HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 480 Removal of Noxious Weeds
Cm/iTi'I:':;SI01: m:~'jCT):T'n 01: };o.
A ::i.J:,;c',C':U'l'I
OJ;! OF TnTi: COl,[hfL S.:HOH OT" TIC2 SlY m
~3C' Z ':,;:: JUT IE VY"11<G A:L Afj ST:; i::(; :U:i.: A
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OF' c; LI,L\tI
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Oil i.; 1,'---' :-,T":LIOVAL OF
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':n:'::';hE,; P03 L'7:::~ T'C-'AH 1940 pi:li.,SUAl;-,-
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T':" D : II AlT O!-:DIi\ITCE DEFI::IFG Aim P>'OVIDIl:'-
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The City Council of '1'he City
of Dozem9..n heretofore duly fmd re{'}J,larly passed 01'-
dirla:0eC Fo.
L] 'v'. enti tIed:.
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DYFrTJ."~ J AT';D I'~-:OVTDIIrr 'C: 'LJ;.-.i.~~
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AS, Section 5039.82, T)
/".\ ;,.l. 193:::, , "(jI'O vi_c1
e 3 tl--:e C i t~\r or TO'iIYl CorlYjcil
}'\D_S pmver to
1\ .,
-, .
clcclrn:o bond d,c:L(')l'l'1_i nf"
,,",'}-Irl t veget;ation .iit.}):Ln tl-Je
ci ::~ 01' to;"/n ,;:-nnlJ. ~_ie noxiou:J 'iJeecls,
c:wcl to
IJl'ovic1e the manner in VJ11lch they
s}lalJ~ l)e
t . t'
a In to roqiJlro Uie
e)~ ~ cr-':rn:Lt:tt?!.. ,- eLL,
ow nO r
or Of/nors
.".. , ".' "", -, tOT ""~tl-"n "'lid ~.'J-.'Y ()I'
town, to cz:t,- rm:i.na
te or romove no:.iout, '.'iced:";
01 a.n,y 1)1 011101' ,J '".l. LL .;>~" _.L u,
t;}-'_G iY'nrerni s C r:,;, o.nc1 t he one-half of {>.ny
rO~td or :3 treet. l~/,in~; D'::::d: to
~d!'1 c
1:n:1:.:; OIl t) ()"I J. ()..
Of,;.-,'l 'J.. !~\ !",\ t .~~ 't Yl,r n
L~_'.:.'j rcon, an/J toorovide,
i n UtCJ e VeI' t t1'le
O\l/nel'S I'i'i no) r'
'" nTJ:, o.'l 3o.1d.:Jre-
rid .'3 e 8 11'; ('~1 c: G i~
t,o c ="l;ocm:'i n1'1. tf~ or remove G}-_lO nOX~L(") ~:1
'iJeeds tl :.. C peC' ,'orn,
for le v./i. n :..:. l;he
co at of
such e.x;~er'n:i.il"i. :::;_on or removal as 8:-)(;c1a1
11::sc'3sment a-'ainst t;J"e property;
\".1.1 .,'J:<
.;, (i.< J\;.) , 0\7nerS of' ::JremLw ~J
in ,yid C1t:} have neglect ed to cxl;nr-"TL!lo_t,:-; ,':dj(i_ :I:'emo e
nO~li()I.;,S weods trterefl'om clLU:'L rJf_;
tho year' 1940 and 'l'ho
Cit-~7' of' i2ozernan,
pU1'3ltant to Section
50;39. <32 I~~. C.
Iii. ID35 C'_nd Ordinance
Ho. .1,2., , IlH ve
exLe:er)lirntcd n n:lre:m.ovccl no:;:ic',-,-:J '.'feeds
fr'Onl'Jy'ex,LLS 8:3 or said oV!mn's a nel. the tot al
C OE1 t
of Lb,Q cxt;cl'minatlon ~'-Jl.d I'Ol11ovoJ. thereof
is ell [U' ::1.b1,;
to i;hc property as hereinafter
1Jet fox' ty~, -)L:.r :Tl}nnt -~ onro vI s:t ons
oJ' ~J n.L Ci.
Sc:: c ti ().n. ::~O~):j .:,2,
Po1it:i.cal Corle, i.:~ . C . L~ . ,
lCc'''h alxl
;~:::, f.:I.li.'; C r i,:__:m_ul C 0 T<o.
