HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 422 Election of Sale of General Obligation Bonds i11(} "-t, , COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 422 A RESOLUrl'ION OF THE Cor.mISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA, CALLING AN ELECT'ION OF 1'lIE QUALIFIED ELEcrrCms OF SAID CITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMI'1'TING 1'0 rrBE",'; TWO CERTAIN PROPOSITIONS FOR TlIE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF GENERAL OBLIGA- TION BONDS 0:2' 'l'ITE SAID TirE CrEY OF BOZEr.~AN, FOr.. THE PURPOSE, I~ CONNECTION WITH A GRAH'I' OR GHANTS IN AID TI-IEEEOF FROI!I TEE FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADT/lINIsr.rRNl'rON OF PUELI C WORKS OF TI-EE UNITED S'I' ATES GOVERNTJENT, OF BUILDING A NEW RESERVOIR FOR THE S1'OHING OF WArrER IN CONNECTION WITH TIlE BOZEJ',IAN MUNICPAL WA'IEH WORKS SYS- I rl'EI'II ON BOZEI'!1AN CREEK; AND ALSO IN CONNEC'l'ION WITII A GRANT Dr AID THEHEOF FROHt rl'HE AFOHESAID FEDER\L EMERGENCY ADIHNIS'rR1\.TION OF PUBLIC WORKS FOE ACQTJIRnm A SITE FOE ERECTING AND EQUIPPING A NEW CITY HALL FOE THE SAID '1'HE CITY OF BOZEl.~AN . BE IT RESOLVED BY 1'BE CO'J:1ISSI0N OF' THE CI'l'Y UF BOZET'!1AN: - Section 1 That there be submi tt8d to the aualified electors of 'rhe City of bozeman under the provisions of ChaDter 115 of the Laws pf the Twenty-fifth Legislative Assembly of the State of Montana of 1937, the followins propositions. Proposition No. 1 Shall 'The City of Bozeman issue and sell its serial or amoritzation bonds bearing not to exceed six (6) per cent annual interest, payable in ten (10) years from their date and callable in twenty (20) years from their date, in the S1-un of Seventy-two Thousand Dollars ($72,000.00), for the purpose in connection with-a grant in aid thereof from the United States Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works of acql1iring a site for, blJ.ilding and equipping a new city hall for the said The Ci ty of Bozeman. Propostion No. 2 I Shall '1'he C1 ty of Bozeman i saue and sell its general obligation bonds in an amount not exceedinG Forty.L}lOusand DolMS (:~40,OOO.00), callab le in ten (10) years at the option of The City, and payable in twenty (20) years, and bearing not to exceed six (6) per cent annual interest, payable annually, for the purpose of building a new water reservoir as a p8.rt of Bozeman Municipal Waterworks in connect~on wi t}, a grant in aid thereof from the United States Federal bmerger1cy Administration of Public W'orsl\:, at the estimated total cost of Seventy-two 'l'housand Forty-nine and 50/100 Dollars U~72,049.50). 4{jO pursuant to the provisions of Subdivision 3 of Section $ of said Chapter 115 of the Laws of the Twenty-fifth Legisla.tive Assembly. Section 4 The Clerk of the City Commission shall, at least twenty (20) days prior to said 30th day of September, 1938, post, or cause to be posted, copies of this Resolut:'Lon in not less than three (3) places in each voting precinct in The C1 ty of .. Bozem. Qn, I'iIon tana. I Section 5 Ballets for said election shall be prepared by the Clerk of the City Comnission and shall be delivered by said Clerk to thejudges of election appointed under this Resolution and said elect:Lon shall be held and conducted, votes counted and returns made and canvassed in the manner required by the general election laws of the State of Montana, and all provisions of such general election laws as far as the same are applicable. Section 6 The polls for said election shall be opened betweer_ the hours of 8:00 0' clocl{ A.M.. and 6:00 0' clock P.L!. and the polling places shall be the same as those used and established for regular nTI1micipal elections of The City of Bozemal1. Section 7 The City Commission shall appoint three (3) ,judges of election, who shall act as their own clerks, for each polling place in said City as said polling paces are now estab lished. Section 8 '.L'he form of ballots for said special election and the manner of conductIng said I election shall be as provided ir Section 5278.9, Revised Codes of ~';ontana, 1935. Section 9 Only such registered electors of The City of Bozeman whose names appoar as tax- payers upon the last completed assessment roll of the City of Bozeman upon proporty wi thin said C1 ty shall be entitled to vote at such elecuion. S1.:1.oh registered and qual- ified electors shall be determined from the registration books and assessment rolls of Gallatlon County, Montana, and lists thereof forsa1d election shall be prepared and furnished in the mannerprovided by Chapter 115, Laws of the 'l'wenty-f1fth Legislat iv~ Assembly of the State of Montana, of 1937. Passed and adopted at a regular session of the City Gonnnission of The (;i ty of Bozeman, Montana, at an adjourned regular session of said Commission held on the 6th day of September, 1938, at which all of the members of said Comrnission were present and voting. a ~~/' /' I " c- U;f //;-- ( tZh_.__ Attest: Mayor ~ /~~dr~. .- I ~-"Of the Commission State of Montana ) County of Gallatin) ss I, D.. G. Shadoan, Clerk of t:!:1e Commissi on of the C1 ty of Bozeman do hereby certify tY1.a.t the foregoinc; Conunission Resolution No. 422 was published b:i'- ti tIe and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on the 7th day of September and. due proof of such publi- cation is on file in my office. IN WITNESS VlJ:-IEHEOF I herel.1.nto set my hand and affix t he seal of my 0 ['fice this 8th day of September, 1938. 66" ~"i- Pp> .d~~_, b -..:L <2:L~~ ~ ( Clerk of the Commission Resob1.tion No. 422