HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 399 Creates SID No. 318 .--.-.--,..--,-.,- -..,..... a~)4: COI:IiU SSION RESOLU':rrOn NO. 399 A rmSC'LU'i.'I O~'I OIil ITITE~ C I frY C OLE'\',~I ~::) ~)I () .l."J ()::' '-~L'In~ c I 1.~.lY O~~Y ~~~,O~E':'.:,I~I",; DJ~CLl~i{ I,}J'G, I ir '1.'0 rm 'i.='E nJ'l'ii:i:'rIOIf 0:; '';:1:= CI'.iiY or' BOZETi~A;J TO CR;':ATE to. SP}~CIAL HIPHO'IE- MEWI' DIS'l'RICT TO DE }~jW"iJ:i\J AS IISPECIAL IMPHOJET,TEUT DIS'l'RICrl' TilfI'.1rmn 318" OP Tjill CI'.L'Y OF BOZE:';AU Fon '1'::1:: PTJI':I)()SE OF COT!STHUC'l'I;_JG COECHE'l'E C\}H"':::S, STOEP SEWER AND TWO :11':D OJTE, HALP IHcn PENOLI'TIHC PA vE::E1:J'I' OJ,[ A,r:;'CnJR IHCH CHUSEED HOC:- BASE, ON GH/\.llD A'IENDE, 1:IC)F(II1I::: I3EtrvrEl~~1<r II'IIli: ,SCTJITJ..,:. IJI1<}~ OIi~ IrFtE FII1ST ALLEY ],:o:\'J_Fr OF I,TAIN srrHEE'l' AND '1'1m SOurITi LEiE OF '!mS'j LAi':LIE S'L'HEI!,;T, EXCli;PT '_CHE GHA!m-T:1EHD~:ELIALL Il,)'TET;:.':TEC'I'IOli, :[1: SAID Cli'Y. VJhereas: 'I'here has been filed 'wit11 the Cle:c]: of the C:itv COr:11TLLssion of [1'he City I .' . of Bozeman, :/lont<"uia, a petition in due form of certain proper tv owners residing on Grand Avenue, nort})" between the souV'J line of the first alley nore', of IJaJ_n ~; tree t and the south line of West La''11:11e Street, in sa:l.d Cjty, asld.rJg th:,_t a spec:1.al iJ~prove- ment distrjct be created for the nurpose of constructlng on 80.1,']. part or Gr::mcl Avenu_e concrete cUI'bs, ,storn sewer and two and one-half inch penolith:Ic pnve-'lent on a fmIl' inch crushed rock base; and Whereas: At the rOQ-1.12.r meet~_ng or the Clty Conniss:lon of The City of Bozeman held on the 22nd day of April, 1938, said peti tion wa:3 dlI1y considered al'!.d granted, II 0 VI T r,tE 'hJ~ I~'l CT{}~ , BE rI HESOLV};D BY 'j'EE COLIlnSSICH 01" 'l'ITE CI'I'Y O? BOZET,1AN: Section 1 r1'h8.t it is hereby declared to be the jntention of The '~q~ t It. t) in tVlent7,r ir,-stallments covering a period of nineteen years. Section 3 Thnt the re(\ular meetln" ai' the City Conmlssion to be held on the 20th day of May, 193i3, at 7:30 o'eloelc P.Ll. at the rec'U.lar ~'1eet:ing place of the City COl~1.v:1if;3ion in the City Eall of rl'he City of ::'30ze111::>.n, is the time End the place when and where objections I will be heard to t1:18 creation of said district and the passa:r,e of an ordinance pUrSl1.8i1t to this resolution of intention; and the City Manager 1s hereby directed to cr:ruse notice of this resolution to be served upon all persons whose property is wit~ln said proposed Special Improvement District No. 318 and as here' n de~;cribed, on Grand Avenue, :r;,orth, betvleen the south line of the first alley north of I',lain Street and the south line of Wes t L a~~~10 S tree t, and to give notice hereof by publicr.::. ti on, all in the marnor and fornl as prescribed by Section 5227 R. C ;~lontr;n9., 1';)~)5 . . Passed and ado~ted by the Ci t;! Com..'nission of T30zerr:.D.11 at a reVllar session thereof held on the 29th day of April, 1938. ,,_.~L/L- !/layor '3Qr ~ ... J lution, doubled for the c)ur:)oses of asses~J:rr:.e)'t. POl' a description of the bound,':.rie~3 of said Special ImDrove~ent District No. 3l~j reference is hereby ~ade to Resolution No. 399 of the Cotrtnlssion of 1'11e City of Bozeman, declaring the intention to create said district, wh1c11 is ont'ile in the office of the undersigned Clerk of . 0 C . . . t' C. t ".7 11 l' . i City of Bozeman, State saUl orxrnSS:lon :Ln -l1e .L ~y 1.:/1 0 sale" of Llontana, and open for inspection to all interested parties and to the put-lie I generally. 'i-' j s notice 1s 17,1 ven plJ.r8uart t 0 t~1e Drovisj.ons of See t:~ on .5287, Ii. . C . Lilon t ana -1, -'- 1 ~~35. Dated this 3rd day of May, 1938. 3y order of tlw Commission of frlle City of Bozoman. -. - "'---", ',~ -'r' --, )" (". 1) ',',. j". Jjjcd'JU.r',.t::;,( .I< u~0'ne( -,.---"---.~.__.--_ .._._._...___._i..l... _._ C; i t y r':Iarl,'lc~er State of liIontana ) ) ss Coun ty of Gal1.'1.t.i.n ) I,