HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 447 Defraying cost of Sprinkling Streets -.------.-.,.. 34 ~ ~tl>f / ~~;_o)~?"'/ CotJ/:ISSIOH R2S0LU'l'ION 1;0. 447 '?'J"-" ,0;." ~ ::>nQO' 1'Jr['IOJ'J- ()--.-' (nF'-' ,.,orn 'TC' ,;' IO'\T OT1 (nT'T"TIr!,~T 0':1 1"OV'" "..' I,,,) L----THv.r"..n,. /\1....--\ AS,-'-::'QS-' ." I;) :'.1'''' J..\ l\'.!.!,J~}" 1; _ _ . 11...1...1 '"t..!.t V \!,,!\j~0~,) 1\1 ,/: .Ln.".'~J 1..; ,..J" 1. J~ ,) 6,r~,,1', F'J.!\, .I.~ V .~_.,.1'.\.J ,(;"1. \~ "..... ' "':).LJ0 - ,.,.- -.... I'..,"'" ^ "i---"}('IfL f\C,'C'C"'~('~,-";"I,Tr[) 0,;1 rf',\V'~'C 1J'1"0'1'; ;'l'L' /11":..:"."')D01:.,'.;-,pr,,-v J'r' ('r1"1','I.,';'1' 3'..:'::>1'\:,,(.- 1\0 d. 0..1.. LJ\..,I ~ ..I."....,),,)~.,ju~~)l.., J \. !.. ......J."l.l'r..,!"".JU" 1I...l...J .J.I_l.J il\. ..I.. ;,).1._L J ,.1. U .i1......I.",..I 1. J.I. 1..1\ LING DISTRICTS OF T1i;:; CITY UF B02r~;",~,1;, C01Tl!'T'{ OP GALl.J<':'TJi, S'T/:,Th: UP LW1\- TAN A, TO DE:F'Y\/\Y SSVEl?rY-l"IV2 r:.':H C'~N'I; 0':" 'l'l-i1~~ CO~)'I' OJ:<' 311am=Ln:u srI'R~m'l'S VIITEIN SAr] 3TRE;~'1' .';PTIDilI:LD\G =)ISTEIC'I'S OF 'I'rir~ CI'I"Y OF j::.OZI':lii;\l; l'on 'l'EE Y':~AR 1 D39 . WmmEAS, the Oi ty Counci 1 and tlw COJ'lTds s ion of The C::. t.y of Bozoman have here to- fore dlJly and reSlllarly passed Councll and Commission i{esolutions crrotiwT Street I Sprinkling ~istricts within The City of ~ozAmsn and deflnln~ t~e bound ries thereof and providing for the assessrnent of tLe cost of sprinkling the sarne as set forth in Resolu tions here l.naf ter referred to j and WlillREAS, the streets wlth1.n the boundaries of said Street Sprinkling Districts ho. VE.J been sprinkled dur ine the ~Te[lr 1939 as con te::np1a ted in S 2:d Reso lu tions, in ac- cordance with terms and conditions thereof; and ',nf'm,EAS, the S tree t Sprlnklin:'" 1)i8 tric ts and the Resol u tlons crea ting the sarre, the total frontaGe of the ~)roperty wi thin said district to be assessed, the total cost o f said spr inkl:i.ng wi thin said e1:1,s tric ts and the propor'tion thereof chargeable to the property therein is hereinafter set forth. NOW THERli~:~'ORE, pursuan t to the provis ions of See t'_ons 5272 to 5277, inc lusi ve, Foli tical Code, E..C .IvI. 19~'5E), and OrdinRnce No. 295, and said Cmmcil and Co:-nmission Resolutions cren ting said Stree t Sprinklir.S Di:"" tric ts; K.: IT HE SOLVED AI,jj) IT IS HF;F1E13Y ORD~~H}i;D BY TEE COTr:ISJIOl OE' 'rITE CITY 0[" BOZS~/AN, S'I'ATI'; 01" !\101JT:^J1A: Section 1. That for the ye:..r 1939, The City of Bozer,crm lias waived the s,)rink- I linrr assessme~ts ,~ursu~n t ~o :linut: ent:,~~ Fa:e 40,~,Vol~::e l:,~ da.:~cl ~',l::eh 17th, 1939, on the following '-cistrlct2. 101, 1v2, Iv<.1, 104, lU0, lv\), L)7, L.)e" 10", l/-W, 141, I (PI, 140 14'1. 144 16U' '/16' 3 164 1('2 l("~ In ~ 1r'~' 1'-"6' lr'"1 1",,--, Inc\ 0"\4 21E" 21'( t-..J, .a, .., .y' , )., .::J, ';j~, ;J.L.t, ;:"1\,.), \:.), ~1, ~;L), "V..."), t..JU, J, , 018 010 ')r;u" 230 2'''''1 234 2~"" 23~ 2"""" 2'"ZC d. 0eeS' t'~"t co r t"' 0 ~e.. r 1039 ,:;, ..,.... '-", ",tJ, tJ, J')'), J , J0V, 0, vi, ~Lh_.J, an ,.v, 11,0. .J..0 ,.n ~. a '-' The City of Bozeman has defrRyed the cost (:~1,03!J:.27) of sprlnlding streets in the several Street Sprinkling Dis tric ts plJrSUnn t to n.esolutions cree. t_:ng tlle S8.)'(/), and that seventy-five per cent of the entlre cost thereof, C~',775.71) exclusive of the cost of sprinkling parks and j1ublicplaces, the total number of linear feet of prop- ert7J' to be assessed, and the r(iA:t per l~__r'C~lr foot, Is as follows, to-wit: Sprinkling District NO.1, created by CouncIl Resolution Ho. 4242-, l\raln Street from 'NallRce Avenue to l."ourth Avenue, a totaL fror:te.gc of 0363.4 feet, the sur., of :j~700.38, being 75;~ of the entire amount, or at an approxim~:te rate per front foot of :j~0.0748. Sprinkling District No. 130, created by Council Resolutlon No. 765, Kaln Street Wes t from i"ourth Avenue to Eirrh th Avenue, a to tal fron ta'~e of 2612. E,; feet, the Sl1m of ;;~24.32, being 75}; of the entire amOlmt, or at an aC:iJroxil1i<':lte rate per front foot of ~;~O .009309 . Sprinkling District No. 162, created by CouncIl Resolution Ko. 858, 3abcock Street from Bozemsn Avenue to Fift}': Avenue, and F::.ftl1 AVenue from Babcocl\: Street to I{air; Street, a tOtEll frontage o~ 46GO.b feet, th..e SUIT, of .~~51~?1! 1:)Cinp; 75/; of the ..' I cntlre aYDOunt, or at an apiirOX1_Y!1ate rate per front foot of ;~u.uh)875. Section 2. 