HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 481 Improvements on SID No. 335 --.-- .._---".... ---.-.----.- CO>:!:I ,'~:)I ON FESDLIJ'T IOlJ EO. 481 J3~) A ;-;::::'OL"L'10I' C ',',:1: C O!l!,;.I :; SC () IT U-,' 'l'IC: C1iY OF BOZI:;, AN, T,IOIJI'i\NA, LEVYI1W AND P'['<)Of ncad f\.SSI~::;,::I NG A SP}/'I!-\.L A,::S-:SS;,:'2:-T,:C ()~i AXES UPON ALL ri~FE PIWPERTY I j.; SPECIAL 1T.';+ aud Cbecked PFWVi':T.'n<~N':L;D1S'l'inC'C i;rJ. ;j35 ITJ~'T:I:, Crl'Y 0.\1' I3~Z:-,I:jAN, ~OUl\n'Y O="r"G!,LLA'I'~I!'",S'I'A'TE_~.d/?~::";!.~3_~~. OF'I,ICi 'P\.HA, 1_0 DI,J_"l-{IiY .~i';:,~ COST OI" COHS'I'RUCTlln AND L'lP.KING 'TEL', H'IPF:O'!J:',W',Nl'S d-d'4 -,n'TEIT: JAID SP2:CIAIJ n:Pl~O'.JEEEHI DISTRICT NO. 33 5. R_~ -.....:..,....h_m_ 'ir;::-:r;:n EAS, TFE City Conmission of TILe City of' Bozeman did on the 21st day of ,June, 1940, dnly and regularly pass Comr:1:l.sslon Resolu_tion No. 470, entitled: I A in~S, LiJTJOII OY-::lrF' CI'rY COl.::;..] I. SOH OF iI'EJ~ ('ITY OF" BOZT':I,;AH DECLI\,rn l'V:; IT '1:0 BE TI-TE nT'r::,~,,!Il'IO~'T OF '~'Hl;: CI'iry Ufo' ]'),07,!j..TAN TO C [{!i; NFli; ASP" :CIAL n.1P'; OV}],TiNT D13+ TIUerI' TO ET~ Ei.;Q"'/}'! AS SPECIAL n.IPl::()T.<~LC';NT D1S'rRIC'I' NTiJ:imr::H 335 cn,' '1'rI~: r.rl'Y OF 1~ 0 Z :;T\TA IT 1i'0 n 'iTT,: PTTF'P 0 SE 0 F P A V :11'1(: AHTHUH ;)r.llRJ:;]~;~ f,e PIF: rr~.cIr:.;J'~ ~I i..LIJTJ"< ~/r2~ S'I' 1-11 Trl"~ (jI(1 ~e:;'::.Ir{I) P.."'IF:J'.TLC:~ !~ ".LT.!':') '..i_'~' I:~ ~./r~-'I;~(JI.e IJIT~T."~ Ci" FC'Uf\TP A Vi,. and tl:1creafter, after (jJle ano. legal proceed_', ngs had, the Co:rnrnissIon of The City of Boze- man did on the 12th day of .July, 1940 , duly pass Commission Hesolution No. 472, en ti tIed: AnESOL 'I'ION OIl' TIE; :TIY COI:::LUSSIO~l': OF 'l'H;::;:; C l'ry OF BOZF;j;IAN, 1,1:0 1J'T AIlA, C HEA'n: HG A SP:i;C1AL n/IPF()\TEl'/:~i:N'T DI E)ci'IU O'I' TO BE KHOrm AS SPECIAL D,IPHOVEI',IEN'l' DIS'ilUC'l' ITTJI.TB ER 33 5 0 I? T H'P: r IT Y 0 F 130 Z:'J/J\.N , Fon :I'IT::-~ P1JRPOS}i: OF PAT!: )..)(; AErrHUI't ST I'\E:E'r I)I:rl'"~,,~r~:,~~I~I~ ".-="=:~T\ "",/.~I:I:/I 1J J_\T.:~:~ 02 'I'FIRD A V:::WJT: AHD l'EE/n':ST L1}TI'; OFr'OTJR'rlr AVElflm. vi}l.ich Corrunis s ion n.eso lutions No,,,. 470 and 472, passed 8S aforesaid, are hereby referred to and made a part of tl-d ,S re,:3olution for fur ther particu.lar s in respect to the boundaries of said dis trict, the charo.cter or the improvements to be constructed therei n, the ectimElted cost of ;:38.i::-; improvements and .the method of assessing the cost against the property with_- in sa id district; and ','!T:'EHEAS, said improvements as contempl ated in ,said Commis sian Hesolution Nos. 470 and 472 have beon constructed and comploted in accordance vii th the terms and condi tiol1,:; of Cmrrrnis sian hesolution Hos. 470 and 472, and the to tal c~os t of said irn.provernen ts so con- I structod is the nlJ_m of 'l\'tenty- three Hundred Fifty and Nine ty-oirsht Hun:1reths Dollars ("'0"C-0 98) :1;){..;.)tJ. . _":T. PRCVISIOT,I3 01" ~:mC:i'I()NS 5225 rI'O 52?7.5 and 5485, n.C.M., 1TO\7 fl;1.~;"T.~~I\I~l?()I~T::, PljH :jU AN_ '1' () 1935, :,nd amendments the reto, ':~:.: 1'.:.1 F_ESOLVE!. i\lm r~ IS TIEREBY ORD RED BY 'i'l'_=:~ COlj;l.