,42:':-:.~ :
,:.''.,J0 ,
Ti -'.;', ~:.'~ (~"T" \vr~;;
,:\ ''. -I': ;' 'I :1:,': T.~:,.<!'~:;:~.:rIJ-"\;'~ 0 l.:.J::.'"I.~'.<:~'~~;:,~']:
> 'f':'. ~,i'" (' (, l::,n 'J" I 0::1 UTi .,
'1"'1"," CI'L'Y 0::;'
:'~,:: C\ ~,:~:::.,<L'[
I~ :,['T , :::'~ ;.:l_i I~t ;~I '! :~ ()'/ L~ (I :tT'f':)}T A :
Section 1.
That during tIJe year
1940 '1'ho City of T;oz Cl:1an b_8.:3 e::ctur':nlrlated and
moved noxi on::" 'weeds from propox't:'i.e:3
in Tb.e Ci t~.:'/
of Bozunan and defra~Jt:J d the c os t thereof
a::-) set forth
in ~)ehedu1e hereto a ttl1checJ.':md l'lade
a pa r t thereof.
SectIon 2.
'l'hat to defray tIw
cost of (::!;9n. 40) of ey.teI'm:1.nD.ti De; and rcmov.lni';
noxi011s \'fccct:J
from ~'Hdd p:rcmlser, at, ::H")"c for th ins 'llc).
E) che (In le , ho"o Lo attaelr.Gc} and mado
part ILerG of , fOI' tb..e :'rear
1940, there be,
and LIlcn'e i:] }1e l~ e 1)'~r
~)vied and 08sessed a slJccial
tax a~ainst said property
as [Jet forth in
s ai cl s ch," (1_111e , horeto
attached 8J1cJ. m,',lde ~l
part hOT'eoT
. tb.at a particular de:3criptLon of e C"j
('-.} , lot
']nel l,areel of' ID_Y1c] "r:U~hUle
r~t}.,r!l 0
--' C",~ I".,J",,__
of t:'1.fC) o','lnor' and_:~,}lO ~,;um a :-J se ::;[3 e d a(':8..1
ns t l-dm Ot. it
i ::: ~)e+~ J'o1'1;h in aS~1C)::~,mc:nt
1i,.-:;\[:; hOJ'eto
aLtache(l :'1la:r.1';:cd 11 ;)(.J10(lule One 11, arK'_
made a part hereof;
t:la t ~he ;:~ ovc::r;)..1 :Jlxm~1
:Jet onposlte
the ~nl1 r;l~3 ~J
all-c.l thc; a arnB is
hereby desisnateG as tho time E..nd place at which objections
to the 1'ina1 ...
ad o:;G i on of
this Ees-olution vrill be heard by the Conmli,s [3ion.
SectIon 4. That the C ler1: of the Commission
bo, and he is hereby ordered and direct-
ed to
publish in the Bozeman Daily Chr onicle,
a daily newspap er, pri nted and pu.blished
in the said
City of Bozeman, a notice siE71ed by
the Clerk 0 f the Commission,
stat in,'-'; that
a resolution levy,'.Jl!';
a speci 0..1 assessme nt of t axe8 to defra'y tho
cost of exterminatin.c and
I rernovi n;: n()xiou~; ',-reeds from certain prope1'tio s
:i.!1 'The Ci ty oi'
BOL"J5J11aJ:1 for tbe ',:rear 194:0,
lS on fi Ie
in tlJC of fice of 'rIle Clerl<: of Tbe Cemrni;:) ,'}
. on, sub ject to inspecti01'l LOI'
y)cr5. od of fi ve days; tha t ~H'.:l,I:notice
811[111 state i~}:-tE time 8Dd
;)lace at \I.ji~lich objections
will be heard b'y t',he COY:J]11Jssion to
th e fl,lID. I adopti on of th:t 3 nosolu ti on,
that it
be plJ.'oLt ~:hc ,J. 11 t
least five days bofo~e the date
set '0 th C . . r" 1 '. D b
";/ ,e on1l11J..!;1 ~LLon . 01' Je'J.rLn(': 0.1 0 -
and the final adoption of this nesolution.
Provisionally passed 'Oy the C01'1mis8ion Qf
The 01 ty of Bo zerrlrt n 8- t [t IB[:'}1lar
[38 s 31 on
ttLel'eof be lcJ. 011 the
].;') tl'1 day of Scptemb er,
1940 .
liI~~~--- -----
.Lif~d~~,.,-_. .n.,.,__,__
()lef'l-:: of the CO,lrJission
Final1'T nassed Qnl adopted by the Commi::sion
of '11ho City of Bozeman at a
i" _L
sc::;sion of
3aicl COn1r:c:ts s10n on '~ho 20th day
of September, 1940.
