HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 426 Wage Scale for Improvements in SID No. 296 Ll{)R COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 426 A RESOLUTION OF 1'1lE CI'l'Y COMMISSION OF TIm Cl1ry OF BOZEUAN, MON'l'ANA, ADOPTING A WAGE SCALE TO GOVERN D THE EI.IPLOYMENT OF LABOR FOR EE 1NS'rALIA TION OF 1M- l./ '?/ ROVE;'.!:SHTS I'J SPECIAL IivIPROVEI'::ENT DISTRICT NUMEER 296 OF THE CI'l'Y OF BOZEMAN 61 .At ON STORY STREE'l' BETWEEN TRACY AVENUE A~\!D CHlmcn AVENUE, IN CONNECrrION WI'l'H A 4 tl/ t\ GRANT IN AID OF SIAD IMPROVIiTIENT F~OM rrHE FEDEHAL E!.':EHGENCY ADrnNISTRA'1'ION OF /}'\)(,1 PUBLIC WORKS. /' f BE IT RESOLV:::D BY THE Cm!:I'iIISSION OF THE C rfI'Y OF BOZm,:AN: Section 1 I Tho. t t~le following wage scale be, and it is hereby, adopted as the wage scale to govern the elnployment of labor for the installation of improvements in Special Improve- ment District No. 296 of The City of Bozeman, on Story Street, between Tracy Avenue and Church Avenue, in connection with the grant in aid of said i!nprovement by Federal Emer- gency adMinistration of Public Works. That this resolution adopting such wage rates shall be included in and form a part of the "General ConditIons" upon which proposals for the installR.t:i.on of said improvement shall be based and submitted. Section 2 'There shall be paid each employee engaged in the vlOrk of installing said improve- ments in said Special Improvement District No. 296, in the trade or occupation listed be low, not less than the wage rate set opposite the same, namely: Trade or Occunation ~ rate per hour --.AsphaIt Platn Engineer 't ----:75 Asphalt Raker .75 Asphalt Ta~per-Smoother .60 Blaster-Powder Man (Expert) .75 Cement Man - Bulk Handlers or loaders (Sacks or bulk into trucks) .60 Concrete Puddler - Rudder-Spreader .60 I Concrete Finishers .75 Concrete Finisher - Helper .60 Common Labor .60 Formsetter - Curb and Gutter 4()!} County and by theState rtighway Comnission for road or street work. Passed and adopted by the Comn1ission of The City of Bozeman, Montana at a regular ':. 'f" ~ session of said Cormnisslon held on the 16th day of September, 1938. .'... l",~ I Cb;/Q Mayor;l .. Attest:-2 $~ ~ Acting Clerlc of the -Commission Sta te of Mort ana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, Marie Simkins, Acting Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify that tne foregoing COTmnission Resolution No. 426 Was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle a newspapaer of general circulation printed and published In said City in the issue of September 18th, 1938 and that due proof is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 19th day of September, 1938. (J;~ ~.. Acting Clerk of the Commission I I