HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 482 Maintenance of Sidewalks, Year 1940 --.- :l42 Cm.'lMI SST Oi') rni:~;OL~,''-'IOTj NO. 482. . .. "... ." ',.,.." ..' I' -""'/" )'1 _1-' J -'-'1"" I, ,-:', ,',', TV' /- -c"C'I' "';ON O:~,- :[T;::' (:O:IF:1I'::.'~TOi' (},,' :L"','; (.,ITY U~, :;OZ ,Ai') .;;...:., ~:__.,.!>-u' L,i) f~~) .j,".)Jl'j'..1 ~ I. >.J .' --' ..., . . ., ," --.. ',,"'.'., "J ,J - , ~. , . .. , .n _. _ .., '.__. . ".,-', (.,'," i' 0'" r, (') '7 ~ 1,T J" c'1)'c;'C-L' ^T .1,':' c"'.." ,', c,' "',':'1\Jrl'" 0::." '[, !~\ '''''T~'O)" 'Pl',;! r",I'\'C'L' t. I'~ I)..\ ()P",II,r, CBS 1,.1 1.'. ;', "" Ii ,I ..:.,' !) _ "....1 '.'.' ~, l. 0.1: G J:'~~ ~.::,,~);.J...~.)~.) ..1.1'." . . .'....i.1..,:,.....J1.., ... .I)., ..' J . ....~,--,..... '.- ,-,._~ ~~ .. C('\T'1'1n",'.J'CHn, f"'IT1~t'''I-J.1 o'',(,;'I,r:' (JT,' T',';(',i.T',',','TA (1"1(1 ",V",'T\:\'I ':'T' n ,,' .(....).1.;' CCi.i .J:CrrI....~,1C..~ A.lID ~......IJ..,~,...,.!. _!,'.I ';i":::.. ,JJ~~ ..J. ", :_J.....j",. ...; ".;' ';'\;,,'.i'Jo.' ., . j,.,/.',..JJ.,,", ,J. ...,'... '--',....... ~: _ '" ___. "\..1 .-r., T li:'/f'AI.I.I1~(i A]\TD/OH HEPAIiU IF: T-USC;ELLiUmOUS ~)IDE'"";ALK~~ Arm Cl' !U\S DlJEJ.. T1.11:, J".A[{ 1940. ,,'":~:-~:fiEAS, on the 7th day of J1lne, 1940, the Cor;uni.c;; ci on of ',i.:r-~O r)j by of Bo zeman, pursu- ant to the pl"ovisions of Ordinance No. 561, en ti t1ed: - ,. . "" ....,.. ... ,., ",. ('C" ('()"C"'FF'rr""" ("T"'t:)T)C' ('I'TD I II ^ -'\T O. .C) 'lJ- I...... A.IIT.. ',:.r."'. q........ r.'....... (). ......... .... .. . .'....' '. .. ....' i -"";".';'. . '-. ..'. C..'JlJ. '......., ~..'.1_..)"t..i.(. '. '. ,t'.'1 ('.J 1'..J . L^.'. ."".\ I", I. .. I......~ :.-..~'. '.A. T..' 'A.'-'-. '11."__,,,:. .. 1,__. ~." .. --'.. .1'; .J . U', -'-"""". ...j ......1" ,.~..").. 0" '~. . ~i. J.' ,1,,\,"I:r ",' ~.I,.)..;...I.(, ,. ./ _., '_.' ,.' ").,. ...- "~, - """,,- SID1~~',':i\I'.R"S'IiT 'I'n]:: r;I'Y'1 ("F"I";()Z}:;~AN,' pnOVIJJIJJ':: Pl.:lJAL\'IES ;"OE ':l;;'JIOLA'.;'1U d 01" 'l'HI~1 OhDli!AHC, JIl'Tl) }\Ii:PEAL11T(1, OH[:TIAI:CES ],;03. 365, 374, 435, 447, 449AHD 451,. AND f:,LL O'I'I,'),:n Ofn)II~ANCE,') .!J,NlJ Pi\.H'.I";:; OF Ol<:lY[;',LC:.lrCTi:S 0;,',.,1 I;; CIj'Y (,I; BOZ',;]',:AlT .L~[ ('.(')lTf'IIcr[, !T"""I""'1"I'"!' " _ J\ .J" ,\"._~ ...,J~, ,j._ ,,1,;.',,_~l..,.I',II..' .".' 