HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 464 Creates SID No. 332 8() ~ ('0""'<,I!C1.TC)'T p';'c.'nLTr'l'I("~ :'0 4G4 ~ ..,t;. V ....,.,.J\,_,.l._j.,."j~,..,......."....; ..1.....1....10......, \".'....I...~ ........., ..., · ~'~ c'f" . (."," " .-" ,,-"'<). I!i,y.... , .-,' '''(11 '''''T(''' (YI,' T"'" '-'(i"","-,r'('TI-" iY' ","",' 0T'l"" 0-,1 'PC'>' 'T . G""'-'[.''-'''' T':""l\'\[-(l J~ .' A ~".j,) .)1; .~- j', ,-,1. . 1i..I '.I;">'-'-')'.)-'-'~'~' vf ,cl.,u,>~ ,,- ,. ,.; ''-'_.0'" , .i.<.';.J v._ ".H,'. ,< , ;l-- ,.' 'g f' "'1'0 ",,"''',' (. " (":):,' (' - ''.1 I" .~t! l' I', ,"-',," r)i ,j J (' ,,~; I ,., " If;") n' F' -,','(, ,,---', "j'><" T (.;1" ,;, :;')^ S ~ .,; 'J;'~.;.~"':'\.J..~":".\.:r J..~ !-)L ......J<)"I..,J.~ .,J 1.~..j,...1. -' 'II '-1~,....-Jl'...... ;,~ _0_~,L ...) J L.. ,~'._~ '......,u,..,l ,.:.....,j "I, 0,,,.1"-.),.,,. ,.L,~.J.. .J"." ,~.\.. ",." 2 d 1"'';' "C1",rq-' L I'P,),'''' """.n'JI':"'lTIT-H'l. 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".."..,W ... ,_Ji~J:......J &..,,' ~~J-'-.L..L.'n"" ,~_~ ..L, ..LJ.',._. ~)i:;',~CI i\IjIJ:{ /~SS .'.JEj:) fl'""1l '~..~l,;-r.rI::-:~';,': COST f:...F.'::; :', ::.~~"': r~ ~,"~:< :.3 "~':'~ (> .J! ;:~..~ 01";' ~::, ; ~ ~ .'~,::;(l1,:~~I:~:"~:J [:~1\I',J Sj~l':- ,L j' I'r.\=~'{ ;j~.;;\:.:E A:~An;i-;rl' '1\I~I'; l'HOF~~R'1":' '.;irrc'}iD. ~;;'\I:J uI::\TTnC'I' ]1: !'.r) ::'f VI~- rr~ri~ ()~il rJrr!.'~: })F(O\TI~:;Ior~s G~? sr~C~TIO}T8 5225 rro 5:2 '77 , E:CLT;Srvr~ , }1.~~VIS>",:r,) CO!:JI,:;S o ji' l' OJ' '1'1'..1: 1\ , 1\)35, /\.I~~) ./\?-':"'Y ./,;o.~','.I~lT=)~~,crtJ.~fT~) (.C:~,.r,:~~f(~~rl'() whereas: ,\t n rep1l1nr session of tLe '::;())Ji.'i::;:ior: of '~'ho ~ ,ill' ..j _ "", of30zcman, Sta to of I v _L l, ,~. :.:ontana, b.clcJ on tho 1 ~:',~ t}1 cia ';t of I:D,reh, l'J1U, t}~i.e sa ic1 COF~U:'~ 1 s s i (n; n (,1 11J..;/ 1)<{~: ~~'; e (1 !~ o rnrn 1 s - sion i':eso1::,tior Yo. l.j:G2 (10 e 1(11" :1..n" .t t to ':JC ~~1. J.O . 1 t. ,., . , G orn::I S [-'.j" orl to cre2,te a ~Lr1 .,:~n iT .J], C){~, 0 J. S f"ij..(l special lmrJ'ov';)r'!.rJnt ::1if:tl':!.et to be ;Ul0\l'i!1 (.\11(3 (lef1':'.~.~n,.'.:~ t(0l~, D.G :.; IJ8 c j., e, 1 T, T ,.-. . t D'" t' t .L.'1;)IOV'~.L..cn 1,,, 1';.c . r 332, of 8aid City for the of ins ta11lr;rc . t . )) ] ;:'laeo, :tn LO. ',l.n'r~-) s e a sanl ary sewer ln, e _, sa1.~. City of BOZC1~1QD, G!l.<l to spccially assess t}~l.C entIre cost anQ expense o l' !nalLi.n~e said 1;~",~~,r.o't"v(>:'I~.rJI~, t Q{'''I9..~, ~ns t t:.,(, rI'Opcl't7,T .'Hi thin s~<.:'(l "::;'1,:; tric t 'll~d()r clnd by virt1lC of E,o '}iy'ovi- ,;..1......... .sinr],s 0;0 ;~oc tl!)n~~ 5226-52r;r; , inclusive, ~ / t'" l.;ontana, 1~):::)5 , CUI (1 :em y 8!~\ C n elp-en, t,e;; tllc1'(; to , ..... . -...J . ':fl1,~'\ 3::11\1 (;or'~rli3sj,()n Hcsolutlon 1.0. 