HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 495 Sell Property to Craft ~lff .. - ")J CONUISSION RESOLUTION NO. 495 A RESOLU'l'ION 0:" TEE COnnSSICiT OF TIB CITY OF 130281,:/\.1\ I',WNTANli, 8'1';' 'I'IlJG IT'S nT'lrSETIO~:: 'TO SELL CETI'I'AIN :-L~l\L PROPERTY 01" SAI,) CI TY, H.mEIN'\l"Tl'lR DESCRIBED, mo KI"'1-TJlPi"J'TT (IR ", T~T reCD "",,",vTY T'IR"" HPlTDR"') ')OI U R" AND '\.TJmp (!PI"1 IP'" 'ptIE ~'TTY J.,. .....1,1,.'_ d..) . ..._ .1. ~.Jd" , ...:.. '..1.\ ..l.. 0 ,:_JL...L ,- ';',..L ,A..'..JL,I .! ,'..L j,:~ I . ,j 1 _ !oJ,~:l ,t \. _L ~ ...........';.. o(o.,..I_,_.I\~.'_'{ _.:.. v........, ~ I,"JJY^c'm 'I'O!"l}:T~~1 I ]',,1'0 A CON'I'RA'J'j; O:t\ B::<:lIALi;<' OF' TEE CITY ?o.n. 'l'EA'l' FtJRPOSf<:. Preamble I WHEm;;AS , The City of Bozeman is t:J.e owne l' of certain real property hereInafter des- f2ribed, which it pnrcliased, torrether wi th the \Va tel' ri:?hts appurtenant thereto, for the _. purpose of acquiring saId wa tel' rir:rlts as an addi tional St1pply for 1 ts muni~ip81 waterworks system and for no other purpose, being unable to bu y said 'WCJ tel' righ ts separate from the 10. nel , pa ying the sum of $4,000.OJ for saId land and water ric;hts; am VJEEREAS, Konne th Kraf t ba s ma de an offer In VJr:l ti ns to purchase said real pro };)8r ty, exchls i ve of the water rights, for the sum of $2,300.00 po. yablo :i?200 .00 on t he exec\) tioD of a contr9ct provi(:Un.'~ for such purcJ:>..ase and sale, ~~200 .00 on or before th e 1 s t day of Nov- e':"1b8r, 1941 ; $380.00 on or before the 4th da;,' of Apri 1, 1942; ;~380 .00 on or before the 4th da'T of A'Jril 10 43 ; ~330.00 on or before tte 4th da;:, of April, 1944; ~380.00 on or before " 1 , the 4th da:c of A:)ril, 1945, ond )380.00 on or before the 4 t1. day 0 f A pI' i 1 , 1946 ; to [0 tb.er wi th :1.n tere s tat t"1o l' ate of six porcen t ( 6 ;s) per annum from April 4, 1941 on the deferred po. yments, interest pa:'able annuall;:, until paid, btl t vIi th the privilege of 'Ja vinr'1' in ad- 1 '.'.. di tion to the uue payment, ~plOO. 00 or muli tplo the reof , or all of the doferrecl balance of the pl1 rclt n se pr), 0 e , 8t any interest payin~ per~od but not later than ti:1 C 4 t:: d a 7T 0 f A pI' iI, 1946 ; and I ':!hereas the Glt;r v01nl"isslon havln0' lJ8.d said property appra.tsed and havln::r f'ull:;T (:on- sidered 881d offer to purclwse and havln::; reached the conclusion that such a sale would be for the bos t j n tero" t oE' The ::;i t~' of lJoz ernan ar1'1 t:1O price offered for said land ", <' the .....'-' fair and reasonable value thereof; T!-iEn31I'OH;~ ;,3: IT IESOLV'~:;J BY 'i'ES COJ'.'IT'iIISSIOn OI,1 'rItE CI rfY 0 P BO'2.'J,:1\.r:: Section 1. Tb.a t said offor of said l:ennctb Kraft to pur cl.ws e the real pro per t:y be- longtnr: to 'l'he Ci t7' of Goz oman and he ro~naf ter specifically described be, and 8'1 leI Of' fer is hereby accepted. Section :2. Tha ttho Cl t:7 Manns;er and Clerk of the City COlru~ission of 'l'he C:1.. t~r ofs,oze- tr'.'J11 b 0, and they are hereby authorized to on tor into a contract on beh'11f of The City of Bozeman to effect S11Ch sale and purchase for the not price, $2,300.00, and upon the terms and conditions as set fortb in the prea:nble here to, reserving am excepting, ho weve:;r, the wa tel' 1"1 -h t and rir:h ts ap[Jurteno.n t to said 18 nd rmd any 3Ild all wa tor pipe and irr1!:"a tion l~,-' ditch ease~ent8, if an y , over, across and under said land DS the" noware; Sl) ct c OD tra c t to be approved as to form by Ute ci ty attorn e:,' of The '" i ty of JJoz o:nan . T11.a t l.lpOn exeClJ - tion of' s8'd contract and receipt of the i:niti a 1 po. yme n t of ,t20 0 .00 , the Oi t 77 Mann;rer I r('}port the S 3me to the C~" t:r COrrL'''1i, P 1'3 i on. See tion 3. "'h to which this resolution is a dopte.::1 is all in Galla tin 1 ,. e pro p er ty as County, !/ontana and is described as follows: 17'0 Passed and adopted by the unanimous vote of the City vommission Gt a rec!,Jlar meet- ing of said Commission held on the 11th day of April, 1941. Ztt. t. ( ,~~~~~j 0;- .. Crk of the Cit~, Commission -/f)<~/ ~~ I Sta te of ~/lon tana . ss - County of Galla tin I, L. G. Shacloan, Clerk of the vi ty Cornmisf;lon of The Ci ty of Bozeman do r16rc"by certify that the fore~oinc: Resollltion No. 495 was Pllbl~shed by title and DlJmber in the Bozeman Dai1~T Chronicle, a newsr;aper of general circulation, printed and published .in said City in the issue of J\tlgust lJUl, 1941, and that d1JO proof Is on filc in m;' office. Da tad this 15th da;' of Autus t, 1941. ~~. " (/,,(;J - .' . --?f:~rC-C~~/.. l.rk 0 the Clt y CO!11.'11.i 88.1 on I ...~:'- I . Resoluti on No. 495.