'I'hn.t to defray seventy-five ('It) per cent of the cost of spr:nkllng streets w1 thin said street SlJr1nklinE" districts for the ::rear 1939 there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a tax upon all tho propert:i in front of and bordering on said street sprinklinG districts as set fortl-J ill Schedule One to Three (1 to 3) incblsive, hereto attached and TnRde a part hereof; that a particu1i::!r descrir;tion of each lot and pn.rce1 of Lmcl wi tl: the nm:lO 01' the owner and the surr assesEJed arainst '...) --.... -------- 35 him or it, is set fortlJ in assess~ents lists hereto attached, marked, "Schedules One to Three", and made a par thereof; thnt the seversl sums set opposite the names of tllO owners, anci the described lots and parcels of land, be, and the s mne are hereby' levied and assessed upon and aga:nst said lots and parcels of 1I1n:l; that the several StDT,S be colle c ted from tb.e respective ovmers of sa iel 10 ts and parcels of land described in the I saId as se ssmen t 1 is ts, SchedlJ Ie s One t 0 'I'llT' e e , ine Ius i ve , as required b:r law; that said Sllr!B shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be mGde In the Yr!snner an;.] iD accord- ance wiUt the law c-.overn_in.',,; the collection of special Improvement taxoc1 ; th,'it failure to pay such asseSS1"len ts when same shall become due and payable shall make such person and. such lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided b~ the law relative to delinquent taxes. See tion 3. That the recular session of tI1e Commlssion of The Ci t~,T of Bozem::.m to be held on the 7 HI da;T of Jul;1' , A.D. , H139, st the COITIrrlission Cha~bcr, City Hall Building, "88, and the SB.!n('": is hereby designated as the time and place at wbich objections to the final adoption of this He solu tion wl11 be heard b~;T the Corrly"ls s ion. Section 4. rphl:') t the Cle rk of the Commission be, an d he is hereby ordered and dir- ec ted to publlsh in the BozeMan ~aily Chronicle a daily newspaper, printed and published in the said City of Bozeman, a no tice signed b7,7 the Clerk of the Commission, and s ta tlng tlwt a resolution lcvyin~ a special assessment of taxes to defrrry seventy-five (75) per cent of the cost of sprinklinG streets in the said Street Sprinl;:llnc; :Jh, triG ts for tl'le year 1939, is on file ir the office of '1'he Clerk of tl- C cO'-- ~ ,,~;' - subject to in- ~e OY:",.,l.".) _LOL, I spection for a period of fivo doys; th8t said notice shall s ta te the time and pill ce at WILLCh objections will be he8.rcl by the Comr:is =;10n to the f:n al Br:;.option of tlli s Resolu- tion; tho. t it shall be publishe~ at least five days before the dat e set by the Comrnission for hearlnq of objections, an cl the final adoption of this Resolution. Passed b;r the Corn:r:1is s ion of The City of Bozeman at a rHe;111~,r session thereof [told on the 30 th da 7' of June. A. D. , 1939. ~: 36 for', the year 1:)39. .' That the Street SprinklinG ~lstricts, and t):o Resolu tions creatins the sn.Yr.e, and the amount of the assessments are as follows: Street Sprinkling Resoln tion Amount of D:Lstrict No. 11' J\s s C) S OTI'len t HO. 1 424')" .'. 700.38 ':)) 130 765 24.32 I 162 058 51.01 To ta 1 1f7'17"'"'Tr-- tr) ,--' . '1'ha t , said Com:r:ission Resoll1tion Ko. 447 is now on file in the offico of the Clerk of the C01,,",::".i8 [;J on of said City of Bozeman subject to inspcc tion for a poriod of five (5 ) do. ~'"S , b~r any person :i.n tore s ted; tl1a t Fr ids :' , the 7 tl1 da;;, of .July, 1'039, at 7:30 o'clock P.t'. , of said day a t a regular sessio n of the Comills s ion of '1':1-18 City of BozemLm, Com- :t;1ission Chamber, City Hall Build:np, has beon des::~nated as the time and place wLen and \vhere saId ComElis s ion will rlear nnd pass upon any and all object::ons tl1 a t ma y be w:;de to tho final passage and adoption of saId Commission Resolution No. 447 and the lev:'in~: of said assessment; and th':ct, said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at said rep:ular session of said Commission subject to such corrections and amendments as may be made upon objec tions made and filed wi t11in the fi vo da :.?"s limit as provided bv law. 'j All persons interested are referred to the several Council and Corr..rnisrdon Heso- 111 tions creH ting the aforesaid Special Improvement uistricts, defin inE~ the boundaries thereof and providinG for the asseSfJmen t of the cost of said Stree t Sprinkling for further partIculars, all of said Resolutions being on file in