462 is herob:r referrei.l to n.rlll rl.n (1 e a [jl\rtllc reof , for f"'rthcr ;81' tl.culr1rs in respoct to t';'\O bounci',I' j, C 3 of st.:!1.u c"ii s tl'):te t, t.11 C os tlm!:> ted cos t () f 811. hI h:rprOVr,)Men t and tl'~o ~'fetL!.o(.l 01" .:=l.nC0ss,:.r1,:-:- t;~c s a,-:~ c n.t:o..:..n,s t tl-~c [.I'D ~_ur t;,T Vif:!. thin ~.Jai ;-1 di 8 tr ':.c t; cmd, ~.;,[~T.::,~ .r~'E!~~) : l';otico of tLc ~)ass:J.r"e of E3Clid Co;::rni~~ ::\.l.')Yl I~cE;olutioh 1:0. 4C2 V![tS (h l;T:-,ub- 1i811e::1 2.3 1'oq11 irod by 1a \II in \30z (3:;1.3n JaI17 Chronlelo, a dail~ nowspaper of '-"oner::1l clr- Clllu tLjn IJrintecl rn1cl p1Jblls(lOc;'cn ;l'~'i8 "~=: it:'. of :.)OZ Cj-~:Ui , ; c):" t~)n ~'" n':'-~d. b;~r D'c}~~I5.n{~ D. C0 of sue}'] notiec '0;r u. n Tn 8. j, 1 to enc:! :::;6r",on, '.r i ]:r'- or Cc)r:'oru t1m, ;:a vl.nr~ proIor t':i~ ,','1 t:i:.1n ..) . t:', c ~ropa8ed district, t ' . H'.} .. I 5250, n. .., T:oYl ta Yla , 19;)5, <:>DiJ/or ',~- ("")Go.' 3.1 Improvo!'1eD t di.s tria t o::rLlpon bonds and/or v. "-'\....L I..... I; L.>.t ...Lc ';mrran ts or tbo dCDor'inn. tion of )lJO .00 08.c1: and in fractions t.horeof' where necessary, to be ~LS 31..18 d tlY.1.j ch'-:,I'q;cable a,S [}:l. n.::~ t tho f'clDll to be j:novm as IISpecial Improve~ont Dis- trie t :70. 332 Pund;" BRiel bonJs or \"18.rr8.n ts to be roclccr1C!.1Jlo ~l t til.e option of 'The City of 130z O1',an, ?,~()rl tanG. , w:lcnevor f:1YldE1 are aval.lablc for thn,t p11rr:i 08 0 from said Special InproveMont ~istrlct Po. ~);32 i?tlncL; said bonds or warrants ' 11' . 1 _'.nterest I sna . (lraW SlY'lp e at a rate not exceod:n[ six per cent ( 6;; ) pc r annu~1;, 1,'/l1i e 11 01\13.11 :)e charc"cnblo as o. v,r t of' t110 co~: t of' sald 8};001a1 l~provements and slwl1 Y"7n 1.}r~)1rn the date of t:::-~e l' e':1s- tra ti on of sall bonds or warrants until said bonds OJ:' warrants are paid; 8.1:1;1 <:n~ch in teres t from the cia to of' the rosistratlon of said bonds or \"/[\r1'an ts un til the )8. 7'.'T'1on t of the fir s tins to.l1Mcn t S1JO 11 :)0 collected by the director of financo of said City of Uozenan .'1t the t1JT\e of co11ectlniC said firs t iw; tallmon t; the t t~'~l e entire co stand oxpens 0 of' . - lr',j')rovement '111 thin sl:li~i di<:,trict 3}1<:111 be defrayed b;,' a special assoss~ent o.~alnst s ~:tl (i tho en tiro n:'L", tr->: t, eaoh lot or parcel of land within said district to be ansessod for i ts ~)r()portlon.'1 to s}j:)re 0 f such e~"ponse, each linoal front foot of the to tal fron taco of SUC}l 10 ts or T-mrcels of land within said 31,ec1al Ir.-lpl'ovcr:1.Cnt District 170. 332 to be ass os sed for its proportionate 8h'olro of sue}} entire cost. See tion 4 'l'ha t t.:'10 v.j tv -;"n",'inoor "8 and 11e :is horob7/ , direc tcd to prepare plans and spec i- ..... ~; ~...J .',.... _ ....) ,-" fico. ti ems for tile ~O iner of said VJork and mnkin'" of sald improvement. ~)CC tion 5 I