HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 478 Improvement on SID No. 331 t3(),.~~ .~. ~~&ldJ."'./ COM1HSSION m~SOLU'l'ION' NO. 478. itr'{f;":1I. EESOL1JTION OF TH:E: COMMISSIOIIJ OF THE CI'lY OF BO;:;EI\:AN,MONT;mA,L:~VYING;I1TD "'J ^I.(~S-"'SIP"" ('prCIl L ~('("'C<<"rn~rT 0''";1 ,,"',""""'C' rror \LT ':'"-',' Fl'o"'n"RfTC\, IT" t',-r;'nI"L 1M... ._4/ J/ oL...) .w~0 l\JU 1~ I.,.)':!., ..i. .h.uu~.,I~..')i.J'jJ.Lj,\j ,;,..i "L.tV!.....L.~n_) J '~.f.l...I ..1...4..J..L.; \. 1..........J. .l,"1. J", ..,)J...l~)V ..l'"')',.. .i.:.L, ,/ PROVmFEN'l' DIs'rRICT NO. 331 IN THE CITY 0Ii' BOL;j:;r,~AN, COUNTY OI" GA.KuLA'l'IN, srl'A'IE , OF 1:0NTA1'TA, TO DEFRAY r11ill CCE'1' OF CONSTRUCTING .~J:i! D TLA1(TNCr THE niPROVEII,;m;TS 'i-iI'l'HIN SAID SPECIAL nrPROVE:1vTENT DI~)'1'RICT NO. 331. WHEH.EAS, The Clty Comm'ssion of The City of Bozeman, did on the 29tll day of March, 1940, duly and regularly pass Comm:i.ssion Resolution No. 463, en ti tled : A xlESOLU'rrON OF 'lilE:; CITY COMliTISSTm: 01" 'llm CITY 01" DO~Eh:AN, M,l';t~Tj\IU~, DECU~f\ING I reI' 'l'0 BE THJ'~ INr.l'EI-:"TION OP SAID cm:~,rrSSION 'l'O C ;:I';A1":~ A SPECIAL HIP:i"WVElvIE NT DIS1'+ TRICrf TO ]3r~ KFmVN /\ND D:::,;SIGNA Tr~D AS II Srj:~CIAL n:p:WVm,r2:1;'l'UIS '}'RIC T HUItBEH 331" FOR IJ.'Hi-'~ PURPOSE OF' IKS'rALI,D!G 11. SAI;I'I'Any SEVL:TI Ol~ .";1\3'1' r,I.I\.IN S1J.TEET PHOI:1 ~:'HE l-rANHOLE A'r ~rHS IN'nmSEC'1'ION OP,~AS'I' LAn~ STRE::::r.;,' ilT D T:3nOADViAY '1'0 A 1'0IWr 150 FEET EAST OF TEE EAST LIK:i~ OF CYl'RESS AilE., Il: :::,/\.1:) ::;rry, iU:D TO SJECIALLY ASSESS 'PEE ElJTIRE COS'l' AND l';XP:~,.lJSE O:r? n:STALLING SAI.J SEVfER AGAINS'l' 'l;lw PROPERTY 1NI'l'ITHT ;'.:.HD SPECIAL n,:ps.ovmC'],T'I' DIS'l'RICT AS C":EI\'l'ED, PN D E:i:nEIN DESCRIBED, UNDEE lIND BY VIRTUE OF' TIIi-': PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 5225 TO 5277, INCLUSIVE, RE+ VISED CODES OF rWl:Ti'lJA 1935, AND AFY A~'Li:1J:Jlt:,:1(TS THE?cETO. and thereafter, after due and legal proceedings had, the Comm:ls oS ion of The C1 ty of Boze- man did on the 19th da~;r of April, 1940, duly pass Cormnission Resolution No. 465, enti tled: ^ S.:2S0LUTI01; OF THE COMJ:,IISsr: OK OF ~:'}i:~ CITY OF EO~:~I,~AN, S'l'/\T8 OF ~i'OlI'L\JTA, CREAT- Il;G 1\ SPECIAL Il',,:TTWVEN:EWr DISTRICrr 1'0 BE KNl)'iil~ AXD DESIGNA'I'ED AS II SPECIAL DiI- l'ilO VErI;ENT DIS'I'RICT NUN'BER 331" OF SAID CITY FOH 'lltn-i: rUI\p OSE OF INSTALLn;C; A SANITARY SEHER OIT -:AST MAIN S'l'REJ~'T FROI,::;;}.!:: r,:ANECL;~ AT 'T:a~ IN'I';:;;RSEC'I'ICN 01" EAST i'/A IN S'11REET ilN D BROADWAY '1'0 A FOIKT 150 FEET!::AST OF' Tn:.':: EAS'I' LINE OF' CYFHESS A VENUE, IN SAID CI1ry,-, A I{J rro SPli:CIALLY ASSESS 'J:'!:~ EN'rI RE COST AND EXPENSE 01" COlJ:-)TRUCTING SAID SAN ITAHY SEViER AGAIl'ST TIm FEop~-.:n'l'Y ','11 'IHIN SAT D DIS'I'RIGT UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE fROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 5225 TO 5277, INCLUSIVE, rmV1srm CODES 0Ii' MO};T/lTA, 1935, AND AI-IT j\}'fENDITENTS 'l'imnETO. VfITICH Comrnis s ion Resolution Nos. 463 and 465, passed as aforesaid, are hereby referred to ~~d made a part of this resolution for further particulars in respect to the boundaries of said district, the charac ter of the improven~en ts to be cons truc ted thGrein, the esti- mated cost of said improveMents and the method of assessing the cos t aga2.ns t the property I vdthin said district; and WHEREAS, said improvements as contemplated in slid Commission Resolution Nos. 463 and 465 have been constructed and completed in accordance ',':ith the te~s and conditions of Commission Hesolution Nos. 463 and 