HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 474 Street Sprinkling District, Year 1940 11G Cm/I~.~I;32J OJ~ Ri~;SOI.,U'J:ION NO. 4'14 A RESOUJ'1'ION 01" CJ'E:.~ C;O~TrI3~,IOr OF' 'rE;:.: CITY OF BOZEr,:Mi Ll::'v'YTNG- AND ASS2SSn~G A Si;~~IAL AS;::E:SSI"r:N'l' OF' 'l'jl..}:iS UPON A:::""L rl'~Ic; lIWI'L.:E'l'Y III ;JTT1S,jT SinINl~Ln,;:) JIS'I'TIrC'l'S 0'..,1 -,,,,>' n. ITY ()l';,~)r\i/'i;'T,'''j~~' ""'C''''lllifTlV (",1 ,-'.,\r . 'nr."., c~mi' "'" 0:;, ".'[J,".'r',"'..", "j"O ")"';;I'''';'V' "i,"V"'-l"Jrl'''''- ,. J.... J...I _.' .I..J.. .~_)\j(rJ._.J",'; !.~'~, V,,!j '~.1.,. ....'1_ \,J,~....:...,:,l,J .,..1..1.1.1., 1o...,.....L.(~1..L.i ,'" 1!!\.. 1,J 1,\.1...1, ,. .L..,..J.LJ.l~,\...J.... u......I.......J .1. FIVE p.:;n 0,=1:'1' O? CO:uT OF s,cnniKLIIW STI:;''::,;TS 'v{I'I'nIl, SAI.J srl'n,~;;.:/r Sinn:i~.0ILG .JIS'1'HIC'l2 OJ,I rrll::'~ C I'r~.~ OF no::::: _.;f"/J-: ~\OH ~.'I:.:!: Y;~An 1'()40 ':nr~m~~AS, tLe 01 ty Council ani..l tho CO:':'1mission of 'i'he Ci t:J' of Bozeman hnve heretofore (lul y and 1:'e C:111.8.r..l;~ pl ~ ~;1 ed COlffiC.:t 1 r\ED COn1Y:11.S ~i on .ReSOll.l tio~S ~re8..' tin,~ s~ree~ spri~k~jng I Dis tri G ts wi tlj in '.elle Ci ty of J.)Ozcr.13n and Qcf) nine tr18 bOlmenr l es th8reoi anG provldlng for the assessment of Ute cost of sprlniding the came as set forth in Hesol1Jtions he1'e- ~nBfter referred to; and WII1i;n;SAS, tIle streets within Ute bound:ries of said Street Sprinklinc: Districts have been sprinlded dlJr" Ds the year 1940 as contemplated in sa:""d Reso1uti ons ,.n accordance w:. th terms and condl tlons thereof; and WT{ER~AS. the Stree t Sprinklln.Q' .Ji~1 tric ts 8.nd the Resolu tions crea t:ns the same, the total fronta7e of the property within said district to be assessed, the total cost of said sprinklinc; w 1. tL in said dis tric ts and the proportion thereof clu:U'senble to the prop- erty therein is llere :tnaf ter se t for th. NOW, TE[mE;"on':~, :;::rursuan t to the pro vi sions 0 f See tions 52'12 to 52"17, incl usi 'le Pol- itico.l Code, R.C. LT. 1035, and Ordinance No. 295 and said Council and COmr.1isf-1ion Resolu- tions creat:ng said Street Sprlnklinr Districts; B~:S T1' R~~S()L~r,E.,D .flITJ lIT IS I='r~Ft.L;,~13Y' OrCJ~',~r~'_~jJ -:~" r~) =';T~: CO:',.~'.i,'~,;'I:8~jIUt: OFl rlllj~ 8IT';( CI~ BOZT';Ti:i\N, S'I1A TI: Oli' l:C}' ':'AI:c\: Section 1. That for the :reflr 194,0 'J:he Cit7- of BOZe1:1"k'-D hE~S waived the sprInkling t 1 f 11 · .'-" t 1'" 1 1"0 1.' .... 1~ 1 1'1 r' l~G 1",r7 '''-1') l~ (\ 140 I assesm'1en s on t1eo oW~Ln~ Qlstr.LC s: ...), '::n", G"" <-'c., ...>0, .), ,:), v b, ojv, , .' 141, 142, 143, 144, 160, 161, 103, 164, 192, 193, 104, 195, 196, 197, 1 ,190, 204, 216, 217,218, 219, 220, 232, 233, 234, 2()5, 236, 23"/, ;~~)b1 and 256; that for the yco.r 1940, The ::::1 ty of Bozcr1an has defrayed the cos t ('j~679 .47) of sprinldJn7 str'eots in the several Stree t Sprinklinc: Dis tr Ie ts pursuant to Resolu tions cren t:LriQ' tIle sarle, and thn t seventy-five per cent of t.he entire cost thereof, (~509.Gl) exculsivc of the cost of Sprinkl:n'! ~Jraks DDd lAIb11c places, the total number of linoar f(,;0t of propcrt;; to be assessed, s.n:l the rate pcr lincar foot is as follows, to-wit: Sprinkli:nf':Dis tric t No.1, crca tad b:r Counci 1 Ilesolu t10n No. 424-L 1'/:a in S tree t from Wall,ace AvernH; to l"ourtll/wenue, a total frontD.