HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 433 Creates SID No. 329 -.,.,.{ if f n,,, -....6 GOMHISSION R~~SOLUTIOP NO. 433 --..3l;;;).0."'" ..'"'illo, A RESOLUTION OF TIT':S COKFIsslor Ole Trill CIT' 0:2' BOZ:2:;'lIF, IWNTANA, :}~Cj,A;nNG IT TO BT'; TEl~ IN'r-.::HTIOl; 0;" G,\I0 GOEj"I::HON TO ORi:;i\T>: ;\ :3,':-:01'\1. I!:fI\OV~;]"~.n;T)IS- TRICT TO 13S KNO\iN l\HD DlcSIG1I.i\TE;) AS SPECIAL II,:,'GOVC:I::::?;,T JU,THICT NO. 329, ;:"OR THE PURiOSE OF PAVING T}:-r'.: S1NG1,"2: BLOCK ON OLIV', STT:~I':7 B:'/L''iiEi':;'; BOZ:;;;MAli f\.V;~ljUE AND BLACK AVENUE, Tb::3 SINGLE ,:LOCK ON OLI\n; STRE:~T B'ROH BLACK .AVENUE 'ro TRACY AV1~NU;D AFD TO PAVE fiND CURB 'nIT"~ SINGL:~ BLOCK OF CIJHTIS:; ~~TRI':-ST:;'RO!,T 'I'RACY WE- NUE TO BLA Cl\". A VEND''; . 'I'HE SAID F WING TO B.S SITHSR T;"jO AND Ol~!D-EALF" H':NOLI'l'H1c ON A J"OUR- INCH CRUSHED ROCK BASE OE. OIL:m GR1\ V:\L Mi\CAD1\K ON A 6 - INCH ORA Vc.;L BASE, AND TO Srt-;CIALLY ASSESS '1'18 COE;T OF SUCH H'l'TIOV',K2NT AGAnTs'r FHOF;mTY WITHIN SAID FS2~CIAL n:pnOVEl,lSNT ))13TR1:;'1' AS PROFOS;:;.J TO 13''; C;:UD.I\'1'"::;:O AN;) AS ITS BOUND ;mI \,:3 r,;:C; ULmEIN DEt;::;RIB:8D, TIE GUWrISS SrrR3l';T CUED TO Drl fiSSE3S2:J AGAHiST ONLY THAT PORTION O.~' ~'In\ l'ROPSRTY l.iITErK 3AIJ I-EOrosr:;) :.HSTHICT ViBIC;-! SHALJ.J BE SPECIALLY BlmEFI'l"rSO TEER,";)',' AE') AS n: TEn> RESOLUTIOn DESCEI3E), frET~ SINGLE BLOCKS ON 0!"IV8 STRSET .,LI:':TIi:;Ili JESCRIBID lY'::UiG NOW ':URBE;) AID TE~:: COST 'rJLEREOF f\.SSESSln AGAH,ST ADJAC:,T-;T rROl':RTY. ALL mD':n T;J'; FhOVI~nJiiG O? ~Y,~CTIO!lS 5225 TO 5277, INC:LUSrvp~, OF TEE REVIS1::D CO~ES OF !'(OlTTAl{A, 1935, AIm AEY ;lir;;;1i0A~E;:TS THERETO, and PARTICUL,',I'1.LY TIm A1\m~D:.~:mT OF SEc'rI,m 5220 AS I,;A,F; BY Ct\hi--'T::R 36 (HOUSE mr"L NO. 52) OP THT:~ J\.C~S o:? rrI~~ 26t'.h ::_;S~}IJL.;~!J':r'r..~ /~S.J.'2!<8=,JY :!i'! r[1EE srr.\T:::: OF MONTt\KA, 1930, Al'FnOV~f) ]i'EBi\Ifi\RY 17th, 1030. PR:L\A1V;ULE Whereas certaIn owner,,; of propert~, abuttins 011 ve Street bet'lmen GOZOJ1'1'__1D Avenue and Black Avenue, and between Blaci, Avenue anci 'l'rac;:r Avenue, flDd on Curtiss Streot be- tween 7raey Avenue and Black Avenue, hflve pc ti tioned tbe Co:nmi"sion of The City of BOZe111fJ.n to create a special improvement district for tJ18 pcrrpose of pa,vince the sin~;le block on Olive Street from the pBvin~ on Bozeman Avenue to the paving on Bla,,;' AvernJc, and also for paviDr, the single blo(;K on Olive Streot from tho pc-vinr, on Black AvonuG to the paving on Trac:,' Avenue, and also to curb end pflve thesingle block OD Curtiss Street from the pllV ine: OD Trac;,f Avenue to the p8 'ling OD :alack I\. VeJ11Je; 8 nel Whereas Bozeman Avenue, Black Avenue f'.Dd Tracy hvenue are e(lch and all paved for a continuous distance of three bloclm or m01J and run, or lJfl vo their courses, at a risht angle 'Ill th Olive Street and Curtiss Street, anci the bloci,s on Olive Street proposed to be paved, and the bloc1e on Curtifis Street proposed to be curbed Bnd paved are each and all sin[;le unpaved bloc1w on what are known as cross streets and connect wi th paving OD Bozeman Avenue, Black Ave~ue and Tracy Avenu8, except as to the Curtiss Street blocl,: which connects with Uno pavine; on Black Avenue and Tracy Avenue; e,nd Whereas the said dnc:le unpsl,vecl blocks on 011 'Ie Stroet arc already curbGd and. the cost thereof has been sc,;ecially assesserl Br,ains t tIle abu ttine- property, and the slrgle unpaved block on Curtiss Street is not curbed; and Where as the paving of said s:;.ngle blocks will iD each insto.t;ce connect with exist- ing paving of three blocks _.