[[S~;!:ON 0J.i1 ~L'EE CITY OF no Z}1:r.IAH, S~[\NI;E OF MONtANA Section 1. 'l'hat to defra;T the cost and expense of constructing a:md 111.111cLn!,,: the im- n,rovements ins aiel Special Improvement Di,,;trict No. 335, there be, and ther'e is hereby levied and assessed a tax amount:tng to the stun of 'l'wenty-tbree IIundred Pifty Do}lars and HJ.ncty-oi[!Jlt Cents (,~?2350. 98) , upon aD. the property in said Special Improvement Di~J trict No. 335; ~hat 8. narticular description of each Jot and parcol of land ~'1 i tll t}yc) nnmo of tb.o owner ~lnd_ the surn assessed D.Ejalnst hL-:l or it for such improverrBnts and the a mount of each_ nartial pa;nnent to -,0 made and the day \'!hen Ute same shall be delinquent is set forth in detail in the assessment list hereto attached, ffi9.rked II Sche dule ltp. , 'l_nd made a part bnreof; tJ'!, at the sO',Teral SlJ.1i1S set opposite the n31nes of the ovmers and the deGcribed lots and pnrcels of land be, ~md the same are hereby respectively lev:ted and assessed upon and acain8t 8 aid I descrIbed 1.40 ::Jhal1 terest thereof.', shall be made; that :; aid SUlT1S :3ha11 be paid and. tI1C collection L:':lc;peoi' be nw.do in tlo mannGr and in accor'c1qnce \"Iith the law 'overnin~ tho collection of ;JTJocLal im- -:)rOVelnent t~xes; t1-1r~ t Cai lure to }"):lY such an8C;J8r:1.0nts vJhen tho same become due anc. pas'aLle 8\<.al1 make such persons and said lot CJ and pC'.rcels of land lia'ulo to ti 0 penalties provided by la1:'J relcd:;i ve to delinquent taxes; Section 2. rj.'ha t the l' 0 p;u. 11. r ses:',ion of tr!e C OITIlnifJ S i on of 'l'he City of Roz,,;nl[:J)1 to be held I in tb.o Commis a:l on. Charn~ber in the City Ea11 1)1' 8cdd City on tb 0 4th day of October, 1940, at '7:30 0' clock P. M.; b(:~ , 8.nd tho S Hme :is hereby clesi :;na tod 0 f; 1.0 t imf~ arr:1 place atl"lhlcf) ob je c t i ()'1.:< t,(. t.be fin~l ad.option of this E-:esolu.tion \vil1 be heard 'h:( the s [:11 d, e ommls s lc) n. S e c t 1 0 Y\ ;S. 'Jti 8. t the Clark of the Commiss1.on of T'r;e Ci.ty of Pozornan bo, ~J.:nd he is be reby ordered and directed to publisb in the Bozerl1.rJ.n Daily Chronicle, 8. daily new:3paper printuc) and published in said City of F:~ozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of tile COlillnlsaion Hnd stat:!ng that a Resolution levyinp.: ani assessing a .SIB cial assesf'.:rnen'c of taxes to defray tbe cas t [~nd exoeE~; c of constI'1.lcting aDd makinI'; the improvelrLonts :!.n tbe said Special ImpPOv8ment District ~, t 33t:; is on filo in tho of fiee or tb.O C Ie rlc of the Commi~13ion ~ml:) joct to 1rwpoc.tion for a :";0. period_ of ...1 ve (5) d_D.Y s ; tllfl t n aid not ic e sha 11 s t'.lte t [10 t im8 and place at wj.licJ:1 objectIons wi 11 be heard byLhe CO-:lunLJ [11 on to the f:tnal adoption of' t.Yds Hesollltion; that it shall be published at least five ( 5) days befOI"C the day se t 1:)77 the COJnn:l:':\slon for UlE3 [Ie arT re of objections and the fir~l ddoption of this Resolution. ~ .. 1 ] ., 1 ., t~11 e C Ol!'mrls ni on oJ' 'L'lLc Ci t,'! of Eoz::man frOv}. ,:;:],or'~L.