HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 409 Creates SID No. 322 4?g _I-..J COMTHSSION RESOLUTION NO. 409 A RESOLUTION 01:" THE CI'l'Y cm;nnss:. ON OF THE CITY OF BOZEtIAH, I:lONT ANA, CREATIlW A SPECIAL IMPROVEMEN'l' DISrl'RICT TO BE KNOVlN AS SPECIAL IMPROVE'" l.mN'l' DIS'l'RICT NUMBER 322 OF TEE CITY OF BOZ:=T\:Al;, POH rl'HE PUHPOSE OF COITSrrRUC'l'ING C01:WHETE CURBS, CRUSI-illD GRAVEL MACADAM PAVEMEHT AND NECES'" SARY DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, ON WES'l' DICKERSON STREET FROU r:CHE WEST LINE OF SIXTH AVENUE, SOU'l'E, TO TEE EAS'I' LIl\"E OF SEVEliTE AVENUE, SOU'l'H, IN SAID CI'I'Y. WHEHl,;AS: At a reVllar sossion of the Com~i3sion of The City of Bozeman, State of I li1oni~ana, held on the lOtb day of June, ID38, tho said Commission duly passed commiss:i.on Resolution Ho. 407 declaring it to be the intention of said Commission to create a special improvement distrj.ct to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 322, of said City for the purpose of constru.cting concrete curbs, crushed gravel macadam p8.vement and necessary drainage structures, on West Dickerson Streot from the west line of Sixth Avenue, sou th, to the east line of Seventh Avenue, south, and to specially assess the entire cost and expense of makine; said improvements agains t tb.e property \Yi thin said district under and by virtue of the provisions of the Laws of the State of I:lon tana, in such case made and provided, and said Commissicn Hesolution No. 407 is hereby referred to and made a part hereof for ~lrther particulars in respect to the boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 322, the estimated cost of said im'" provement and the method of assessinG the same against the property of said district; and, WHEREA S : Notice of the passaZe of said Commission Resolution No. 407, was duly pub'" 1 i shed, as reqllired by law, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation printed and pub lished in 'l'he Ci ty of Bozeman, I,lon'~ana, and by sending a copy I of such notice by U. S. Mail to each person, firm or corporation having property within -.--- 4:24 Section 3 That tilO entire cost and expense of making the special improvements hereln referred to in said Special Improvement District No. 322 shall be paid by Special Improvement District Coupon Bonds, as authorized by the lawD of the State of Montana, \7hich bonds shall be in tho denom1natlon of one hundred dollars (;~lOO.OO) each, and fractions thereof where necessary, to be issued and chaf3eable agains t a fund to be known as I "Special Improvement District No. 322 Pund," said bonds to be redeemable at the option of The Oi t;'t of Bozeman, l.lontana, whenever funds are available for thnt p"Ll.rpose from said Special Improvement District No. 322 Fund; said bonds shall draw simpll') interest at a rate not to exceed six percent (6%) per annum, which shall be chargeable as a part of the C03t of sa:1.d improvernont ard shall run from the date of the rogistration of said bonds until said bonds are paid. 11'0 pay said bonds, and the interest thereon, representing the 008t of said improvement, a special assessment shall be levied 3{!;ainst aLl. of the lands within said Special Impr'ovement District lJo.. 322 as in said Resolution ~ Intention No. 407 defined, each lot or parcel of land wi t::dn said di s trlc t 'to be assessed for the portion of the whole cost in the proportion that the area of each said lot or parcel of land bears to the area of the entire district, eXClusive of streets, avenues, alleys or pub lie places; pro'.r ided, that each square foot of the land wi thin said diatrict embraced vii thin any corner lot or parcel or tract and for the purpose of assessment in this district a corner lotsls defIned as beLng any tract of 10. nO., excepting streets, avenues or alleys, loc~~ted vdth:i.n a distance of tllirtv (30) feet of either side line of said West Dic~erson Street, within the dlstrict* shall be I so assessed that each square foot of the land embraced VI i th any such corner lot or tract, as so defined, shall bear doub Ie the amount of the cost of such i~provement that a square foot of any inside lot, or tract, or parce 1 shall bear. Section 4 Said assessment and taxes shall be payable in ten (10) annual installmentf3, cover- ing a period of nine (9) years, wi th interest on deferred payments, comrrlencj.n[~ with the year 1938; but this provision shall not be construed to prevent full paYDlcnt L1 ') ~ Jt"",a the doing of the work and the mal-:ing of said improvements in said Special Improvement District No. 322, which notice shall refer to the plans and specifications on file, by publ:l_shing such notice in tVlO (2) issues of Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a dai ly newspaper printed and publ:1.shed in The City of Bozeman, not less than ten (10) days before the time such bids will be opened, which shall be at a meeting of the City Comm:1.ssion to I be held on Friday, the 15th day of July, 1938, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. of said day. Passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regulsr session thereof held on the 1st day of ~tly, 1938. ~ilhL~ :pe~ Mayor / ~:;-; of the Commission State of Montana ) t ss County of Galla tin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing Commission Resolution No. 409 was published by ti tIe and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said 01 ty on the 20th day of July, 1938, and tl.;.,'lt due proof of such pub- I lica t:l.on is On file in my office. IN VlIrYj.iESS V'fIfl::R'SOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 2ls t day of July, 1938. ~ _...-...~ lerk of the o~11Jnl ssion I