HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 433A Passing of Resolution No. 433 '1N( COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 433A " .... ',~,;(./hr,;.} . A RESOLUTION OF TEE corrcrnssIoN OF TIm crr'! OF POZE~!A!: !W]~TAHA, LEVY};.'G .... -..,<'v ~>>" AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESS;$}JT OF TAXES UPON ALL '1'1:E PROPERTY II! ....._? '.rO':- '-.;> SPECIAL H1PHOVE,.:C:NT DIS'I'RICT NO. 321 IN THE CITY OF fOZE'/'A'-, COUN'l'Y OF .\<7>.... GALLA'1'1N, 3TArr'E OF MOlITAHA, TO DEFRAY THE CO'3T CF CONSTRUCTING A1!D ;,iAKIHG <~:-5 .... THE IMPROVE1,IEHTS i'iI'l'Hn; SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEMEi';'I' DIS'l'RICT NO. 321. ..." WHEREAS, The City Commission of The City of Bozeman, did on the 13th day of May, 1938, duly and regu_larly pass Commission Resolution No. 402, enti tIed: A RESOLU'l'ION OF THE CITY COWnSSI ON OF 'I'HE CITY OF BOZEMAi~ DECLARHiG n.' TO BE THE INTE11'l'ION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO CREA1'E A SPECIAL IMPROVE:MENT DISTRICT TO BE DJOWH AS SPECIAL n;PROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 3~ OF THE CITY OF BOZm"AN FOR rrHE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTINr; CONCRETE CU!\BS AED ':to,1 AND ONE-HALF PENOLITEIC PAVE~,'iENT ON A SIX-IJ(C~, CRUSflED ROCh BA;;E, ON BOZZI'.iAH A VENUE, NORrI'H, BETWEEN THE NORTT- LIlIE OF EAST MAIN STREET AND 'l'Tm SOUTH LINE OF' EAS'I' MENDENHAU, STREET IN SAID CIri'Y. and thereafter, after dne and leGal proceed:Lngs had, the Commission ';:1' The Oi ty of Bozeman did on the 3rd day of June, 1838, cluly pass Commissi on Resolution No. 406, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMM1, MONTANA, ORE^TING A SPECIAL I!';PROVEM:CNT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMEN'r DIS'L'RICT NO. 321 OF TIrE CITY OF BOZEMAN, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING CONCRBTE CURBS AND TWO AND ONE-HALF INCH PENOLITHIC P AVEJ,ffiNT ON A SIX INCH CRUSIIED ROCK BASE ON BOZEMAN AVE:WE, NOR'l'H, J3ET','iEEN 'rITE NOR'rE LINE OF EAST ),1AIN STREET AND THE SOUTH LINE OF EAS'l' MENDENHALL S'l'REET, IN SAID CIT':. which COnwission Resolutions Nos. 402 and 406, passed as aforesaid, are hereby referred to and made a pt'.rt of this resolution for further particulRrs in respect to the boundaries of said district, the character of thc improvements to be constructed tJ1ereln the esti- m".ted cost of said improvements and the method of assessin['; the COGt aGainst the property wHhin said district; and WHEREAS, said improvements as contemplated in said Co~nlssion Resolution Nos. 402 and 406 have been constructed and completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of Comm:Lssion Resolutions Nos. 402 and 406, and the total cost of said improvements so constructed is the sum of Four Thousand Four Hundred 'I'wenty-one Dollars and Forty-two Cents, (~~4,421.42) . NOW, THERI:FORE, l'ursuant to the provtsions of Sections 5225 to 5277.5 and 5405, R.C .M., 1935, and amendments thereto, BE IT HESOLVED AnD rr IS HER]'E3'Z ormERLD BY TEE COM1,nSSION OF TIfE CIrTY OF BOZEM1\l~, S'rA'I'E OF MON'I'ANA Section l. That to defray the cost and expense of cOnstrnotj n[; and mak:lng the im- provements in said Special Improvement District No. 321, there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a tax amO'unting to the S1JJ11 of Four Thousand Four Hundred rrwenty~one Dollars and Forty-two Cents (.ii~f421.42) upon all the property in sad Special Improvement i District No. 321; that a parti culQr description of each lot and p8.rcel of land wi th the name of the owner and the sum assessed against him or it for such improvements ar,d the amount of each partial payment to be made and tho da.y when the same shall be delinquent is set fortb in detail in th.e asseGsmont list hereto attached, mo.rked "Schedule A", and made a part hereof; tlw.t tllO several sums set opposite the names of the owners and the described lots and parcels of land be, and the same are hereby respectively levied and assessed upon and against sllid described lots and parcels of land to defray the cost and expense of constructing a.nd making iJ:1prover.lents within saD District; thq t the several sums so a.ssessed be collected fror.l the respective owners of snid lots and parcels of land described in said assessuent list, Schedule II A ", as required by law; thet the pay- ment of said sums shall ._. "1.1..)