HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 494 Sell Property - I -~7 :b Cm.:~.1ISSIOK RESOLUTION 1W. 494 A RESOLUTI01'J 07>' Tm~ CO!n.aS~~iION OF TEE CI'r1' 0.2' BOZE!,;Id~, MOFi'EANA STA'I'ING I'ES nTT~m'rION '1'0 SELL CSR'I'f'I.H; P.:8AL PIWP~~H'IYY OT" 8/J.1D CITY, HEREINAFTSR DESCRIBBD, 'I'O 'I'. -,.', . Syr:i.;QKDS, F'OH SIX 'I'IiOUS,\ND ONE ITIJN.JRID S'~SVSNTY-FIVE (:$6,175.00) DOLLARS, NET, AND AUTHORI:lING TIm C IT':{ MANAGER '1'0 _n'JTEH B\TO A COHTHACT or: 3ZEALF OF THE CrrY20R TEA'l' PURPOSE. Preamble 1 Whereas, The City of Bozeman is the owner of certain real property hereinafter des- cribed, which it purchased, tor:cthcr with the water rights appurtenant thereto, f or the pU.rpose of acquirinG said vVI3 tor righ tG as an addl tional supply for 1 ts municipal wa ter- worJ{S s:rr,teT:1 and for n(') othor purpose, belng unable to bllY said water r1zhts separate from the land, pa;Tlne; the sUY:! of~)13,300.00 for said land ::md water rights; and Whereas, T l'r Sy::1t'londs has made an offer in wri tine; to purchase sa id real property, . iJ. exclusive of the water rights, and for the 811M of :j~6,500.00, less 5~ real estate broker's commission, or a net price of $6175.00, payable ;;~1500.00 on the execution of a contract providing for such purclillse and sale, ~lOOO.OO on or before the 1st day of April, 1942 ; ~1000.00 on or before the 1st day of April, 19 43 ; $1000.00 on or before the 13 t da y 0 f A pr i 1 , 1944 ; $1000.00 on or before April 1st 1945 and $675.00 on or before April 1, 1946, with .-f interest on the deferred paJ~ents, payable annually until paid, bnt with 6;0 annual tho privilege of paying all of the deferred balance, 1;'4,675.00, a t any tlme before, bu t not 13 ter thqn, the 1st day of April, 1 9 46 ; and Whereas, the Ci ty COJ:"l1'dssion :13vlng had said property appraised and having fully considered sail: offer to purcllBse and havinG reached the conclusion tho. t such a sale 1 would be for the best interest of 'The City 0:' Bozem:::m; and th3t the price offered therefor is the fair and reasonable vable thoreof; tJ1c refore be it RSSOLVSD BY TI-tS CO~,i~{IS3Im; OE' TH1~ CI'I'Y OF' BOZE!,1i\,N: Section 1. That said offer of sllid T. W. S~7J11mands to purchase the real property boloncing to The Cit~ af BozeMan and hereinafter specifically described be, and said offor is hereby, accepted. See tion 2. Thn. t the City Manager and Clerk of tho City Commission of 'rhe City of 13oze;'1an be, and they are hereby, authorized to en ter in to a con trac t on behalf of nie City 0 f 30z er:lan , to effect such sale and purchase for ~le net price, :1'617"' 00 and upon 'Ii' o. , the terms and conditions as set fort> in the preamble hereto, reserving and excepting, hO'.lIJever, te 'I'he Cit;:.: of Bozemnn, the wa t0r right and rights ap pur tenan t to s aid land; such contract to be approved as to form by the Ci t:,T A ttorney of Tho Ci ty of Bo~:eman. Tha t up:)n exeClJ tion of said contrac t and receipt of the initial payment of iP1500.00, t he City rtanacer re,;;Jort the same to the City Com~ission. Sec tion 3. The propert:' as to wltic'n the res 0111 tion is adopted 1s all In Galla tin .1 Coun ty, t~on tans, a~d is described as follows: The east half (E~) of t:le Sou theas t Quarter (S~i) of Section Six (6),T3SR6E; and also all that part of the Sou thwes t Quar ter (3",,_1 ) of See tion :t'1 ve (5) , ii", T3SR6E, included within tho1followfug metos and bounds: Beginning at the southwest corner of said SW4;' of Section 5, T3SRGE, thence east along the s 01J th l3.ne thereof 120 rods; thence nor th on a line pnrallel wi th the eas t line of sald Quarter section to the intersection of wba t is Imown as the "Williams Upper Ditch"j thence r:ortb alonr: th.e castline of said ditch to a point 16 feet south of the north line of ~aid quarter section; thence west by a line parallel with and 16 feet south from saId north line to the wos t line of said quarter section; thence south along sald west line to the place of beginnlne:. 'I'be entire tract hereby ggreed to be purcLas cd and s old con- taining 200 acres, more or less, but reserv:'Lng and excepting to 'l'ho ::;1 t::r all --- --.".. - 168 water rishts and privileges of every kind and description, appurtenant to said land or used in connection therewith, no water rir;ht or water riGht or privileges of any kind or description being covered by., or included in, this agreemen t. Section 4. Commission Resolution No. 492 of the City Commlssj.on, relat1ng to a proposed sale of one-half of the above described property to one Lester Coney be, and it is her. eby, rescInded, no ac tioD havingbccn taken norpa";rmen t made trlcreunder b. y t. he S. aid I Les ter . Cone:r. Passed and adopted by tt:.e unanimous vote of tho City Commissim at an adjourned session of a reglJlar meeting of sald Commission held on the 21st d,q:-r of !'.'Iarch, 1941, said adjourned session having boen held on March 22, 1941. Attest: ~A/~ / / /, -_../ --~ C er1< of the (';1 ty Commies ion State of Kontana ) ) ss Coun ty of Galla tin ) ~ . I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the City CO!11!i!.ission of 'l'he Cit;' of Bozeman do hereby certify th9t the foregoing Resolution was published by ti tIe 8.ne1 number in the Boze!TIan Dail~T Chronicle, a nevJspaper of general circulation, printed and published in sa:ld City in trie issue of April 5th, 1941, and thnt uue proof is on file in my office. IN.JITlmSS \'llI:-mEOB' I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this I 7th day of April, 1941. ~~)~ -- ~;? .// ?-~~----/ ~lerK of the vity Commission I