HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 476 Maintenance of Parkings, Year 1940 122 COMT.:ISSIor RESOLUTION :f'TO. 4'76 A RESOLUTION OF rpHL'; CQJ5I:IS:!lON C);" ':r'E~;; CITY Ol" B02::.i'.1) }~J~1.lYIl~(] /\1'T.J ASSI:~SSIl;G " <...-:~. J .",1 n ~r. .',,1. T j\.()~) ,!:':'~ S ~~l,':'. ~,:: T\r~' 0 ~ 'J'A;':::S nTCTJ l\LL rJ':~-,: rr~o L.~:nrl:"-,,T I~: S:)j,;CIi~L Ii/PHOV:..;:,:I::rJT ...1. UJ.. ,,~j\JJ_....J....l..J .JIsrrr~IGrrS OJ? rr:',.~ CITY' OI~ 30Z8T;-;,":.1:, COUKTY OF GALL.TIN, ~~ rli/". 11~ OF 1',10}] rJ~AFA, FOn rII-.~,}:~~ r,'~.l\ IIrrr}~~I<.t:J<' GI!~ Ol? f'.t~=1KII~(;S ~r~o ;}',:?rL\Y rl';!:i~ CC::,.~II1 ()=~1 r,~'!~II.::rI~~:.Il<Ir;G" f}1=J'l~ 1;-I.',IF~KI1TGS \111 TIIIl<; 8 t-~ I~,) S TiT,';: C1 _:'\ I,J It'! IJf{O ~l~",j!':".:',:..~:r;'1~!S '=) IS 'r~.:~ I .::.~ (r~) 0",:',1 '1'] .~.:~~,~; Clrpy 0:" DOZl.'~rLl' Fon 'LlE '(EJ\R 1940. ;'II::;:mr,;f\.S, the Ci ty Council ani} tJ:-l0 CommLsn10n of The 01 ty of Bo zeman ha va l-10ro tofore (1111,r and rer:u18rl Ie 1)33 sed counei 1 and COY'1Jnis s ion Hes Olll tions c roo. tlL(~ special lTIprove- I . ...r ....,,~I v 1!~8nt dis trlcts vIi tli.~.n 'Tho vi t;' of " defininr' t. hc b mmc'L.ries tllereoi' IC\I1ii I~rovici.inG ,-;0 z ern r. , 8n:::, for the fl s n e ~ ;:j!:'~'~:]n t 0 f; t.[10 t f . t . . for tho ynaln tonanco ofparkings tLerein, cos 0 maln 3lnlng UIe par1cings as set fortli in H":co 1u ti ons [l()T'e inaftc~r ref~;rred to; arld Vflr:i~r{EAS , the parking~:1 vii thin the bound::1rie s of said Srncie.l 1l~tprO verlcnt .01..7 tr ::c ts ha vo been cared for and run in to. 1nocl ~:Uj;"1E~ the year 1940 as contemplated in salQ Resolu- tions, and in accordanco with terms Bnd conditions tLereof; and ',;nTSK~AS , said ~heci~:ll I:t'~provement ,Districts for tho n~::l :~_n temmce of parkings and the Resolutions creatinp tt~ S EiIrre , the total fron ta,!e or the area, of the property wi thin s a i cl eJi s tr.1. c t s to be assessed, the to tal co 2 t of sa}d main tenance wi tllin saiel districts and the 1Cll".oun t cbarge8 ble to t Iw propert7: therein is hereinafter set forth. FO'.i 'r:tTims, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5242, 1'011 tic al Code, R.C.J,J., 19;:'")5, and said Council and COY'11'nic,2ion TIesoluti"ns, cre8.tlIig said Specie. 1 Ir.1pro vemen t Di s tr:l..c ts, and providing for the na in tenanc e tbereof'; BE IT EESOLV',:D AI.D IT IS rC;Hi_~HY CRDER;::;..J Tn,: 'II:::; 80T.];1 ;.J~;' ION OP 'I'lm CJ fI'Y L.:.. o=~ T30Z ,:,,~'~r./~~,'~' , ~) rp ./\. ~f.1"L:~ 0 I;' ~ '~ 0 y.:: r~~1 J\. ~r: 1\. : Section 1. Tlwt for the year 1940 Tt.e Ci t;, 0 f Bozc"oan hae defrayed the cas t (,\;3776.60) I for r.Win~;enance of .parldngs in tLo '. several 0peci~1 Im_provo~:ent .