- 1b Improvement D:LS trio t Number 329", for the p1l.rpose of paving with 'rovo gnd oDe-half inch Ienolilhic on a four-inch crushed rock basc or, in t:,e 0.1 t8rn:o: ti vc, I'! 1 th oilGel E'TG-vel macadam on a 6-1nch gravel base, the single block on Olive street from the existing plJ.vement on Bozeman Avenue to the existing pavement on Black Avenno, and aLso the sincle block on Olive ~)treet from the existlr1g pavement on Black Avenue to the exint111C .i::ave- ment on Tracy Avenue; and also to pave and curb the sinclc block on Curtiss Street from the existinG: pavement on Black Avenue to the exis tin? [ro. VOT.lCn t on Trac y Avenue, all of sai,} pl'lvinr:; to be either two and one-half incb Penoli thic on a foJ;'jl-inch crushed rock base, or, in the alternative, oiled r;ravel macadam p8.ver:1cnt on a s.,.x-inch,!rave1 base; and to inc,;tall concrete curbinG in connection with the pnv1.ng of the single 1Jlock on Curtiss Street, now uncurbed; and to s:,:ecially assess ,the cost of said lmprove,nents agains t the propert;,' wi thin s8id siJecIBl improv8~ent district as horeinafter bounded and desc:Hbed, except as to the Curtiss Street curbing, which shall be s.~.'eoiall'Y assessod against tbe property wi~lin said speclf!l improvement CU..~3trJ.ct which said c;JrbJne; will specially benefit, (the bloCXG on Olive :3treet which it is pr'opose,:i to pave beinG now curbed and said curbin",: havwc been paJ:.i for by owners of property abuttIng thereon and adjacent thereto) as said property so to be assessed for curbing Is hereinafter described; said plweY:'.ent and curbing to be paid for ln twon ty (20) annual installments over a period of nineteen (19) years., \:iJ:I. tll interest on the deferred payments at not to excQcd six pe).' cent ( 6)6) por a.nnum, payable annunlly. All in ac- cordar:ce wJ.th anu under U~e provisions of Sections 522!j to 52?7 Heviscd Codes. of ;,:on tan a 1935, and an;.' 3l!\cndments ther' to , and partJ_cul,srl:' the amendment of Section 5229 as !'lade by Chapter 36 i011ouso J'nll 1\0. 52) of the l\.cts of U10 26th Lo"::~slnt',ve Assembl;' of the .State of ).',ontana, 1939, approved F'ebruary17th, 1939. c)oction 2 Boundaries The boundaries of sald Special Improvement 0istrlct No. 32G shall be as follows: Becinninq, a t a point in the center line of T1'lO\cy Avollue S. where the same J.8 intersected by an extensior1 of the center lIne of the east and west alley be- tween Babcock and Olive Streets, said line beln~ 150 feet north of the north line of said Olive Street;- Thence e[1("t alone: ,,".line p-:'Ira:Uel with and 150 feet north of said nort,1, line of :So Olive Street to the center line of BozemFln ^ve. s.; 'rhonce south along the center line of said b()z"))n~m ave, S. to a point 150 feet sout): of the south line of said E. Olive StreAt; Tbenc e west parallel witb and 1.50 feet south of said south line of E. Olive Street to t7 " The area of the property described in Section 2 hereof and which alone is to be assessed for the Curtiss Street curbing, wi th tti ~1 (30) feet on each side of Curtiss Street firrured at double