HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 479 Improvements on SID No. 332 .. ...-.,--- -1 '3') ""'( _ _t t ~l.l '.h, '.. q p J?_ ", ~ " <40 .....~ CmnnSSlOr TIESULUTION 1'JO. 479 .... ..~ r:.+:c; '. - '~ .~/ ~~ V ',-::S '.' 7"'" A Ri'SOL1T'T'InN DF' Te-T}i' COTn'l<SIO}, OP '1''.:F:' ('ITY OF' 30T~n'\T'r 't<rOhT/Ji" I,L,.'\/VTF0 A1\TU ""~"'~ "'" .w J"...... " ....,...:.J I:,. L. . .... !J'.,.J V ,,~J.,I~.,,/.. , .~, " ,.,_.,~ ~J_..'"'''''''' ..I.. ..... .. ASSESSING A 31'TW11\L ASS[~S;~~I',;,~I,:rI' OF TAXFS UI-OI( I.LL 'l'E!~: FEOT im'lY n; Sl'L:;CL'iL """" '. IN'PROVT:;I' 'r:ET DISTRICT }I;-O. 332 n: T~:.6 CITY OF 30L;EI-,:d;, comITY OF GALL!,~['IN ...... S'l'ATE OP ?,:OY'l'MTA, TO T~P~AY TI~E; COST OF COl':STHrC'I'::::NG M:D MAKIFG TLIL; 1\- PROVI'l,"E'N'l'S 'uH'l'IIIN SAID SP'~CI!\L r'TPHOVEY~-=rT :JIsrrRI')'I' lTO. 332. VvYlTI~R2AS , The City Commission of The C:ty of BozAman, did on the 15th day of March, I ID40, dul~r and regula rly pass Commission Resolution :No. 462, en t:i tIed: A RI~SC)LUTIut.} ,::_:i1 rrII;.-.~ ~ Iirt :;C~/fT..'::I;"',~)ID:' O~~? 'rlD~~~ C I rp{ OI? 130Z~,=r.""liN', J\"Orrl'Al:A, DECLAFIli-G IT TO BE 'l'}~~ IWI':i:I"TIOl; OIi' SAl.J Cmai:IS~3ION TO CREA TI~ j\ SfS CL\L n-i'TIOV1,;t,'i:;}: '1' D1 S- 'I'TIIC'l' TO 13}'; I<:JTCJViN [,lID DE3IGJ\:AT;'::) :11.3 "31'~CIAL nrPEOV~:~;'.':I'JT DI3T1-1: C'l' NO. 33211 .:"OR TIlE l'1}E,lOS';; OF IKS'Ti\LLn:8 A SANr'l'ATIY SE1'-J~R 2,NJSLL 1-1.,,^.C.,:, It: SAIl) C1T'.:.:, ilLJ TO Si-'Ti;CI ALLY .\SSESJ T:~:~ -::::l;TIRl~ C02,T M,:~) j~X_FI'~NSE OF 1l\STALLurG SAID SEVHm AGAHrS'T TIlE F~WC:~H'l'Y '.IITEIlif SAID S~<~CL\L nT~OV~;rm;rr DISTRICT AS CREi\'r8\) , A~:_J HER,,'Il\' DESCH I:S:~-) , UlnX::n AY.:::' 3:," VIR'TtTE 02 TEE iTIOVISION3 OF SEc'rIOKS 5225 '1'0 5277, INCLUSIV;!" EZ~',~V'IS~~:D C C~\ES 0[,1 r'.: 0 :-;'1'_/'.I;" A 1 ::~3 5 , AI; D ANY AtEr;-Df,:EIT'l'S 'I'HEHE'l'O. and the reaf' ter, after ::Iue and lcgal proceedings had, tile Commission of The Ci t~ of Boze:nan ,,' did on the 5tlJ day of April, ID40 duly pass Cornmisoion Eesolution No. 464, en ti tIed: A HESOLU'TI UN or,' 'I'LL'; CO;,,:1\:I:::'::)1 OT'T OF 'I'BE C1 'Try OF' BOZEEM" S'I'ATI~ OF I,TONTANA, 1""1 f/' ; f'., tfi 'u i'l. _...d"\ 1. - H'G A SFi':CI_4Ic E PROVE1J;:rT DISTRIC'r TO BE I<J'-::'\IT AND DESlm('i\'l'IW AS SFECIAL D.':.t'ROVE- ~(EJ\:1' .)IS'I'HIG,]' ::TIT.:BI:R 332 OF SAE) CIT'{ 20B. 11'1',,::-1':" lURFCSE OF nJSrri\I.LILG A SAHITARY , ,1.1. L ~j BE'/'EH IN DELL lLACE n: SAID CI'I'Y, A}iD '1'0 SPECIALLY ASSESS TE'~ 'sl:TIR:"': COST AXD L':X}'BFSE Oli' COl;-srrRtTCTING S,\ID SAl:I'rM~Y SK\:r~R AGXI_!.::::;'l' TEE FT:Oll.i:R'lY.,ITEH; SAI,;) DISTEl C'l' UJI::-J!::n /iT:') BY VIn'I'UJ.~ OT;1 TIE: PROVISIONS OF' SECTIONS 5225 TO 5277, INCLUSIVi'; , Hi~VIS::::;D C ODES eli' 1,IONTANA, 1935, AND ANY AMEKD~2NTS TIlliRETO. which Comrnlss ion Resolution Kos. 462 and <164, passed as aforesaid, are hereby referred to and made a part of this resoluti.on for further particulars in respe c t to the boundaries of said district, the clwrac ter of the improvements to be constru.Gted therein, the esti- ma ted cost of said imrrovon;en ts find. tilE) mcthod of assessin::" the cmJ t again~~ t tho property within said district; and I 'IIyf}~}~P~E.AS , said i~vrov8~ents as conteY'"lJlateJ in said Comr:l1ssion He solution N-as. 462 and 464 have been constructed and completed in accordance with the tems and condi tions of Com- m'ssian Eesolutions Nos. 46~~ and '164, and tho to tal cost of . 