HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 489 Installments due, November, 1940 1~'7 'a COTr"I SS101': RESOLUTIOlJ 1;'0. 4E9 A P:.E2,OL1JTI'::::1; c:.' 'l'dE COI1.n';SIC. C,,1 'TIill C1'l",,;'~ O~-, BOZ:'::;I.~A?, ~};;:CL^,r:n:G CERTAIN .. Sl~'.2CILL l\.SSi;SSh'"~l:c.I'S AW) I~~STALLFtc:;lJ1'S CF SF~CIi~L ASSi::;SS:,:!:I\'IS, j)~JE AKD ?AY- ABL:;::; I;CVD"mm. ~S()t1:1, H:40, AlD UK?JiI:J .AS or TIr.~'I' Dtrl'T~ AFT, C-::<'nTrlT"l", o TIP,')::' .. ....L . _.J. ..", j,J,", ~,...J ,'';'__~I .1-,.,~,..JJ.),. SFECIAL ASSm'1S;',,":TTS '\r~ n:S'rALLl'.'f.' :l:TS OF S.t- '~CI!\L l\SSF~SS}:jiNT~::> ~_;Fl~ 1\1':D l'j\'Y- ABLE NOVU:MB:E.;R 30th, 1940, M:li tTn: AI,:), ~)}::;LnnJUWr, AS PROVIDED BY CH;JIliAIWE nu. 594, EN'l'I1'I.ED: "AI: UF(nrANC2; PROVIDU:G FO~i. '1'1.;'-,; COLLL>:C'l'IOE OI~ 'rJ'.--,'{ES x~ xx _ xx , AE;J TE:~ 00.L,j);;0'1'181; 01<' SFi';CIAT, ASSESS;:'.~J::TS xxx xxx xx ", AND SBCTION 5251, POLITICAL CODE, R.C.M. 1935. I WHEREAS: I Pursuan t to the provisions of Section 10, Orcltnanc e No. 59,1, en tl tIed: "A~T O':':..IT"'\."("" rr'I"VT:J""'Tc', F'OE mc...':' CO' T'i'''TTr'F .)1,' rn'y..--,r:- " ,," V' l\l:.L) PCT~ 1.\i .J.1.. __..1,\1. .1.".. .J.L.J ll\)...L.J. J_l..~...r. Or J...J...,,1.J .l-..I..JJ.AV ...LI..../'~ \.. j,. .::..&).._..,-..) XA ..../.'),...,.t'\., J\....XX, Ttl',~}~ CO;~JL1"~~Cfl'I01-~ OJ? S.L-'j.:~G Ii~L ;i~;Sl~SS!\,:~Ii;l~.(llS ~z:~x XX X);:.x II the Direc tor of l-<~ina.nce hasprcparoJ and filed wi th tl n .. f '1'1 " . t f" -:0 v0J'r11J1lS S .loon 0 J.e 0l - yo' "-'oz eman a re par t sh.o wing the special asscss~ents and install~onts of special assessmcmts, duo and payable November 30th, 19 110 , an;:;. unpaid as of tha t dD. te j and II The Comrnls sion llavin.g ex-am.:i.ned said roport and Schedu Ie II .11 and -I III '1'ho Con1Yr!ls S 1. on 0 f 'l'ho City of .dozeman deems it necessary and proper, in order that the in teres ts of 'l'he (;i ty of Hozeman and tllose persons holdLng Special Impro vemen t ])1 s- tric t Bonds o+' tte soveral Im.provemont J.Jistricts whorein special assossr'18n ts are unpaicl, J. as herein set forth, shall be properl'y pro tee ted, and th'1t all such special assessm8nts and/or installmonts of such special assessments, which are unpai:l, as hero in set forth, and all such special Bssessr:ents ancVor installments of such special assess~onts, w1.L10h I are due and payable, shall be declared delinquent, and certi!'i cd to tho Coun ty Clerk , awl Recorder anG tile v oun ty 'I'ream.lror of the County of Gall8.tin:for colloe tion as other ~:elinquen t taxa s, and tha t the propcrt;ri anc./or l)rop(.rties :::;la:r be sold U.(-J s arn e as other property .is sold for taxes; ~::O~~V , IrIL8~,L ?OI'tE 'l..3IZ I'll ~),-GSOL'/I,::=) 13Y rCTI~ C Cl.:;:,:ISS ICE 1:;:2 111:~~ C IT':' OF' BOZE:'AI~: See tion 1. '1.'h$ tall special assessments and ins tallrnon ts of special as nes SI,Jen ts, due anj pa yablc; !Jover~ber 30th, 194'~) , an(. un: aid as of that dDte, as set fort:., in SVhocbJle ",ilt h'3re to attached and made 8. part hereof, be, an.: the same are hereby declared delinqucD tj Section ~~. '1119. t the Director of Finance be, and l'J.e 1s hereby c.irect8Q to certify all special aseeSSDsnts and installmonts of spacial assosIT.'lents, delinquent, as here.:.n pro",Tided O.ilG. as stwwn by sa~.d Schedule II r-\.11 to tria County Clerk and Recorder and County , , Treasurer of the Goun ty of G,'111n t:.n for col180 tioD as o tllcr de lin~uen t tm~E:s, as provided b;l law; Section 3. 1l!D. t wi thin tan (lu) days from and after tho fl11nS of saiQ certificate, as aforesa.i.:..~, the Dirac tor of ~'inance sr1::111 publish in one issue of theBoz erl.an Daily I Chronicle, a Notice as provided by Section 13 of said OrGinance No. 5D4; Sootia!l 4. 'l'ha t the County Treasurer shall ,: ra c e e d to tho collection of all special as ses snon ts or installments of special assess~'ents, D.S set for ill in said SCI,eudle " A" ; that the sar.iB shall be spread upon the 0elin:uont tax list of the Caun ty of' Galla tir- for the year 1~14:0, an:l the same shall be collected as other delinq1J.rmt taxef>; and tho. t in case the S flY"C are not liaid, then the wllo Ie property or pro per tie s shall be sold tlJe saY:Jo as other propcrt:' or proportics Is sold for tax e s ; j 158 SAC tioD 5. rl'hat said special assesf:'!'1cnts and ins t811JTic:nts of spoelal assessmon ts, delinquent as her~ln set fortl1, sl! all oe collac ted by tho Coun t:. ':f;reasuror of the County of Gall', tin a ~ provided by Section 2169.3 and 2237, and Section 52bl, Political Coele R. C.. L~. 1 L;;'35 . See tion S. 'l'hat the Direc tor of Finance, under tlJe dlrec tion of' tLe Ci t;T i.:anar;er, shall a ttencl at the tine and place of the sale of proper t::, for delin~uent taxes, as pro- I videa by Section 15 of s~ld Ordinance No. S94; See tioD 7. '1'1:1::1 t a copy of tt,ls Reso In tion, tor-~e tier v6 th 3cho(h11e II A'" attached and ~ade a part htereof, shall on or before tJ:18 lOth da;:" of UeC81"1ber, ID40, lJe r l1clwl th trte Count~;- Glerlc and Recorder anc'l Connt;7 'l'reas11ror of tree ... the Co un t:T of C;-a118 tin; - See tion 8. Tha tat tad.is d t;-~ere to and made a partfuereof shall be a certificate of the Direc tor of Finance as!'rovided b~r See tion 12 of saId Ordinance No. 594; Passed and adopted by the Co;:;ml8 s lor of' 'Ehe C1 t;; of J3ozer;an 8t a regular session thereof hold on the 6th day of I)ecember, 1940 . A ttes t: ii'Lt ~f Cor:nn3 s S1 on Sta te of Montana , ) ) sa County of Gallatin ) I I, L. '" Shadoan, Clerk of the Conr::ls s 10 n o,f l'be C1 t:'. or:::~oze{:;an._ do hereby certify , ::' . that the foregoin~ Resolution No. 409 was published b:' t',1 tl e 8. nd nnmb e r :1 n the .,'J DoZ oman Daily Chron~cle, a newspaper of general circulation, printed a:cd 1mbllshod in slad ci ty In the is sue of December 12th, 1940 , and tha t (il18 proof is on f1 le in my office. nr ';.'I TNESS ViIER~';OF I 110rcun to set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 14tb da'7 ') f Decen~ber, 19 40 . ~~~ CIa k of t.1C Commis sion C E R T I F I CAT E I, VJAL 1"]'i; n. DAVIS, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Dirac tor 0 f ["inane e of '1'ne City of 50ze~an do hereby certify that the w i tl:,~,n and forego :E;>: is a true and :;orrect copy of Sornr:-;ission Resolution No. 4B9, passed and adopted b: t110 Cornr,ds sian 0 f rEl~e :::ity of BoZClfGn at a repular session thereof Leld on the Stl, clay of Decer:1ber, 194J, and trla t attached thereto and made 8 part tLereo f, marked Schedule It i\ft, :i s a trl"c anu. COT'rec t 11 s t of all delinaucnt sneclal assess:o,ents and in::', tal1mcn ts of special assessments, due and " "- owinc The City of Bozoffon, D.S of tbe 30 tb da y of l<ovember, 1940. ri'ha t thi s certifj.ca to, and tll e Scl-1cdule A berf:; to attached, arc made pursuant to, and conroI'l"; wi th, See tion 12, of Ordinance No. 594, of '1'110 C1 t~" of Jozer:'an, I n; '\'iiI'l'1;F:S~'..~'n':n OF' I he 'JO h"'OY''';un to set my hand and affixed tho seal of The C1 ty of :Soze!'"nn t}::is 7t}-i day of 0ecem':;,pr, 1:::,40. m~L'l':.m J)l\, VIS (31r;no<1) ~_,__'___~__"''''''''___M_____ Attest: J ~ r.::c tor of Finance T (" ["'. T- ,., 0 ' --,- (,.. d) .w. J. U I.1h,J 1'll',! 0.) ..:...,r';n e TI'I'e"r ~/ 6-r'--UicC e~sToll- Resolution No. nne, 1:l...-' "j .