1~, <3.no. privisions of' Section 5244, Political Code, Ii. .C.1.;., 19Z55, (Commh::sioner's proceed- :i.r:ISS, Jl~ne 7th, 1940, Voltune .:xIX; Page 194) proceedings were had for the con~:Jtruction and installation and/or repair of Miscellaneous Sidewalks and Curb~3 in rElle City of Bozeman for the :,rear 1940, and if'.:,:l(T<;i\'s, Ii!isce11aneous sidO\"Jalk 2.11f1 curbs were constJ~)ctec.l unci installed and/or repaired bordering on varian s nroperties in '.L'1;.e City of Bozeman, pUrS1J.ant to Oreli nance Ho. 561, Section 5244, Politic.91 Ccxie,n.C.r,;I., 1935 ,,-:i',1ch aro tJereb::r referre(j<1nc1. made a part of thi~~ HesollJ.tion, and VhIl~~rmAS, the sa io. liliscellaneous Sidewalks and Cu,rbs h.avelJeen constructed and com- pleted Ilnd/or repaired in accordance witb the terns and conditions of said proceodinr;s, and the City Enginoer has duly certified to the Commission a schecJD.le shovlin;'; the side- vralks rol'; curbs which have been c onstruc ted r:.nd ins taIled, and/or repaired, and tJ:J.0 pro- TJerties ',,'[}rlch are SUb;ie. et to 3.DSO....,f)Sment.-... thoreunder Ilnc1. i~he tot8.1 cost of said construc- I tion and :tnstellJation and/or rOT)a:Lrinc LJ the SU111 of l"lfteen Hundred lTinety-nine Dollars and Sixty-h/o Cents (;j~1599.62), which ,'3ched1..1.1e marl::ed "Sc'nedu1e A", :b hereto attached and made a part hereof. lIE','], r"TJ,"';:nEII'ORI'~, pursuant to the nrovi s ion~J of Orc]J ro. nee No. 561, as afor eDIlJ..d, [lnd Section 5244, Poli tical Code, ~'~.C.M., 19~,)5,. as afor'esaid, IJ,r: IT' R!':SOI.VE',) ':1'JD IT' n,] ERHE]"',y OmTHIm BY':m COLH,1J S;':; ,ON OF 'j,:Iill cn' Y OJ:;' BO ZI;~I\,'\' ,i~l\T, S r11 i\_f"tI!~ en'I'l T/I. () 1\7["[ /~ IT1~: 1. 'I]J.at to do fray the COfJt of conc;tructing and installing and/or repmr:i.ng J\Uscel- laneous 3idewulks and Curbs as set forth in "'Schedule A", he reto a ttac}lec1 and made a part l1ereof, chere :is her'eby levied and a::;sessed a tax D11tount:lng to the sum of Fifteen Hundred Ninety-nine Doll8l's and Sixty-tvlO Cent s ( :;nS99. 62.) 2. That a particular description of each lot Qnd Y).'Jrcol 0",' land I'll th tho name of the oVlner and l~he sum assessed agains t h,lm or it i' or ,,::uch cone; trtlC tion and ina taIla tion and/ or repair and the runount of each payment to be made and the day when the s 8Jne shall become delinquent is set i'ol"th in the assessment list lJ.ercto attached mark.ed "Scbedule A" and made a part hereof; that the several sums set opposite the nn,mes of the OVlncl'S and the description of tho lots and parcels of In:nd be, and the same are 110reby respectively I levied and assessed upon ssid Iota and rJ.8.pcels of land to defray th,o eost and. expense of constrl}ctinc': 2.nd installin!:~ and/or repairing said Sic\.owall(s and Curbs; tll,Ut tho several sums so a~J De sse d be e01lectec1 from the respe etive OVJncrs of ~3 aid lot sand parce 1s of land described in sald assessment list (Schedule A) as required by law; that the pay- ment of saicJ Silins :',ha11 be :made in six installments; that the ])rr:;rments of saiel install- ments shall be :rlli1.de on or before the 30th da~7 of T-;ovcmbor of each year until paY!:1cnt of Commi.c;sion i:';'e~~olution Ho. 482 J4a all installments tocet:l~,r wi th the interest [;hereof, shall be made; tho. t said S U1118 sh.all be u .