HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 466 Creates SID No. 333
fI::Ol~TANA ,
D:2:CL:'\IUNG IT TO BE TE~ INTl~NTIOF 01" 'l'llE CITY OF BOZEI::i\N '1'0
cnEA'l')!; A
SPECIAL n!PRov:n,'!:~rT ::) ISTRIC 'I' '1'0 BE KlW"iil'1 AS SI ECIAL IIv;.PHOVEI;J:;N'r
1)1 s-
/71 /'l2
s'.romr SE'.ar,~ns AND PAVEr,E1'JT ON Tr?ACY AVr~'NUE Br';TjjEEN COLL.tWE
r/- .-3"".-"
AND Iu"cRRISOE STRi-';:=;'I'S,
13ET\/EEN TRACY AIm E1 Gl-i'l'i:" A VENUES,
There has been presented to
the Commission of The City of Dozem:ul, a
pe ti tion of many property' OWDOrf'" res lden t wi thin the Special Improvement Dis tri c t pro-
posed to be created and as hereinafter described, askine;
for the creation of said district
for the purpos e of ins tallin:::" curbs, storm sew~;rs and
pa vernon t on certain s treats and
aVenues as described in the title hereof, and said petition
and oral arguments for and
against the ~rar\tinc of the same have been fully and carefully considered by saia City
and after such consideration it has been dec::'ded. by said City Commission
Commission/to create said Special Improvement District as so petitioned for and as here-
inafter described. NOW '1'~18R ~1:<'OR:~,
!3E I'l' R~SOLVED B,r 'I'EE CI'n cmm'.ns,'; ION OF 'J:lIE CITY OF Bozml':Al;:
See tion 1
Declaration of Intention
rl'ha tIt is hereby dec lared to be
the intention of 'J.'he Ci ty of bozeman to create a
Special IMprovement District to be known and desiGTIated as Special
Improvement District
Ilia. 333 of The C1 t;r of Bozcman for the purpose of cons truc ting curbs,
storm sewers and
pavement on '1'rac::r l\venue between Col1cr~e and IIarrison Streets,
Seventh Avenue between
Col1ec;e and Harrison Streets,
Grand Avcnue between Arthur and Garfield Streets,
Avcnl1e between Garfield and Lincoln Streets, Fifth Avenue
between Coll07e and Garfield
S tr e e t s , Harrison Stree t between 'l'racy and Eighth Avenues,
Garfield Street between
V>lillson and Sixth Avenues and Arthur Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues.
Section 2
The 30lmdarie[~ 0 f said proposed Special Improvement
....Jlstrict loio. 333 are described
as follows:
Beginninr: at a point in the south line of College Street, said
point being
150 feet east of the east line of Tracy Ave,
south parallel with
. ,
and 150 feet east of said east line of Tracy Ave.
S. to
the north line of Har-
rison StrefJt;
THEITC1~ wes t alonE': sald north line of Harrison Street to
east line of said Tracy Ave.
s. ; 'l'HEIJCE sou th 30 fee t; wes
t 30 fee t; sou th
30 feet and west 30 feet to
the intersec tion of the south
LLne of Harrison
Street \yith the west line of Tracy Ave. S; TlffiNCE south along said
west line of
'I'racy Ai/e. S. 150 feet; THENCE west parallel with said south line of
Strefe t and 150 fee t sou tli of same
to the eas t line of ~~illson
Ave. S .
. ,
north along saId ens t line of 'iJillson Ave.
(, to
trle sou th line of IIarrison
TIn~ECE west alone the south line of said Harrlson Street to
the west
line of Grand Ave. S.; TIIENC:r.; south along said west line of Grand
Ave. s.
'I'HENCE wes t paralle 1 wi th and 150 fee t wou th of' said sou th
line of V':.