I, ayor .
. ........ .0<'. -a-- -.. ._'._.__.__...___..___._.u._._._._._._.._.___
CJ.e rk 0.( - 10 vOn1nu. Galan
N 0 'r I C Ti'
-- ..- ~.- -...- ~-.- ........
.I ~ I;; ./~~..,~ I "i'fe., :~'I 1:1\L ZDO.P'l11 ON ':.:OL)j,~I ::) '~I 011 HE ~~() LlT~i.'IO N NO.
480 L:;VYI:'C} SPI-',CIAL
A::S:!~S,3I,,1:':lir TO DEFHrr ':,'JF': CC,:J'I' OF [';X'l'F:m;lI1,jA'l'L IT"; AND r<EMOVI JIG NOXIOlSS ,-:rEEDS
ON GEnre AnJ PHOPT'HTIES IN '['HE CIty OF no ZSJ>'1AN Fon TEE Y1~.4H 1940
1W1 r c;~: I s }i:l~In-~.;:y GI VEN , that at a regular session of the
Comnission of The City
Bozeman held on the
13th day of September, 1940 ,
Commisslon HefJolutlon No. 4130 was duly
pa~c f)ec1 und adopted;
thD,t; said Commi~3:Jion Resolution No. 480 levie s
~url aSsesses a special
a~\se[~:::;ment oj' taxes
upon ce~tain properties in Tl:1c
City of Bozeman for the Y8 aT' 1940
defray the cost of extermina tln:_~ and. 1'emovll:s noxiws weeds fa I'
yoaI' 1940 .
snld Conmliss'1.on 'Resolution No. 480 is
now on file in the or fie e of the
C181'1: of
tJ:.l.e CocunLJs:1.
on of sEt:l.d City of Bozeman subject to inspection
of all per s on{J int~Jrested for
I a neriod of five (5)
days, by any per13 on int ere sted;
the!. tF'rid ay , tho 20
tl1 day 0 f Septer.loer,
1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
of said day at a
Y'0;'1..1.la1' session of the COITlll1ission of The City
of:3ozeman, COllmliss.l on Hoom,
City IIall Dl.1ilding, {laS boen designated as
tho time and place
when and 'where
saicl COldllission will hear and pass upon any and all objections that may be
made to
tho final passage and adoption of said Commission Hesoh,tion
No. 480 and the levy-
ing of cald a~sossment;
and tha t, sald Hesolutlon will be finally passed and adopted at said
sess:ton of said corml1issi.on, subject to such
corrections and amendments as may be
made upon object.tons made and filed within the five days
limit as
provided by law.
Commi~3sion n.esolution
No. 480
. ----...
Datecl this 14th
day of September,
~~~~~~~---_..._~.._-------_.. ~_..~~_._----
-e-r -:-- o-f - tllc---c6riID1-iss5.on
State of 1,10nt anEl )
County of Gallatin)
L. (' Shadoan, Clerk
of th.", COlnmis sion of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify
tha t the forego ine: Net ice GO~C1mis sion 't1/;/Ji.:ltli/J1t Resolution lTo. 480 , was pl1.b lisb_ed at length
in the Bozeman Daily
Chronicle, a nevispap e1' of' general cir cula tion pr inted anI published
in/City in the issue of September
14th,1940 and t}l~lt due proof 13 on file in my office.
IN!iI'rTJE~)~) 'fJl!EE(EOF I hereunto
set my hand. D.nd affix the seal of my of fice this 16th
day of September, 1940.
~~ /
.----- . - - ~ ---<"'----=-~
-C ci:,Tf' of ~~~~s'ron----'--'-~--'_.".'--'---'--
Sta te of TIont ana )
Cou_nty of Galla tin)
L. (J-. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of Tl1e City of
Bozeman do he1'eb:y certify
that the foregoing Comm:l.ssion Resolution
No. 480, was ymblishc(l by the t:1. tl
e and number in
the Bozeman Daily Chronicle,
a newspaper of general cir'cula tlon pri nted and pub Jished
in said City in the issue
of September 22lli~, H) 40,
and tha t clue proof is on file in my
IN ',.'I'l'NESE;\'iTmrmOp I hereunto
set my hand and affix the seal of my offic e this
23rd day of Septemb er, 1940.
Cornuission Resolution No.
____u _
---.. --.