~'.id and the collection thereof 3hall be made in the manner a nd in a ccordance with the lav,r governing the collection of Specil11 Improve,-nent taxes; that failure to pay 3U dl a ssess.. ments vlhcn the s amc shall become dlJ.e and payable shall make such perGons and said lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties proveided by law relative to delinquent taxes; I 3. ':i'D_at the re('lJ..lo.1' session of tho Commission of rrhe City of Bozeman to be held in \:,.1 ,. the C0111raission Ch81nber in the City Hall of said Cit7r on the 18th day of Octob or, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., be, and the same L:; hereby desiGnated as tl_e time and place rd which , c _ ob jc ctions to the final adoption of this ;iesolution will be heard b;<T the s aid Commission; 4. 'l'hat the Clerk of the Commission of The Ci t~. of Bozeman bo, (l nel ho is he reb:; ordered o.nd directed to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and published in the said Ci ty of Bozeman, a notice sic;ned by the Clerk of the C OEi111is :3ion and stating tha t a H.esolrtion levyin/1; and assesc3j.n.[~~ a sps cia 1 as se s sment of taxes to de- fray tl1e cost and exvense of eons true tini~~ am installing and/or ropairin;:: Sidewalks and Ctlrbs in Tbo C1 ty of' Eczcmml 1'01' tho :roa r 1940 i<:; on file in tho office of the Clerk of ., tho Comrai3si 011 sub j oct to the inspection for a period of five (5) days; that said not:L co sIlall'_: tatc~~,hc tlme and place at which objections will be heard by the Cor:rrnission to the final adoption of tr,is Hesolutionj tho.t it 3..nall he published a t least five (5) days before the c1a;r set by l;he COJ1lmi 881 on1'or the hearing of ob jo ctions and the final adoption of this Re:;ohJtion. Prov:.i. s .tonally pflsf;ed and adoptcJcl t7,T the Cor.nnis si on of 1'he City of l'ozoman at a :1.'(:.'.;1..1- I lar Dossion thereof, held on the 11 tlJ day of October, 1940. Att0Dt: 9,L-v~{_- ~~j -'": .... r.. ..h.....t"'"-------......----.---..-,.------..- > _or;'; 0 t e .JOnmno ::::ion J:~ avor Finally passed nncl adopted by the Coywission of '1'110 c~.ty of Bozeman at a rec:ular sossion thereof, held on the 18th day of Octo~ar, 1 \~40 . Attest: ~~~~ ~ .. - or {-a: t};1-6--cfor:tm:t.sslon-'---'-'---'---'--- 1';1 ay or -......-......._- ~,T (i 'I' r C; E ~." --'" --- -+ .......... --- ~~;".:'J.I. ":'I-T"" f\.--"'p---.-rc".' "-'(:1-1' .,,-,-.- .. ,-_... '-. - ~,::,,-,,-.,. ,- C1C.LJ . IA/ )]! I, ,,",r..,1 C,., ,. ".,!)]frr"ION NO 482 V';VYINC' '\.C..,-p'0QT"....'fi' "A -/T' C" . -. '(",1'-. -: '..'1 .. ,,: ,... :. --'--:.