HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 471 Sponsorship Share of Parks and Playgrounds ~. 1 (\9 i. COLTIEISSIOlT RESOLUTION no. 471 A IU:':SOLU'I'ION OP Tlr2 COI"I:ISSI01T OF 'L'}IE CI~~Y OJ? I30ZE~;:A.l; MonrrAHA, DECLARING TIlE AGRE;:;;I,JENT O}' 3i\.IJ cor'J\:rSSION '1'0 ASSU1:TE AND PAY ~l;HE SPONSORSHIP SHAnE O;? TVtfENTY+ FIVE FER CEWrUll 01:" T12 TOTAL COST OF TIill CITY OF Boza,TAN PARKS AND PLAYGROUIJDS l'ROJ2CT OF TIll 'iiORKS I"iWGTIESS ADMIKISTlATIOIJ OF' TIill m:ITED STA'l'ES GOVERlJ- MENT, SAID PROJECT B:~Il\G A'c'PROVBD AS O. P. 65-1-91-22.33, AND REQtJESTIKG SAID- ',,-;On.Im FROGmmS ADMINIS'l'HATION TO BEGIN OPERATIONS UNDEH SAID PRO.T.ti;C':P. I BE IT RESOLVED BY TIIT~ CQJ,iI'.Tr::;SION 01:" 'rIIE CITY 01" BOZ;~ r\':AU, MONTANA :: Sec tion 1. The Ci ty Commiss ion of The City of Bozeman, Montana, beinz the duly authorized and em- powered governmental au thori ty of said Ci ty of Bozeman, hereby reque s ts the 'IJorks Progress~ Administration of the United States Government to begin operations of the Parks and play- Grounds Project of the said City of Bozeman, approved as O. P. 65-1-91-2233; and The City of Bozeman hereby aSSUT'10S and agrees to pay, as rnininru1.'l sponsorship under said project, twen t~r-five per centum (25;;) of the total cost of said project. See tion 2. Tha t 1.:. E. Henderson, the City ManaC'er of said City of Bozeman, is hereby authorized to prepare, sign and submi t a sponsor f s certifi ca te as required by the Works Progress Administration vii th reference to said Parks and Pla~rgrounds Project for Tho City of Boze- rnan, approved as aforesaid, in accordance vd th this Resolu tion. Section 3. Passed and adopted at a regular mee ting of the Civ; Cor:1mission of The City of Boze- man, Montana, held on the 5th day of July, 1940 . I A ttes t: c;{A//L42d~=vc/ Clerk of the City Commission State of Montana ) ) ss' Coun ty of Galla tin) I, 1;. G. Shadoan, CIerI;;: of the Commission of The City of Bozeman do hereby certif:T tho. t the 1'0 regoing Corn1TIis s ion Resoln tion No. 471, Vias published by ti tIe and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspa~ r of general c ircula tion printed and published in said City in the is sue of July 9, 1940, and that due proof is on file in my office. IN VJITN:rmS VHffilmOp I hereunto set my hand and affix. the seal of my office tl:ds 10th day of July, 1940. I L A~~~-d--C<----?-~' Clerk of the Comm.is sion Resolution No. 471 ---