465, and the to tal cos t of sald improvements so cons truc ted is the slur, of Eleven Hundred Forty-two Dollars C"l 149 00) "h)' w. . N01N, f}"I3FCE11'ORI~ , PURSUAlT1' 1'0 'lEE FROVISIONS 01<' Sii:C'l'IONS 5225 to 5277.5 and 5485, R.C.M., 1935, and amendments thereto, :3:.'; IT ~;ESOLV.EJ AI'~J rE IS H';mmy ORDHED 3j' 'j'H;'; cor,n,:L:;SION QB' ~f'IIE CITY OF BO 2'i:I\'~A N, STJ\'l'E OF MOITrrANA See tion 1. '1'ha t to defra;f the cost and expense of cons tructing and making the im- . provemcn ts in sa id Special L"nprovemen t Dis tri c t No. 331, there be, and there is hereby levIed and assessed ,9- tax amounting to the SU1'1 of 31even Hundred !<'orty-Two Do.Llars, (~1,142.00), upon all the property in saL d Speci al 17"provenon t D1s tric t No. 331; tho. t a particular description of sach lot a nd parcel of land wi th the name of the owner and the S1-1.'1'1 assessed ag8:~nst hirr or it for such improvements and tYee amount of each partial .PlY- men t to be made and the uay when the same s1,all be delinquent is set fortb. in detail in I the assessment list hereto attached, marked "Schedule A", aJld made a part hereof; that the several SUMS se t opposi te the names of the owners an d the described lots m d parcels'. of land be, and same are hereby respectively levied and a ssessed upon and an'ains t said described lots and pElrcels of land to defray i.,he cos t and expense of cons trLlC ting and making improvements 'within said District; tha t the several sums SJ assessed be collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land described in s aid assessment lis t, Schedule "A", as required by law; tha t the pa~nr.ent of sald sums shall be made in ......... ...- ---... .- 131 ten installments and the payment of saId installments shall extend over a period of nine Je ars ; that the pa:,;ment of the respective annual installments shall be made on or before the 30 th da:'" of Nover.1ber of each year un til pa :''men t of all ins tallmen ts togetter with the interest t~ereof, sl1311 bo made; tha t ::; aiel stH1S shall be pa id 8....'1 d the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in a ccordance wi th tl1e law governing the collection of spec1al improvement taxes; that fai111re to pay such assess~ents when the same becor.1e due I, and payable shall make such persons and said lots and parcels of land liable to the pon- altios provided by law relative to delinquent taxes; Section 2. That the regular sess ion of the Commission of The Ci ty of Boz81''1an to be held in the Comm-:ssion Chamber in the Ci ty Hall of said City on the 23rd day of Au[':ust, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.M.; be, 8nd the SRr.1e is hereby designated as the time a1 d place at which objections to the final adoption of this Heso1ution will be heard by the said COTIl.TJ1i s s ion. Section 3. 'J1ha t the Clerk of the Comm:s si on of The Ci ty of Boz ()man be, a nd he is hereby ordered and directed to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a d aily newsp~ er prin ted and publ fahed in said Ci ty of Bozeman, a notice sip;ned by the Clerk of the Com- mission and statinc; th8. t a Resolu tion levying and assessing a speci 0.1 assessment of taxe~!' to defra y ~. he cost and exnense of' constructinrr and makinr- the improvements in the said ~ 0 ~~ Special Improvem~nt District No. 331 is on file in tile office of the Clerk of the Commiss- ion subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days; that said notice shall sta to the time and place at which objections will be heard b:- the Commission to the final adoption of this Hesolutlon; that it shall be published at least five (5) days belore the day set I b: the Commission for the hear.i.nc; of objections and the final adoption of this Resolution. 