HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 434: Creates SID No. 322 4~}O cm;;,ISi:)ION :rU~~;OLU'l'IOh NO. 434 A 1".2;S o LU'I' j.()JIJ Ol-<' 'l'HE COh'n',!lI ,sSl. ON OF 'l'flE CI'rY ',_H" !:;E~:ALT, T!i'Jl\i'.L'AHA LEVYING AND ASSES;~J:NG A SPECIAL ASSESSl.U~i:T OJ? 'I'AXES UPON ALl, 'rrrEPEOPEH'TY IN SPECIAL D:IPH.OVETEW.l' DIS'I'IU C'I'NO. 322 IN 'I'J-lE Cri_l'Y OF BOZEI_AI,:, C 0In:r'L'\ OF GALLA'I' J:'! , 5TA~E OF MONTANA, '1\) DEPE1~Y 'L'}J.t'; GOS'I' 0.'2' C TRUCT1NG AND MAYIW} 'l'TTE UTPhOVET/lE1'!'I'S VVI'l'iHN SAIL ~)l)EC~:.ATJ IIVIPHOV.b,:::EF'L' DI~','I'HI._;'l' }TO. 32~3 ViE EH llJi S , The City Connnission of The City of Bozeman, did on tho lOttl day of' June, 1938, duly and regularly pass Comm::Ls S:lOD Resolution -lITo. 407, entitled: I A RESOLUTI();'; (Hi' 'J'IJE C:I LY r;()l,::,I;:;~)liJN Ul' T'}i _~ C I 'i'Y 0 [I' PO ' (i.:~ -: , DECaj {\ F, I'l' '1'0 BE TI-lE rN'rJ.~~N'I'IOH 01' 'TI:!}'; C:T'1'\ :)P BC) , ',['(} CR- [~T A :JPEC:U\-C :rj,;:H.nWVT!;~,J~NT 1\. DISTRICT TO EE FWO AS SP;".I;IAIJ lj'IPr"OVELE\T Dl~:)'L\IiIC'l\ FU:;BB 322 01" Tr;E CI'I'Y 0:8' BOZEl'/,AN I"OB. 1'HE :PUHi;O:~:ll; Oi" COn;)'l'lWC'I'lEG l:;ui\!Cn:':'L'E CUHE>~-" CT{U;:~JD~D c:- "-'T '~I .r.:!J 1 ]\IACADAll! PA VELL"N'l' AND NECE,SS/\.HY DHAJr-TA(jE :YI'({UC'J , o TT \:rf'<;,:) III IrI: CI~. .~:,:'fUjO l'-0" ~-) rllfU~~T~/e FIWj/, Tl-lE VI_S:.),l' LIH_G; OF 31 X',[':;: A \iEI\iUJ<:, :JOUtlJ, '1'0 lc;f,,:-;'!' 1.,IN;-;-; O:i ;.)I~;V;-'~::TH A \,TElTUB , SO U'I'L , IN SAIL CI'I'Y. ar'ld thereafter, after d~e and legal proceed:ings ho_CJ, tIle COlJDids;-;l.on of 'I'he City of Bozeman did on the 1st day of ,JulX, 19~:j8, duly pas sCommis ~3ion Resol utKon No. 409, entieled: A HESOLU'TION OL' 'l'ffi,: C1'1"1' Cor"':lIS;-iIO[.J OF 'FI-m CI'I;~{ OB' BO/~mijAN, I,IOTi'l'LFA CH!,~A'rJ:NG A i:)PECI};L U/iF'fWV]ll-'~!'l' j':L,'/j-(J (;T 'ro BE KNOW}'! AS S 'ECT,IU IIJ:PEo-;rS}"'NT DI rj"I-nCT NmhBI,;g 322 OF TilL'; '_;11'\ Ofi EO Zii;:'.: lUi , 1:"01\ 'I'3j;: DUTCiX,E (IF eu - :-'I'RU:~'l'I,'C;- C..!iTCHETE CU r\BS , CRUSHED dRA VEL I"IACADATil pi V El'/: ]::1\1'1" AND NECI~;<)JU-\Y DHilIN/'J}E ::;'l'EUC'l'TJHES, ON WEST DICKE:HSON :)'rl-(l~li,'I' FE:..)}V; 'l'l-iE WE~,'I' LIN:' 01" 31.)C1'E AVEEU_~ SIU'I'J" 'I' 0 '}'I-IE EAS'I' LINE OF SEVEiT'['H AVE1'!UE, 8UU'-Cil, II\I SAID Cl'l'Y. which Comrnission Resolution Nos. 407 and 409, passed as qforesai.d, are hel'cby re- ferred to and made a part of thi8 resolution for furtrl Ar part:tcul,:J_rs in respect to the boundaries of said cUstriet, the character of ,;h' inlDrovemsn i-,s to be constructed therein the estinwted co:}t of' said im~orov:;Fl,'nts a~l(; tbc wet-. od of 8ssessing t1'Le cOcit against the property within said district; and vVHEHEAS, said in:,orovements as CCJ11telirolsted in sa:iei COlmnission H0~101ut;~_on;'To. 3 407 aDd <109 have been constructed arid completAcl :i..n ac:c:ordaT1ce 1'':1 t:r, tj-'e tcY".:s and con- I dltloDS 01' COl11lTJ.is ~3ion Heso1utions Nos. 4UI an <1:0\:>, .----..-..--.. -.---.-. ...- ..----.-..--.-...-.-- 4~Jt installments and the pa)rment of said installments shf'tll extend over a period of nine years; thac the paymont of the respective annual installments shall be made on or before the 30th day 01' NovcElber of each yenr until pa-VYl1ent of all installments top;ether wIth the interest thsreof, shall be made; tJl'lt saicl suns shall be paid and the collection tller'eof' shall be made in the mann(-:r and in accoI'dance with the law governinp; the col- I lection of' sT-Jecial improvement taxes; that failure to pay SlW}-'_ aSf:\eSSments when the same become due and payable shal :I make such persons and said lots and parcels of land liable to the Denal ties provided by law relative to delinql:umt taxes; Section 2. 