~"e of 9363.4 feet, the aUIJ1 of ;~47U.44, beln(~ 7;)ju of' the entIre amount, or at an apIJroximate rate per front foot of' 4PO.050~24. Sprinkling District No. 130, created b~ CouncIl Resolution No. 765, Main street ~est from Pourtc.c Avenue to~~if';ht],- II.venue, 8. total frontw"e of 2G12.5 feet. r.o assessment Sprinklinc ~istrict No. 162, created by Council Hesolution No. 35G, Babcock Street from Boz emrm Avenue to .r'ifth Avenue, nnd Fi1' t:i.J. Avenue fronBallcock Stree t to E.:J.:1.n stree t, a totL'J.1 f'ront8.:;e of 4690.E.i feot, the sun: of '1~39.1'1 be:.nr: 75,J of the entire SJnlOunt or at an approximate rate por front foot of ~O.00835. :5ectlon 2. ThElt to defra:r seventy-five ('1G) percent of the cost of sprlnkllng ~~!le.et3 :dt:~~ sa<d.,street spr:nklln" districts for the ~e:,r ~940 th:r~.~e, ~d ~'.:re 'I h) hcreb,r L. ned a:n~ assessed a tax upon all tLo propert] ....nLront 0). <cud bor......or.J.n.:) on said stroet SI)rlnJdinc; dif~trlcts as set i'ortL in Schedules One to 'I'wo(2) inclusive, . hereto attached and made a p8rt hereof; that a particular description of each lot and parcel of land wi V the no.me of' the owner and the Silll~ aS~1es~~ed against [1.i.' or it, is set forth in aSseSSrlonts lists hereto attached, marked, "SchecLlJles One to TWO", and r:-Jade a ::,+J.rt hereof; th::t the severnl sums ,'"let opposite tIle l~ames 01' tl"lo ownrs, and the des- cribed lots and parcols of 18.nd, be, Dn~.l the sar-'.8 ore hereb:' levied and rissessed upon Resolution No. 474 1.t7 and against said lots and parcels of land; th:Jt the several sums be collected from the respective owners of sald lots and p~rcels of land described in tbe said assessment lists, Schedules One to Two inc 1m i ve , as required by law; till t said sums shall be paid md the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance wi th the law reo vcrninr:r "_..' L. the collection of spec~al improve~ent taxes; that fni1ur8 to pay such assessments when I same shall become dlle and ps;rable shaL~ make such person and such lots and purcels of land li8.ble to tYle ~)en81 tJ.Jo S provided, by tl.l6 law relo. t.t va to delinquent taxes. SectIon 3. 'l'h~! t the rer!lJ lCi r ses sian of t' " .. f' [, ,., . t f B to be .ne '-'OEl>'nJ.,', f'lon 0' -"-,.e 0l "::,1 0 ,'ozcman held on the 16 th da:r of 1~ugust, 194U, at the COltDnis sian C~la!'1;bcr, 01 ty 110.11 1311i Idlng, be, and t:he ':0 " b d . t d the tIme and place at w:'llch objections to the final sa~~c ..1..,. A.,) nero y -eslrna e as adoption of' tIlls ltesollJtion will ~Je heard by the ComFIt:) r1ion. Sectlon 4. '1'h c:' 1; tl,e Clerk of tl:-lC CO'11Trission be, ar~d he is hereo;: ordered and directed to publish in tll.8 ~307,em'nDo.:tl~T Chronicle a daily nevvspa:;:.) or , printed anc:i published in the snid 8i ty of i3ozc::18.CI, a notice sic;ned by the Clerk of the Commi s~; ion, and s ta tine tllnt a resolution levy1nv a special assessment of tax e s to defray seventy-fi ve ("15) per cent () f the cos t 0 f sprinkling streets 1n the said Street Sprinkling 0istricts for the year 194CJ, is on file in the oL'ficc of the Clerk of the CO~';1~li2 sion, subj8ct to inspection for a period of five days; that said notice shall state the tL1C and place at wld.ch objections will be heard by the Commission to the final ado pti on of thi s iZ.esollJ. ti on; tlE~ tit shsll be published at least five days before the date set by the Comr:1is ,. ion for hearinn~ of ob- j ec tions, and tho final adoption of t~is n,esolutlon. I ~rovisionally passed and ado~) ted by t:lC C oy-u.c i <:' " . on 0 f 'I'l A 0 it. of Bozeman a t a re,rular ..1.: I.. u ~J....l. . J,..J ,'. session thereof field on tile 9th day of A1J'~!18t, 1,;40. Attest: ~ ~ 4L~~--- ~ ~ C 8rk of the Cornm.ission Eavor . . L' / .