Harrison Street to a po:!.nt 143 feet east of the
tLe west line of
said Willson Ave. S.; TESXCE soutl: alone'- said west line of
Willson Ave. S,
to a point 150 feet sou th of said south line
of Garfield
'I'Imn CE west parallel wi th and 150 feet 'W'outL of said sou.th line of
Garfield Street to a poin t in the wes t line 0 f the alley between Fif th
andSixth Avenues S.;
said point heing 143 feet east of the east line of sa.1.d
Sixth Avenue S.;
TlJENCE south along the said west line of the alley between
Fifth Flnel Sixtt Avenues S.
to the north line of Lincoln Street;
THgNCE west
alon~ said north line of W.
Lincoln Street
to a point 143 feet west of the
west line of sald Sixth Ave. S.;
Tlrr:UCg nortL parallel wi th and 143 fee t wes t
of said west line of Sixth Ave.
s. to a point 28
feet south of the south line
of 1;1.
Garfield S tree t (Vacated); Tl-rE~~CE east parallel with and 2i~. feet
south I
of said south line of W.
Garfield Street (Vacated) to the east line of said
Six tbAve.
s.; 'rrrrmCE north along said east line of Sixttl Ave.
S. to a point
150 feet north of tIle north line of IN . Arthur Street;
THENC'ft- eas t para 1181
wi th and 150 fee t north of said north line of W.
ArUmI' Street to a point
143 feet west of
the west llne o:r Fif tJ::, Ave.
S. ; 'J:l:HENCE north parallel
wi th
and 143 feet west of said west line of Fifth Ave.
to a point in the
nortb line of the east and west alley bet\veen Cleveland and IIarrj son
THENCE west along said nortr} line of the alley between Cleveland and
rison Streets
to the east line of Sixth Ave.
s. ; rrlmNCE nortb along
said east
line of Sixth Ave. S.
to the south line of W.
Harrison Street;
T~illlJ CE'iiEST
alan!! said sou th lin e of VI. Earrison Stree t to
the wes t line o.f Seventh Ave.
S. ;
THENCE south along said west line of Seventh Ave.
s. to a point 150 feet
south of
the south line of Vi. Harrison Street;
'l'HENCE wes t paralle 1 wi tb and
150 fee t sou th of said sou th 1 ine of '(i.
Harrison Street
to tbe east line of
Eighth Ave. S.;
TllliNCE north along said east lino
of Eig...~ th Ave. s. ,
oriGinally platted, to a point 150 feet north of tho north line of said
Harrison Street; 'rE1-~IJC::i: east parallel with said north line orN.
Stree t and 150 feet no rth of same
to the
east line of the allye between
Seven th and Eighth Aves.
CI .
T~iliNCE nort:: along said east l].ne of
the alley
.;> . ,
between Seventh and Ei~hth Avenues
s. to the
soutt.L line of W.
College Streetj
TL3NCE eas t alonr: sa~Ld south 1 jne of W. ColI er-e Stree t to the wes
t line of the
alley between Si:x:th and Seventh Avenues S.; Tk~}TCg south along said
west line
of the alley between Sixth and Seventh Avenues S. to the north line of
Harrison Street;
TIIENCE eas t along said north line of i..
Harrison Street to
:intersection wi th the east line of Sixth Ave. S.;
'l'llCNCE north along said
east line of Sixth Ave S.
to a point 150 feet north of the north line of said
IIarrlson St.;
TF::Q';CE east parallel wi th and 150 feet north of said north
,I .
line ofW.
Harrison Street to
the east line of the alley between FiftL and
SL"':: th l\venues S;
TIJENCE north along said east line of
thealley betweenl::"ifth
and Six th Avenues S.
to the SOU th line 01"\1.
Colle 'e S tree tj THENCE east
alon8 said south line of W.
Col1Ege Street to a point 143 feet east of the east
line of said Fir th Avenue S.; THE1:CE south parallc 1 v"i th said eas
t line of I
Fifth Ave. 1:;). and 143 feet east of same to 11 point 150 feet nort!.1
of tb.e north
lIne of said VI. harr:'Lson Street;
THENCE eHst parallel wi ttl sold north line
of VI.
