HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 448 Improving SID's, Year 1939 "~ :3'7 ", '\'% COl1I.:rSSION RESOl1Frror no. 448 " "~,~ ~"'1.. 'v '.oJ ~-..., . <:J.. ',<$ _...~ A rUSOLU1'ION 08' TI-ni: COM1/ISSION 010' TIS CIT'I OJ? BOZ~~T.~jUJ L,~VYING AND "~,~ '~ AS~3EssnW ^ SFI~CIAL ASSESSlo':;m'r OF TAXES UPON ALL 'lIE;; FROPER'l'Y IN "'. " (~"':'.' '"'J' ,\1 I',' "R' av' ,'T "'~TT'l' [-)T (. Tc)]' (~TS OF T1:'''" (' I'J-'v 0,... D ')z"n," " T" C ''''Ul,:'l'v Oli' n. ,,\ L"'-' 'rrl.' " , ' 1o..)..!.,I.,..Jl/._ctJ.... ,,~'..,,", .'...J..I.",nJj" ,.._..Io..)..!.\.......) ..!..lL)...) ...,...r l~..L..J.LII!~ \.j.~.~ \.,,],l.i..L1~ i .. STfl.T.:_~ ()~ ;,'0l,7TAT'U" Ii'QIZ TH': Li\n]'I';~FA1~C": OF' .r'.~H.i<.TlJGS TO 1).~li'R.AY r:;::J1TC COS'l' OF ' l,'U-\.I ;''1'AIT\INC). TEL: PAREIFGS,VITHH: SAr) SF-ECIAL r'I'ROV:i:I.~':Nr1' DU:;'l'rnCTS OP TIm CITY 0;,1 BOZ:';I\'AN ji'OR T}G~ Y;';AR 1939. VnJ:~:REAS, the Cit7i Council and the COlTImiSf;ion of The Cit;t of Dozemm have heretofore I duly and ree:ularly passed council and Commission R.esolutions cre',-t:lng speCi"al iml'JI'OVement districts within The City of Bozeman, definin~ the boundaries tllereof and providing for the maintenance of parkings therein, and for the assessment of the cost of maintainin[ the p.s.rldncrs as set form in Resolutions hereinafter referred to; and whereas, the pnrkings within the Boundnries of said Special Improvement Districts have been cared f'Jr and maintained during tbe year 1939 as contewp18 ted in said Hesolu- tions, in accordance with terms and conditions thereof; and :,'n~":;R2AS, said Secial Imrrovement Districts for the r::.aintenance of parkin?s and the Res o I',} tion::: cres tine tbe same, the to tal fron tRge or the area. of the rroj;""er t;;: wi tLlln said districts to be assessed, the total cost of said maintenance within said districts and the amount charo;eable to the propert7' therein is hereinafter set forth. XO','j TE'mK"i'()F!.:, "nrsuant to the provisions of Section 5242, Political Code, R.C.}.'!. 1935, and s a~d:::;ouncil and COHunis sion Resolutions, cre a tinp said Spe c1al Improvement DIs- tricts, a.nd provicUrw' fot the !'1!l:LntenaYlce thereof; K~ :CT lL!j;SOLV~~D i\~T') IT IS Il'm:.';BY ORinm::U 3Y TI:~ COTI'],;;:::;:nON ai,' 'l'E}!; CITY ;)P :sozr~T,T:\l." 8'1'1\.'1"': 0:8' l,:ONT ANA: 'I' Section 1. That for the year 1939 '1'he Cit:T::if lJozeman has defrayed the cost (;;;3064.10) of maintenance of pCl.rlcL::JO's in the sev,:~ral specIal Improvement Districts, pursw:;Jlt to Resolutions creat:!....."")):)' the sarr.e, and. that the entire cost thereof', the tot:~l number of linear feet, or area, of rropert~ to be a8sessed, and the rate per linear or SQuare foot, is as follows, to-wit: l:alntenance of Iarlctn?; District No.6, created by COl:tncil Hesoh1.tion No. 306, on South \iillson Avenue from 3abcocl: Street to ColleGe Stroet, a total frontage of /13;:;;.;.37 line~tr feet, the 81)1'1'1 of;;J42SJ.lEJ, at an 3..l:;)roximr.>te rate por front foot of ,;~0.()9G534. T.:aintencu:co of l:'arldn2;Jistrl.ct No. D, created b:r C01.mcil Hesolntion No. 325, Lindley Placo. No Assessment. Vaintenance of rarking District 10. 16, created by Council ~esolution No. 356, Bab- cock Street fro~ Slack Avenue to Tracy Avonue, a total aroa of 93773 square feet, the S:J1~ 01',;;29.60, at an a:/:)roXim~':lte rate per scruare foot of ~pO.c)00316. ~alntenance of ~arkinz Jistrlct No. 17, created b~ Council Resolution No. 355, Grand Avenue from Babcock Strcst to ColfuCe Street, a total area of 581481 square feet, the S1Jm of ~~270.