~' '1 . "1., ~ ,'...., ". "r.....' . "'I I l'lno.lly passon anu ac:..:Jptee1 by the Vomm:::.Sf':i..on of 'l'he V.l ty 01 Dozeman ,~'. t a eg)llar session thereof held on tl~e 16 th da y of AtlCUS t, 1 D 40 . d/ ' O~4~ LTaYor 118 Stree t SprlnK1inr: District No.~' Heso1utlon No. Amount of i\.s:\8SSment 1 424~ $ 470.44 162 858 39.17 509 .61 ~ 'i'hat, said Commis :':1 ion Reso1n tion No. 474 is now on fi 1e In the office of the Clerk of the COr.JD1:l.s:,~ion of saiel City of Bozeman sub-iect to inspection for a perioct of ftve (5) ~ ,- d8:rS, by any,p8..,rson intore..sted; that Fri(~ay, the l~tl1.day Ofi\.U;~~t, 1~4.0' D.t 7:3~ O'~10Ck I'. P.;':'., of saia day at 8 rcgtJl.s.r session 01 the Commlsslon of '}~hc \..Ilt;.' of .bozeman, vomnn.s- sion Chamber, 0i ty Hall Buildins, has been des:l["';ml ted an the time and plHce wrlen ffi1U where said COr.1mi :31"1 on wiLL hear arlCi pas s upon any and a 11 ob jc c tlons t11H t ma~7 be made to the final passaZe and adoption of said COF:"1::Lp,,;ion 1\.0801u U.on Ko. 4,74 and tho levying of said assessment; and tha t, said Rcsolut10n will be fin81ly passed and adopted at said regular session of ~:1[lid Com:mi:3~1:i::m subject to SUCll corrections and amendments as Yl1ay be made upon objections made and filed wi thin the fi ve days lim1 t as provided b:/ law. /\.11 persons interested are referred to the several Council and Corl.Jl1insion Hesolu- tions crc]", tine the arorosa Id ope c 1al Impro vf2r.18nt Jis tr.:.c ts, def 1n1n[: tho b:)1md:iries thereof and provlding for the assessncent of the co:,t of said Street SprinklinG for fur- thur particul rs, all of said Resolutions bo:5.ng on f 110 in the office of the Clerk of the Commission of The City of L3ozoman, at the Cit;'Hall of said 0ity, Hnd subject to the inspection of all persons interested. :JA'rIW this 10th day of AUf?1.wt, 1940. (//j;A/c#!v-~_-/ I Clerl\: of tbe Cornil:Cs sio-n'-.-'.--- State of Vontana ) . ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. S:ladoan, Clerl\: of the COr:1JT1ission, of 'l'he vi ty of Bozem8n do hcre;.<y certify Uta t tho forego ins Commission l1esolu tion No. 474, !TO ti ce was rn.lblished at lengtl1 in the Bqzernan Daily (;rlronlclo, a newspapaer of ("oneraL circuln tion pr1.n ted and .tmblls1Jed in .':'aid City 1n tLe i381)08 of i\.Ugust llt:1, 1940, and th,,'..t due proof is on file in m.y office. IN \IITEESS ":i~;EjTEOF' I ho reun to set my L.and nnd affix t:.le seal of my off'ic e thi s 12th day of Au?ust, 1940. &A~~~~-- (::lork of the Cornmis 8 ion State of M ntana ) ,..., ) s s County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoc1!l, Clcrl{ of tho Coml;1J.s,~on of 'rho Cit:r of Bozeman do heroby cerrity tbat the forer"olnrr Commission Resolution }:;o. 474 was pul".J11shod b'T title and number in tile bozeman .J~ily'.'Chrordclo,a novlspnpar of general circulcttion printod and pub11shod .\.n said City in tho issuo of Aunlst 20th, 1940 and that due proof is on file in r.1Y office. Dated this 21st da:r of All.(~11.8t, 1940.. I ~/d 18-/ / "'::.-i . _ ".-4'_/-e>>~_ ~~___....o----.,__".___________.__......._~,.......",............. Clerk of the Conunis s ion Resolution N . 474 "