its actual area, is 111131.18 souare feet. u Section 4 Types of l'avement -- Approximate Costs The pavinc within said Special Improve~ont District No. 329 shall be either two I and one-half ( n.l) inch .Penoli thic on a four-inch (4) crushed rock base, or oiled Gravel 0:.; ~Bcadarn lai~ on a six-inch (6) gravel base. The e s time ted cos t of PenoJithic pa vernen t on a four inch (4) crushed rock ba~e, in- cluding all inc identals bu t excluding the Curtiss Street curbing, is ~~10, 054 .00, and the estimated rate of aSS8ssn,ont ror s\1uare foot 18;11;0.0312715 for inside lots and ~0.0625430 for corner lots. The estimated cost of Oiled Gravel MacaclaT:'; on a six-inch (6) gravel base, incluclir:.g all incidentals but excluding the Curtiss Street curb:!.n:=, i '"'94"-'9 8- and the extimated s .;~ 'd. b, rate of assessment per square foot is ~~0.0295469 for inside lots anQ $0.0590938 for corner lots. The area of the property descrIbed in See tion 2 hereof e,nd which alone is to be assessod for the Curtiss Street curbing, and with thirty (30) feet on each side of Curtiss Street figured at double tl1e ac tu al area, is 111131.18 square feet, and the estimated rate of assessment against said property for curbs alone is $0.0082335 per square foot for ins ide lots and ~;i0 .016467 per squart~ foot for corner lots. The estima- I ted cost of said curbing, includinr: enr;ineer:tns and incici.Gn tal expenses, is ~;p915 .00. Sec tion 5 Ctmractor of Improvement rl)le i:;1provement pro_"9osed to be JT.aeie b77 tlds Resolution is the pa v:ln[~ of the single block on East Olivo Street between thc\\est line ,of Bozeman Avenue South and the East line of Black Avenue wouth and the sins-Ie block on East Olive Stroet between the 'ilest line of Black Avenue Sou th arv:_ the Eas t line of Tracy Avenue South; and the c1.1rbing wi th ,- concrete curb, and paving, of the single block on East Curtiss Street between the 'iiest line of Black Avenue Sou th and the Eas t line of 'I'racy Avenue Sou tIlt '1'he paving will be done with eith~r two and ono-half (2'~ ) inch Penolithic on a four (4) inch crushed rocl{ base or wi th Oiled Gravel !<i1acadarn on a six-inch (6) gravel base. Section. G 18 Passed and adopted by the Commission of Uw Ci t:;r of Bozeman a t a ree;111ar meeting of said Comm.ission hele on the 12th day of May, 1939. ---41g I,Tayor ---............_----~ I NOTICE IN RE CmC'.nSSI ON RT~SOLUTJ Ol~ NO. 43'3 of nIl:: CITY OP BOZJ:~:I\.?;. ~;oticc is hereb'J' ziven that on the 12th day of l,';ay, 1939, at a reGular session the Commission of '1'he cit;7 of Boz8E:an, l\:ontanD., passed anc1adopted CornrLls 8i on Hesolu- tion No. 433 whic11 declares the Intention of the C01":1:11ssion to create Special Improve- Ment district No. 329 for the purpose of pa vin!:: the sinsle blocl: on 3:;:w t Olive S tree t between the Wes t Line of Boz oman Avenue Sm) th, and the Ea:;t Line of Bleck Avenue South and the s1n~le block on East Olive Street from the West Line of Black Avenue South '.e to the East Line of Tracy Avenue South; and also to pave and curb the single block on East Curtiss Street fror.; the East Line i ("I the West Line of of 'I'racy h.verme uou th to blacl:Avenue SOl1th. It is the in ten ti on to do the paving on these th.r e e (3 ) single bloc~ks with e1 ther Penoli thic on a f01Jr-inch (4) crushed rock base or with oiled