HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 470 Creates SID No. 335 PrOof n/>Ild 107 'ttld ObC!C,.k:""1 / Cm"I[!',~ISSION RESOLUTION NO. 470 .'-":~<<-.:?o/Z::~' ~d' -.." f,. RESOLUTION Oli' THE CITY COM1HSSION OP r:l'HE CITY OJ" BOZEMAN DECLAHIHG. IT "iiO--B'E"'TkE'h"_- INTEJ-;'l'ION 01" THE CITY 01" 30Z!~li:AN TO CREATE A SPECIAL B'I'ROVETvTENT DISTRICT 'ro BE KNOVlN AS SPECIAL n:l'ROV::i:;,:mTT :)IS,TRICT Nm:m:::R 335 0Ii' rrUE CITY OF BOZEMAN Fon THE l-'URPOSE OF PAVING AR'rHUR S'l'Rl~Err BET':TSEN THE WEST LIlIl!: OF THIEW A VENUE IN D TEE 'NEST LIN Ii: OF FOURTH A VEKUE . Whereas: 'l'here has been filed with the Clerk of the City Commission of The City of Boze- man, a petition in due form of certain property o\mers owning property on Arthur Street between I the '.Vest line of rl'hird Avenue and the Vlest line of Pourth Avenue, in said Ci ty, asking that a special improvement dis tric t be crea ted for the purpose of pavinG said Arthur street between the Wes t line of Third Avenne and t}le 'Nest line of Fourth Avenue; and Whereas: At the rec;ular moeting of the City Conmission held on the 14th da:" of June, 1940, said pe ti tion was duly cons i dred and sranted, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'l'FrE C O]li'i}i~I;3SION OI" THE CI'N OF' BOZEMAN: Sec tion 1. Declaration of Intention That it is hereby declared to be the in ten tion of The Ci t~r of Bozeman to create a special improvement district to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 335 of The C1 ty of Boz 8J:ian , for the purpose of paving Arthur Street between the West line of Third Avenue and the West line of Pourth Avenue, with a two-inch (2f1r) Penolithic Pavement on a four-inch ( 4'" ) crushed rock base and to install such drainage structures as may be deemed necessary. See tion 2. I Boundaries That said proposed Special Inprovement Dis tric t Number 335 shall be bounded and des- cribed as follows: - Bec;inning a t a point in tl1e cen ter line of Third Avenue S. which is 150 feet north of the north line of W. Arthur Street; Thence SOU1:..'1 along the said center line of Third Avenue S. to a point 150 feet sou t::l of the south line of said Arthur Street; TheLce west parallel with and 150 feet south of said south line of Arthur Street to the west line of Fourth Avenue S.; Thence nor th al0118 said wes t 1 ine of Four th A venue S. to a point 150 feet north of the north line of said W. Arthur Street; Then ce eas t parallel wi th and 150 feet north of said north line of W. Arthur Street to the point of beginning. Section 3. Char~cter of Improvement The character of the improvement to''.:B made within said Special Improvement District No. 335 is the paving of Arthur Street be twe en the 'des t line of Third Avenue and the:Nes t line of F01'rth Avenue with a two-inch ( 2 II: ) Penolithic Pavement on a four-lnch (4111) crushed rock base, tocether with the ins talla tion of necessary curbs, drainage s truc tures and other inc iden tal s. See tion 4. I 1.:ethod of Assessment and Approximate Cost The area of all propert~t \vithin s aid district exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys tOR Section 5. Period for PaJ~ent That payment for said improvement may be made in twenty (20) annual installments ex- tending over a period of ninteen (19) ~rears, wi th interes tat not to exceed six per cen t ( 6/;) per annum on the deferred payments, but payment in full may be made at any time aften' determina tion of cos t and a ssessment is made. Section 6. I Notice of Hearing That the :rec;ular meeting of City CorID1ission to beheld on the 12th day of July, 1940, at 7:30 P. r::. at the regular meeting place of the City Connnission in the Cit:r Hall of The City of Bozeman, Mmtana, is the time and place when and where objections will be heard to the creation of said district rid the passage of a resolution creating it pursuant to this resolution of intention; and the Clerk of the City Comrnis s lon is he reby directed to cause notice of this resolution to be served upon all persons whose property is wi thin the said proposed Special Improvement District No. 335 as herein described and which fronts on ". Arthur Street between the Wes t line of 'lhird Avenue and tho West line of Fourth Avenue, and to gi ve no tice hereof by publica tion, a 11 in tb.e manner prescribed by Section 5227, " R. C. Montana, 1935. Passed and adopted by the City Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular session of the COMmission held on the 21st day of June 1940. Attest: I ..\ ~--~j~ i0 CiJvL/t~fiH- Ac "nQ' Clerk of the City Commission ..' State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin) I, Rachel T'Jrco t t, Acting Clerk of the Commission of the C1 ty of Bozeman do hereby certify t'c..a t the foregoinc:';ommission Hesolu tion }Jo. 470, vias published by ti tIe and number in the Boz Eman Daily Chronicl e, a news;,aper of general circula tioD printed and published in said City in the issuo of June 26th 1940, and that due fH'Oof is on file in my office. UT ',fITNESS \1/IIEHEOF I hereunto sot my hand and affix the seal 0 f my offi ce this 27th day of June, 1940. NOTICE IN RE: Cm~}nEJ:;IDN RI':;,OLUTION lJO. 470 OP TIlE: CITY O~' 301:. '/-\N I Notice is h0reby pivBn that on the 21st day of June, 1940, at a re~ular se~,sion, the Comm:lssion of The Cit;T of Boze~18;', Montana, passed and adopted Conunisston Hesolution No. 470 which declares tIle intention of the Commi:wion to crf'R te Special Improve:lltint Dis trict No. 335 for tbe purpose of paving Artrnlr C;;troet between the West Line of Third Avenue and the V'Jest lino of Pourtl-l Avenue with a two-inch (2") PenolitJ:j,ic Pavement on a f01..1r-inch (4") crushed rock base and to install SlJch drainage strl1CbJres as may be deemed nocessary. Notice in Re. Resolution # 470 continued Page 112) Hesolu tion No. 470