HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 411 Creates SID No. 296 4;~~} COJn.lIS3I011 HESOLU'I'ION 1'W. 411 A :mSOLU'l'ION OI~ 'lTE COJ.L:I SSIOl: OF 'I'HE CITY OF :--',OZET,:MT DECLAInNG 1'1' to .I?roor 1~',,1,(j BE T~E IN~ENtIO~ OF SAID COM~ISSICN TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPHOVEUENT and. (;h'.,,'l<;cd DIS'l'HIC'1 rc DE KNO~N AND DESIGNATED AS "s ':"ECI AI, I).:~'IWVET,:Ei.:r[' Dl S'I'Hl C'1' _~~_.::L9_~_::-: ":'t.~",., Iml.~EEn 29(511 OF SAil) CITY, FC!Hi'FE PUIWOSE OF' cm; ~;'I'RTT C'1'1 G lTECESSAny __C:l..":f:: .L:.___ .DRAI.I,'~' ti:~+''f.~.; S'ljr~,TT C;.r~ r~li~S, CR():jS '(JALES, GHAVEL OF{ CnmmE]) itO CF BASE A\!D StiI'l'ABliE BLACI< 'rop Ol\ P:S;-OLI'i.'JIIC ("Vl'ICFF'~E') '"fY:E 'lFTF ]'OT{TI' S lTI t ADI,E, \.. . .l "v i\ lolL, L -"' . 'I ... All [I)-----,.F'(' C"'['I1""'''''-''--') P pJ.vr~:, S;~'Til1 ON ~3'-~!'R C)~~ E)!lIF{l~:.l:.,~II; n:';:'l'W:E:E': 'l'nACY A VEIIUE ,," ..; ,..1 ..1.:'" l.J.\',,:.iu \)l.::;; .!...J.:.,~,~.L"\r~~.J N<D CIIUli CE A VE;HJ l~, Air'; '1.'0 ,S?~;;CIAI,LY A,:m:,:ss 'I'i,E El'i'1':rEE CO.'3'i' Ajm E:':P};:~iSLS ('i" 'l'r~E A'-"U!~\='::SATD C:Y.ST'H1,!CrI'It:i AND U::PFWVEJ,:E 'I':':; ( ]?\'C";'pi"1 " ('"1 ::;U CF COEYi.' :,lAY J.J\.. J.12.J~ 1. 1"~, ~..) I BI: HImUCED DE DJ i,LiTH Sn,ED IIY III. p,c'l'L, ::;rmVI CE:3, t'-'D/OR P y.'T;'"I,T C(\-F';!")IPTJ~'1Er -I-.~",.' J.,'~ l...,..L......j '..'. ,II..-. l 'j ..L II '~"-",..L J :l:'r~:EriEr.L' i~~:, J,.::~r Ti'}~~lJ;:~;,l::~...\L J"~I.':"j'<Ft.GEN'CY i\:;j .i' }\:I!srI\T<I\,Ii~!"C>-i'~ C)';";1 PT;}~LIC \~lOr~=,L~j, () }"{ 11 tr:( (}'l' T-rI~~Fi 4ao Section ;) nenefits '1'h.:o,t it ia ~oreby declared to be t~.hG oplnion of t}".l.C Cor:',',1Ltsslcln of 'rho G i ty : r 130 i''o;;!an, S t.~,~ t~e of o llt8.1l.[.l, tJ"l[lt: .'}11 of t~YLe lam] w:1, thi'''l s ['.,Ld prcpc ,:;ed Spa cial lUlprove:ner.t Distri.et ;':0.. 2UG, as (le:t'Jnc~l it) Sect:i.on 2 hereof, V! i 11 ho specially benefitted by ~he con::; 'trllc t:'Lon of all O.C said improv~~ents in Qccorc1o.nce "'litJ" tr;.c larl,'.: ..('\ 't:'1.8 E)tn.te of' i..ontana in ,HI eh O.L ca:::;o ~~1 ::no [lnd provided. I Soct:'t_on 4 Chc::ractor of Ir:1.prOVG::1CJllt '1'ho C}j;lractCI' of tJ__!_e i;iprove:~'ent to ':e macIe 11'. naid proposed Special Improvecent DistrIct ro. <;>qe is tJ-!.e constructJ.on and LIs t alla t:TI.or1. of suitable dralnuze c3.evices and {,.I":'" U S tl"}1J c t'iJ.Il e s ~ and the paving of the traffic surface of said Story Street, be t','loen 'I'racy Avenuo, SO" tJ.~.l., ard C}}puc}: Ave',cue, ~-;O'.1.t>, , ~r:; ~- "\") 2~lt8blc road oil or c~l_t-bac]'.~ as}iIlalt on a ,. _L G.[ ,L 431 the total est1mated cost of ~14,330.G5 1e ~~ s the Federal J.::Y:1Grgency Holier Admlnictratlon ot' ,ip(i,13G.00, C> I.~?. tJ 5-';(- ,.~~ an t is .01479 cents per s qlnn'c foot for InGide 10t~3 and .