HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 435 Creates SID No. 323 - 49a COl.Ijd~):3I ON RESOLU'I'ION NO. 435 A RESOLU'l'lON 01,1 THE COL';Ll~):nOl'.r Ch,; Tf-iJ~ CI'l'Y 01" BOZ"FI~j,:,AN, lJiON'I'A}:iA LEVYING ANT:, AS:jE~30nF,~ A SPECIAL, A;,~:;E:,)SI,]{n'r OF' 'I'AX.E:S up(n;r ALL 'I'/llc: PHOP'H,j,'Y nr SYFCl.1,_L ILPhOilHJ,",<L:'I' Dl./I'HTI_;T NO. 323 IN THE CI'l'Y QF BOZJ<~J I\"!'!., OUN'I'Y OF GALLi:'T'IN, S'J'ATE CH" r:l'lTTieNA, TO DEF'HAY THE co::;rr OF CCIN;.:.;nmC'l'ING- AND l\1t1\"- THG THE IIvjPRO\!ELjEN'I'~) Wl'i'HIN SAID SPECIAL HIPHOVW,:E:Wl' DIS'l'lUCT NO. 323. WHEHI':AS, The City Conu~ission of The Cit7 of Bo zeman, diG on the 24th day of June, I 1938, duly and regularly pas~1 ComrnL'3:,-;ion Hesolution No. 408, entitled: A imS()L \j'l'I (), ' I,'T: ,~': C I't"( (; (11, T :,'; :-', 1:" N 0 F- CR C1'1'Y OF BO:~>'i;;j,-,,~, ~)EC T/': IN T'1' '1'0 BE '1'1'- 1 \Ii 'I' L'~ j<! '1'1 0,1 T'f; I' C:r'l'Y tlt" B:iZIi A '1';) :lr::,),'i'T~ A i:PEClJ~T-, H:,_PhOVEJ 'N'L' :UJ 3 'I'H I CI' '.1.'0 E;E lll;", " .AS S})""'! C~J '/.\,1.1 II,i;Pl..,() ili:1" N'I' IYU:,'I'Hl C IT' NCTl'}Ji:;:R 323 OF n~E CI TY o Ii }:!O :>;!'i TT i:'OH 'I'lL:': i:UhUL OF cor:~'/I'HUC'l'n!C~ C')lL;l-{j';'T'E CrJH , PI<i'JOLIijri~IC Pi~ 1JE- hiEL\'l' OF il. F,)lJl:~ I (~ J i;I\G2_!1 ','1) I\OCI EiL)E iU:I) :irF:r;}<;SSAFi,y Dr!A NAG.I:~ ,::)'l'RUC'I'TTii:ii:~~) " ()i\! rrhl1-\l) AVENU', ;::03'1', , BI'T',JEI', }'.:iENJ"I,;TTEALL C)'J'iL,::~;'_e AN, ']~: , 'I' [{8:E 'I' P: S j~. I 'i: ',f C";' i~C.\'" . and therea.l,.ter, al.bc)r clue and 1 eE;al proceed' ngs h8_<, the COl1lr!,!:Lf)(:;,ion of '1'11e CIty of Bozeman did on the 15th day of' J'ul y, 1938, duly pass Conrnission Resolution No. 410, e:tltled: A F~,E00LU;1'10N Ch;' 'l'LE, C1'1'1: CO, J;:)~)1m Oi'; 'rlI:t~: CJ'I'Y (W fY)~<';lj\r,!, 'P':)]: 'l'/ITA, CR:-':i,-'l'ji'iG A ;,PECIAL IjjPHOVtij'-,'I:N'l' DI~)'1'HIcrJ' '1'0 BE I;NO\lj!\ AS k.,PECTi,L Il,IPHOVE- I\ll:~JTT ]'!IS'I'RIC'1' NUllBER 323 OF THE CITY OF' BOZEJ,:Ai'i, POE 'TI-'E PUHPO::T': OF' CON- S'.('.K.U I; '1'1 N G CO -'\TC 1''(:8:'i'1.'; :,_~ [J [<BS , PEl'fOLI'I'E1C P A VET:':N'I' (n_T A L"'H]:<: INCH CHU:;,r;ED HOCE BASE A~D NECESSARY DRAINAGE STRUGTURES, OH 'I'rilRD AVEllfUE, NOH,'1'I] BJi:'J:vJE},:IT ("lENT)EH!-[ /\.1,,1, ;;S r['Rr;;:~'r A-rf) :UU'" iVI,: S 'l'REL'I', IH" S,,{,~I~I_,.;' CI~F'l. which Conulrts::don Hesolution ':\;03. 40e, (;;;_YlC) 410, DaBsed a,3 al'oresaic, a1'I:-) heroby r,ferred ......-- 4~}Ll respective anDual installments shall be made on or before the 30th day of November of each year until paym:ant of all installments toget!') ",1' W t_ th t},e interest thereof, sl1al1 be nmde; that saie: Sl)mS sl]Ell be na:ld and the colI ec t:i on t}l e:ceof shaJl be Innde :i.n the manner and in accordance with the law soverning the collection of snecial improvement taxes; th,Jt failure to pay sucb a:3sessments V'l11en tbe S8Jne becoJne due ond payable shall make sucb persons and said lots and narcels of land liable to the nenulti08 nrovided I by law relLjtiv8 to delInquent ta7~CS ; Section 2. 