HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 477 Taxable Property, Year 1940 e12~ " , '...60- .. , CmTPI (',S TON ~)ll"-'()LnTIO:r NO 477 '7 ~,' / ,'. ,., .", Ie.,..)" '.1. ~ ~." " / ' ..< ~ ".?/ { A' p'cs'-n Ti'''T0lf Oh' T1)"i' C('V}~ISSI ON 01,1 T'f:' ('II T'f"F "0 :"'~"\N DETT"R"-P'pcG rrlL-::: 1\1;1 CmJT ~ " ~l';'_J~_ ',~..:...J, ..1... ..._ .1":",1 .s.. ... .L...j ....i I,~ 11 ,~..i -.,I v .. _.,/ J........ WI...l_I';".l.. ' "L....J ~r, ..'.. ..', .' -... ,,), ~..".: OF CITY Tl\..>(I,:S l"On ALL PURFOSES, G~liL~R/\l, f"\!; D Si..8CIAL, TO 3~ E VISJ lIlT D ASSESSED ~. ~., 01'T rl"'X \13L1" 'mOpr"RIT Dr TfE.' "ITY OT' --:::Joc7c'HA.N S'71\ T" (,'-, ",y,m ^ FA ~'OC:' 'InT'" CUFTIe;'PT rJlI .... ,;.i. ,J 1 .,~ .tll .I.,,~J .L., ,I. ":"';,,",.:...1 1....1 ~_ ".1 U L.J,1~\' [- , .ll-.... ~ \..,...~ l'~\"".1,.".L..i-i ~ , .I... ,.I,.l l.lJ...J ...\..L.-.J \I - ...... FISCAL Y;i;AI: OP 1940. BE IT ;;~SOL VE~J BY ".]]lIE COMMISSION OF 'THE CITY OF BOZEMANY I. Tha t, pursuant to the provisions of Sec tion 5194, Political Code, R.C.},:T., 1935, as a- I mended b~ Chapter 48, Laws of 1937, there Is hereby levied and a ssessed on the t~xable per- centum of the Assessed value of the taxable property of The C1 t~r of Bozeman, sta te of Mon t- ana, as fixed and found by the Board of County Cop.ul1issioners of G!111atin County, Montana, s1 t tlng as a County Board of Equaliza t:ton, for tho current fiscal year of 1940, for General Kunicipal and Adr.1inistrative purposes of The City of Bozeman a tax of Fifteen md two tenths mills, which levy shall be distributed as follows: rPeneral Municipal and Ad~ini s tra tl ve Pl,rpos es, (Section 5194, Political Code, R.C.~., 1935): (a) Executive, Police and other purposes, 7.0 mills (b) T,!ain tenanC8 of l"ire Department, 3.70 mills (c) S tree t and Alley P1JrpOS es: General (Section 1617, Pol. Code, R.C.M. 1935) 4.50 mills To tal- - - _....-- 15.20 mills II. Tha t, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5049, Political Code, TI.C.M. 1935, and the provi s ions of Ordi:!1ance No. 233 of The C1 ty of Boz em an and l::;ounc 11 Rosolu tion No. 1095 of sald C1 tJ, in pursuance of wbich the tax authorized for library purposes by taxpayers at an election held April 4, 1921, was increased from one to two mills (11f"H' 13, Page 307), there I J...... . is hereby lev1 ed and a. ssessed on the taxable percentum of the assessed value of the taxable property of r~he C1 ty of Bozeman, state of Montana, for the current fiscal year of 1940, for the support and maintenance of the free public librar~: of The City of BO/3eman, a special tax of Two (2) 1.=il18: on each dollar of the taxable pcrcen tl.lm of the as S0S sed \ca1ue thereof and the money derived thorefror:1 s hall be po.id in to the Library Fund and shall be disbursed as provided by Ordi- nances Nos. 79 and 524 of said City; III. Tha t, pursuan t to the provisions of SectIon 51'JL1, PolItical Code, R.C.lIT., 1935 , as amended by Chapter 48, Laws of 1937, there is hereby levied and assess od on the taxable percentum of the assessed value of the taxable property of The City of Bozeman, Sta te of Mon tana, for the current fiscal yoar of 1940, for the purpose of maintaining public parks in said City, a special tax of Three (3 ) 1.:i11s on the taxab:Le percentum of the assessed value of tile taxable property of The City of I Bozeman and the mone y derived therefrom s hall be paid