~:18, at an approxlmate rate per sq1Jare foot of ~~O.UUU466. Maintenance of ~arkinG ;)istrlct No. 18, created by Council Resolution ~o. 357, Tracv Avenue from Babcock Street to Dickerson Street, a total area of 457782.2 square fee t ~ the SU"'!1 of ~,lf)O .85, a t an a:::;l-rox irr~ to rate per square foo t of :;~O .OiJ03295. I/ainten8J1ce of l-arkins Distrlet no. 31, created by Council Resolution No. ;385, Black l\venue fraT'" Babcock Street to Colle'7e Street, a total area of 267B93 square feet, I the sum of .;;;293.14, at an approxiri'o.te rate per square foot of JO.,j010842. Kalntenance of rarkinc Ji2,trict :0;0. 45, created by Councll Resolution No. 432, ~~shth Aven~:f~~rn Koch St~",_~~t ~o Dickerson, StroBt,~n total a~~a.?! ~6000 square feet, ,",e swn of 'ri)u6.oJ, at an ahJ10X..Lmate rate per square_ foot of ',;:J.lJ008044. J,:aintenance of l'arkinrrJistrict No. 4(3, created by Council :Zesolution No. 435, Eighth Avenue from 1..1ain Street to Koch Street, a total arcs of 116104 square feet, the SlIm of $150.99, at an approximate rate per square foot of $0.0013005. Maintenance of Parking District No. 50, created b:T G01mcil Resolution No. 474, 'l'hiI'd Avenue from Story Street to Cleveland Street, a total area of 378774 square feet, the sum of -~;1?6 .65, a t an a?proxin.8 te ra te per square f08 t of ,,?O .0004664. 38 Naintenance of of Parkinp District No. 52, created by Crntncil Resolution No. 476, Babcock S tree t from L"if th Ave;;l1e to ~ighth Avenue, a total area of 174600 square feet, the sum of ;[[;86.03, at an approximnte rate per 3 :i118r8 foot of :;pO.OOO493. Mill n tenance 0 f Parkin::; Dis tric t No. 57, creat"~d b~T Councn Resolution No. 529, Cleveli:1.nd Street from Willson Avenue to Seventh Avenue, a total fron tase of 3182 linear feet, the 81.1T:~. of :-(];258.l4,at an approximate rate per front foot of ~0.O81125. Maintenance of Parking ~i8trict No. 68, created by Council Hesolutlon No. 539, Willson Avenue from College Street to Gbveland Street, a to tal frontaGe of 1260 linear feet, the sum of ~124.69, at an approximate rate pCI' front foot of ~0.09896. I ~_1a in tenance of l'arking Dis tric t No. 7') created by Council Eesolution No. 564, "', Call e;ce Street from Orand Avenue to Seven th Avenue, 3. total area of 515294.7 square feet, the SlP'" 0[1\>21') 49 at an approximate rate per square foot of ~0.UGJ4124. ,',,,"'L. 'ii) .j:.,~. "', l,:aintenance of Parkinc; District No. 7'/, cre:lted by Council Resolution Eo. 576, Eighth Avenue from Dickerson Street to Harrison Street, a total frontap;e of' 19~1 linear fee t, the sum of ,::;126.91, 9. t an approxima te ra to per fron t 1'00 t of '-,);0.064388. Iv-'aintenancG of Farkinr: District No. e6, created by C01illcil Resolution 110. 620, south side Story Street fr~m Sixth Avenue to E:L;htl1 Avenue, and bo t;,l sides Sixth Avenue fro~ Story Street to College Street, a total frontage ,of 2426.2 linear feet, the sum of $170.85, at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.070419. T:a~,n temmc e of Par~ing District Ko. 90, created by Gounc il Hesol"tl ti on No. 636, east sIde Seventh Avenue fr01~l Story Street to Colle~^e Street, a total f ron tan:e of ,. ~~ 9;54.2 linear feet, the SlH1 of 'wG2. 