\. ! shall extend over a perlod of nineteen Y62.rS; th?,t the paymcnt of the respective ar1l111.8.1 tnstallments shall be made on or before the 30th day of November of each year until payment of all installments together with the interest thereof, S118.11 be mnde; thnt said sums shall be paid. and the collection thereof sLall be made in tIle mf;\nner ar:d :Ln accordance w:ttb the law govern:lng tn.e collection of special i.,proverncnt taxes; that failure to pay such assessments when the Sal1H~ becomedue and pHyable shall ma};e such persons and sO-id lots and parcels of land li.."tb10 to the pem\lties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes; Section 2. 'I'hat the regular session of the COD1J11iss ion of.' The City of 30zeE1an to be held in the Corr.mi3sion Cham1eer in the C.tty Hall of said City on the ~nst day of October, 1938 at 7:30 o'clock P.M.' be, and the same is hereby deGign8ted as the t.trne and place at w:~ich objections to the final adoption of th:ts Hesolution w'Lll be heard by thf,Osaid Commi38 ion. Section 3. Tl:wt the Clerk of the Commis3 ion of 'I'he City of Bozeml1.n be, and he is hereb".- ordered and directed to pubHsh in the Bozemo.l1 Daily ChronIcle, a dlri ly news- paper printed and publisLed in said City of Bozeman, a notice Siened by the Clerk of the COD1J11ission and statinc that a Resolutto,- levying and asse.sshlg a special assess~ ment of taxes to defray the cost f'nd expense of construct'Lnr; and maldn13 the improve- ments in the said Special Improvement District No. 321 is on fii). in the office of the Clerk of the COD1J11ission subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days; that said notice shall state the time and pl'l ce at which object.tons will be he:J.rd by the CommisGion to the final adoption of t hi~] Resolution; th,:'.t it shall be published at least five (5) days before the day set by the Cornmissioy' for t:.)e hear:1.ng of objections , and the final adoption of this Hesolution. ,. Provision8.l1y passed and a,dopted by the COlTl111ission of 'l'he C1 ty of Bo":emnn at a regular session thereof held on the 14th da.y of October, 1930. LZy/a -,~"._.- Mayor l. Finally passed and adopted by the Commission of 'I'he City of B07;eman at [\ rev"lar session thereof held on the 21st day of October, 1938. Atte~~ U} ~ ~/;4~ ~ of tile Commission I,layor '/ Ji 2. 1~ l.9. ~ HEARING, FIlIAL ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION HO. 43ZA LEVYING AS8ESmmNT SFECIAL I!,!PROVEJ{,mT DISTRICT NO. 321, CITY OF DO ZE!J: AN , FOR p AVKU~;NT ON NORT-.' BOZE!I h1J BETWEEN EAST MATN S'I'REET AND EAS'l' MENDENHALL S'l'REET. NOn CE IS HErn:BY G I VEl'; , that at a reGular session of the Commis~3ion of The C:lty of 130 zeman, held on Friday the 14th day of October, 1938, Co~nission Resolution No. 433'\ was provisionally passed and adopted; that said Commission Resolution No. 433'\. lev:. e s and a.sseSGeS a special assessment of taxes upon a 11 the property in Special Improvel11ent District No. 321 in said City to defray the cost and expense of constructInG and malcing 489 the lmprovement8 withir said District; Tha t, said Commission Hesolution iJo. 43Ci\ is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Co:nmission subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days by any per- sons interested. That I"riday, the 21st day of October, 1938, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., of said day at the regular session of the sald Commission of The City of Bozeman at the I Corrrmis slon Chamber in the City Hall Bui1dinr:; of said City, has been designated as the time and place whey"!. and where t:10 said Corn:rnission will hear and pO-ss upon any and all objections that may be made to the final passase and adoption of said Resolution No. 43~\and the levyins of said assessment, and that said Hesolution vdll be finally passed and adopted at said regular session. All 9orsons interested are' referred to Conllniss ion Resohltion 1\10. 402, declaring it to be t:18 intention of the Commission to create Special Improvement .l.iistrict No. 321, and Con1n1is s:i on Resolution No. 406, creating Special Imrpvoement D:1.strict No. 321. Do. ted tiLts 15th day of October, 1938. ~ the. CommiSsion State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallat;_n ) I, L. G. Shadoan, ClerIc of the Commiss ion of 'rhe City of Bo reman do hereby certify that the foregoing lJotice, Cornr.;is~>ion Hesolutlon No. 433'} was published at length in I the Bozeman Daily Chronicle a newspaper of e;ener31 circu81 tion printed and -oub1is....led in said City in the issue of October 15th, 1938 and that &le proof is on file in my office. I!.'~ WI'r1'JESS 'NTfF~f{EOF I hereunto set my hand and affix ;: he seal of my office this 17th day of October, 1938. I