'ii t84. the 30th day of Kovember of each yeBr un ti 1 pn 'J'!".en t of all ins ta11mentE tOGe ther with the interest thereof, shall be made ,; th~1 t saie. suns aLall be paid and the colle c tioD thereof s hall be made in the manner an6 in accordance ',';'1 th ,- '- p, lawr:.:overning the co11ec- ....;"1 ::,., tion of special improvemen t taxes; thnt 1'a111.1re to pay 31;ch aSSG8Sr""nts wLen the s aerr e becrrrle dl10 and pa:TG ble shall make 3U ell persons and said lots and parce Is of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to ,:;elinquent taxes; I See tiol1 2. '1'hs t the re~ular s8ssion of the COJ1,;;.o[-icion of The C:l.ty of Bozeman to be held in the Commis sian Char,ber in the C:.. t: IIa 1:L 01:' [) ai cl C:ty on the 23rd day of Au:.r;ust, 1940, at 7:~5.) o'clock P . ]\~. , be, an;;.i the sa~n6 is h,,':r0by des1n:na tec1 as t.'r'rP tlc,e and place at which objections to the final adoption of tJ:~ :s Resolution will be heard by the said Comm:sslon. See tion Z). '}'11a t the Clerk of tho Comm'. s::1 on of Tho Clt:.." C):f' BozemAll be, and he is hereb;/ ordered and directed to publi ah in the Bozeman lJial~7 Chroni cle, a daily newspaper rrinted and plJbli~'hed in saie Oi ty 0 f 130z e~nan, a notice s~:~:;rled t:/ the Ole rk of the COlrJ>,issi.on 8nci statinr' that a Resoltd:ioD levvinr" and a.33e381n':- a speclal asse~smcnt of "..,,1 v'..,,,,; tax8 S to defray t~e cost and expense of constructing and mak1ng the i:::nprov8mon ts :in tl-:.e sald Spoc1al l~provement District Ko. 332 is on .1"118 1r, tll~: office of' the Clerk of tho Commission sub,ier-t to 1nspec tion for a period of five ( !J ) da :lS ; t h'l t s a:i.d n;) tic e shall s ta to the ti;--Y'o R!id plsce at wl-ilch ob,lectlon.s will be heard b:' Lue Commission to the final adoption of tLis Resolution; tLa t ~..t shall be Lnlbll::::llod at least fTve (b) days before tbe c1171 se t b;r th0 Con1~,::, :3 ~~ ion for tt.e hear_ins of objections an:01 t1"L~ firml a C:Lop- 1....J........ tion of tbis Resol"tion. I Provis10nally passed and adopted by tt~ COTIL"'!11s 8 ion 0 f :.i.'he ~ i ty of 130z Olr.an a t a regular session thereof held on the 1 C th d a J'- 0 f A uIu (; t, ID40. Attest: c~(~Jk.~~-:!-_._- ..~-_................~ Clerk of the Comrnist,ion P"nal1:' passed. Rnd adopted b',\ the Cornrni s sian of Trle C' ty 0 l' regl) 18.r session U:ereof' Ileld on t be 23 I'd day 0 l' A uGu s t, 1940. A tte s t: ~ fi 4~~d~~._ l'a~-4- Clerj{ of t::1<) ""Jm)1USS:,on r 0 T I 0 E FEAR::rFG, FIFAL AJOl.rl'IC}~ C~" HES uLt: J:.iIC~: Fe. 4119 ~L;\i~{J.l~ G, iiSS~f~;:~~jI/l.L~lJ.r~c 0.1." EC I.ALI Il,~:rr~ 0 v....:..~Ti: .: I:i I~C ;.') I:::\ r:rR :;~ .". III I~ oJ . 332, ::;:['1" ;JI:t1 BC:'Z ",,;:J.'~'\:.,j~.,. , PCB 3.\1'1 TAltY SE'i'L;H IE ~\ELL FL!