<..Il~' trlcts, pnrSlJ{Hl t to Rosolu hons crca tl.n:~ tho sarno, ami thnt the ent::..re C08 t t"'~ereof, the total n\'mberof linear foet, or area, of property to be assessed, anG the I'Ll to per linear or square foo t, is as follov!3, to-wit: laintenance of Park1n~ Distrlct Ka. 6, created ~):y "':ounc:tl Resolution No. 306, on Sou th '(i. lIs on A venue from Babcock Street to College Street, '" to ta 1 fron ta.,,:e of 4355.37 L, linoar fAot, the surn of ~538.06, at an Bpproximste rate per front foot of ;\:;0.1235484. " Maintenance of Parking District Ko. 8, created b'.' Council li.osohltion No. 325, Lindley Place. Fa ASSeSSlf'Cn t. ~ainten8.nce of P~kin~ District No. 16, created b;:r Council Hesoh:tion No. 356, ., ',~. Babcock Stre,~t from l.nuck r~v(mue to Tr8 cyi-\venue, a toi1jL area. of 93773 sq1Jare foe t, U f ~3C q [- a t an ap1Jro;;:imn te 1':\ to per s qua re r O() t of :1;0 .00U394. ~1O sur;l 0, * ).yO, lira intennnc 0 of r'arkinp; DiE' tr .tct 1)0. 17, created by ~ouncil Resolution No. 355, Grand Avenue from Babc;)ck Street to CollE)"'o S tre 0 t, a .. . __ ,m '1 ')3 ' f'''';' Vaintenanco of Parkinr District No. 52, crea tad by Council Resolution No. 476, Babcock,,3treot froM FiftlJ Avenue to ~i",hth Avenue, a tota1prea of 174600 square feet, the surn 0 f;\,l07 .71, a t an ar:proxi::,)ID. to 1'3 te per squa 1'8 foo t of ,~(j .U006169 . T,:aintenance of Parking :Jis tric t No. 5'7, created by Cour;cil Resolution No. C:;00 ......t..J.;./ , C Ie 'Ie It, n:j Street fror: -,illlson J\venuG to Seven th Avenue, a total fronta~o of 3182 Iln ear feet, the s 1m") of ;Uf352.71 o.t an approxir.o..ate rate per front foot of ;i~o .1108453. T;Ta:intenance of farking ;)istrict No. 68, cronted b;' Council Hesolution 1;0. 539, ','iill son A vonuc froD CollcCe S tree t to Clovolo.nd S tree t, a to ta 1 fron ta~~e 0 f 1::;60 linear fee t, tho sUP of "'15f 1 ( nt an approximc\te rate pOI' front foot of ,,,;0.12~')96. i? ). "I, I T,~o.in ton RDC 0 of ParkinG .lJi:,1 tric t IJo. 72, creatod by Council Resolution No. 561, CoIl e:'"8 Strec t fr'n'i Crand,ivenue to Sevonth Avem1e, a to tal n rea of 5lS;:~U4. 7 square feot, t~e s~rn of $266.31, at an auuroxlmate rate per sou are foot of $0.000517. ...... "l ,~ I"';aln tenonce 0 f 1 ar:d.n g Dis tric t Eo. 77, crea.ted b,;' Council Resolution No. 576, Ei"'hth Avenue from Dlckerson Stree t to Larrison Street, a total frontac;o of 1971 11.noar feo t, the f <'1 q;, as at an approxir.'nte rate pOI' front foot of ~e.08066. sum 0 'ri' .J<..). ~ - , l':aintemmco of P8rldnc Dictrict No. 2S, creo.ted by Council Resolution No. 62U, south side Story Strcet from .six ti' ;,venue to Eighth ~venuo, and bot}) sides S:L::_ tIc Avenue from Story Street to Collcee ;3treet, 0. total 1'r~ntac:e of 2,,12C.2 linear foe t, tne sum of 4:;200. :30 , !l t an approxima to I'D. to per i'ron t foot of :;:;O.OD2557. Ea::ntenance of larldnQ' iJlotrict lio. 90, crea ted by iJ01illCil Resolution Eo. 636, east sIde Seven tll ilvew' c from .3tor'.T Gtreet to Colle(",o Street, a to 1EL fron tage of 934.:2 linear foet, the 8t,T'-} of nO/lOa i.)olla;s. I.';aintenance of Farkin,,: J..Jistrict r:o. 107, created b:'- "';ounc _il Reso lu tion Eo. 658, East ,Story Strec t frori Trac y ,:Wonue to