HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 430 Suitable Drainage Devices on E. Story Street 480 " COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO.. 430 ~.l q::/' :1 A RESOLU'rION OF TIm cmfu.nSSION OF rem CITY OF Bozm:1AN AWAHDING A CONTRAc'r POR /;.1,1/ !.,/ l\IIE CONSTRUCTH;}Ij AND INS'l'ALLATION OF SUI'.rABLE DRAINAGE DEVICES Aim PAVING THE ~ v/ >y)/ rl'RAFFIC SUHFACE OF EAS'l\ S1'OHY STREE'r BE,:TWEEN 'l'RACY AVENUE SOU1'H AND CI-fiIHCH h'/ A-' AVIClmE SOUTE. ,,' . I . I WHEREAS, Resolution No. 414, of this Cormnission, passed and adopted on the 13th day of August, 1938, created and established a Special Improvement District Known as Special Improvement District No.. 296 of 'l'he City of Bozeman for ttlO purpose of constructing and 1 installinG suitable drainage devices and paving of East Story Street between Tracy Avenue South and Chruch Avenue South, directed and :instructed the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement of East Story Street, and directed the Clerk of the Oi ty Conmri ssion to publish a notice, as provided by law, inviting pronosa1s for the fu.rnish:i.ng of material and the making of sald improvement::J :in said Special Improvement District No. 286; and WHEREAS, Plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer for said improvement have been anproved by the City Commission of The City of Bozeman and b71 th0 FCc1ral Emore;cn- e:y:--Ad:mi-nio trat-i-on of Publ:i..c Work3; and WITEREAS, the Acting Clerk of the City COTI1..'1lisslon has pUblished said notice inviting proposals as directed in said Resolution No. 414 and set 7:30 o'clock P.M., October 7, 1938, as the time and date at which said proposals would be publicly opened and read; and WHEHEAS, At the regular meeting of the C1 ty Commission at 7: 30 ot clocle P .M.. on October 7, 1938, two proposals, submitted in accordance with said published notice, were opened and publicly read, and WHEREAS, The proposal of the Standard Construction Company, Boz emf', n, Mont ana, to fur'" I nish all material and make the improvements in said Special Improvement District 110. 296, in accordance with the plans and specifications approved for said ir:provements, for the sum of Twelve Thousand Nine Hundred Forty-one and 10/100 Dollars (:~12,94l.10) , was found to be the low bid received; NOW I'HEEEFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE C01\En:3SION aIi' 'l'HE CI'rY 0:8; BOZEL'lAN: That a contract be and is hereby awarded to the Standard Construction Company, Bozeman, Montana for furnishing all mater:ial and making the improvements in said Special Improvement District No. 296, of The City of Bozeman, as described in the plans and speci- fications attached to and made a part of said proposal of the Standard Construction Com- pany, for the Sum of Twelve 'i1housand Nine Hundred Forty~one and 10/100 Dollars ($12,941.10) and the Mayor and the Clerk of the City Commission shall and are hereby authorized to sign said contract for The City Bf Bozeman. Passed and adopted at a regular session of the City Commission of The City of Bozeman held on Friday the 21st day of October, 1938, at 7:30 otclock P..M.. Attest: