HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 490 Purchase of Land for Airport Purposes '-"i.- et r~{j ~). CO~~ISSIOR RESOLUTICK NO. 490 A RESOIDTIO 1 OF' 'I ~;E CI~'Jr CmD,iISSI01-i OP 'r'PE CITY OF' 130;;:;::"';\[, Mo}~rrI\.I\:A FTIOVID- ING Yon IT)1 "T':>jl l'I.:r;ZCI;I\.SF: aI" ccn'l'AI K LHND ~,lon AIRPOET nmlOSi';S. .1.,.1.,1,_,..1 l'HEArnJL .C; 1Nhereas, on the 4th day of November, 1940, ('1 C. Wai te, of Bozeman, Man tana, obtained u. I certain options to plJ.1'cho. s e land a t a s ta ted price from George Van Hoorn and [lIs 0 from Charle sFloyd ,Jump and Clyde 'vi!. <Tump, 1Nhich said options have been assigned by the said G. c. 'Nai te to The C::1.. t:,r 0 f Bo zemnn; and VnrEIL;AS, said options to purcr-Lase will cxpire on the first dc1'J' of Ja'.uary, 1941, ancl the C:i t7t -';ommisslon of' Tho C1 ty of Bozeman and the Airport COTIllnlss Ion of The C1 t Y of Bozeman ha ve duly and carefully congl.cered the matter of the purchase of the land described :'in saLl options end af to r su ch due and careflll cons idera tion the said Gi ty C0111r;1::'~3 31 on and tl18 s a1 d AIrport COlT,T"".~s ~';ion aY'e unanImously of tl-:..e op1nion that said Options S .cOll..ld be exerclsed and sa:'i el property purchased for The:i ty of Bozer:;Ml and thg t S1Jch purchase wi 11 be a safe and prudent :in vestnent for the said Ci t;:,; NOW rITi~l,-.2e~)Rr~, IN Consideration of the prEJmi ses, Bi;~ I T RI~SOL \T.2; [) fN" rJ.1!~E Cmi~;\I~;:nON OF TEl,; CITY OF BOZSLTAN: SectIon 1. 01' TI ON S fro Bi:'; 'I'AKEE Ui: r1'11,8 t the C1 t;;i ~;:anQgcr of The Ci t:- of Bozeman be, and is hereby aut:r'iorlzed and dIr- e c to d to rrive not.icc to tile saId George Van Hoorn and t.he said C...arles Floyd JU1Y'p ancl Clyde Yi. JUJ:lp tha t tho options [';i vcn by thom to s3:Ld G. r< '.val te , as atoresal.;J, and b:T v. I 1 . ., i forr'; to '1'11 e::a t ~.' of 30 Ze!T1ar: , are exercised and accepted by the C1 t;,' }'];1 asslgnCQ nunc of Bozo!'1an, and The I.'it...... of .do~em'TJ "'tand" reacty, able and willing t.o pa~T, antl offers '~J '';;' L.. .j. ~ L'::"..I..:J ..I....' to pa y , the prj.ce for saJ.d propertIes stipulated In said option con trac ts in aceorc1ance wi ty t.he terYlls an ci condi tion s of sala contracts; and upon compliance by them, the said Gporp'e Van Eoorn , C';8 rIa s ii'loyd J1Jmp and Cl;"Je \"i. Juy.'1p, v-li th the terms and conditions, ....,.) of said Contracts b;! them to be kept and performed. See tion II DESCiUP'j,'I Cl\ At!,) l~RICE The balanco of tl'je purchase prl ce to bo paid the sa~d George Van Hoorn is Four Thou sand NJno Hundred Fif ty and. nO/IUO ($4,950.00) Dollrs ano tl~e prote rty to be pur- chased from him is described as fa llows : The E~- of the SEi of Sec. 1, TlSR4E, MPM, contain.i.np; eo acres, morc or less; and Lots 3, 4, ,=;, 6, snu ?, on ,,1 the SE-::~c of the N\'V-::l, and theEf- 01' the S1,V~ of Sec. 6--all of the foregoing constituti.ng the 'vV-~' of sald Sec. 6-- in