HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 469 Creates SID No. 334 t n'-'- .~) P1'Oot Heaa COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 469 a.l1d Oh<JO.kcd _....:,.f/ ;?-'=/~:2 A RESOLUTION OF' TEE CITY CO!I':MISSION OF TIIE CITY Of' BOZEMAN, STATE OF' _....J;,; -d " ----~~--- . MONTAKA, CREATING A SPECIAL n~PROV:::I.mNT DIS'I'ilIC'I' 'TO BE KNOWN AND DESIG- -~-~~-.....~~...-- NATED AS 11 SPECIAL IMfROVEEENT DISTRICT NlJ1.TBER 334" OF SAID CITY FOR ThTE PURl:'OSI'~ OF INSTALLING A SANITARY SEViER ON ROUSE AV~NUE N. FROM THE CEl;TER 01,1 ASPEN STRSET SOUTH TO THE CENTER OF EAST LAM.l,lli S'I'REET, IN SAID CITY, AND TO SPECIALLY ASSESS THE ENTIRE: COST AND EXPENSE OP INSTALLING SAID SEWER AGAINST THE PROP:~;RTY WITHIN SAID DISTRICT UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE fROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 5225 TO 5277, HYCLUSIVE, REVISED CODES OF MONTANA I 1935 AND AKY. AMENDME~;TS THERE'l'O. WHERi<~AS : At a regular session of the Commission of 'l'he Cit:! of Bozeman, sta te of Mon tana, be ld on the 17 th day of Ma. y, 19.<:10, the said Con~ission duly passed Commission Resolution No. 467 declaring it to be the intention of said Commission to create a special improver:J.ent dis tric t to be Imown and designa ted as Special Improvement Dis trict No. 334, of said C1 ty for the purpose of installing a sani tarJ~ sewer on Rouse Avenue, Nortb, from the center of Aspen Street south to the center of East LaIlu:le Street, in said Ci ty of Bozeman, and to specially assess the entire cost and expense of malcing said improvement againstthe property within said district under and by virtue of the provisions of Sections 5225-5277, inclusive, R. C. Montana, 1935, and any amendmen ts thereto, which said Com- mission Reaolu tion No. 467 is hereby referred to and made a part hereof for further par- tlcluars in respect to the boundaries of said district, the estimated cost of said im- provement and the method of assessing the same agains t the property wi thin said distrlc t; and, WHEREAS: Notice of the passae;e of said Commission Resolution No. 467 was duly pub- lished as required by law in Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circu- I lation printed and published in The City of Bozemn, Montana, and by sending a copy of such notice by U. S. 1"ai1 to each person, firm or corporation, having property 'within the proposed district, a thIs, hers or its las t known addres s, upon the same day tIn t such notice was first published as aforesaid; and due proof having been made of the publica- tion and service of said notice; and WIlER t!;AS : Within the time provided by law and said published and served notice there were protests against the proposed work and against the creation of said prJposed special improvement district to be assessed, and said protests h-:ve been duly considered by the Ci ty Commis sien a nel found insufficien t in fac t and in law a t a regt1.1ar mee ting of said C1 ty Corr.mission held on the 14th day of June, 1940. And if further appearing that all of for the proceedings/the creation of said district have been lawful and regular, now therefore, BE IT RESOLV~l) BY 'l'pg COlv:MISSION OF THE CIT'I OF' BOZEMAN: Sec tion 1 District Created Tha.t saiel Special Improvement District No. 334 of The City of Bozeman, state of Montana, be, and the same is here u:c , crea ted for the purpose 0 f makIng the improvemen ts therein as I hereinafter described. Section 2 Improvement Ordered Made That sald special improvement be, and the same is hey'eby ordered to be made in said Special Improvement District No. 334 as follows: TIill INS'l'liliL.'.TION OF A SANITARY SEWrm ON ROUSE AVENUE NOR'l'H PROM lOG Section 3 Payment for Improvement That the entire cost and expense of makin[" the s;>ed..a1 im"rovement herein set forth in said Special Improvement :Jistrict No. 334 1s to be paid in ten annual ins tallments covering a period of nlne years. Section 4 Plans & Sepclficatlons I That the C1 t~T Engineer be and he is hereb;r drlected to prepare plans and specifica- tions for the doinG of said work and making of said improvement. See tion 5 Advertisement for Bids lJ.'ha t the Clerk of the Commission be and he is hereby, directed to publish a notice inviting proposals for the furnishIng of materlals and the doin::: of the work and the making of said Improvement District No. 334 referring to plans and specifications on f:tle, b';'T publishing sane in two (2) issues of Bozeman Dai ly Chornicle, a daily newspaper printed and published in The City of Bozeman, Montana, the first publica tion thereof to be made not more than twenty-two (22) days nor less than fifteen (15) days before the consideration of bids, and the 8 econd publica tion thereof to be made not less than fi va (5) days nor more than ten (10) days before the considera tion of bids, which time for the consideration of bids shall be at a ret:ular meeting of the City Commission of Dozeman to be held on Friday, the 12th day of Ju1::1, 1940, at 7:~:.O o'clock P.M. of saidchy, at a regular meeting place of said Commission in the City Hall Building of 'Ihe Ci t:r of JJozeman. Fassed and adopted by the Commiss':"on of rIhe City of Dozeman at a regular session I thereof held on the 14th day of June, 1940 . Attest:~ ,..':;) .~. ~ the Commission - 8ta te of Mon tana ) ) S8 Coun ty of GAllr~ tin ) , I, 1. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The Cit:! of Bozeman do hereb;l certify that the foregoing Commission Resolution No. 469, was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of ?aneral circuL., tiOD printed and published in said City in the issue of June 16th, 1940, and that due proof is on file in my office. IN WITNESS VmEREOF I horeun to set my band and affix the s enl 01' my office this 17th day of June, 1940. ~ I '--'-:--cr'--'--'---'---'--~--- the ommission Resolution No. 469