HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 467 Creates SID No. 334
~J>.,b- . '? ... COM1::IS~)!()lT RESOLTJTIOli HO. 467
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~~d' ..:::;. JJ\:"'} / ^ TIj.;30LUTIOl'i OF 'I'm;; CITY COMMISSION OF THE CI'I'Y OF BOZE'MAN, MONTANA,
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,/ J'" T)ISTHI0T 1"UlTg:'R 334" POR TJf" lHTT7FOSI} OF D:Cj'['i,I r r'lr A S'l.l'rrApv SE"i1<'R ON
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. nOU~-)E AV!~;l:UE NORTH,
PRON 'l'ES C:;:WI'!i:H Oli'l.~AS'I' ASP:;l: srrln;~T SOUTH ~'O
C:T'T~rl'Im OF' EAST L l~!~~:l=~ STREET, IN SAIl) CITY, AF~; '1'0 Sf'ECIALLY
ASSi~SS rnJ.2;
1,:n'TIRT'; C03'1' ANi) I,;XI'LJ'TS:': OF HTST1\LLDJG SAID smi~";n AGLIl.S'1' rl'IIi::; 1-'ROf L,;r1'l'Y
1jrfITIIIl< SAID SPECIAL n;IT:OVEL:.21;~1' D IS'l'IHC'l' AS C:K~Atr:m,
mml~R AIr) BY VIHTliT~ OF' 'I'Hi.: FEOVIS IONS OL" S~_,;r~T:~C~:'-S 522;:) '}'O 5277,
nj~VIS!:;D CO.:,};=S OF lilOlTTANA 19;35, ArID AYY /\t: ,:r:I)?,,:-;};rcs TL:m.2TO.
132 1'1' HESOLVED
BY 'I'EE C01n,:Is~nON o I" 'CELT CIIT OF DOZ:~]'.:l\N:
Declaration of Intention
It is hereby declared to be the intention of
the CO:-1r1tf'~'ion of 'The City of Bozeman,
1[:on tanG.,
to create a special improvement district to be lmown and
desiGnated as "special
Improvement District Kumbcr 334",
for the purpose of instal
lln~ a sanitary sewer on
Rou_se Avenue 1': rtlJ,
from the cen ter 0 f Sas t Aspen Streo t south to
the center of East
Larnme ;StrsB t,
in said Uit;r, and within the bouncl:o,ries of sa:id
Special Improverr:ent
District 1:11.....,1bcr 3;54 as hereinafter deflned.
TIle boundaries of sald Special Improvement .Jistrict 1:0. 334 so
to be crea ted
are as
Beginnin~ at a point in the center line of East Aspen
Street, said
point being 6b feet east of the eaRt line of Rouse Avenue North;
thence south parallel wi tb fIDei G~ feet east o.r sai d eas t line
House Avenue North, to a point 150 feet nortL of tLe nortlJ line of
T<;ast LarlYrJe Street; thence west 20 reet; thence south parallel wI th
and 45 feet east of said east line of ~'ouse Avenue l-Torth,
to a point
50 feet north of the north Line of said J.r;a:c.t La.>nme Street;
west parallel wi th and 50 feet nortb of said north line of
Ea s t
Lamme Street to the east line of s~id House Avenue Eorth;
sout:r~ along said east line of House Avenue North, to the
cen ter line
of said Eaf~t Lamme Street; thence west alon.~. said centor of East Lamme
Street to the west line of said House Iivenue l;ort:~,.; thence north along
said west line of House Avenue lI:ortl.l to a point 50 feet north of the
north Ilne of said Ea.'3t Lamme :Jtreet; thence west parallel wi th and
50 feet north of said nort}J line of Ea:::\ t Lar.Ufl8 street 65
feet; thence
north parallel wi th and 65 feet west of the WefJt line of said. House
Avenue N()rth, to
the center line of East Aspen Street;
thence eas t
alon~ said center line of East Aspen Jtreot to the
point of begirm:..ng.
It is hereb:i declared by the Commission of The City of Bozeman,
~ilon tana,
all of the land within said proposed Special Improvcr:""ont uistrict No. 334 as describ-
ed in Section II hereof,
abuttir~g on said sanitar;:' sev,;er,
wi 11 b e s r.e c i all y an d
equally beneLttted by the construction and
in:) talln ti on the reof [md should equally
bear the
cost of such installat:lon in accrodance with the laws of the
Sta to of
I';:ontana in such case l11fHle and provided,
to -vvi t :
See tions 5225 to 5277,
ApproximRte Exti~ate of Cost
The prolimInary estim({te of the cost of constructinG said sewer,
inc lucline; pipe,
wye branches, manholes, ins talla tion,
eng Ineering,
inspection and incidentals,
is :;p5700. 00.
rro tal Fran tae;e
The total ROllse Avenue r~oT'tl:. frontage of all property within said proposed distrIct,
exclusive of streets, avenues,
alleys and public places,
is 3960.94 lineal foet, making
the estimated cost per front foot ~1.439.
Assessments in Installments
Payment is to be made in ten
(10) annual installments covering
a period of nine (9)
years, ber"innim~ wi th the vevr 1940.
'., - (~, ) ~.