- __n_..._..___
See tion 4
Es tima te of Cos t
The preliw.inary es tir~a te of tllO cas t of said improvemen t including
curbs, grading,
pa vemen t, storm sewers,
enG~.neer .Lng and :1nc identals is Eighty-seven Thousand Dollars
(~~87 ,000.00) .
Section 5
Method of Assessment
The met:'rJOd of assessment of the cost
of said improvemcnt aE=ainst the property
within said district shall be as
Because some of the streets in said proposed Special Improvement District No.
run E8.s t and Wes t and s orne North and South and in some of
the streets to be improvod the
lots run parallel with the street and in others the lots front on the street and the
i;y>provemen t, thH t iY1 0 reler to provide a
just and equitable method or' methods of assess-
nen t, it is necessary and desirable
to di'lTide the district
into eight see tions,
,~ifferin:'" me ttods of assessment, which sections
together with the part of the
en tire
cost to be assessed against each section, and
the me thod ai' assasmnen t, a.re described
as follows:
'1'he prelimInary es tlT:1ate of cas t 0 f the improvements
to be made in and assessed
acalnst the property in Section (1)
is $4260.00 or approximately 4.896% of
the total
esti"cted cost of tho i!'l1proveT:1ents to be !:'lade
in the entire dls trict, which will be
assessed against the actual araa of the propert~ within
said Section, the same being
all property located within 150 feet of either side line of' 'I'raey Ave.
S. bebi\ieen the
south line of ~.
CollcfJ'e Street,
anc:" the Dartt line of E. Earri son S treE1;
'1'he Be tual
area of sa iel proper t;" be:.n['; 99000 square fee t and
the estimated rate of assessment
$0.04303 per square Foot.
s~~crn011 (2 )
-- Sl~V}~l;Tl1 t. VJ~~11J"j.'_~ s.
'l'he prelisinary estimate of co::,t of the improvements to be
made . X d. t
In assesse aCalDs
the property within section (2)
is $3800.00 or approximately 4.368% of the
to tal es tirna-
ted cost of the improvements t, be made wi thin
the en tire dis triet.
See tion (2 )
cludes all the property Incated within 128 feet of either side line of said Seventh Ave.
S. between the
sou th line of 'Wes t College Stree t and the
north line 0 f W. Harrison
Street, the actual area of which Is 84480 square teet and
cstimated rate of asoeBS-
ment ;~;0.044D8 per square foot.
-- GRAlL) ^ V;;:' . SOUTH Br~Tij-!"!::~~~~
fJ:'he prelIminary estima te of the cos t of the Imj:)rovemen ts to be made in r-mQ assessed
agains t the propel'ty wi thin Sec tion (3 )
is~4500.00 or 5.173% of
t.f.:1e to tal e s ti.rna teu
cas t of the irr:pro vernen ts
to be P18.de wi thin the en tire dis trl c to
S'JO tion (3 )
all the property locH ted wi thin 135 feet of either side
line of said Grand A venue S.
between the north l'.ne of "ii.
Arthur 3treet an"
the nore, line 0 f 'ii. GarfielC1
the ac tual area of vt:. lch, exclusive of streets,
avenue~ ,
alloys or 1molic places, 1s
81000 square feet and. the extlmatecl rate of assessment
;~0.055556 per square foot.
Sl~.~CTIO}J (4)
- - SIXTH: A vr~p:}I~ soun~ I3::T,TE:2r G Al1FIELD S'I'I=?E'.::T A J'rJ LINCOLl: S'rmLT
of the
total estimated co~t of the improvements to be
maJe within the entire district.
(4 ) includes all the proport;' locqted with:n 143 foot of either side
lIne of
Sixth Ave.
S. between a line par:clllcl ",lit!} and 28 feet Sout~l
of the south 11ne of Vi.
