HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 473 Removal of Snow COMEISSION :iESOLUTION NO. 473 t'la }I :mSoLurrIoH OF THE COM1\TISSIJN Ol" 'l'HE CITY 01" I30Zt~MAN LEv"'YUTG' AND ASSESS DiG. A 5.PECIAL ASSI:;SS1",~~NT 0.8' TAXES UPON CSP.'l'AIN PTIOPERTIES IN THE CITY OF BOZ2MAN , COUNTY 01,1 GALL,!. TIN, srrl\.TE OE' MOJ\'TANA, TO DEli'RAY THE cosrr OF' RmWVAL O.F' swmv POR 'rRS 'tP.:AR 1939-1940 PTiRSUANT TO l'ROVISIOlTS OF OR1)INANCE NO. 502 ENTI'rLED:. "AN ORDIlI[Al~CE PT\OVI;)DW }'OR THE RE1'I1OVAL 01" SNOH PROM THE 8IDEiU\LKS IN T HE CITY OF J:30Zj~r:AN l\.Ki) R8PEALING onDIFANC:S NO. 385, BNrrITLED: II AN ORDINANCE PHOVIDING POR 'rlill nSMOVAL Of' SNOW AlJD ICE, DIRT, FILTH Al\D OTHSR OJ3STRUC'I'IONS PROM SIDE- \<JALKS ON ~,lAn~ STREET BET'/iEJm ''vA:LLACii; AVENUE AN0 F'OUR1'H AV~~NUf':: IN 'I'HE CITY OIl' BOZEI/TAN 111 I 'iVTISREAS, the City Council of The City of Bozeman heretofore duly and regularly passed Ordinance No. 520, en ti tIed :. "AN ORDI1iANCTC PfWVIDIl-:GL,'OR relIE rL~MOVAL OF SNO',\: F TWIt rl'H2 SIDl:<:iJALKS n~ TH!~ CI'rY OIl' T.)Qzm,~AN 1\f.)) W'~PEALING ORDINANCE NO. 385, ENTITLED: I AN ORDINM CS PIWVIDING II'OR 'TE;C R'i,Gl\70VAL Oil' SIW'ii ,,\NI) ICE, DIRT, F'ILTII {,ITD O'l'HER OBSTRUCTION FH01,~ SIDE- \VALKS ON MAIN STRSET 3.STViE:m ';'L\LLI..CE AVSl.JUE' AND II'OURTH AV.>t\)uE IN rrlfd CITY OF BOZEMAN t IIf, and WHEREAS, Section 5039, 6 R.C.!vI., 1935, provides :. "'The City 0:1\ 'rown Council has power to regulate the use of sidewalks, and to require the owners of the premises adjoining to keep same free from snow x x x ; x x and to provide for levying the cost of removal as a special tax against the property x x x tt:, and WIIJ~REAS, owners of premises in said City have neglected to remove the snow from the sidewalks adjoining thereto during the year 1939-1490 and The City of Bozeman, pursuant to Section 5039.6, and Ordinance No. 502 has removed the snow from the slde- - wal1<<Js adjoinin.~ the premises of said owners and the total cost of the removal thereof is chargeable to t he property as hereinafter set forth, pursuant to provisions of said Section 5039.6 Political Code, R.C.~T., 1935, and said Ordinance No. 502 :. NOW 'I1;lEREFORE, 32 IT R2:S0LVED J\}7D IT IS IIEREBY ORDERED BY THE Cor.:n.rrSSION OF 'I'HE CITY OF 1:30Z1~I'.TAN, STATE OF MONTANA: Section 1. That durine: the year 1939-1940 The City of Bozeman has removed the snow I from sidewalks adjoininc; premises in The City of Bozeman and defrayed the cost thereof as set forth in SChedule IIJOnelli hereto attached and made a part hereof. Section 2. That to defray the cost (137.34) of removing said snow from sidewalks adjoining said premises as set forth in said Schedule "One", hereto attached and made a part hereof, for the year 1939-1940, there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax ae;ains t said property as set fortl'1 in said Schedule "Onelf', hereto attached and made a part hereof; that a particular description of each lot and parcel of land with the name of the owner and the sum assessed against him or it is set forth in assessment lis t hereto a ttached marked Schedule !tiOne"', and made a par thereof; tha t the se veral sums set opposite the names of the owners and the description of the lots 8:l d parcels of lands be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed upon and ae;ainst said lots and parcels of land; that the several sums be collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of lands described in said assessment lis t, Schedule "One u., as required by law j, that said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof stall be made in the manner and in accordance wi th the law governing the collection of special i"'1provement taxes ;,. that I failure to pay such assessments when same shall become due and payable shall make such person and such lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by the law re- la ti ve to delinquent taxes. Section 3. That the regular session of the Commission of The City of Bozeman to be held on ftle 16th day of August 1940, at the Commission Room, C1 ty Hall Building, be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and place at Wllich objections to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard by the Commission. Resolution No. 473. - -. ~ 114 