HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 475 Lighting District Maintenance, No. 100. 284. 288. 289. 290. 295. 300 1t!) em:;:IS ,;1 OI~ RESOLU'l'IOE NO. 475 A H:::~SOLU'I'ImJ OF TIE cm:t:ISSIOl: O? 'rEE CITY OF DOZr';l.:AI;, r< 0 N rr l\.l.~ A , LEVYIN G !\Nj) ASSEssnw LICH-Irrn:(} DISTInCT ~,'i\Il~TSI;AHC:~ AJ;;) 1~I.28'I'EIOAL CUrmt:l:rr COS'l'S POR S:I:i:OIAL IIiPrW'!.:~:':::.::FT LI'3-ETDJG D:::STRICTS mn;B.:i:RS 100, 284, 2r~L, , C) -.: C1 290, 295, f.,..,;.._.. i.../ , ANiJ 3uO OF TH;~ 01'1'), OF' 1302:2:.;';1:, PURSUANT TO 'rE2 PTIOVISIONS OF SECTION 52?7 R.C. MOI'i'l'flNA ItJ35. be it resolved by the commission of the ci t~r of ooz8man , montana: I Section 1. '1'lIC!. t pursuan t to the direction and by authori ty of the provisions of Sec- tion 5266, :\.0. h:on tana H}35, and llpon esti.mates of such cost rr:ade b'T sa:i.d Cit~/ Commission .j ~ , as authorized and directed b~ said ~ection 5266 R.G,montana, lCJ35, to defray the cos t of maintaining and lishtinG systems an6 for electrical current in the sevaral Special Improve- rnent Lidlting ..Jistricts of The Ci t 7T of Dozern.em here inai' ter specifi od, the re is hereby levied and assessed azalnot property and the several 10 ts , piecos and parcles thereof, vd t:lin the b01mdnries of Spec:tal Improvement LiZh ting j)1::1 tric ts }hm;Jors 100, 2U4, 2D8, ;:;:8 g, 290, C) (' ,- and 300 of 'I'b.e Clt:, of Bozenan respectively, as heretofore created and extablished, ~,:lO , t' to ta 1 arIoun ts to eac;~ en tire dis tric t and the severnl a:r.lOun t s to eac;: lot, J.(},e as as piece or parcel of land within the bou.ndaries of SUell district, 8S set forth in the several schedules attached hereto and made apart hereof and Marked separately for identification as SeChduel A, for Spec:tal Improvemont Li:,:htln[~ lJistrict No. 100, (Ji:a1n Street); Schedule 13, for Sp:,cia 1 Improvement Li,c;hting Dis trict No. 284, (Cleveland Street); Schedulc C, for Special Improvement LightinG ~istrict No. 288, (Tracy Ave.S.); Schedule D, for Special Improve:':en t Licht inE': :Ji8 tric t No. 2b9 (No. '.' \ Schedule E, for Special Im- DOZ eman Ave. J ; provernent Li'":htlng .Jistrict 1;0. 290 (Black Ave. Sou th) ; and Scheuule Ii', for Special IV'1- , , I provement Lighting .Jistrict No. 295, (\i1l1son Ave., s. ) and Schecmle G for Special Im- , provemont Lighting District No. 300, (,willson Ave., lJ. ) 'l'11a t tl:le arr:oun t so levied nnJ assessed is 75~ of such estimated cost for each and all of said Daitricts except Special Improvement Light1ne ..Ji?trict No. l~jO (Eain S tree t) and as to such District the levy and asseSSMont is 50;S of such estb1ated cost. See tlon 2. That a p:1rticular descr:ptlon of each lot, piece or parcel of land with tLe name of the OVlller tllereof and tho SlJ:I1 assessod anu levied against such property and owner, or ai ther, 120 Commission to be held on i!.u0'ust 16th, 1940 as s ta ted in Section 3 hereof; that said notice shall be so publislied once, and such public8tion sh~ll be made not less thnn five da ys before 1\up-us t 16 t::;, UJ40, at time set for hearins and considoring ob,jectlon:a to the final adoption of this n.esolution, as aforesaid. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Cor:-::(!lsc1ion of '1'he Cit:.' of 30ZeYlLm at a recu- 113.1" meetin,,: of said Comr:Jisslon on the g th do. 7r of i~UCll.s t, 194CJ. I Attest: ~~ ~Jl_~L~! v ~,rk of the Corrmu,"".Lon l'layor F:tnally passed and adopted by t}"10 Comr.tission of 'I'he ,~i t :',r of ].30 ZC:~'1~,',,~.n, 2, t a rc:S\:tlar mectinc: of said COTn:11ission on tho 16th da~r of '".U,'-~U3t, 1 G 40 . At tc s t : d~.