Garfield Street and the north line of'i,. Lincoln Street,
the actua.l area of whicll,
clusive of' streets,
avenues, alleys
and public p1a C0S,
is 299283.27 squ are fee t and the
rate of assessment $0.04344 per square foot.
S1~CTION (5)
-- FIIi'TH AV~~~KeE S. Bii;T",,-mL:i:F COLU';Cm AND G/'>.p..r/I;~LO S'l'HEl':rrS
The preliminary estima te of the COf t of the lYnprovcments
to be ma.de In and assessed
again.st the propert;T withln Section 5,01' saId ;:Jistrict hOe
Is v17l00.00 or 19.655%
of the
to tal es tlma ted cas t of the improvernents
to be made wi thin the entire J.istrict.
S, cUon 5 :i.ncludes all the property loca ted wi thin 143 fee t 0 l' eIther side line of
Pifth Avenue S. between
t::le sou. th line of ',:.
Colleze Street and the north line of ..cst
Garfield Street.,
the area of' which, with the 25 feet nearest adjacent
t;J said Plfth
AVBnue South talcen at double its actual area,
and exe lusi ve of s tree ts,
and public places, Is
404124 square fee t and
tb.e ra tc of assessment $0.04232 per
square 1'00 t.
-- HAHEIS01; STY'{\;:.;'r BErrVrET,:w THACY AND EL:H'l'E I\Tvl::~:UES
S:JTFl1IT, !~~(Gr~PT
The preliminary estimate of the co:" t or t.he improvemen
ts tn be made in and assess-
ed agains t the
property within Section 6, of said District
333, i s ~22340 .00,
or 25. 67li/j
the total est.i.rnated cost of the improvements
to be macle wi thin the
entlre ells trict,
Section 6 includes all the property locnted wi Ulln 150 feet of' either side line of
I~rrison Street between
the wes t line of' Tracy Avenue S.
anJ the east line of Eighth
Avenue S.,
as originally platted, excepting
the property 1 ying be t',veen Viillson and Grand
Avenues S.
and between Six th and Seventll A venues S.,
where pavemen t has previously been
cons truc ted,
the area of which, with the 25 feet nearest adjacent to said Harrison
Street taken a t double :L ts ac tual area,
and exclusive of streets,
a venues, alle ys and
public places, is 56(3400 square feet and
the ra te of assessmen t ,~O .()393J35 p,er srruare
SEG'EION (7) \,'.qc'T CAHPIFL') ("J1Rr,'i"T IF'T'CFTi'F "'II' "ON il.YD
('1/'11-1 lVSJlJlTT"S cWTTH
, W.L:J...) r , ...j.,J" 0 .a.. .-...J".._ ,~I"~ ",,J.I...:J \ yjl ..11.....1...)
;- ,""" ..::> .j., ...,1, 1 .f .~...J u..... L .
rl'he pre11minary es tima te of the co st of
the improvemen ts to be made w~" thIn 8nd
assessed agalnst the property within Section 7,
of said District 333,
is ,!pl0290 .00,
or 21.023;& of
tl:e total estimated cost of the improvements
to be made wi Ldn
the en-
tire district.
Section 7 includes
all the property .L:)cDted wi thin
150 feet of e1 ther
side line of West Garfield Street between the west line of Willson Ave.
and the ea,":t
line of Sixth Ave.
c' the area of which, wi tL the 25
feet lyinG neares tact jacent to
u. ,
said 'N. Garfield 8tr'eet tal-:en 8t double its actual area,
and exclusive of streets,
alleys and public places,
is 467950 square feot and
the rate of assessrlent
~O.0390835 per square foot.
S~C 1'1017 (8)
-- WEST AH;i'EU~.[ S;i'l\l~~'r I3I~T';;Ei';F FTt:<'Tl! i~l!l) S1.:. 'l'E A'IE1:HJES SOU'rII.