~>'14 cents per scplare i'oot for corner lo'~ G . Section 7 Payment in Donds or Proceeds of Sale '.L'horeof 'rho. t the entire CO[, t and expense of constructing 0.11 the improvc11wnts horein contem- I plated and set fort}] in Section 4 hereof, in said Special I:mprove;:~ont Dis t1'1 c t Ho. 2~)G as finally detcr:nlnocl in I;ho "~annC'r specified in Section G hcrco~, shall be defrayed and paid by spec: 0.1 improvement d:ls t1':1ct ceuyon bonds, or by [;he procoeds of the sale of such bonds as authorized by Section 5250, R. c. :'rt~ 0 n. 't.D. CL [t, 1D35; and the r:1.[}1t to 11lake sl1Gh payr:lcnt in bonds or the proceeds of the sale of such bonds as authorized as 0. :t' 0 l' e - said, i~) horoby expre~1~)ly roserved by\:he City CO;;1ni~JGion of 'l'heCity of Bozm'lan. Said 4'3') .~. f:.J See t::.OYl 11 'I'hne for protests 'I'ha t tIle re ::;11 1,,1' sessi_on of tiie C ornni 8 '~ ion, of ',L';loClt',\T of:-~o:.~cm8.n, St8.~O r P . ,.. o~ ...on (,o.nG, :;0 be held in t?10 (' . . C' 1 C. t -, -'I i\ui Id:1.l'.;:;, :L~:" 0 ~.', e TJ D.li. , T, on tuna, on Friday, ''''omnllscaon ,nam)er, ,:L y 11[LL t},e 12 tjJ dO,. 7T 01' Au'~:u;J t, l'.X38,. ,~:. t 7: ~30 T"f "",rl of said clo.::,:, "! (."I t:-,o t:":.'lO arid plrlc 0 cieslE.:rl.n.tcd l: . r1~ . .I_L.) VirIOn and vlhoro . " sald Cit:T C om,"'nic; ~) i on wi 11 1100.1' and pass uoon all protests : 1. n \'lri t i n,<"I; L;110 I dn ly DJlcl rc - 12.1' ly m,ado and filed, a8 requirod by law, QD:a.ll,lSt tho croaLol1. of said propo sed Spec 10.1 I::nprov8no::,t D:L3trlct No. 2....'G J t1~10 oxtl.;pt and c}}r1rac tel' ~lje re o:f and ...,',) " Qnc the pl J.. F') 0 ,". e thoreof, or e1 tl'lf]r tY!8 ro of . Se c t'"l 0'11 l;~ 438 lnside lots, ~-lS ftcorner" lots and !linside" lots s.re defi y;.ed ln sueil Hesolution of Inten- tion, wbi oh is on :t':t 10 J,,~ t: 0 office of tj1e Clcr}7 of tboC.i. ty Corr:J'lis slon of the Cl t.y of " (;j"'_~ 'la-ll D11ild'Lry' 30zernan, L10n tana, and open for the inspection of all In- Dozernan, ...J r I.' \' .l....~ ,. _ .J,J , .. _ . '(;' terested per~Jons during regular of fico hours. 'l'he paveY:1Gnt oro'Joscd to be ins t~lllod~. s rO'3.d oil or cut-bacl( asp}wl t on a i-Ta ve 1 I or c1'rlwod roc'l~ b",89, or penolit 1c wearinG surface on a crushed rock ba3e, whlcl1ever is deemed the ;:~orc 81):1 toJ-) 10 and ccono~-lical, :::If ter dl,l e in~estifation and considerat10n. An aDnrox~n2e and e3tl~ated cost o~ . ~ t 1\1 is .I!'l ~ ,;, ~o co r:: of s al d prop C ;Ject .L;-'prOVe~~!erlt ,:; } '::r:, t..) t.) . b a , wili ell :,?6, Iou .-)0 ~L S to be paid. by Jodoral r;rn..nt. ;'::"h8 tct:'11 ae tual area to be assessed is 4Cl,54:J.5~3 sq1J.8.re feet; and the total aroa to be assE)::.3scc1 VLl t~~'-L t1.1.8 ar 0 a 0 f cerner lots doublod is 551,02f.:.58 sq1Jilre feet. On the bas i_S of an estlma~ed cost ~., 0 tl,-o prop - erty omenrs ~ ':'~ ] c;:) 1 "r:: vrh 1 c}-l j. :,: tY!,e total e:.-;t:bmted co~)t of' ,;:;11,~)30.65 lc ~3 D tho 01 ',,'cj, ...-I".-.U;,), n d '. 1 . t r "'. . J~'" n