01, at an fJ,.lJproxima te rate pOl' front foot of ~pO .066371:3. Mah tenance of .Parking ,Ui8 tric t No. lO7, created by Council Resolution No. 6513, Enst Story StreAt",fr~m Tracy Avenue to Bozeman Creek, a total frc,mtage of 70 linear feet, the sUr.'! of 1ii6.bO at an approximate rate per front foot of :;;;0.092e6. ~,~a in tenanc e of Parkin~ District Ko. 114, created by council Hesolution No. 722, \..." west side Grand Avenue from Collep'e Street to Art:1.11r Street, a total frontage of 930 line8.r feet, the sum of $76.44, a~ an approximate rate per front foot of ~0.O82247. Hain tenance of Parkins District No. 117, created by Council Resolution No. 71U, Tracy Avenue from Dickerson Str~et to Collese Stree t, a total fronta~o of 1348.2 linear " '-,..I fe e t, the sum of :11;G7.05, at an approximate 1'0. te per fron t foor of '!1;0~O49733. Eai n tonance of ParIcing Dis tr ic t No. 151, 3~) person and such lots and parcels of 1 and liable to the penal tics provided b;: law rela ti ve to dclinqnen t taxes. Section 3. That the regll1ar session of the Commlssion of The City of Bozeman to be held. on the 7th day of July, 1939, A.i)., at the Commission Chamber, City 11all B1Jl1ding, be, anci the SRTre is hereby desi.0'nated as the time and place at w.hich objections 1 to the final adoption of this Resoh;. tion will be heard by the COT.1mis sIan. Section 4. 'l'lw.t the Clerk o.r the Comn::tDsion be, and he is hereby ordered and . directed to publish in the 3ozeT.1an ~ally Chronicle, a daily newspaper, printed and pub- l::tshed in the said Ci t;r of DozeI;,mn, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Com,mis s1 on, and s ta tin? tho t a rCDolution lev;"r-Ln('" a special asses sr:1en t of t:l.xes to defray the cos t of ;:ain ter}anoe 0 f .tarkin:rs in the said Spe c :tal ImproveLlen t D18 trio ts for the :rear 1939, is on f lIe in the offi~e of the Clerl{ of the Come-niss ion, sub je c t to inspo c tion for a period of five days; that said notice shall state the time and place at which objections will be heard by the Cm'iT"ission to the final adoption of th:ts Resolution; that it shall be published at least fivo days before the date set by the Corml1i.ssion for hearinc: objections, and the final adoption of this Resolution. ProvisionaLly passed and adopted by the ConTa:Lssion of 'l'he C1 ty of Joze:mn at a reE~ular meetinr: of sald Comm.)_ssion on the 30th day of June, 1939. Flnn.ll y pas sod and ado!) ted by the Con~is r.: Lm of '1'he Ci t;'T of Dozem:;n a t a r:'-'Z1Jl ar meetinq of sal\.3. COfmnisslon on the 7th day of July, 1039. _//._~ ~Attost: , Irayor ~7 - . (..,.,. ,-"~ ----.7'---"....i'i-------.......~,----....,;.,,-.;---~~,..-'-~------ erl{ of tLevom'Y'Jis '" -Lon NOT ICE ------ HH:ARING, F'nj/~T, A~)OFTIOT\ COlt!'~IS::';:JlJ H'U:SO.LU'l'IOl'J ~;o. 448 L:2;VYU:'G /iSSESS- YJ:GK'l' OF CaS'l' O!,' I:AIW.1'[~l;;i\};Ci\ O:{;' ?,;m\I1~GS IN 8Fi.::GIAL BiPROVI::l.";.::NT J18- 'l'RICTS pon 'I'I-f'.; YE:\R 1939. N"O'rICE IS r:mr'BY GIVEN, that a re€:,:ular session of the Comrnission of 'l'he City of BozeY:'!3..n hold on the 30th clay of June, 1939, Coth'11issicm Resolution No. 448 was duly passed and adopted; thnt said COr'J'iissLm Resolution No. 448 levies and aSSGsses a special assess- .1 mAnt of taxes u,pon all the propcrt7 in Special 1mprovc:rent District::: of lJaicl Cit:r to de- fray the cost of Maintenance of larkinr:-s within said Special 1:nprovoLJont .Jistrlcts for the Y02"r 1939. r1'h8 t the Special Improvemen t Dis tric ts and the E\.esoh1. tions crea ting the same, and the amount of the asse~)sments are as follows: Co;,'~;i~ s ion :2ero lu tion Eo. 411,0 40 Main tenance of IJarldng Resolu tion Amount of District No. No. Assess~ent 6 306~? 