HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 398 Creates SID No. 317 ----,,- a~Jl cm/un S~;I ON HESOLU'i'ION NO. 398 A RESOLU'l'ION OF '1'7ill CITY cor::~nS~:)IOlT OF THE C1'l",' 0Ti' BOZEI:IAN DECLAIUIW. 1'1' 'l'e BE 'rEE 1]\ITE"i:TIO;' OF' TIn::: CITY OD' BOZEI\'lAIT '1'0 CREt,TE A SPECIAL IMPROVE- ]\TEWI' DIS'I'li.IC'l\ TO EE E~'JOV{I\i AS SPECIAL IliIPHOVEI,TEN'r DISTRIc'r NUTJBER 317 of TEE CI'fY OP DOZET.~M; 1,:10H THE PTJFi.POSE OF CONSTRUCTTiW 'l',JO AND ONE-HALF INCH PEl'WLI'l'!HC PAVE!'.IE1J'l' O:;\} A SIXINCH cnUSEED ROCE BASE, OlJ BLAC::. A VEHUE, l'fOn'I'H, BE'I'WEl~I: Ir'1~:. OE'l'li LIlE OP 'l'}lli F'11\8T ALLEY NOF:.'rE OPLIAn: S'l'REE'l' AIm THE S(\lJ'l'H 1E~E OF HENDELHALL S'i.'HEE'r, Vi SAID CI'l'Y. I Whereas: 'l'herc has been filed Ylith the Clerk of the City Cornnission of 'l'he Ci ty of Bozcmt.ln, 1.1011taTla, a petl tion in due form of certain property owners on Blacl~ Avenue, north, between the nort11 line of the fir3t alley north of Main street and the south line of jdendenhal1 s treot, in said City, asl;:j_ng that a special i':lprovement district be created for the purpose of constructing on said part of Black Avenue two and one-half inch (2-~-1I) penolithlc pavement on a six inch (6") crushed rock base; and Whereas: At the regular meetlng of the City Corrrrnlssicn of '1'ho City of Dozeman held on the 22nd day of April, 1938, sald petition was duly considered and granted, NOW TlillREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'l'I:E cm:;US0IOlJ 0-::<' 'l'J-IE CITY OF' BOZI:?LAIJ: Section 1 Thet it ls hereby declared to be the intention of The City of Bozeman to create a special improvement dlfJtrlct to be l;;:nown and designated D.8 Special Improvement District .-~ q'J t. . I:.J will be b.o8.rd -;:;0 tho creation of said district and the pnssnge of an ordinance rmrsuant to tl-:cis re,,)olution of intention; and the Oi ty l,lano.ger is hereby directed to .!-" Co.llSB no l,lce of' this reso1'\Jtion to be served upon all persons whose property is within said proposed Specio.1 Improvec:1ent District Ho. 317 and as herein described, on B1acJ: A venue, north, between the north line of the first alley north of Main Street and thc south line of Nendenllall street, and to C::l ve notice :hereoi' by publication, all i'l tl10 ]~1armer and I form as prescri~ed by Section 5227 R. C. ;,:ontan8. 1935" Bassed and adopted by the City Corn:mission of F~ozcrnf.m at a reg:nllJr 30s3]_on of said Oo~nission held on the 29th day of Anril, 1938. !1aYor-~ NOT'ICE IN HE Cm.:T:I S:nON RESOLUfI'ION NUT:IEER 398 OF 'l'1.:E CI'i';':' OF E\OZE;:~AN DECLARING 'liHE Hr'r:2J:J- 'I'ION 0Ii' TEE CI'l'Y OP BOZETiIA.l< TO CREATE A SPECIAL IM2HOVETIE~iT DIS'l:HIC'r 'ro BE KIwriN AND DT~SIGTrA'I'ED AS SPECIAL n:PROVELIEl?r DI~;TEICT NU]/IrJER 317 POH '.l'FE PUR- POSE OJ? COl'TSnrUCTIlW rrwo AIm ONE-HALl" INCll PI~]WLI'I;ECIC PAVEMENT em A SIX INCH C~:{TS1n~D EO C=;, BASE, ON P.LAC=,~ A VmmE, NORTH BETVmm, TlmiWR'rn LINE OF '1'}]E I<'IRS'I' ALLEY IWn'l'F OF' },IATN S'1' REE'I' AND '1'::E SOU'i.'I:: LH\'I;: or.' IE2"(0):::2:;<FALL S'i'HEE'r, IN SAID CI'r'/. ::otice i'" "hereb,,-oj VCT) that on t11e 0C)t"" Ca'" of AO"'ll 1908, at a rC[!;u,lar meeting a.,,) ..... (1 C). v J, ..L . .".. t..J.. ___ ,).C"..:' .'" .1.. , of the Commission of '1'110 City of Bozeman, Com..'11is sion Fl.esohlG ion No. 398 entitled: A RESOLUrl'ION OP 'l'HE CITY cor,unssION OF THE CITY OF' EOZET.iAl; DECI,lJ-<II<G rr 'I'O BE 'liFE: IId:EI~'l:I()N OF 'HIE CITY 0'::<' DOZET.IAN TO cn:::.^.'l'E A L;P2CIAL E'IPROVE- I' TmIr1' ]"HSrl'HIC'I' '.1.'(\ EE ::>~i'JOrm i\.S ~2PECIAL nIPrWVE~:::,:I<rll m:srrRIC'I' FUT.L~EH 317 OIl' 'l'lm CI'l''{ OF T::,OZEiIAI; ?OR rITE PURPOSE OF COl',!.3'I'HUC'LC::G 1'WO AND Olm-HALF INCH PENOLI'l'HIC PA'lE],1-::':l;'r Cl\r 1\ S1): I~":.C~_~ C:{t.JSI-IE~1) r~OCY~ I:~).l~S1:~, OJ'; c:;LACl, AVEInm, NOR'l'}T, BErr\VEI~~IJ rrIIE ~NOF{Ti.j. r.JIl'~.I~,: ()li'\ IIlrIT~ J!II~,~)1) i\.I.JIJl;,;~' l'T(i.~::,{i.c}_i OF :'1AIN SI'REE'r Al.m 39B Resolution of Intention to create said special irnprovement district is on file in the office of the Clerk of the C1 t'T Co:m,l:tosion of The Ci tv of Boze:man, and is ODen to tho ~ u inspection of all interested parties. This notice Is given pursuant to the provisions of Section 5227, R. C MOY'+-anR . ..... !.. ~ ,L r;.~, 1935. I Dated this 3rd day of May, 1038. 13y order of the Commission of 'rhe City of Bozeman. 1'.1. _~. I~ND:2.:HSON (Signed) Ci ty I;lanager ,- State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. '"'1 ' Clor1:' of the Commiss ion of 'l'he Cj. !~y of Bozeman do hereby certify U 1.1. 3. 0 0 a11 , tha t tl:.e foreco1ng lJoti co in Re, Corr.::nis~don Resolution No. 393, was pubLished at length :in the Bozccnan Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general cirClllation printed and pub- lished in said City, on the 31'd to the 7th day of May, 193f3. IN WrrliESS 'v'\iTij,]~EOF I hereunto set m:: hand and seal of my office tl!:LS 8th da;)r of I 1.=ay, 1938. ~- Cle1'1-: of the C0111'1lissicn I