HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 414 Improving Story Street ---,-,----- P~'oo:r '~'t\,"\( 4a~} anti eh, 'I'kt,t,j COl.:;.:I SSI OH r\!.~SOLU'l'I (:1: NO. 414 ....:L-:-. I ::> - ..,.~. u~......H.:i:.7 .On.h.' A )(ESCL1JTICI! CF~ r:2:",7.1~ CC.;..~;,~I~,.~I~~IC'."'" c,~~" 1.i.~=:-I2:~ CI:~I~{ n'i;- J]C;:~~~.":~~',:,1-~~,'~, ~";~::~~'.. :_~~j\i';.!~ C'H~j~..rrI " u A SPECIAL n:p::wV:2:.::::..I JJI::S}lTC'I':'-(\ T::E Ei':C:r: .i.\~,:J) DI~;~SIG..'~.'~_,'~:.J.:E]) .4S Si'ECIAL E,;)IWT[::.:'~:;:'i.'- i.,T ;'.;i'EI (~rI' ~ '.ilT~'..'~!,?~::~r? 2 9 6 0 Iii Io" 'l~ C l'r Y' C'" ~.,' ~~() Z~.l~].'~ ~'~ " ::.,'UTZ ~j_'TTT~ :)UHl)U,(~E o:? Il/l'lJI.~ (~\'\II ~ ~.':-.,~- S(I'Cr~y srllI.~I~~I~f_2, L: SAID r'I;'iv ? ~ 'II\. ~).:,,_.~ ,A -~,~ :11 i,l.' (, E'E P hC'\! 1:')] (.:' S OF' .J .,..L ."., CC::'IS;':,I H};:SOJJT'::'I O:;::~:::::::'::R 111, AD021'ED JlJLY 27, 1':';5), DECI,Aln::.:; I'~( 0 ~.3.8 IC\~<' Oli' Si\I'lj CITY COI,'::;:I::JSIOJJ '1'0 CE:.':LI~~ SAID ;::;P";':CIAL ]]WEOVE- --, 440 Section 3 '1'1\,Q t the entire CO:3 t and e:x,n01L30 o :C ill]:: i I\' tD e i':cIH'ovo'ncnts herein prov:i.cleJ :Cor, los~1 the aIlOun t or any c;rant or r;ran t::; by I"aderal L::',lergency Adm; ni :Jtr a tion of I'u}~~l 1c ~iJorl<:s, as provided in the preceding section ( 2) of this i\c:solllt'on, shall be assessed against the l)rOjJel't:y vlitll:i_n 3aid Special Im~)rover:18nt Di3trLct };o. 2DG ~3 defined and specified in :3aid HesolutLon of Intention T;o. 111, on the [lr'ea b~18 J G, vii t"., corner lo~;s, as defined I in said Hesolutlon of Intention ;,:0. 411, bearin,'2; double tJ.-J.e a 8 seE; S ":l'le n ,!.:~, of. '_:C co; ide 10 t3, 0.8 defined L', saLl Hcsolution of I:li:;ent"l.oiJ ~:o. 1], J.:L . See tion L1 'Ib.c, t tllc en tire cos t and expenso of tllrlk ~:: :'c;,[~ S11Cf1 1t':l')rOve,';1(;1: !. t s, lc f30 '~ro.nt or ::ro.r-;, ts 1'1'0'-" Feclel"',1J g""A"'--"onC"T Adr'inj','t-rnj--lnn nP Pl1'nllc "'01'1,.-" a~J he1'e1n'1efo1'e pro-}1.cle~l, sha:L1 __.._ _ '." ~ ~l.l._ ..I.(:)/J_~ I[) ,~,- .....) j <...,A..I...,_...- ,.,,,L. ,~._~. .y ,.,'.",;, be paJ.d by Special Imnrovement DiDtriet CouDon :;~onds, a~3 aut:}ori:::cd h" t~]e law:,' of the ... "I. Sto.te ofi,;;ontana, v(!':~cl-:,- bonds SJ:"l2. ,)_1 1)0 1 rl tt!e dell om1n~J. t jon of ,;?lOO .:)0 eac"" and fractions tJ'Lcreof w}:ere nocessary, to be . , 1 c1:"~',r go f~ b le 3 I:;a'", 11:3 t , and pa L-~ :['1'0;";1" a f'u nd to l38110':1.. ~.11l.C be ::nown as "Spocial Improvem,ent District Tio. '-' 9 G T~U n,:l II /14'1 ~ ',.. ." Sectiono 5277.1 to 5277.~, inclusive, Hevisod Codes of L:ont::Ula, 1935. Section 7. 'i."c18 t th 0 City I;;n,":icor is hereby directed to prepare -:)l[<ns and specifications for tho e50in:-~ of said \'lark and the R8.king of the :Unprovemen ts as here in ac; r': in 3a1(1 Resolu- tion of Intontion No. 411 provided. I Section 8 r:::h,t t:-:cC 101"1: or the Cit:r Cornmisc}ion be and he is herob~r directne} L 0 -Jll. ~)l i ell 8- )Io-Lice, as provided by law, inviting proposals for tilC furnishing of ffi".terial and the Llrtldnr; of said improvements in said Special I~provement District No. 296 hereby created, w:.dcll notice shall refcr to tbo plrtl1s rtnd snecifications on filo in the or fico of t-:,0 City En:,-:J neeI', by 1)l1bLLs11l''',': :J~;ch notice in two ( 2) iSSlle~; of Bozeman Dally Chronicle, a daily (except Londay) nO\V3:;0.:ler pI" nted and published in '1'he City ofBozeJ:1an, anc: of ger'!.eral public clreula tl on, over a ~erlod of ten days, the fir~Jt of wh:ich publications shall be ~ade not le~; 8 t' ' , 1 ~ tlle t:L~le f:i:~.ed in sale1 notice for U, 0 opon- . nanc;on aay s )e], orc inz~ 8.nrj consideration of suel! bids and proposals, which time s"ha11 be at a regul,'lr ~neet- in[';,