2rovls .tonally passed and adopted b:' the Commi' s ion of The Ci ty of Bozeman a t a regu- lar session thereof held on the 16th d0.7t of' Augumt, 1940. Attest: ttlo~~Vc~~i~-;i-~ Finally passed and adopted by the Commission of The Cit:/ of Bozeman at a r sessIon thereof held on the 23rd da y of Augus t, 1940. A ttes t: o~~ ,/~~~~~..~~ Cl(:)r o~ the Cormnission :rv:ay 0 r l;OTICE H:i:AnDT~}, PIHAL AJOPTIOE 01;' ~-,ESO i U'l'IOlJ KO. 478 L~v:CING ASS:::SSIv=rmT SPECIAL DJF!10'{~MENT DISTRICT NO. 331, CITY OF BOZEr.TAI'T, FOR SANITARY SEViEH ON EAS'I' J;:An~ S'l'RJ';ST BJ-::'l'''iEEN BROADVIAY TO 150 F::!:ET .sAST OP CYPRESS A VElJUE. NOTICE IS HE:REEn: GIVEN, that at a regular sessi. on of the Commission of The City of I Bozern_an, held on Friday the 16th day of August, 19 ,10 , Commission Resolution No. 478, levies and assesses a special assessy::.ent of taxes upon all the property in Special IEprove- ment District N~. 331 in said City to defray the cost and expense of constructiD0:' and making the improvements within said District; Tho. t, said COrrL.'TIission Resolution No. 478, is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days by any persons in- terested. Thc'1t Priday the 23rd day of Au~ust, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., of sa 1d day, a t the reGular sess ion of' said Commlss:ion of Tbe C1 ty of Bozeman a t the Commission Chamber . -.-.. 132 in the City Hall Building of said City, has been desiGnated as the time 8.nd place when and W}l.C 1'e the said Commlss ion yilll hear and pass upon any and all objec tions tlw t may be made to the final passage and adoption of said Resolution No. 478, and the levying of said assessment, ancl that said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at said re(",ulo.r session. All persons interested are referred to Commission ~esolution No. 463, declaring it to be the in ten ti on of the Commission to c rea te Special T~:1provemen t Dis tric t No. 331, I and COmr.1isslon Resolution No. 465, creatine Special Improvement District No. ~331 Da ted this 17th day of August, 1940. ~J. ~_-?L-~_~,/. Clerk of the Commission Sta te of ;.:ontana ss County of Gallatin I. L. G. S'r~a(lonn , "l~'rl{ of' thR Cotr)(1-Lc,'1ion of 'I'be G,~ t" of Boz('~"n do hereb: j ',," Je J..i..L -J . (.. _ L..: I... . .... ..L .J...;. . _".J '.""~ ..' .~, . cer tit;: thnt the foregoing Notice Corrmis21on Resolution No. 478, was publ1s1:ed at longtll in the Bozeman Dn.L 17/ Chronicle, a newspaper of general circu12 tion printed and published In said in the :::..8 E;lJ.OS of Al:ZUS t 18 tl1, 1 ~1 40 , and that dno proof is on fi,le in my office. . IN 'H rrNE,sSv'J TIEREO:" I EA VI~ hereun to se t tr,y hand an,:: affixed tJ~e seal of my office th :t s 19 tb ,'lay 0 f Angus t, ID40. ~~~- I Cle rk of the Commis: inn State of M~ntan8 ss County of Gallatin I, L. ,.., Shado an , Glf; 1'1:: of the CommissIon of The Cit) of Bozeman do hereb~ <..t" cer ti f:y that the forecoing CommIssion Resolution Eo. 47[~, was publl~hed by title arc-3 mr";Jor :i.n the Bozeman Daily Cllronicle, a newspaper of C2neral circulntion printed an:'i published ~_n said pap:;!' in tLe 1~-' '0110 of Aucust 25th, 1 ~:;: ,10 , ana that due l)roof is on f:; le in m:' 0 ~fice . IN ~//I~.1j\TTj';S )~.~ Vi I H!:;R',;UYTO set T'J hand and affix tho sc;al of my office tlli 3 26 th da'V of AuQ'us t 194~. " ,~, ~~=-~-- .01' .-~ of tlw Vomc"ls ,:'_: ::on I =t8~,O lu ti on lio. 478 ----.. -.----..... --..--.. ....-.......-....