in to the Park Fund and shall be d1s- bU.rsed as provided by Ordinances Nos. 473, 524, 560 and 571 of said City; IV. '1'ha t, pursuant to Ule provisions of Section 5048, lioli tical Code, ~, t""f, ~ ~ 1935, there is 1 '~ . v . :"Vl. . hereby levied and D. ssessed on the taxable percentum of tLe assessed value of the taxable propertJ wi thin The C1 ty of Bozeman, State of Montana, for the current fiscal year 1940, for the purpose of providing band concerts for tl10 entertainment of the people of said City, _--"-"L..o.........._____. .__ :l~27 a sp ccial t ax of' One (1) Mill on each dollar of the taxable percen turn of the assessed value of the taxable property of' T.':1e City of' Bozeman and the money derived therefrom s hall be paid into the Bank Concert Fund of said C1 ty and shall be disbursed as :rr ovided by Ordinances Nos. 521 a1 d 524 of Said City; I V. Tha t, pursuant to tile provisions of Section 5119, Poli tical Code, R. C. Jfc., 1935, there is hereby levied and a ssessed upon the taxable l)erCen tun: of the assessed valua tion of all taxable property within the 11mi ts of The C1 ty of Bozeman for the year 1940, a special tax 0 f One-tenth (1/10) I'.Jill on the dollar of' such taxable percen turn of the a ssessed val ua tion for the purpos es of main- tainin,'3 the Disabili t-:r and Pension Fund of the Pire Departrnen t Helief Associa. tion of The City of Bozeman, and said tax v;hen so collected shall be paid into the Disabili ty and Pension Fund of the Fire Department Reli ef Asoo ci a tion of 'l'he Ci ty of Bozeman;. VI. 11ha t, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 603 of The Ci ty of Bozeman, S ta te of l.1on tana, there is hereby levied and assessed on the taxable per centum of the assessed value of the taxable property of The City of BOZC:ma1 , 8ta te 0 f M:m t: ana, for the curren t fiscal year of 1940, for the purpose of payin~ intGrest on, and for the redemption of Refunding City Bonds C;iarran t Fundinr B~mds) of Tho C::. ty of Bozeman, a special tax of ,-, I 'Two and ei th t- ten ths (2.8) Mills on t he taxable porcentum of the assessed value of the taxable property of The City of Bozeman and the money derived from collec tion of' said specia 1 tax shall be paid in to the Reflmding C1 ty Bond Fund (Warran t Fundinp' Bmds) and shall be disbursed as provided by ........"/ said Orc1inancej VII. Tha t, pursuant to the provisions of Cotm1.ission Resol1Jtion No. 355 of The Oi ty of Boze- r.1an providing for an issue of' ~~37,OJO.OO of Recreational and Swimm!.ng Pool Bonds, passed and adopted F3bruary 21, 1937, pursuant to a favorable vote of tho qualified electors of The C1 ty of' Boz:'r.-1an, and to provide for the payment of principal and in teres t as in said Roso- In tion a nd in saiduonds provided, there is hereby levied upon the taxable percenturn of the assessed value of all property within The City of BozeIT'_an for the current fiscal year of 1940, a special tax of One and Four- ten e-1S (1.4) Mills- and tllC money derived therefrom shall be paid into the Publix Park L,provement Bond l"und I pursuan t to the provisions of said COITmission Resolution No. 355. VIII. Tha t, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5668.38, Chapter 420, T? . C . !'i: . , 1935, there is hereby levied anJ. a ssessed upon II the assessed value of (all) the taxable property" wi thin the limits of The C.:.ty of Doz;)man for we year 1040, a