TlSREE, MH:, containinG 289.41 acres mora or les~ all in Ga ::'la t':"n Caun ty , hIoD tana, Exclusive, however, of an::" '."Inter rir;ht 0 r rights aplJUrtenan t to said land or used in connection therewl. th or any part tL.creof, which 'water ri['"ht or riGhtsare to be rota "ned by tho selL;r. Subject to all roa~l, di tch and other casemen ts nmV' in 1'0 rc e . George Van Hoorn to be a 110Vled to rernove the -tnlil;jjnp.',s pro- vided tlJ.e:'- are rerlOvod w.: tbin 30 days from the da te of acceptance of Hils I opt.l,on. George Van Eoorn t.o pay 1940 taxes and assessments ':'n!'ull. Furchaser to 118 ve imr.1CdJ ate possession of thA prope~ty upon notice of acceptance of ti.d s option. The balance of the purchase t.o b 8 pai-:1 the saId Charles Floyd .Jurlp and CJ yde .v.v. .Jump, jointly, lCT ...0 ) Section III. l\lJ ttor::.. t7~ Gran ted '1'ha t upon approval of the title of sat. lB.nd an.. theappurtenancos ttw 1'0 0 f H!1 d trle 1'0 to ~3.S s tlpllle, tc:~d, anCl upon tonCtor of deeds tl:..e re J:' or, both t~. tlo nnd ..108;::8 to be al)provsd in WI'; t.i-Yl['; by the Ci t;! i\tt:n'nc;r of 'rho C1 t7','- of Bozeman, and upon eX8Qution and presentation of claIm therefor in the amount of s:d"r.~:, purchase ::)1':'08 as [; ta ted :n See tion II hereof, the Director of I."inance of The ~; it;, 0 f 002 8m ani s be1'eb:T au thorized I to draw warrants of '1'he C:t.t::,- of Bozer18_n "-'galnst its .Airport::;\mcl in favor of sald GoorFe Van lfuorn, indlviudally, and said Charles:.'loycl JU1:'P and Clyde 'N. .Jump, .l 0 in tl y , for tIle amoun t of said I)1Jrchase prl co to-wi t: The sum of I-'our rl'hOl)s:md Fine Hundrod 1;':Lfty and no/lOa (~;4,fi50.00) Dollars to said Geor,3e Van Hoorn, an d tb.e sum of Four Thousand TvJO Hundred Seventy and no/lOa (:t\) 4 ,270.(0) ;)011ars to Charles B'loyd .Tump and Cl :,rde jlf" .Tump, join tl:T. SaiG c Ie .:Lr.1S to be approved by the Ci ty Manager and his apIJroval to be endorsed theroon before paymen t, and thereafter the City Manager to roport to the Ci ty COI'1m t 3S ion 'N~la t has been done lmder and by virtue of tile author:l. t':' of t1"",~ :~~ s resolution. Passed and adopted b;r the COlYlrnis s ion 0 f 'lihe City of Bozeman at a regular mee tirJG of said COnrr1issioD held on the 20tL da-;r of :Jecember, l:HO. Atte:3t: I -,._- State of :.lontana ( ( ss Coun ty of Galla tin ( I,LG Shadoan, Clerlc of ti.le COYI'!)T11.8 s Ion of The "'1 t,,. of i<:J'7'''r'''''D'''o '1'" r "'b'" certif~1" .....; ,j ~'., ~ '-or-' r,J..t:;.:.I,.....,, ~\'. ,1 "''' U ,j J that the forego:lng COr:1mlsf'lon Hem lution No. 490 was published by title and nun;.JCJr in the Uozer:ian DR.ily Chronicle, a newspaper of general clrcuJa tion printed and ;'110- 1 i sIled in said C' ty in tl':e 133116 of December 22nd, 1940, and ~illt duo proof is on file i,n my offico. IN ';VIT:\:;;;S~),,'rl:;n.i:~Ol';'l I hereunto sot ~~ hand and afflx tho seal of n~! offico this 23rd day of ~ecorber, 19 110 . L~ ,.,,- Clerk oi I -