HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 491 Development of Airport " 1til CO:ai:rS;.;r ():ii ::(Li:SOLUTIm~ 1<[0. 491 R~SOLU'I'I()V ACC1'::FTP,'C i\)" I,'~: I \' :.i~R OSl ..4.I~) 111: ':eI-.Ii.:': :)E~li,,~LCjr'T'/"i,.!;}';T O}' II'.r:-rL~ I38Z,',:.;~T'.'I'~oLl<' l~ I R.L () :'.~ 'I' , .~" i:,}~jb I.~y :~'L < l,n,.I~I:r,'::U S:l'i;'T,~~S 01,1 I~i\.~ ..:,~ICj~ rTr~r(~)l.T'J.~~~ TrL~,: l~,l')~:,:.,'r:TTI~,;rI1F~1\IIOI1 Or;' CrIlL i\1'~EnO/\.U'J:'ICS OF rir:,!~ ~):'~Fj\:{rI"'~':W[, OF' CCI~;nC'~ A'!,';) J<"rOVI:JING C;n{TA)~l-! ~\~)S~J'I'~~J\r: C~".;~S j\~'.~:) CO.V,1.~~'Tj\~":1'~~ I~"~,; C C> L S I ,.,}.~~11 }.:~ TI J {.J rlil.~~.~:~cSU i:1 . 1~1:.3It~~;S , tLe Adminls tra tor of' Ci viI Aornoau tIcs of tlle L:'nited States Department of CorrnnGrce, thr()w'~:'l. tl~o HegIona 1 ~:;anager 0 f Ci vil,\~3 rnoau tics, at King County Airport, I Seattle, 'Nr:!shlncton, Gel ~rl sos tlJCl t the development of tho 2m oman Airport in t~e approx- iY:18.te amount of .;,;47,OJij.,)O has bet;n approved. by the 130a I'd composed 01' the Secretaries of '/{[127, I'Ja'vy and 00mmerCG as neees~,ar~f to national defense for inclusion in cons turc- tlw tion pro.,;rram au thorize:l by Ltlblic ?~o. 812, 76th Con;yres,'J, approved October 9, 1940. wrn;;rmAS, t~le undertakincr of th~'is devclopment 1s contigent on ths fulfillmon t of certain conditions, to-wit: 1. 'l'ha t 'l'he C i t: 0 f Loz oman thrnugll :1. ts properl:t cons tl tu ted of'i'icia1s provide evldence tha t it has ti tIe or wlll obtain t:1 tl('1 prior to construction beIng placed underway to the rennlsi te land for tLc pro .i e ct. 2. Tha t The Ci ty oi' Bozeman Q,-::'"rees to accept full responsibilit; for the main tenance of tll(J improved airport. 3. Tha t The Ci ty of i30zor:can aproes to accept full responsiblll t:r for the opera tl.on of t~18 i~Ylprovod airport as a public airport ~.n the plJblic In tere s to 4. '1'ha t '1'1;0 Cit~ of Jozeman a~rees to protect the aerIal apl.:roaches to the airport I to the "lJ1l extent of l ts lec'al " b i 1 it;,' . "', That The City of Bozeman B,:"roes to co-opl;rate wi t::, the CivIl Aernoaut:i.c3 Ad 1n- '--" . I is tra tlon in t{l.e 0 rderl',vprosec1J tion of thEeJ proposed work. c. '1'ha t nIB Ci ty of lJozel'1i:m R!!;reeS to hold the United States harmless from all cIa iTs and da~a~os which Eay ~rise from tho con:.:truc~tion operations but are not a definite part thereof. 'Ihf T.~..l ~~ IZ ~ ~ /-\ S , the proposed cievelopment would be to the advantage and benefit of The Cit~ of Bozo~an, t~'O~J~~7 1IlU~~tT~?Cr\,:': lJ~~ I~[1 TT:.~~SJ~~\.;r,.~:.) ~.3Y 'l'IL;-~ CrT\': CQI,i:'.I;j::)l\'}I; 0;-;' TiiE: crI'Y O~" BOZ'C~,'Al;, :,:J" 'l'At:A: Sac tion 1. '1'112 t 'rhe :"'1 t" of .30"(""""" llor~cb:r b.srces, su.b,ject to the Uni teu st::;tes ~ Lor L,J "'__.Lc.-'\oJ. I, u11:.tertak::'nr: t:le de 'rlopr.:cn t of t:l.e Bozeman Airport at an a~proxi~ate cost of $47,OJO.00 as fo llows : R~.~~I)r?'::,:~ S,',~l,:'Ti\. TI ,J1:8 i:\IT,D 1~":;~J.\1(IZi\1'lrllI ~S ( A) 'l'ha t 'l'he :=:i t~,' of Bozer"an ovms and psssesses titlein fee simple to tne lands C()lTI,prj~ sinE~ the landln~ area of tie Doz or,ac A5 rport, tOGethor witL all other lands to be 1.''''rJrovod uncier thp orolect or will acouire tl tle in f;;'10 simple to the ~1 0 lcmc1s wi thout ........J - U ,~ del8. Y', v!h:tcb land.s are ;lore partlcnlnrly described hore'vvl th by metes and bounds (which I lands are s ,>~ovTn }-1 c; rev! 1 tJ:; 0"" Exhibit "A"): .. All of Section six (6 ) in. 'l'ownship One (1) Sou th, Ran.'~e I"i i!e ( 5) L~;as t, G-alla tin Coun tj;" 11':on t.sna. Also the E.5' of Sec. 1, TIS :::4E, :'.~PIi~, con talnlnr: 80 acres I:10rC or less; and Lot 1, less the I!'innie Kraus Trac t, , 11 f ....