- r~~ K(f Clerk 0 f theCoJ::1miss ion 1: .) T I C2: OF 'PDiE AI:;,) FL U;E eon 1:,;;:IUN, OB,TL\>~ TTOI~~) T.) 'l'=j'~ r'I1:r.U. ..D()FTICI~ OF COI'.:!n,'3~)ION R2S0LU'I'ION no. 475 OF TIT: cmn.':ISSION OF' '1'1=[<; C I'I'Y OF :30Z ';;r,\\l: , TftQH'I'J.\.NA, LEV?IITG AND AS3:::E:;SING POr-z'I'I ~)N OF CO STOF I.L\II~T~':I.' A~:CE At::):~LE~ ,r'::r :~i\L C mtnmrT pcn SlECIAL II':PIlOV:S:<<NT L1 :1H'l'ITJ:}::n:)'l':.1 Ie 'I'S In'L'~j::;-:S lUO, 284, t) ~ : ,", ~,,~ [~C) , ;290, 295, AND 30U, t:.J '~ji...,,) , OF 'r'FiE CI'I'Y 01<' BOZ':~!J\Y, MONTANA FOR TH~ YS~R 1040. rJ011ICE IS ILEiTL~BY' C.I\,r.l.~,~<', Tha tat 8. r8crular meo tlrl0' () f tho CO:'1r:ls ~:;ion of 'l'he City of Bnzo1'1[p" , non tana , held on the ') th day of J\u.r'us t, 1940, Cor-:mis c:ion EosohJtion 1;0. 475, I was provisionally passed and adopted. Sai:i Hcsolution l:wies rtrl~ 8SS0sces a s po c :1 a 1 assessment upon all the I)rOB rty in SpecJ.Cll InprOVe~'7lOn t Li,-':h tine; .0i~1 tric ts Nur:l.JCrS 100, O'1ain Streot); 284, (Cleveland Streot); 2H8, ('l'racy i\Ve. S. ) ; ~2E39 ; (No. bozcr1an Ave.); 290, ( c, '31"'c'", Ve ). ;?~~5 , ( C' .. 111son Ave.); and 300(1;0. .Jillson Ave.), to defray es- iJO. J (-'\, ~ ..b.. J. 'l J. , iJO. tlma ted CO:1 t 0 l' main tenan co and olec tr ica 1 curron t for oacl, of s .:lid dis tric ts, pursll- an t to tL-;e provisions of Section 5266, lev. leon tana lD:S5. 7ho portion of such cost assessed i s "15;; as to all of the said dis tric ts e;" cept :Ji3 tl'lc t 1:0. IuD ( 1,':13. In S tr e e t ) an.., as to such district the protion of the cost assessed is 50''; . I NO'.rIe;.!,; IS FUR'I'F";R G :rvl~]\: that said Commi<::sion Hes(')lution No. 475 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of' tl e s a 'i d""'" t ,. C ",.. " "'i. -.; . t ,{, ] ] Bozc""on , Mon tans., and J. . '... _ '"'.L '.,' orn., J."".".,)n, l . 1 d.. ., subject to inspect'. on durin'" the rC.'ular ofrl co hours of said Clerk at any tiem prior toO and at tIlC f', 1 < f'.' .. ti f t 1 .. co .~ ,., ,...,. t, G,." ,. . " " . to ~o hold on F:rday, p, u:.~us t 16, r.gn ar m",e ng o,no ....a..LL.I. vl J ou] ",,-,. .,on 1940, a t '7: 30 O'clock I. II., a t tIle C0111;:;i3;3 ion Chamber in the C1 t~T Hall BU11din-, 130z eman T,Ton tana wldch is tIle time and place designn tell in saL. Resolution Ito. 475 when and w::L8re the said Comn:i..s:'ion will considor and pass upon an;.T 8.YHl all objections to tL.e f1no.l passage aY):l 8cloptlon of said Commis :don HOGolu tion No. 121m S tD. te of t:on tana ) ) ss County of Gallatin , ) I, L. n. . Shadoan, Clork of the Comr":':ssion of The C.: ty of 130z oman do he reby certify that the forer::o ini"r Notice COIT'J11i8 ~:ion Re,oolu tion No. 475, was pl:t1blished at len8th in the ".". ,-- Boz emsn Dally Chronicle, newspaper of general circulation, printeti and published. in said I C:l ty, in the iSSlle of August lIE, 1910, and that clue }Jroof is on file in m:r office. Da tod tLi s 12 tJl dn y 0 f ,llll'.QlS t, 1 {.j'1() . ~fl'~~-3?:~c____ C erk -Of the C01111:1i831:m State of Lantana ) J ss Ccnm ty of Gall' tin ) I T G. Sha=lo an , Cl,-;rk of the COr1uls 8:i. on of Tbe City of BOZeW1D. do hereby certify , .;..J. tl""t the forcc;olnr-; COul"1i::~:,'ion Resolution }("o. .175, '~vas publislled by ti tIe and mmber inthe Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspBper of general circulation, printecl 8Y:(1 iJl)blis~-18d in said City, in the iS8ue of im["ust 20th, 1~;;40, and clue proof is on file ir my office. Do. ted tt:.is 21st day of' August, 1940. {b~ Clerk of tl-~8 Commi.sic'lon I I