Time for Protests
That the repular sossion of tho Commission of The (;i
ty of Bo",eman, to be hold at the
C01:'1.1'11i3 s ion ClJamcje r , C1 ty lis 11 BUilciinr:,
Bozeman, Montana,
on Frida;!, the 14th day of May,
1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.M.,
are the
ti~e and place designated ~len and where said City
Cornmission will heer and pass upon all protests,
duly and regularl)' made and filed acalnst
said proposed construction and the crea tion of said proposed Special
Improvement District
Fo. 334, the extent and chl1racter thereof, or ei ther thereof.
1\hat theC1erk of said C1 ty Connnis sion be,
and he is hereby directed to give notice
as required by law, of the
adoption of this Resolu tioD of
I.,.., ten tion.
Passed and adopted b:, the Commission of '1'he Ci t~r of Bozeman,
lLon tanff, a t a regulnr
session of sald Com!nis~'ion held on the 17th day of r,'ia;:,
1940 .
C erk of the Commission
NOTICE is hereby 13i ven tha tat a rer"ular meet~ng of the
(: .. f "" " . t f
ODlm.ISS .Lon o. '111e 1..11' Y 0
Bozeman, State of ~ontana,
held on Friday, the 17th day of May,
1940 ,
a Hesolution of
said Commission was duly passed and adopted, declarinG
it to be the intention of saId
Commission to create a Special Improvement .Jistrict to be known and designated
Special Improvement District No.
334 of sa:d Ci ty of Bozeman,
l,Io n tan a , for the pur:pose
of making improvements as follows:
'l'HE U;-S'l'ALLAI'IO)i OP A SMiITARY SE\'mR 01: neUSE AVE!:U'; rrOR'l'E, FROM TIlE:
and further declaring i tjbo
the intention of said Commission to specially assess
en tire cos t and 8.xpense of said improvenen t,
including pipe, wye branches, manhole,
No. 334 as described in said Resolu tion of In tcntion to crea te
said dis trlc t.
Po. ~'1nen t, assessed by frontaGe,
is to be ma:le in ten
(10) arnual ins tallmen ts
covering a period of nine
(9 ) years, bee;lnning wi th the
year 1940.
r1'hat the estimate of the approxlm'_'te cost of constructing said. improvement is
Fi ve Thousand Seven Hundred Dolla rs
tha t the total fron tage of the property I
within said district to be assessed and taxed for said. irrlprovernent is 3960.94 lineal
feet, and
the estimated cost per lineal foot of said frontase to be so specially
assessed and taxed is $1.439.
per front foot.
Tha t Prida y, the 14th day of June,
IP4U, at 7:30 otclock P.M.
of sai d day,
a t the
Commission Chamber,
Ci ty Hall iJuildin',:, in said City of
Bozeman, St:'l te of IVlon tana, has
been designated as
the time and place when and where
the said. Cormrission will hear and
pass upon all protests ar.::ains t the proposeu improvement or the crea tion of said special
improve:-:18Dt diDtrlct,
and the land therein to be incJuded
Dnd assessed, or ei ther,
bo tl1,
or an:r thoreof.
That at any time within fifteen (15)
days after the first publication of this
any ovmer ofpropert-;' liable to be assessed on account of sHiel proposed improve-
ment may make protest agalnst said i:r.1provement or aga:n8t the creation or e~.:tent, or
of sald special improvement district, in the manner
provided by law, such pro-
test to be filed with the Clerk of said Comrrrission at
t~e City Hall of said City of
Sta te of }:Tontana, and such protest or protests will be duly considered
said Commis2ion at the
time and place as hereInbefore specifie,-1.
Pro tes ts mus t be
in wri ting, and the
tlme for filing protests will expire on the
12th da~T of June,
1940, flt
5o'clock P.~f.
I;'or a description of the boundaries of said proposed .special Improvement Dis trict
ITo. 334,
reference is l-wreby mn.de to Resolution No. '167 of tLe
Comrr.is :-lon of 'l'lle Cl t:l
of Bozeman,
dee laring the
1.n ten tion to create said distr~Let,
which ic'
on file in the
office of the undel's i,mod Cler}\: of said Commie sian in
the Cit;, llall of said City of
State of r,lontana, and open for
the ins pec tion of all in teres tell persons and
to the;mbl ic e:enerally.
Dated at Bozeman, r!.on tana,
this 27th day of !.:a:,T, 1940.
~-- /,
~~ A .
-2 /Z/C?L~d-z1:_Iv/_
the Commiss ion
Sta to of rJIontana
) ss
Coun ty of Gallo. tin
I, L. G.
SrlHdoan, Clerk of thc Conwlssinn of The City of BozeMan do hereby certify
tl:at the foregoing l~o tice Cor.m1is sian Feaoln tion No. 4G?, was plJoli shod. a t lons~ th in the
Bozer.:an ;)a11;r Chronicle,
a newsp~per of ~enoral circulation printeu end
cub 1:"3 hed in
" 1'" t"
t~~e :tssue of T,:a:y"28t,h, 1910.
sale. vl Y J.n
IE -;'-n:r-:~~):J 'XIE--;;R;~OP I her',~unto set ny hand :1nJ affix
the senl of my offico this
5tl'1 day of June,
Clerl{ of the Commission
TIesolutlon No. 467