~. r~: -, .. ~. . ._~.~ ,- :".'1~.. ."~,. .,..., ,cr L ,_'.:).!:'HJ'-.' _,,-,..'.l~ ~ ,J,"'"_'-')' . :j(':!.:.>.Ld.i"".nOll /el;1.). I 1'1 8 '1.'AL LA'I'I 0 1.] AlrD OR H5PAIH OF Ia~:CELLAHEOUS:jID]-; - "vAL1\S :\,,[Li CUHG,S T:\[ 'I'F'j C-}','V O'i7' v)Q-;:jC-;I'iAlii)TFOO IlY; 'L'''P r'An 1940 ... .--- '144 PC:: (0118.Y.' De~,~31r)n of' Vie said. Cormd::1sion of I.L',f.,;.O C ~i.l', J 0 f ;::,0 Z (; man f;) t the CODJi1.:l 3R.lOn ChxiLiGr in tho r~ 5. t:.~' ,.'rtlJ .,"l'.llrjl n';' of [J n.:'LfJ C i t~;T , ...'~ <"") ~ 1)(::en clesi r:t":,:.,ed r:_ 3 ~", '. () tl::'C:'J nd Dlo.co v:J:Wl1 nncl ,,',r}"ore ..:__~ <,.... ~..J tho sflic'j, C o:.onl ;:; :_; .' 0 n ';::L 11 he aT' ',l1U T\D.,'],": ':'pon o.P7'f and all o;~'jcctlon:::. tl':_ ", (; rna 'j b () :runc}",: I~o t~l~e fir~.al fJ D.~) ~~; i.l ,.\ ,.' -,,-, aclop:';i on of ~J ~1.]~ (1 Resolnt:lon lJo. ,:1 <J:Z :1 '.:~r',~,.(~, t }-,Le lc; vJi 1'1; () 'L' :3 I~::':, i cL a:..; 80S dlilont, 'J ' "" ..i,. .~'...." .' t IJ.El t caid fiesolution will .1) (: finall','{ lJQ,,;oo(i and adopted aL; ;:;cicj rCi}..ll:),x' ;,Jc,,:;ion. [,U1Cl AJ.l purDon" i nL', cro ,'; t,er.:t :.!,ro roI'cI'rc :0 " CowYI"\.iscion F:o::)ulution ~ro. .4 q() or The Cit~:} oi' I ~J 2.l c_ ~(jt.,.i EOZCm,D-D for t:h.e conE~ trllC tio n a.nd/ or :repail' of IH Eo C e 11 rm e 00. 8 Sic1cwnI]{:'J am). (>)1-[):':':, :tn front, or ()n l;he ~, i de, of lot:'J and l)D..1"CC; 12 of 1:111{:. ''-I.!_ t~ t" ! \(\ C~t.sr of ]-.oz<: ;-l[:1n for \.;':".0 ~;,r e ttr 1940, " J ':13. thol1.t the farm':,.. tj 0 D oi' a S[i8 ci al I. :~'cvc:.:..C!1t Li:lJ': ..':.. ;) ~'.. t -0;: \) .~.~ 1.:.3, ~~~ l;-~ I.;l: cl;Yy of Oc ."ct ('1' 19 ,,,'I: 0 , !\. D. u ) ) ..... , D~,;d:~~:- -... _...... . .... ... C er:c of tho vumis sian ;::;. ~,:, (.~, t t-:: (,\C 1. ~ 0 rrt (,1. rt[::t ) ) ss. e C)Lll1.t ',-,/ cy" ,,'-,~ on'" ~1 ;'.... ,:, .. ) ..' c__1..I. C'. u.L n I, ,. :~: ~'," :,~l ~ ~, :~) ~:'1.} 1. , '.:l(;r']'~ ();C t.11.( !; (Y:'~lL:J S i on of '"i\.r:! c: C l. ;.,. or- ~) 0 ? .. ... (if', n (:.0 },.I.<: l' (; C "X' Li j'y .!...}. . .". :~ll(~~ (ore 01 n..(~'~ IT{) Liee CULimL.L.i on [La:::; ol11ti on Eo. A /-, f'" ",) f.U:: 1') 1..1.1".:,> 1 ~t" ;:::; 1',:. c d, n, '1:; l,e 11{~ i.~:':~ in the i,,1 .,j.' ~'> i":~ , T:)O'7em~n '''''''~]'I C>lT'oYilel'" a newspaper of ,'eDcral cirellln. tio n prl nc ed :Hi6 {it ~.b l.~ ::311 e d in ~_,! ./~.L~L.,~ 1.JIJ'. J~ _~~ ..... _ '0...1 ~ sa:'Ld.. Cit71 In the is S11e of October 13th" 1940 and. thn.t cD.le proof' .t:J 0 n rlle in ni,l offic o. 11: .IJ':~;:r)s '/;'Ei'L;OF I 12orelln'L;0 set "Y hand a.nd affix 'l:110 oen.l of lny of fie e ,- . "[~.cl]~ :3 1ilth (1a'/ of