-y pa:';[) eo [3. DC ao.optcc} by ~l t <) r e:::ulal' 3e~J,3iontlwreof held on the 27th c1f-l"\T of ,:::.C{: tembel', 1940. ' .' u AttcGt ~~----------- I hlay (Ir / dtJ~;,---~-------- ---- Finally pafJ[ied and adopted by the Conl1ids r:10n of 'Fie Cit;v of' Eo zeman !) t a r'cC)J.lar ,j e;; 0:01 on tJlor'8of bel(~ on tho 4 th d::1.y of October, 1940. i~ttcst: ~~ ,. , .,.-' t.....-. - -"-. ... ," ----.-.-..--.-. ..,~"-,-,~",,. _.. 1.:0.]01' .... .... ... .... . . .... ... . " el'.'': UJ ,ne om.m.lSSJ.on N 0 'l' ICE - -- ...- _ __ 1110_ riEAFIIH::, 1.,'1 NilL ADG P'LL Q?,] 0 F' Fi }i; ::';(1 J;,_<~' IOIT }10. 4En LEVYi un ;\n' SPECI AL E:PROVE;- I.:ENT DIS'l'HIG'T' EO. 3;55, CI ~r\.. C=:,. :,-:'~~, 0 Z':-".: :'., ':.A j T, FO~{ F.J'J. VI ji. o-r:!~ fir) :~:~ 1-L)r~I:]~i:~',l ~:'~.),I;Tr'~,,"{l~ }~10' rr I-{IR D ~ l~, '.'_ Ai D }"OT7F'T'TT A ']:~':ln';-I':S . 1.[ (fl.' I C 1<: I ~3r'-: ;~ I V:::H, that at a re:i:ulur It .-\ tllC Ccmrrlisc>ion of 'il.e Cit~r of ~:~eS~3l()rl OJ. L'ozcman, held on Friday tho W7th day of September, 1940, CO'(~'iJi:J ~j on I;, e uo ].11+; j on no. 481 1Nas ~rovisiona ll~7 PD.,JSG d n:n.d adopted; Lh rl t s'l.id. CorrmLi..,J t:ion He:301ution 1'[0. 481, 1e vie s C1 !:~,(J, 8_ s s'" essos 8. special 8.SSG~:;SF1ent of taxes llpOD all the 141 r.;aid Conllnis8ion v!lll l~e[T ctncl pa.'H} upon any and all objections that may be made to the final passage and adoption of said Resolution No. 481, aDd \.;110 levying of :::aid '.1_ ssC',ss:;;cnt, lJ.ncl that sl,-ic1 H0301ution 'iilll be finally passed. and adopted at said repllap sesnion. All pCY.';;on,,} in1;r)j"(; stod Gre ro1'e1'1'o (i to Connni:3s10n Resolution No. 470, declari n(' it to bet he intention of tho Cormnission to create Speclal Irllprovoment DL:;trict No. ~)~) ;)::J_ nel C am- I ml s ,;:t on F{ef~olution No. 472, creatin Special Improvement District No. ;~3:). Dated ttll ,; ~?C-)th da y of SO)) tem'oer , 1940. aA~~~G~Ion---'--~'.._'-"'-'-"-_._-'- state of Eontana ) )ss County of G-allatin) I, L. (' ~bacloan, Cle rlr of the Commission of r1'ho City of Bozeman do heriJby certify 1,,)" . thl,-t. tb_e :C'orerso1ne: HoLice Co:mrnission Re.:olution Ho. 480, was published at length In the L 0 Z f;)Tlan Da:tly Cb_Y'oniclc, a newspaper of general circulation pri.nted and publ:tSflOd in ~; D. i. c) Cit:y :Ln n-,o i:c; 81)_0 of September ~29th, 1940 arr:l that due proof :i.,', on f'lle in lilY office. I 1J,':1 'c' I fE: ::;~) 'iji-T;:F, E 0 P I hereunto set my hand and ::lffix the se.91 of m:y office this 30th day of Scptem';JOr, IS'40 . tU~rr,;;-i:iion ----- Sta te of Ivlont ana ) )ss County of (j-allatin ) I I L (, Sh adoa n, Cler1:: of the Cmnm:ts sio n of The City of Bozeman do bCl'cby ccrtify , . ....f . -UJD. t tJl,e fo re?o:tn~-); C OlYlJn:i ~1 s Jon Eos() ll.,_tion l':o. 481, V/aS Pu1)l:tshed in the title and number :i.n the Bozem.an Daily Chronicl e, a newsp2"per of general cirou1at1. on pr'i nted and pub Iished in ~,; Did C1 ty in the issue of October lOth, 1940, and thl t due proof is on file i n my office. IN ':fI'l'l:E5S -,'rmS~;;OF I hereunto set JilY hand ami affix the seal of my office this J1f,th day of October, 1940. ~,~~~--, ..-------......-."......-- er ,_ 0 e OmmlSSlon I Commif3sion"esolution Ho. 481 --- --- ---