Dozernan Croo1<, a to till. fron tage of 70 linear feo t, the ::nXT'O of ,.,,7.95, a t &'i. approximate rate per froct foot of:;;O.lL5S71. J/:ain tenance of Psrk~,n[!, Dis tric t No. 114, created b:' Council Hesol,]tion No. 7:32, 'Nest side Grand Avenue fr:nn Collo[:e Street to Arthur Street, a tota.!. frontage of 930 linear feet, the :::: '11'1 of ;:;;\35.67, Q t an npproxim<.1 te ra te per front foot of $0.10287. jiaintenanco 0[1ar1.:1np; District No. 117, created b;~, Council Resolution No. 719, 'l'rac;,T !.venue f'rC\TIl J..Jickersm Street to Collo ;"0 Stree t, a to ta 1 fron tage of 1348.2 linear fee t, the sun1 of ,".: () r,. n I o.t an approxlEate rate per frmt foot of ;;pO.059587. '+;'>1.._.10. ....i , 1'/aintenance of :tarkin<>: District ITo. 151, created b7] COl1Ylcil ResollJtion 1'10. eno, I eo.s t s ide Fifth .A" venuc 1'1'))'1", Olive ::'>treet to Koch Street, a total area of 111189.06 square fee t, the 81'..m of ;:~46.49, [l t an approxima te ra te p.)r square foot of ~O.00011B. 124~ penalties provided by law relative to delin~uent taxes. See tion :5. 'rh:\t t}j_C reS1J1Lil' session of tJ,:e C0111J1.ils ,; Im-, of '1'he Ci ty of T30zer:i::m to be held on tilt) 16 th da~:' of AU':nJ f) t, 1940, lI.. ~. , at the ComY:1is 21 on Chamber, C it Y ITa 11 Bui Id:i.ng , be, and the sar'e is he1'e'oy designa ted ~lS tria time and place at w~icb objections to the final adoption of tj,.'~;.lS Resolution will be heard b~ the ConTI~ission. Section 4. 'I'lwt Hle ~~lerl{ of the ,,,...., ,. ,. 1- and he is h~reby ordered and d1r- I vomIl1,," S 8 :Lon ,)0, ectcd to pn'lish in tl"JC 0') . 1 (" i 1 a dally ncwspB :e')cr, printed and plblisbed ozer;an j Bl Y 0Dron' c c, in the saidCity of Bozeman, e notice siSned by tr-l c~lo 1'1,: of tt_o GOYlJJniss 10rl, d 1 t. an s '^-q :t,n r~ tl18, t a re80h1tion lev-;;;",j,ns; [l spec:ial aSSCSst"cnt of to.~~cs to dei'rf,:r tllC cost of malntenn,nce of parld,nsn in the said Special Improve~ent ~istricts for tJ.e ~re ar 1940, is on rilo ~,n ,I the offico of t::c C le 1'k of t~.~l c '" . . sub,j ::;c t to inspection for a pcr'od of five v 0 T,1J'n 3 ,-, ;-,__ 0 n , do. ~,rs . that said notice shall state tl:e tlY'1o an:1 place a t w~l=-ch objections will be heard ,. , b 71 the :; OTIlni s ,,'.on to the final adoption d' tbis Hesolu tion; thr:t .; t s hall be L'nblisflecl at least five days before tLe dte set b ~1 the C;ommis c;l on for hoa1'1n;:': ob jo ctions, and the flnal adoption o_~' tide Hesolution. Froi.risionally passed anel adOI)ted by the Corrtnlscl on of 'l'he 0i t':: of Bozeman at a regu- 1'11' session of th.8 sa~.d COITh'Ylls'lon on the 9th day of ,A:ur::u2,t, 1940. the ~~1u--- J.s:'or .b'innlly p!?ssed and adopted, b::1 the ':;ommisrion of 'I'he C':i t:" of 3ozemar: at a l' 0~\.}la1' I rncct~na of said Cornmis~lnn on the lEjth day of Au[~ust, ID40. Attest: ~~~- ~' Clerk 0: the Comnission J\la,/o1' n,:)TIC:::<: IT[~ ~:'.Lr\ I }'S G , Flr:,\L Ail':;' prI'l () N C O}..:1\:J ~-):_~I 01. EESO :LJU I'I 01: NO. 476 LKVYIN-c; AS~;)'~0S:'::1,'l' 01;' COST 01<' T-l\. 