CLAhITJG TIm I F.(Ij:'~1'.:r11 I Ci I,; OF rIHE CI'I''( OF BOZE~:.AT1 '1'0 CC::,TE A ~)PECI-'U:.J D\IPEOVEi,:EiJII' lJIS- 'IITIl err' 'ie; <1JU:JJ:: AND m~nIGNATED itS "SPECI:\L n,;prW'JEI.'iEr:'I' DISTIUCT ITUr.:- BER 319" FCn r_eEE PURPOSE OP CONSrl'InJC'I'Lh]Ci CONCF~E'~'S CUPBS J\.::D PEHOLl'ITIC P AVEI.'lEI,'l' ON A FOUEINCH Cri'USEED HOCK BASE, (m VIES/I' DICl<;:J:mSCn: S'l'l1EE'l' FE 0".; '.CITE \'!I:C~;'l' LI1{[; 02 SIX'"L)FAc\l1~T:;UE, SUU'i:'E, f'O 'I'HE E.AST Ln:I~ ():~; ;jE'/I,:T;'I'il A VT~I;Ur; , :[2; SAID CI'lY. -/<otice -1 co l--1ereby c---~ ven t~lol- on t1-'e 00tll c1"'''''- 01" kOI'il 19;-58, at a reGular 2":1eoting _'..U ..:..... . (,,:)'.1- ~...., ...,~.;.." v _1 >--..J ...J ,'. c...~) ~l" ,t:o , of the Co~~isoion of The C-i J.y of TC;oze''''a'"l Co-"l"lico,,'j on Re"'o'u"lor':--) /try-, entitled: ~)q() t . II. . This notice is [',i ven Dursu<"mt to the provisions of Section 5227, R. c. 1,:on t ana, 1035. Do. ted tIlls 3rd day of T,:ay, 193J. By order of the Commission of 'r.he C:lty of Bozeman. I i.. 1,' l;'enr'ierc'Ol'l:' Sic-noc) -!-. ..~:~~~.~",.,-':-:-_,.. ~~'::~,_::.;..._ ,,"\..__ M_~;'::":~.--'~_ C1 ty L:anagor ~f StatG of Lion tana ) ) ss Courrty of Ga~latln ) I, L. (} . Shadoan, Cler1: of tho COrrL.'1lission of The City of Bozoman do hero by cert;fy tha t tho 1'o1'00;c'1 nc ::otice in He, Com.Bis~:don Resolution no. 400, \"W.,~ published at 10nr:, th in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of 60no1'a1 circulation pr:lntod and ,mb- lishod in said City on the 3rd to 7th days of May, 1938, and that clr.o proof is on fi 10 in my offico. II! ':JITi:msS V!TLr~REOP I hereunto sot my h2.nd and affix t:'ne seal of my offico tlLis St1.!. clay of 1,:ay, 1938. I I