'rhnt the regrtlar session of the Commission of The City of Boseman to be held in the ComnLis:3ion Chamber in the City Hall of' saId City on the 21st day of October, 1938 at 7:30 o'clock P.M., be, and the san1e is hereby designated as the t:lme and place at which objections to the final adoption of this Resolution will be he8rd by the said Commission. Section 3. 'llhat the Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozer:Ian be, and he is hereby ordered and directed to publlsh in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a dally nmvs- paper printed a~d published in said City of BOZeI'i1{ln, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commis~3ion and stating that a Resoluti~n levying and assessing a special assess- ment of taxes to defray the cost and expense or corEtructj_np and makin~ the imnrove- ~ - merIts in the said Special ImpJ:'over.v:nt District No. 322 is on f':ile in the office of the Clcrl<-: of tho Com.i:':i c>::;ion subject to inspection for a p~riod of five (5) days; thnt said notice shall st.; te the;' time and plece at whic}] ob:i ec t j_ODS will be IleaI'd by the Com- I mission to the final adoption of this Resolution; thi,t it s,Ja11 I:)e published at least five (b) days before tLe day set by the Connds;3ion for' the hearinc~ of objections and the final adoption af this Resolution. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Conmlission of 'I'11e City of Bozcrnan at a regular session thoreof held on the l.ith day of October, 1938. Attes~ -40/-~~<--- Lk. e ~ -.---/__ Clerk of the CommisDion Mayor Finally passed and adopted by the Commis::3ion of rrhe City of Bo::eman at a reg -1[-)_1' session thereof held on the 21st day of October, 1938. ~:_-----------~ 49:~ '1'110. t , said Cormnission l\:esolut:i,on }\1"0. 1134, is now on file in the office of the C1er1; of the ComrrdsGicm subject to inspection for a period 01 five ( ;) ) days by any person interested. 'fhat Priday, the 21st day of October, 1938, at 7:30 o'clock ") I, . IvI., of said~y at the regular session of tho said Co:rnr,ds:Jion oi' rJlhe City of Bo"er:mn at the Commission Chamber in trJe City Hall Buildinn; of said City, has been de::oir:;;nated as the time and nlace when and where tlte said Corulission will hc~r and nass upon I any and all obje~tions that may be made to the final pass8.8e antl adoption of said Resolut10n No. 434 and the levying of said assessment, ant'[ that sald Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at said regular session. All persons intcI'ested are referrcc) to Com'.ui:3;Jior1 I1e801utlon No. ..1()7, declar:l.ng .it to l:Je the intention ot theConll~ission to create Spccial Improvement District No. 32i:.:::, and COlnr,:ission HC301ut:ion No. 4m), cre9tin~ Special lmprovemont District No. 322. Dated this 15th dAY of October, 193:;- . ~r' state of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) 1, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the COr:Jwil3s:ion of 'l'ne City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice, COYnrn:l.ssion Hesolution No. 434 was pU::i1ished at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circ-'11r,tion prlnted I and pubJ.:i 811 ec) in saj_cl C:L ty :in the issu8 of Octobor 15, 193f? ant' t:hCit due proof of such publ lca tion :i. s on f'il e in my 0_ fic e. IN WITTn-;:;L.;S \';}-IJ':l-LE:CW 1 hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my oI'fiGe this 17th da~! of October, 1938. I