HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 488 City Manager Authorized to Administer Civil Asronautics l~)rj ::,[::;SOLU'l'ION no. 488 FmSOLu'rIm~ OT' GOV-:<::RI':':r:c JO;;Y OL' PUULIC AG;~LCY A HESOL1::-TION "\1J?EOCZIZD.;'} TIr::: C rr'Y MAllA G-'-:R OF 'rIE:; CITY OF BOZ iJ\:.-'\.l:;, MON'r'AN1\. '1'0 COOprmi\1'E ":iI'l'il TIr~ I,mnNISTRATor: OF CIVIL ASRONAu'rICS 02 'l'HE UNITTJD S'lI}\'r::SS DZPAR1'j,Em'1' 01" CQI::J\pmSE ',,'lITE A NIE'iJ 'IO OB'l'AINING FED3RAL AID IN I"IlMNCIW3 '11}Ir,; Jj-SV3LOPI:ENT OF LUBLIC AIRPOI1T PACI1ITIES IN on ~;3AR 130Z".;r.:'AK, MOF'r.!\.Nfl. '':JIL':REAS, tho Ad~inistrator of Civil Aeronautics of the United States Department of I Connnerce (herein called tho uAdn:lnistrator") consl ders the public airport facilities avail- able in anJ ne ar 130 zeman, Montana inadequate for nB tional defcn se, and is therefore oon- tenpla ting expendi ture of Federal funds, under Public La'll No. 812, 76th Congress, to remedy this condi tion; and ~r!I"G:=-U~~l\ S , the development of public ai rport fael Ii tl es in or ne ar Boz enan, Tilontana would be in the j)ub11c interest and to t:le advantase of The, City of Bozeman, ~Tontanaj }~O\II, ~rI:I~"CR.l~FO n~~, SE rr ~{E30LVED BY 'II:;-'; CITI Cm:T.II3SIONi!:HS OF' TilE CI'l'Y OF DOZ2};IAN: Section 1. ':~1at the City 1.;ana~_~8r be and he is hereby authorized to write to the Ad- minis tra tor, on behalf of the Ci ty CO!T!l11ission0rs of '1'he City of Bozc!r:an, ad vis ing tha t the said Commissioners are greatly interested in the possibility of obtaining Ij'Oderal aid in f inane i11r': the clevelo[Jr1en t of public airport fac11i ties in or near Bozeman, Montana, and, in this connection, is prepared to furnish any legal or factual infonna ti on that may reason- ably be requested, is desirous of assisting- and cooperating in every way possible in " connection with any and all engineering surveys of airports and proposed airport sites in or near Boz~man, r..~on tana that the adr:ini s tra tor may wi sh to rnaIw, and will be willing, if an offer of aid in financing the development of public airport facilities in or near I Bozc:rnan, T.~ontana is made, to en ter into an agreement wi th the ,(Tni ted S ta tes, through the Adminis tra to 1", undertaking, amonf: such otl::.er tl.Lin[s as may be agreed uponj (1 ) tha tall ti tIe to propert7T and oth')r property interests nece8sary to prosecution of the project vii 11 be acquired by the City COl";'misslonersj (2 ) tha t the C~ ty COJTilllissioners wi 11 coopera te with the Government in the prosecution of the pro jec tj (3) that the aerial approaches of the airport will be prot')cted against obstruction to the :fullest extent possiblej (4) that the airport will bo operated as an airport Juring the us cful life of the fac11t ties t:leroof es tablished or improved wi t..'1 Foderal aid; (5 ) that the airport and all its faci- li ties will be maintained in reasonably good condi tion and kept in good repairj and (6) tha t the airport w ill be opera ted and manafed for tLe use and benefi t of the public, on reasonable t0T'\11S and wI thou t un jus t d iscrimina ti on. See tioD 2. Tha t the C1 ty A ttorney and the Ci ty Manager be and they are direc .-ed to make such studios as may be necessary to term1ne what oblications the City Commissioners couls assume, practically, financially, and 1e[';ally, in enterine into an agreement such as that referred to in Sec tion 1 he reof, and report thereon to this Commission Body as I soon as poss ible. Section 3. '1'lls. t the C1 ty Attorney and the Ci ty l..anac;er be and they are authorized - to f'urnish such legal and factual informa tion to the Adninistra tor as he may reasonably request in connc:)ct~on with (',ODsideration of the desirability of an airport project in or near Boze:J.an, !,:on t ana. So c ti on 4. 'l'ha t tIns resolution shall 'oe in full 1'orce and effect fror:1 and after .r- ~ its passage. Reso li} tic n No. 488 . -,-~ 15"'C . ..t () Passed and adopted by the City C:oy"missloners of The Cit:;'" of Bozeman, Montana at its regular session held on the 22nd day of November, 1940. I I ~~d - Iavor ATTEST: "- -- ~ I .~--........ Ivrk of the ommission I, L. G. Shadoan, the d'ul;! elected, qunlifiecl anj acting Clerk of tl:e Comm.ssJ.on of 'The Cit.. of T3ozen~,:\:',:lo her3b'lJ' ccrt:1..f>' th,:" t t}~e foroFo .:no: rosolutl)y' was re~u18.rlY I r II '--' ~~I .......... , .'.- adopted COt t a !'!~;:et:cng of t}J8 Cit; Commiss:ion'"rs, clul:'" hole.. on tl~e ~22nci da'," of Novor:bor, ID40, and that said resolutlcm has boen co~pared. by c::o w1th tbe ori0:1nal thereof on file :Ln my offico and is a truo COl}yof the wl,ole of 30.1;1 orl':.innl. IN 'iI:crKb:SS WlIER-;OF, I have hi3r~l)ni:D set m:' 11.'3.n.:..1 D:!:1(t t,1,8 seal of The City of Bozeman, ti~is 23rd day 0' November, 1940. ~/ , Y" ,.' ~'1 "1 ". ".~""~~.-......,. ,.\- O.L t~1e C omJ1ll S SL on State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clc-rk of tl.e Commission of The C:'ct71 of Bozeman do herc.~:r ccrt:f;; th~lt. HIe forego:l.np; Cornm.IS2.t:m Hesoi.utlon 1:0. 1i38 was publIshed b;' title and nu~;.~!e..,r i~ the ~ozem~~ D~ilY. Chroni~le, a nc:vspaper Of, genoral c - rculation prInted I ann r.ubllsJ:18Q lTI sal.G c...ty l.n the ].3311e of 1.Jovcmber ~;0ti:1, lU4u. IN 'dITNES3 'iiLEREOF' I hereunto set mv i.and anl~ affix tIlO seal of ill'I 0.f1'1c8 thE ~. v 2nd day of ~ecrn8bor, 1940. I Resolution No. 480.