The preliminary estl-:-nate of the cost of the
iTprovemen ts to be made wi tiLi.n and
assessed against
the property within Section 8 of said District 333,
Is :~37lv.OO, or
4 .264i~ of tho to tal es time ted cos t of
the improvements
to be made within the entire
dis trict.
Section 8 includes all tho property loc ted wIthin
150 feet of' eltiler side
L1ne of ','[es t Arthur Strce t be tween
the west line of Fifth Ave.
;:)ou th and the cas t line
Hesolu.tion No. 466
. --- ...----.- -
of Sixth Avenue S., the area of which,
with the 25 feet lying nearest adjacent
to said
Artlmr Street considered as corner lots and taken at double its actual
area, exclusive
of streets, avenues,
alleys and public places is 99050 square geet and
the ra te of
assessment (i~O.037456 per square foot.
Section 6
Actual Area of District
rrhe total actual area of all propert:T wi thin said projJosecl
Special Impr ovemcn t
~istrict No. 333 exclusive of streets,
avenues, alleys and public places
is 1,601,291.27
square feet, which is
the area on which all protests will be decided.
Section 7
Pa yment
Tha t pa~lmen t for said improvemen ts shall be made in
twenty (20) annual installments
extending over a period of nineteen (19 )
years with interest on the deferred pa'YTIlonts
at not to exceed six per cent (6;0
per annum; but this
shall not be construed to prevent
pay-men t in full a t an~r the by any propert:l owner who desires to do
Section 8
rl'ha t trle regul,' r mee tine: of
the 01 ty Commis sian of The Oi ty of Boz eman to be held
on Friday the 17th day of ray, 1940 at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
e t the Commis s lon Hoom in the
Ci ty Hall Building of 'I'he City 0 f Bozeman is the
time and place when and where
pro tea ts
aga.inst the creation of said district will be heard and considered;
and the C1 ty Ji:anager
1s hereby directed to cause notice of this resolution of intention to be served upon all
persons whose property ~s wit111n proposed Spec:tal Improvement District No. 333,
and. as
hereinbefore described, all in
the manner and form as
prescribed by Section 5227 R.C.
19~55 .
IJassod and adopted by the C1 ty Commission of The Ci ty of Bozeman at a rOF,;u-lar ses-
sion of said COlTI,,'TIisslon held on the 26th day of April,
cm.n.aS3 ION R8S0LUT'ION NO. 466 01<' 'l'IiE C Irl'Y OF' DOZE},'lAN
No tice is hereby f~i ven tha t on the 26th day of April,
1940 at a regular session,
the CormnisGion of The Cat~i of 30zeman, Montana, passed
and adopted Con1."n1ss:ion Hesolu-
tion ITa. 466 which declares
the in ten ti on of' the Commis sion to crea te
a Special Improve-
ment District No. 333 for the purpose of com truc t:i.ne: curbs,
storm sewers,
and pa vemen t
on Tracy Avenue t5etween College and Harrison Street/?,
Seventh Avenue between Colle ue
and Harrison Streets, Grand Avenue between Arthur and Garfield Streets,
Six th A venue
between Garfield and Lincoln Streets,
.F'ifth Avenue between College and Garfield Streets,
Harrison Street betvieen 'l'racy and 21[)'11 th Avenues,
Garfield Street between Willson and
Sixtb Avenues and Arthur Street between Pifth and Six th Avenu,es.
The estimated cost of said improvement, which is
to be specially assessed a~ain3t
the property within said district, is Ei:rht:r-seven Thousand
Dollars (~t87 , 000.00) .
total actual area of all property within said porposed Special Improvement District No.
Resolution No. 466
-------- -----
._n .._._._n_._._u_..
exclusive of streets, avenues,
alleys and ~lblic places,
is 1,601,291.27 square
pa:.rment for
tile improvement is to be made
in twen t y
(20) annual installmen ts
over a period of nineteen
(19) years wi th in te res t
on tho deferred paymen ts at no t to
exceed six per cent
\ 6;b) per annum,
annuully. 'l'hi8
provision, however,
not prevent the paynwn t in full b~r any property owner affected upon
the completion of
the i1iprovement and the final
adoption of the resolution levylnc;
the as 8es snIen ts .