429.15 16 356 29.60 17 355 270.98 18 357 150.85 31 385 293.14 45 432 56.39 48 435 150.99 50 474 176.65 52 476 86.03 I 57 529 258.14 68 539 124.69 72 564 212.49 77 576 126.91 86 620 170.85 90 636 62.01 107 658 6.50 114 722 76.44 117 719 67.05 151 810 37.22 189 1004 76.44 256 69 105.34 301 331 96.24 l' -- Total J 3,064.10 Trmt, said Commission Resolution No. 44t3 is now on rile in the office of the Clerk of the CommiSflion of the said. C. ty of BOZer18.n sub ,jec t to inspec tion for a period of fi V8 (5) days, b~r any person interested; th<lt Friday the 7th c1a7i of ,July, 1939, at 7:30 o'clock 1'.1,;., of s':!icl day at a reGular session of tlle Commission of '1'he Clt:~ of Bozeman, Commis- sion Chamber, C1 ty lIal1 Du,ilclinF, has been desLznatecl as the tlrle and place v;llen and where saId Commis sion will hear and pass upon an:: Ilnd all objections that ma:! be made to the final passage ano. aC1option of said Cornnis,310n Resolution No. 448 and tll.e levying of sald asses:cment; and thit, salel Resolution iHill be C.nal1'J' passed ami adopted at said ree:ulnr session of s ,9id Connis::; ion, s.u'b jec t to such correc tions anC.. amendments as I I7lsy be made upon objections made antI filed within the n:e clays lkit as provided by law. . All persons in tere s ted are referred to the S Averal vouncil anCl Corrr:nis s ion Resolu- tions crea tinp' the aforesaid Spec lal Improvement 0i8 tric ts, deening tho b01mdaries thereof and providing for the a.ssess;>;ent of the cost of said fv!aintenancc of i',u'lcin[js for further pnrticulnrs, all of sD.id nesolu tlons 'being on file In the office of Ute Cler), of the Commis::::ion of The Cit'Y of Bozeman, at the City Hall of said City, and Sll'b- ject to the inspection of all interested parties. D~:1ted tlds 1st day of July, 1939. ~: I ~ ...lj~~.._--,,---_..~._- C ed;: of the Cor:m:ission state of Montana ) n t f n -'.1 t" ) v01..l.n ,'7 O. ,.ra J._ J.n s s " I, L. G. Sh":ldoan, Clerk of the Corm~1:ts,'.lon of '1'he C~i tv of "'''OZ;Cl:liD do herebv cortif'\T th~~,t the force;oing l:otice, COYnmis:':ion hC801ution 1';0. 4'W, "'Nas published at len,;~th in tlH3 30zeman Daily Chorniclo, a newspaper of general circulation print8d and published in said C:ltyln the issue of Ju1:;, 1st, 1939. IN.:iETFE::JS ,iEi_m;:;;OB' I 118rcunto set my hand and aff ix tIle s e0.1 of :my office tJd..s 5 th da;; of Jnl y, 193D. State of ~ontana ) County of Galli) tin ) ss I, L. G. Shadoan, Gleri{ of tIle Comr:lission of '1'he Git:r of boze;,lan :In hereby certify tha t the forego ing 00)'1'1]11i2 sian Reso 11.1. tlOl;, No. 44D, was :)u'o11 shed 'by ti tle and number in the i3ozemr,n DeLl'y rJhrmlclo, a newspaper of rreneral c~rcu1a t:i..'.m ,prin ted ancL )u'oJisheJ in saId City in the iS3ue of ~11y 13, 1939 and due proof 1s on file In!!l1 office. TK \Vrr:F;S2)'NTTSR'~OP I hereunto set my hand and affix t he seal of my off:'Lce this 14th day of July, 1939. ~/ 1....-",.. ...op" -'.1.1e (,'0'. r::~l'." ",-;.,-" on- .......1 ..:'\. ,..L- l.l,l.", V .,I..l,~ ~ I--'..J.. Co~m18sion Rcsolution No. 418