~,1'-r',1 . t. U 1 ....t' anCl a 0 ':'~-'1;;!.."'" exce jJ lng J.e p a (.,'ou t)or- tion of the Town of 901grade, containinG 61.1 acres ore or 1 os s . All that portion of Section Se von (7) in 'lloWDaip Ono (1) South, of' Han.":e Pi ve (5) c~ t l' -"t")~ ~ 1 yin b Nor til 0 r tIle center lino of the Sta te l-Il.eLwa y Y.novvn as D,~lS , L'...L jd, E ~ 7hwa ~r!flO contalnin:':', 354 acres r~ore or les3. ,.,(. J, , ( B) 'l'ha t The Cit7 of Bozeman has the power ani authority under the laws of the State of Montana to perform all of its obli[';atioDs 1:lGreunc1er. J--'C) _ _ht_ See tion II. '1'ha t rl'lw City of Bozeman aerees to pGI~~ t the a,0'en ts of tn8 Governmen t anr) all contractors or sub-contractors engaged directly or indirectly in carrying out the project, 1ncluciinrr the ir agen ts and employ(~es to en tel" upon, use and occupy the A5_rport as T8.~' be dee'1'led by tho Go "8 rnmcn t to be necessary or desirable in the conduct o ~, the project. .L See tion I II. OWN~RSPIP OF Ir2~OVS~EKTS I '1'1'1a tall imporvemen ts made unCier the project shall be tbe sole and absolute property of 'The City of Bozeman, except where Eopeciflcally azreEJCi otller",dse prior to the under- taldnf of the l.mprovement or installation. Section IV 11m; ;'i'ATl::'lr,:;;EAr:c;.:: OF' 'TIE: AIHFOi\rl' That The City of 3oze~an &[r' os to accept full responsibility for the rna in tenance of the Bozemar: Airport, to include all work undertaken under tLll.S pro j e c t by the lJni ted S tH to S 0 f I\merica. Section V. 'I' I-Hi; 0 I'~mA 'I'I () I': 0 Ii' '1' iCD~ A 11\ f 0 n rr Tba t 'I'lle ca t~r of noz er:1an aprces to accept full responsib1..Li t7' for tho operation of the Bozeman Airport for the use and benefit of the ~01J b 1 i c on reasonable tor~rl.S and with- out unjust discrimination and to grant no excllls1 ve r.ls;ht tl;crein con tra r'J to tt1.e I)ro- vIsions of' Section 303 of the Civil AernDalJ tics t!.c t of 1930. Section VI. I' Ri';VH:i..;r:n 0 r. OFHA l A HD S Tho. t Tho Cit~ ofBo~eman agrees, insofar as is roasona't)ly possible ard w.LtId.n its legal ab:tll ty, to protec t the aerIal approaches tr) the airrort from the erec Lion of s trl1c tures or fro!;] rr;row th tencJ.j,ng b rc Dele I' the use of tLo airport dangerons to a1'1- I era ft an~} thnt it will rot ere:'.t on the airport or pe~nit to be erected, an ~~ s tr1.1 (~ tur e or bui Idin.7 wLich wi 11 liml t tile usefulnossof tl'lo a irport or cons tl tute a 11az a 1"'"( to aircraft 118:'1.:12' t),e air;-::ort. SZction VII. COOp:mA'l'IOE That Tho Cit~ of Bozeman agrees to coop,;ra te 1N.1. th the Oi viI Af]rOna~l tics Ajl n i s tr a - tion in the orderly prosecution of tllC' pro.i ec t. Section VIII R8Li~;ASI~ PEO;, CLAB"S Tha t tt:e "::i t:,' of Bozer:lan a0'rees to hold the Uni ted ,Sto teB ha rmlo s s from any and all clalms or dama~es w~ich may ar1se frum the constructi,)n act.Lviti';s of tLe enited S....ates , hut (clre not a defini te part thereof. Section IX. C;~HT IF'I C i~ 'I'I iJ '1'; Tha. t the Clerk 0 f the Commission is hereby autliorized nnd directed to send to the Admini s tra tor trlT01J.gl:1 the RegIonal !\'1annser of C1 vil /\ernonan tIcs, 1\._'n$ ~oun ty i~irpo1't at Seattle, 'dashing ton, two certified copies of this resol"'.). tion wi th two certified copies of an ex-trac t of the m:nutes of th.e meetIng of thi s Cor.1Jl'lin [1 ion sI~_owin8 all procged,Lngs in connoction with the acloptio!" of this Resolut.1.8L. I TL~_s Heso lution wc~s pas sod and adopted at a rc'"ular meo t1nrr 0 f the Cit:;r Commissiun of T::lC City of Doze~an, !,lon tana , on:"r.1.da y the j,'hird Day 0 f January, at 7: ;30 P. 1.5. , 1941. p~ ::?1~ M J"'O 1" Cltirk of tno Comru.SSlon Hesohttion No. 4;-)1. 1t)g St9. te of !f:on tana ) ) ss County of Galli" tin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of tIle C01":":1'11:1810n of The :i ty of Doze;nt;\D, do hereby certify , tl-m t U::e forego ine; Commis sion R""so ution No. 491, was published b:r ti tIe and number in I BOZ9r~an :)ail:r Chronicle, a newspaper of 8en~ral circulation printed and ?ubllshed in sa::.d Cl t::r ::n the l.ssue of Januar~r 5th, 1941, and tha t due proof of such publIca tion :~LS on fIle in my offico. IN ','iI'Tl':-,:;:SS '~'n:Tm_TWli' ..... hereunto set r,;y hand and affix the soal of my office th 1 s Gth C;',9:r of January, 1941. I I I