Por a particular description of the boundaries
of proposed i;)peclal Improvemen t
Dis trlct 1<0.
333 reference Is hereby made to sal~ Resolution
of Intontion No. 466 on
in the office of
the Clerk of triO ...; i tv I.i orrmds s Ion in the
G i tv IIa 11 in The C i tv
...' ,... ~
of Boz oman and whl ch Res olution
~f Intention No.
466 is open to the inspection, d Iring
reGular office hours, of all interested p')rtics and the public generally.
NotIce is
fl:rther gl ven
that said district is divided into eight sections with varying rates
and r.:ethods of assessment within each section,
because some of the streets in said
proposed Special Improvement ~i8trict No.
333 run East Hnd Hest and some North and
Sou th,
and in some of the s tree ts
to be impro ved the 10 ts
nm parallel wi th the s tree t
and in others the lots front on the street to
be improved.
The boundaries of these
sections are also set forth in saId Resolution of Intention No.
together wi tl1 that
part of
the total cost of sHid improvement to be assessed ae;a~nst each section,
this jnf'oI'!TlD. tion,
too, can be obtaIned by inspection of
said Resolution of Intention
No. 466 as aforesaid.
No tiee Is further hereh;' E~iven thr; t Friday,
the 17th day of ~ay, 1940 ,
at 7:30
01 cloc k P. T,;.
of' said day at the COnl"Ylission TIoom in
tho eitv Hall Buj.ldint"", dozeman,
~ ~~
Man tana ,
Is desirrnated as the
time and place for he<:rinl" objections an,':;' protests
the action proposed to be
taken by said Resolution of IntentIon No. 466
to create
said Special Improvement District No. 333 and to make
the impro ve men ts
therein pro-
pos ed .
Obiections must be in writinn: and be filed with the Clerk of the Citv Corr:-
I~ \..._.' t,!
mlsslon withIn fifteen
(15) days after tho date
of the first publication of
notice of the adoption of said Resolution of Intention No.
466 to create said Special
Improver:ent 0istrict No. 333, which final date for filinp; protests will be the 16th
day of May,
In anticipation of the expression of intention of the Ci ty Commission
to croate
sald Speclal Improvement -vistrict No. ;333 certain propert;' owners witilln said district
as proposed,
have already filed protests. Such protestants
are hereby notified that
their protests,
so f'l..led, aro
prams bJre beCallSe filed before
the adoptinn of any reso-
lution of intention to create said Special Improvement District No. 333 and cannot be
Such prates ting propert:, owners, if
they ctill desire to protest, must
renew their objections
in w!':!. tin.,,,: and wi th.Ln the time and in tl1c WEnner specl fied
in this notice.
Dated this 26th day of April, 1940.
13;1 order of the Commis s Ion of The City of Bozeman.
Clerk of the Commis.slon
Resolution No. 466
-. --.-..-
- ----
P~~blished in Bozerr..an Dally Chronicle May Is t, 1940.
Sta te of Man tana )
) 38
County of Gallatin )
I, L. v. Shadoan,
01 erk of the Commis sian of The Oi t:.r of' Bozeman, do horeby certify
tlmt the foree;olng Notice CommiSt3ion Hesolution No. 466 was published
at length in
the Bozeman Daily Chronicle a newspaper of general circul!:.ttion print cd and p'Jbllshed
in said City in the issue of May 1st,
1940 aJcd tha t due proof is on file
In m:r office.
D:- '/JIrrNESS Vv'r:EREOF I rmH:UNTO SET my hand and affix
the seal of my office this
7 th day of Iv!ay, 1940.
. ulc ,{ of the uOm1TIl.,
Resolution No. 466