HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 492 Sell Property - - If)4 COMI.IISSIOE RESOLuTION IW. 402 A RESOLUTION OF 'I'HE CmJ:lnSSION OF' 'l'li'~ CITY OE" BOZ.S:'iAN, ]\'iO;':'l',.t'..i\, S'l'A TIl\:,_~ ITS ntr;?;PTIor; '1'0 SELL CEWI'AIE ::-;''2:1\1 PTWl',::I\T\ 01,1 SAI,) CI.TY, E2RF~n.,J\?'l'.~Hi.j8:::)\jRIBISJ.), '1'0 LEST'~R C;ONEY, p'on POUR TE()USAl;-;:) DOLL/"R~), JJL) AUrpHOIUZING 'l'l.il~ CITY !L4tfAGER TO EETEI1 INrl'O i\ CONTR:\CT ON UEEl\L5' OF '1'E.."; CI'lY POR 'l'IU'"T PURPOSE Preamble .\Vher88.S, rJ'l:e City of Bozeman i8 the O,1t11Cr of certain real prolJerty her()~.nnft:r descri..bed, w1lich It. p~lr. C.has~d, tOgeth~r witJ:1 the water. rights S.' ppur~enant ther~to, for I the purpose of acquirlng Bald water rlghts as an addltlonal supply for its mlDlcipal waterworks systen: and for no other purpose, beIng unable to buy said water ri[;hb.\ separate from the land, pa:rin''" the S11:'1 of ::::5,E)OO.DO for said l~md and water rights; and 'i'lhereas, Les ter Cone:' h8 S made an offer in wrt ting to rurcl1~, se sa id real proper t:~, exclusive of tl',le wa tor rl:",:hts, for the sum of ,(1;4, 000 .00, payable ;:~300 .00 on the execu- tioD of a con trac tproviding for such pUrC1"laSe and sale, <,;;1200.00 on or before the 15th day of Nove!:lber, 1941; ,:~1, 000.00 on or beforo the 15 tll aa:,' of lTovember, 1942; and ;1?1000 .00 on or before tYie 15th day of TTobe:rr.ber, 1943, wit}'! G/~ annual intorest on the deferred :payrnents;' })ayable annually until paid, but with. tJ~le privilege of payinp; all of the de- ferred balance, ,1~3,200.00, i:,t any time before, but not lator t:!:lfm, the 15th day of November, 1943; and Whereas, the Oi ty 00mmis sion h8vlnp; 1'1.111y considered said offer to purchase and h'"] vi:ng reaclle(1 ttJe cC1nclusi:)n th9t such a sal e WOlJld be for the bes t in tere ,s t of Tr1e City of Boze~an; therefore, be it R:.~ SOL V:SDI3Y 'J.'IILG C 0 Ml'iI S ;, 10]\,- 01" 'r- }-:J': C I T"'r (IIi' 130 Z :~:', AN : . Sec tion 1. Tha t said offer of said Les ter Coney to pl)rc:l~'lSe t:J8 real propert:r be- I lon:::in: tD T'he "'it:" of Bozeman and r:erein;;lftcr specificall~- described be, and said offer is hereby, accepted. ;jection 2. That tho City l-':Ianngor of The vit:~: of Boz e1TI:,n be, and b.8 J.3 hereby, alJ thoI' ized to en tel' into a C ontrac t on behalf of r1.'he C 1 t~,. of Boz ornan, to 0 ff(7JC t such sale and purchase for the pr:i.ce, ;:~4, 000.00, anti upon the ter;-';s and canell tions as set for th in the preamble hereto, reserving and excepting, however, t~e water right and rights appurtena:8t to s3id Ian::'l; s11ch contract to be aI.Jproved 38 to form by the Cit~.' 1\ttorne~T of '1'he City of 30zenwn. '1'hB t lJ.pon exeC1Jtion of sa1d contract and receipt of the ini tial pa ~mlent of :;~800 .00, the (:1 t~r ?J::am1.ger report the same to tl18 Ci ty Comrni8sion. Section 3. 'I'he property as to wIdch this re801u t..'...on is adopted is described as follows: The North Half (N"1-) of the followin" described real os t8 to: 'nw Br1st Half of tlv::: Sontheast '';;'lJarter (E-~,- of SE~) of Section Six (6) in Township Three (3) ;;;'outh, Hange Six (6) East, and also all that part of the Southwest ~i,l:tartGr (sV'li) of Sect.ton Five (5) in said 'l'mmship ancl Bange, included vr.1. thin the followins me tes 8nd bounds, to-wi t: Beginn.in~ a t Ute 00U tImes t corner of sald C~uarter se. ction~ thence running Ea,st a.long. t~le Sout~l line ti18r?,of one hundred and t'Nen ty (1~20) rods, thence N0rtn b7'c R llDe parallel to the Eas t lIne I. of said qlJ.arter s ec tion to the in tersec tion of wha t is knovm as tIle "Williams Upper Dl tch, II thence North along the Eas t line of' said di tcb to a pain t six- teen (16) feet soutl: from the Fortii line 01' sald quarter section, thence 'Nest jy a line parallel to and distant sixteen (16) feet South from said North line to the 'Nest line of said quarter sect:lon, thence Joutll alonE: sald iiJest line to the place of beginnlnc;, containins 11'1 all two hundred acres. The land hereby conveyed belng one hundred (100) acres mor,,~ or less; yet reserv_tng and except- inr'o un to rr1:1e City of Boz 8!YJan all wa ter ri H'Il ts of every kind and de s c r ip ti on, appurtenant to or used :I.D connectior. 'J'lith said land or 3ny part t~lereof. . 1ft:- .... )a Passed and 'Hlopted b-;r tl:e unanimous vote of the -";i ty Commission a t a regular moeting of said Commission held or. the 318 t da y of Janu,'lry, 1941. Attes t: ~-Jl/- ~_____ I Ma'Tor ,I L -~J Clerk 0 ~ -- .-...--J...,.........------- Ci t:' '-'or:,mi::; sian State of ~ontana ) \ ) Coun br of Ga 1h, tin ) ss , I, 1. '" Shadoan, 0101"1,: of tIle CommiscLm of 'The ::::1 t:,c of Dozon:an, do hereby certify ~....J' . the t tbe foreeoinG was published by ti tle and number in Bozeman Daily Ch1"on1:":le, a news- paper of general clrcu18tion, printed and published in said Git;t in the issue of 1:"0 br1wry 2, 1941, and th8t due proof Is on file in my offico. DB tod thIs 3rd da;' of Pebrnar;T, 1941. ~f{44('~ .- 01"_ oJ 18 Vl"J' ommlSSlon I I