~CE I:OTICE IE) E:m:'::r-T'-7 GIV~~lJ , that at a reg111E1r session of the Comn:i.ssj.on of Tele ";:lt7' of 30 zomfcln, held on ..~"rlda:,' tl;o lGtI: da:- of ,:"'UE,:,.i3t, 1840, COITllT.is sion TIoso h:t tion };o. 479 was I ;;YQvis ionally passed and adopted; that SDic.:. Corl'~lission T:esolution No. 479 Ie vio s and assesses a special assos2~ont of taxes 1J'l=on 311 tI.o property in SpecIal Impro vemen t Dis tr=_c t No. 3;52 in sald City to defray the cost and expensQ of con~truct~ng and ~ak- inp: the iT:1pro vemcn ts w_tt~in saLl D:i~tl'Jct; Tha t, said Com!11ission Resohltion No. 479, is now on l' tIe in the ofn.ce of the Cls rk of tho C:oIT'Jri ss ion su b j 8 C t to . t. for a period of five (!j) da ys by any persons .1.n s p:: C 1. on Reso lu tioD ^ No. 4?U. .--..-.--- 13[j in teres ted. 'rho. t Frida:;.'" the 22'jrd day of Awws t, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock ~.~., of S3..1. d day, at tl-_e repular session of the said Commission of The C:ty of Bozeman at the Commis- slon ChD,rr:ber in L:e Oit:! 1:3.11 Builc.in", of saId City, Ims been designa ted as the time and place when and wbere the said Cornrnission will hear and pass upon any and all objections tha t ma y be !1' ade to tho final passage':md auoption of sa id Hesolu tion No. ,179 and the I levy1ns of said assessment, and tha t sald :=\esoln tion v; 111 be finally passed and aeop ted at said reg,-,lar sesslor,. All persons ir~ teres tcd Are referred to COIT~lssion Resolution No. 46~2 , ~ieclG.r:ng it to be tJ1e in ten ti on 0 f tIe ... . . to erea te Special Improvon~nt ~istr~ct No. 332, and Li OlYJ1ll S S l 0 n Commission Resolution Fo. 464, erca tine; Special Irrprovement District No. 332. Dated this 17th, c.a:/ of Al)gust, H140. ~~ .........................-............ Cle rk 0' the Comncis sion S to. te 0 f :!',:on tan'l S8 C Ol.JYl t~' 0 f G811a tin I, J,e. G. Shacioan, Clerk of the Commis ,:' ion of The c::.. ty of Bozeman do hereby certify t11a t the forcgo~.ng No tice Commission Resolution Ko. 479, was plJ~blis hed at lenc;th ::: t:1C Dozerran Dally Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation prlrtt6d and published in said in trte issue of AUt)'llS t 18 th, L!40 and that due ;~ro of is on file in my offico. Il'WITIESS 'J:E-':R~()F' I h~;r()lJn to se t m:' hand and H ffix the seal of my office tlJ.is l~Jth da;c of Auc;ust, 1 D 110 . I ~~ Cle, of t~c vOill....,......o._-'--on Sta te of N'on tana (":'IC"\' a..)...:,: Coun ty 0 f Galla tin I, L. (' Shacloan, Ole rk of th,:~ COr.1Jris 810n of The City of Doze~an do hereby certify lJ. that the forep:oins COTI'L."11':s2ion RA3olution 1'~0. 479, was pub 11 s~lecl b:,:' \1 tIe and number in tJ:e 30 zo:r::8n .Jc:dly Gl--lornlc le, a nowspalJer of general eircula tion printed. and -"ubllsLed ':n sald 0:1.. ty in "ele :SSi.Je of Al;'nlG t 2 5tr:, 1940, ancl th2, t due proof is on file in my office. IlTWITl:JESS 'i,TE'~:~=:O=;' I hereun to 28 t my har:d and <'1ff:..x t1-:e seal of m:'T office this 26 ti: clD" 0 f ,iugus t, IS) 40. ~~-'-~~-~ ~-~- Glel';\: of tile COIT'_.!y!issLm I Cormls .":\~ ion 2e s lutlon roo 479.