Grasl Macadam on a six-inch (6) gravel base and to curb the sincle block on East Curtiss Street with concrete curbs. It is proposed to specially assess the cost of the curb- ing on Ea:t Curtiss Street against the following described property only: I Lots Six (6) to Fifteen (15) , inclusive, in Blod:: IIDII and Lots One ( 1) , Two (2) , Three (3) , Pour (4; , and Five (5) and tile nor th ten (10) feet of the unnur'bered Lot South of Lot Five (5) , and Lots Six (6) , Seven (7) , Eight (8), Nine (9) and Ten (10) anlt the nor Ul ten (10) feet of Lot Eleven (11), in :::3lock IIFII, all in Black's Addition to The City of Bozeman. 'rhe es timn tad cost of i:'enoli thic Pavement on 8. four-inch (4) cru. shed rock bas e, /' '1 inGluding all incidentals but excl.:u-dinC; the Ctlrtiss Street curbing is ~.\?lO,054.00, and the estimated rate of assessment per square foot is $0.0312715 for inside lots and ~~O. 0625430 for corner lots. The es timR. ted co 3 t of OJ.led Gravel I,~acadam on a six-inch (6) gravel base, 1n- clud.lng all incidentals but excluding the Curtiss Street curb, is ;~9499. 85, and the est1m.sted rate of assessment per snuare foot 1s ;!~0.02595469 for inside lots and ;~O.0590938 for corner lots. The estimated cost of the cu1bi.ng on East Curtiss Street, includ:ng eng:neering and incidental expenses, is :!~915.00, and the entimated rnte of ac;sessment aga:i.nst the proporty hereinbefore described, wllich alone 1s to be assessed for the cost of said curbinG' is 00.0082335 per square foot for inside lots and $0.016467 per square foot I for corner lots. For a particulClr descriptbn of the boundaries of said proposed Special Improve- ment District No. 329, 1f J Xo tiee is further hereb~ given that Friday, the 2nd day of June, 1939, at 7:30 o I c 10 c k P.!P-. of said da7l, at the Com..'11ission Room in the City Hall, Doz eman, 1': on tana, is' de sIgna ted as the time and place for hearinc objections and protests to the action pro- posed to be taken by said Resolution of Intention No. 433 to create said Special Im- provement District No. 329, and where and when any and all p';rsons havlne; property I within the boundaries of said proposed Special Improvement ~istrict No. 329, as in ':1aij Resolution of Intention l'~o. 433 def,;,ned,may apr~0ar and show cause, if any they ho.ve, acninst said proposed improvement or the creation of said proposed Special Im- provement 0istrict No. 329. Objections 1:lUSt be in writing"and be filed with the Clerk of the C1 ty Cormlission wi thin fifteen (15) days after tte dn te of the firs t publ j ca tion of this notice of the adoption of said Resolution of Intention No. 433 to create said Special Improve~ent Jistrict No. 329. Dated th1s 17 th ria y of li~ay, 1939. By order of the Cornrnls <31 on of Tlw 01 ty of Bozeman. ~~ C ark of the onm,iss1on . Published in Bozeman Daily Chronicle May 17th, 1939. State of Montana ) \ ss I County of Galle tin ) I I, L. G. Sl~,qdoan , :a::rk of the Cor1Jri<~glon of '].1he Ci ty of Bozerr:an do hereby certify thn t the l\"otice Re: Creatinp Special Improvement District No. 329, was IHJblished at len,gth in the Dozerr:an Daily Chronicle on the 17 th day of May, and the. t due proof is on file in my office. IN ViI Tl;ESS Ej~~T'illOF, I hereunto set my hand and aff1x the seal of my office this 218 t clay of June, 1939. I , Resolution No. 443