m, d d d d d Sec tion 4. lha t the Clerk of' The COI::1111i88i on be, and he is hereby irec te aD or ere to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and published in said C:tty of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the COr.TI11isslon, and stating that a r esolu- tien levylnp; a special assessment of taxes to defray the cos t of removal of snow from side- walk'3 adjoining certain premises in The City of Bozeman for the year 1939-1940 is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission, sub jact to inspection f or a period of fi va (5. )days; that said notice shall state the ti.':1e and P.lace at which Obje. ctions will be heard I by the Commission to the final adoption of this ~esolution; that it shall be published at least five days before the date set by the Commission for hearing or objections and the final adoption of this Resolution. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Oomnlssion of The City of Bozeman at a regu- lar meetine; of said Commission on the 9th day of August, 1940. ~~ ~#7 At te s t : / c// - ; p ::? ____,,~ ____? /' /-f _----= _ / <. ..~----- ,3'<"-__.- ;;:37._-/' ;- Z;OC---2-----~ of the Commission- Plnally passed and adopted by t.he Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular m.eeting of said Commission on tho 16th day of Angus t, 1940. I At te s t :: /1~ :7 )L/ - (~~ --: --::: ~Z-.--?C-~F-rL-~--./. lerk of the Commission NOT I 0 E ------ ;n~ARING, PINAL A:)OprrrON COMMISSI<:m RE:SOLU1'IOIT no. 473 LEVYIJ'JG SPgCIAL ASSESSt;;~ITT ~l'0 DlZPRAY 'Im~ COST Ol" RE1dOVAL OF SNOW F[-WE r_l'Ir;~ S IDEVJALKS AD- JOINING C~;RTlI.IN PR~lnSES n; 'dE CI'lY OF 130~I~r.fAN pan THE l'EAH 1939-1940. I.-OTICf~ IS 1I2:1EBY :-}IVl~l~, 'rllat at a reg'ular session of thc Comr:lission of UlO 01 ty of Bozeman held on the 9th day of Augus t 1940, Co:r.u:Ltssion Hosolution No. 473 vms duly passed and adopted; that said Commission Resolution No. 473 levies and assesses a special assessment of taxes upon certain propertios in 'rhe Ci t:;c of Bozeman for the year 1940 to defray the cos t of removal of snov; fer the ~rea:r 1939-1940. That said Commission Resolution No. 473 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the COlr.mis sion of said Ci ty of I3ozor'.an sub jec t to inspec tion of a 11 persons in- I terested for a period of five (5) days, by any person interested; that Friday the 16th day of August, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.r.r., of said. day at a regular session of the ' Cormnisslon of The C1 ty of Bozer:an, Commission Room, Oi ty Hall l'uildinG, has been des- ie;na ted as the time and place when and where said Commission will hear ani pass upon an:J'" and all objoctions that may be made to the final passage and adoption of said Commission Hesolution No. 473, and the levying of said assessynont; and trill.t said Re- solution will be finally passed and adopted at said regular session of said Commission, Resolution No. 473 subject to such corrections and amendments as may be made upon objections made and filed J /1 r-,- _ ..... -a within five days li~it as provided by law. Dated this 10th day of August, 1940. o(f}2 ~~A-c--=--J 1erk of the ommission I State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin) I, L. r< ''[ d Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify '.T. ..;> 1a oan, Notice that the foregoing Commission Resolution no. 473, was published at length in the ;]ozeman Deil';)! Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City in the issue of August 11th, 1940; and that due proof is on file in my office. IN 'JlI'l'l;~SS 'iJElmSOp I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this lath day of A1J.[';us t, 1940. ~;{~ erk of the ommis s ion State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin) I L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The C1 ty of Bozeman do hereb-:r certify I that the foregoins Conn-nission I1esolution l~o. 473 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Dail'Jr Chronicle a newspaper of general circula tion printed and published in said City in the issue of Augus t 20th, 1940 and that due proof is on file in my office. Hi \'II'TKESSVnT;~}mOF I IillREUNTO SET my hand and affix the seal of my office this 21st day of August 1940. ~~. Clerk 0 the Commission I Resolution NO. 473