HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 439 Installments due, November 1938 3 COM~n:SSIm~ RESOLUTION NO. 439 A :cES()LU~'ION O~"' TEE CO?,';~,:JSU:TON ex!:;' r.:c'nE CITY OF B07E\:AN n;;;CI.JARI';lG CEE'I'AIN :::~P,,:CI AL ASSESS;,~F,1IFi'S A~J.L; Ij\;S'L'ALLl.IEN'l'S OF SPECIAL ASSESST.'Ei\:'I'S, DUE Aj\:D P AYASLE lWVE},'}c;,ER 30th, 1938, Ajm UNPAID AS I,'F' 'l.'HAl' DN1'"E:, AND CERTimlJ O'i'HER SPECIAL ASSEss)'mrT S AND n.JS'I'ALL;;~~~l:':=' (,' OF' SPECIAL ASSESS?,':EH'l'S, DUE Al,m PAYABLE J:\OVEIE\EH 30th, 1938, AND UNPAID, DELIFQUG~\:'T , AS PROVIDED ~v ORDINANCE NO. 594, Ej'J'l'ITLED: "AYi ORDIN AliCE PfW"JIDn:(~ F'OH THE COLfE CTT ON OF 'I AXES xx yz :<>, AND 'TEE Proor Reaa COLLE C'-I' 1 01'; DF SPI,;CIAL ASSESSI:TE1'oFrs x xx xx fI, &I1Q 01wC1te<t AND SECTION 5251, POLI'"'ICAL CODE, E.C.'-.lD35. -'O.od.. -(..;:J -_h__.....__ I Wi:::Ji;.REAS: -...3/~~r"'::~.;> I .----- Pursuant to the provisions of Sect:1on 10, Ordinnnce No. 594, ent :i. tIed: It Al'! ORDINANCE pnOVIDING FOE 'THE :~'OLIB C'rl ON 01~' TAXES xx xx xx ;"\l':J Ti'OR 'l'EE COLIJi: CTT ON OF SP"'CI ,~I A':" "i'." '~';El'I'S ,-, '" ,~It ~ ~,,:t-..,' ~~J"Jl.....)w..,. ~.4 "iC...":. ....t:..,X .xx , the Director of Finance has preDared nnd filed with tie Co;,:),,011 ~:1 S ion of '1'11e City 0 f 130 ze L'o..n a reDort SI10'Nini:- t:ne snecial assess~ents [t;'d insta.J.blents of' special assess"l"ler,ts, c'h}e and payable N'oveT~ber 30t}!, 19;5~3 , and L1.l'lna4d '1S of tha t date; and II The C '''~1''"11. c~ f" .,. -j "1...." -" C':' "" ~ -. c........ said rc,ort and S che C1Ul ej and 0., ".I.J_ ~"., ,LC n ,llo,Vln exa}1,],Yl. U III 'The C0:111J11ission of '1'he C1 ty of 130zeman deems it ~ecessary and proper, in order th1:.t the 4 Section 5. 'Eb n. t S 11 :hl . 1 ' o.,:e} iDstr'.llomnts of spocio.l asseSSMents, speCla assessmer~s del:inn.uent ' , t fort", sll,all I. e collected ~y the Gaunt': 'L're ~~surer of the COllDty :lS Jlere J:' se of Galls. tin as Drovided by Sections 21GU Rnd 223'7, and Section 5251, PoLitical r;ode, H. (-\ 19 ~) 5 . -' . lil.. Section ,_j. 'I'h'1t tJ-\.o Directc)l> of J:"lDo.nc8, lUlU e r ~~,}-!.,C dlroct'OTI of the Clty Danaper, shnll aLte'oc} r',t tllC t L'21C and :p12co of the s[ollo of nropert :;:'01' c181in01_lC~T"t to_xes, .9.8 I Drovided ~v Section 15 of sald Ordinance No. 59'1; Section 7. 'l'hat a COllY oJ' tJl:t.s Hesohtt;ion, "tOr:;Ot"L1Cl') vl:i.t!~ SClldc" ,I e !Ill!! 0. tt2CY'J';::l Drcd "nds [!_ part t}~oreo C , "lmll on or before the lOtl-, (~ay of Deccd'ocJr, 1 ~)33 , ;'0 fileI': vil th tho Cc~nty Clc~' and RecordaI' and tho v 01.1 (I rl'ro':'1_s-~:ror of the C 011 nt, 0 f' t. Rll 'II-' II . .,.1, , __ _;I' c. i.~ L,. .I.. .., Secticm B. 'l'hat att::1cb_ed t,1-l or e to QT'd TracIe a 'P", .t thorof sha::_l be n certIficate of t>,o Dlrec~-,or of Pinanco, as provided by Section 12 of said Ordinance No. t-=) S.)4: .; Po.ssed and adontocl b:7 tl1e C mm-:-t:i. s s ion 0 f 1l'l1O 1";":_ br of 1")0 ze~:v::m at a ro(~," 1 0.1' r; e " :': :.1.. 0 n thereof held on the ath do.y of December, 1~:<3B . !iavor-~_f~4 '. C E m T I FIe ATE .'"",~ __ _._~ _ .....,~ ~__ _'_'~ R.."". ~,..,_ _._ _ I, Walter Davis, tho duly annointeJ, qualified and acting Director ot FiDo.DC:O of rnw C1 tv of }50 '7e>'''1.n do hereb:1 c e r t t f,; tll",t tlw wI th in 11m:! for or;o in'" ].8 8. trne and correct I __ '" u"". ._~, copy ofCommtssloc1 nesolution 110. L! ".? 0 "nsoeel anc_ f'Ci opted [')". thevolTl";1is[;lc:n of '1'ho (;1 t7v" ::0 ,J, of So ze1'11'''n nt a re;J;lJlar sOBsion thereof held on tho 9th dfJ,~,T of De ce~:l'::,er, ID~)P, , and tl'lat attached thereto and made a p,'lrt t;:~oreof , 111arl=0(1