11' rlr:~Ti/\ N,::;E ();_'lA Ei( :n~G S IN S.i.'2CIAL T~iOy::,'::::KT IH2,'l':tCC'CS 2?CT1 '1' :;;: ~T'~/~.TI 1940. T~OTIC}'I,; IS 1",::;:,~E~1',~;J.3~/- G-IV<{I\j', tl:..at a re~rul!.1,r sC~8':'on of tLe c;orm13_s~!ion o.f The Cityof Dozc)"'[m 1181(1 on trlC 9 tL c13;"c of AuCns t 1940, Commission Resolution No. 4'76 was duly passed and ac'lopted; thnt saiel COr.'I:",ispion Re801uUon No. 4'76 levies and assesses . ~ a spoclaL assess- ~entof taxes upon all the property in 8pocial I!C1.prov'c)Y'lont 0:":.str:lcts of said City to defray the cost of I'-Taintenn.nce of h=Jrkine:s '1,:1. t'lin said 0pecial Improvement Districts for the :~ea1' 1940. That the Specie 1 Improvemen t .0 if; tric t8 and t.:-,o neOOll.1 t1.ons croa tlnr.: tile s arne, and the amount of the asses;1T1ent~ ~,re . ...--..- -1 ')') - '-'~ '1'ha t , said Conrnis~:ion Resolution E'o. 4?C is now on file in the office of tlJe C1crl{ of the , tl-:e said Ci ty of Dozemm subject to inspoction for a psriod of five vomm182ion of (t5} dn. VB, by any 1)erson in to ros ted; tha t Frida y the 16th da:; of Auzus t, 1940, a t 7: 30 0 I C 10 c k 1-. T,; . , of said U8.y 8t 8. rCr'ular 8es~1ion of the Cornmis2ion of The C1 ty 0 f Bo zeman, ,~'1 " . C b8.r.l be l' , OJ t:r 11all .Juildin[, has been designated as the time and place v"hen vonlEll s:: J. on I and where saId COTIllilission wil1b.ear and pass upon I:-:my ~-md 811 objections thn t may be made to the final paSS8!::"e and adoption of sa ~d Commission l1os01ution No. 47C 8.ncl the le vyinG of said aS2cssment; an::: tha t , said [{esolu tion wi 11 be finally pnssed and adopted at said rcgnlnr session of saId COr.1,n~s810n, subject to SllCL C orrec ti ons and amcndrnen ts as may be Eade upon objections made and filed within the fi va days l~.mi t as l=:ro ~\.C' id..cc:l b "\' law. All persons :nterested are referred to the sevnrrtl Council and Com~ission Resolutions creating the aforesaid Spocla 1 Improvenent Die trlc ts, defining the boundsrios t '.:.,~;ra 0 f and nrovldinr for tLe assessment of the cost of said ~aintenance of ~8rkings for 1'ur- .L _. t'er p,''..rt"Lcula 1'8, all of said Resolutions bo.Lng on f 1 Ie in the office or the C101'k of t:lO Comrds sion of 'rhe r, . t f' - at tho Cit~,- Hall of said City, and subject to the IJ J_ :r 0 .uoz e-:"~I r , , , inspection of all interested partles. Dated thi s 10 th da y of fil.1f':UD t, 1940. ~ C erk of the Commission State of Montana ) ) ss County of GHll~) tin \ ) I I, L. (' Sliadoml, Clerk of tho Comm is" ion of ~le ~lty of Bozeman do hereby certify J. th8t the forepolnr: N Hce Corp_mission Rosolu tiOD No. 476 was published at lenGth in the , ~ " ,-. u' 1"" ... 1 a newspaper of Goneral circulation pr:nted and publis:..ed in DOZ e'~lan . a__ Y V.LlrOtll c c, said City in tllo :l S Slle of 1'.u.o"U3 t 11th, 1940 and the: t clue proof is on file in my of~'i ce . Dated this 1:2 t.h clay of A1U'lJr't, LJ40.