HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 397 Creates SID No. 316 aH7 C01.lI,:I SSION RESOLUTION NO. 397 A HESOLU'l.'I01J OJ,' 'i'}-r;;; C1T:.: COJ;lT::L33ION OF ii'ITE CITY OF DOZETLt\N, I.TO~,;TA)'J!\ , Dj~;CLAl\Il;G 1'1' 'I'D p,z TEE IlTTL)J'l'I01~ OF SAID CO:M;,nSSION '1'0 CR::~A'I'E A SPECIAL HIPRO\I:2T,L,,1;1' D13- 'I'HIC1' '1'0 -:=CE ENO\'lH AJ-JD m=SIC-j,;ATED AS "SPECIAL I~IIPROVl-:J::IF}J'I' DI STEICT N'Ul1J3T-:H 316" FOE 'I':::E PU;,:,POSE OF' IN:RALLIIiG A SAHI'l'ARY SE1fJEH lIT DELL PLACL~, IN SAID CI'iY, lU~D '1'0 SPECIALLY ASSESS THE EN'I'IRE COST Alm EXPENSE OF ll~S'I'AT,Ln,1G SAID SEW2H AG A.[l'-:S '1' THE P[WPEH'l'Y \"lI'l'IIIN SAID SP'SClAL D:IPHOVEl.'!j-':NT DIs'rHICT AS CHENL'ED, A~~'~ I) II~:~~r~E I T~ DESCH_TBED, l.nmr:n AND BY VIRTUE OF 'l':HE PROVISIC'lJS OF SEC'l'lONS 5225 TO 52??, in- I CLUSIVE, ;:;:'EVISED CODES OF T.lOH'l1AFA 1935, AND ANY Ai.;mrD1.1EN'.i: s 'rEElErI'O. BE 1'1' HESOLVED BY 'l'lLS cO::Jn SSIOlJ OF THE Crl'Y 0_[.<' BOZEI::A-,<: I Declaration of Intention It is hereb:v declared to be the intention of the Co:rnl'rlission of '.1'he C~Lty of lJozeman, I,Lontana, to crea to a s~)ecial L~p)rOvGment district to be known and des l;na ted as "Special Improve::1,ent District l;umber 310", for the purnose of 1nsta11ing a sanitary sewer in Dell P 10. c e , and within the bound,Slries of so.~_d Spec:i.al Improvement District Number 316 c,s here:i.nafter defined. II BoundarieD rThe bounclarie'j of sald Special Improve:nent Dis tr ict 1\0. w1y so to be created, arB to be as follows: -- aS8 and frontins on said proposed sanitary sewer is 999.4Cj feet and an aDDroxlmate e3t]"m~,te of the cost of said constructio~ to be specially asses sod 8gaiClst the landthol'e:i..n per lineal foot of frontase is $0.9105 per front foot. VII Payment in Bonds rl.'hc:t the entire cost and expense of constructing said sanitary sewcr shal.l be paid by specl,::l improvement district COl1.pOn bonds as authorized by law, w:Lich bonds shall I be :in ttl,e denomina t:Lon, of :;~lOO. 00 each, and in fractions where necessary, to be j, s sl)ed and cho.rgoable ar,:a:ins t a fund to be known n3 Special ImproveDont District No. 316 Fund, sa:l,d bonds to be redeemable at the option of r.[1he C-i ty of '-")'7er.1'OY1 w}leY10VE'r L'l'nd<" 111'0 .J. , ~..._ t. --.'-'" L...J .i.1 (,~~... .,~ ,.I,I_!. .J 1. ..-\....1..... 10,.) available for thqt PUTT.Jose from sa:l.cl C.\pecial Lnprove"nent Di s tr.:1_ c t :;',jo. 316 l:;'und; sald bonda } ]1 ' . 1 interest at a rate not to exceecl six ( (3) per cent per I1nnum, S :lam army SJ_l";l"Q e which interest shall be chargeable as a part or the +- c, saic_ con:::;trnction and shall cos \J OJ. run from the date of the re8istration of said bonds until they are paid. VIII Special Assess',J,ent ~o pay said ~onds __,._,n_n_ "H9 0....., XII 'l'hat the Cler}: of said City Commission be, and he is hereby, directed to E;ive notice as required b~;- law, of tIle adoptio:c, 0:1:' Glls Rosolu tion of 11'1 tent:l.on. Passed and adopted by the Comrnis.3ion of 'l'he City of Bozom:cm, ;,;ontana, at a regular sossion of said Co~ni8sion held on the 29th day of April, 1932; _ I fltteDt: ~-~~ L:a: ror ~'-- Clor1: o. the 'omm:lssicn HOT ICE ------ HOT1CE is hereby t~iven tha tat a regular meetjnr: of the Commis c3 ion of The C1 t7! of Bozeman, State of Montana, held on Pric~ay, tl10 29th day of April, 1930, a Heso1u'cion of , BS)O place as hereinbefore specified. Protests mtst be in writln~. For a description of the bounc1r'ries of said Special Improvement District No. 316 reference is hereby made to Resoluti.on No. 397 of the Commission of 'l'he City of Bozeman, declaring the intention to create said district, which is on file J.n the office of tb_8 undersir;ned Clerk of said Commiss ion in t'ne Ci tv Eall of said C1 ty of Bozeman, State of Montana, and open for inspection to all interested parties and to I the public generally. Doted at Bozeman, ':-.'1' -I~ this 3rd day of May, ID3G. lilon"ana, State of Montana ) ) 0'0' ..,.., ~ounty of Gallntin ) I, L. G. Shndoan, Clerk of the Cormnission of The City of Dozeman do horeby certify " .. ~ that the foregoins Notice, CO!lli!1l.s Cii or. Hcsolut::.on Fo. 39'7, vms pu'l:lshed at length in Ute Bozcrncm Dail-;F Chronicle, a newspaper of seneral circulation, printed and published in said City on the 3rd day of May to the 7th day of ~ay 1938, and t[I[1,t d"\le proof of s~ch publication is on file in my office. IN VJITj<ESS WEETIEOF I hereunto set my lmnd and seal thisSth day of ;,lay, 1938. I I i> Resolution No. 397.