special tax of One (1) Mill on the dollar of such assessed valuation for the purpose of acquirins, os tab ishing, im- proving, equippins, maintaining, and operating an airport, and shall be disbursed as direct- ed b:,;," the Commission of 'rl18 Ci ty of Bozeman j 128 IX. Tha t, pursuan t to the provisions of Chapter 24, Laws of Montana, 21st Session, 1929 , there is hereby levied and 8 s ses sed on all t:he taxable property of The City of Bozem:.n, S ta te of Montana, for the current fiscal year of 1940, for the purpose of providing money for the "'Special I"'lprovement District Revolvinc I~ndtl in order t.o secure the prompt payment of my Special Ir!1provement District Bonds or I'larrants issued in payment of improvements made in my Special Improvenent District, and the in teres t thereon as it becomes due, a special tax of I Five-tenth (5/10) Kill on the percen tum of the assessed val ue of the taxa b Ie property of The C1 t:, of Bozeman, and the money deri ved from the collection of said special tax shall be distributed to the "Special I''1provement District Revolving Pundit md shall be disbursed as provided b'~j Ordinal. ce enacted pursuant to said Chapter 24; x. Tha t. , pursuant. to t.he provisions of Section 5108.9, E.C.M. 1935, there is hereby levied and a ssessed upon the t.axa~lfj percentu.m of the assessed value of all property within The Ci ty of Bozeman for the current fiscal year of 1940, a special tax of Five-tenths (5/10) Mill and the money derivod therefrom shall be paid int.o the 1'o1ic8 Reserve Fund pursuant to the provisions of Commission Re.'X)lution No. 451. XI. That, pursuant to the provisions of Section ~21S, TI.C.I..I. 1035, the total levy of taxes for the current. fiscal year of 1940, b:T reason of tho fo1'osoin[: de ter:'lina tion, vlt 11 and shall be as fo 11o'Jvs : I General J:Iunicipal and Adm1nistra ti ve purposes: (a) Executive, Police & Other Purposes (Sec. 1) 7.0 Mills (b) Wlain tenance of Fire De-oartmen t (Sec. 1) 3.7 Mills (c) St.reet and Alley purposes (Soc. 1) 4.5 Mills Maint.enance of 1"roe Public Li.brary (Sec. 2) 2. C'JO Mills Maintenance of Fublic Parks (Sec. 3) 3.0 la1ls Public Band Coneerts (Sec. 4) 1.0 1,11118 I\';aintainln~': Dlsabill ty and PensIon l'\md 1"ire Dept. Relief Ass'n (Sec. 5) 0.1 l.Iill Refundinc Ci t-:r Bp,nds Sinking Fund (Ordinance No. 602) (Sec. 6) 2.8 Mills PublIc Park I~pr3vement. Bond Issue (Sec. 7) 1.4 Mills Airport (Sec. 8) '1.0 Kill Special Improvement Dist. Revolvin0 Fund (Sec. 9) 0.5 Ej.ll Police Reserve Fund (Sec. 10) 0.5 }(lll Total - - - - - - - 27.5 :/;i11s Passed and adopted by the COlr,J:l~ssion of The Cit.y of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 9th day of AU0,:ust, 1940, A.D. Attest: ~~. ~~___~____~__a___y-v' Clerk of the Commission Mayor This is to cert.ify t.ha t the foregoin.'_: is a true and correct copy of Resoh!tion No. 477 I levying taxes for the current fiscal year 1940, as passed and adopted as aforesaid. This Certification is made pursuant. to the provisions of Section 5216, R.C.M. 1935. ./ Dated AUGust 10, 1940 State of Montana 1 '"'c) --~, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a news pap er of general circule. tion printed and published in said Cit~r in the iSS1Je of Auc;ust 11th, 1 9 40 , and that due proof Is on file in my office. Do, ted this 12th da:r of Aue;ust, 1940. -;(~J~-~v- 81erl: of' the Commission I I , I -----...,. ,-~ -----.. -----..-