'I'hat the T'egular session of' the COlflliJission of nIe eit;!" of Bozm:Lan to be held in the Connnis::3ion Chamber in the City Hall of said City on the 21st day of Uctober, 1~j38 , at 7:30 o'clock F.b., be, aneJ. t.,:iO, sarile is hereby desl~n8ted as the time and place at wl:ich objectj_ons to the f:'nal aei.option oi' thi::\ Her-;olution w:'Lll be her:.'rd b7Y the said COMTIis~ion. Section 3. 'l'hat the CIerI\: of the COT!ilniscdon of 'The City of Bo,-el:,an, be, ancl he is hereby ordered and directed to publish in the Bozeman Daily Cl1ornicle, a clail y nevvs- paper printed and published :Ln said Ci ty of BoZem!:ul, a notiee signed by the Clerk of the Commission and stat:ing that a Hesolution levy5ng and assess in;; a special ass es Sll1l~nt of' taxes to defray the cost and expense of cow3tructlng and r.lak'Lng tbe improve),jent s in the said Special Improvcrnent District No. 323 :L SOD. 1':11 e in the of'fice of tIlc Clerk . of' the C;olJ:Jltdnsion sub,iect to inS~8ction for a period of five ( 5) days; that said notice shall stDce tn.8 time and place at whlch objectl_ons wi11be heard by the Com:rnission to the final adoption of this Resolution; that it shall be Dub1ishecl at least five I. b) clays before the day set by the COIT~ission for the hearing of objections and th e I final adoption of this Resolution. ~rovisionally passed and adopted by the Co~nission of The City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 14th day of October, 1938. Attest: ~ - - ~ .- .---4-'~~--- lerk of the Connnis3ion I'/iayor .. Finally passed and adopted by the Cormnission of 'J'he Cit;T of Bo?eman at a rcwular session thereof held on the 21st day of October, " tj ~};) That, said Commission Re,;olutioJ:1 No. L135, is now OD fl1e in the offioe of ttc Cltrk of the C0I11J111ssion subje(;t to lnsnecticn for a ncrjod of fill8 ( 5) days 1);7 any p8r~;nns interez;ted. 'l'htJ,t Frj_day, the 21st day of October, 1938, at 7::50 o'clo(;I- "1" ~- 0:1:' sldd .:.. .J' ." day IH the regulax' seSS,;_OJ:1 of the sa:\.d Comr;'iiS,;ion of' 'l'he City of Fozcj]11an cit tho Com- mission Chrunber in tl10 City Hall Builcllr;::,; of sahl. City, h2.9 beerl desj.gnated as eYe; time and place when [mQ where Uie said Commissicn will hu'r and pa.'w uno1'1 any B,nd ,g,ll objections that may bo 111A6e to the 1'1'10.1 p89GBge and ciovtion of' sai(1 He::wl,'tni_o'- Nol 435 and tho levying of said ~ssessment, and that saj,d Resolution will ~e finAlly Daaned and adopted at said rSRular session. All persosn interested aro referred 1;0 Commission Eosolut.ton No. 40e, decll1r' nr: it to be tl'10 in,tGntion of the COlunisston to create Spe"cial IJ'ilprovor',e'-,~; Dl(,tJ.'ict 1<0. 323, ancl Commission Resolution No. 410, cr>e",ting: 817,'c181 TmprO'lCYj\ont Distriet No. '7. n"~: dt:..,..,J. Dated this 11th day of October, l~)Z,fJ. ' B~------ State of f.',ontans, ) ) ~~ County of GallatIn ) 1, L. G. ShCldoan, CIerI, of the C0111mia:310n of The City of Bo,;oman do hereby cortify that the foreGolns Notice, Cormnission Hesoiutjon No. 43.5, W8.S Dubli:.;}-jcrl 8.1; length in tho Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of genEral circual tlLon Feinted ann -:ubl:L;]-,(jc] in said City in tho issue of October 15th, 192\8 and thi:\t due proof io on l' .le ix! my office. Dated this 17th day of October, 1938. ~#~-" C erI< of' the Commission