HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 487 Acquire Purchase of Real Estate for Airport Purposes 1 1- f3 ~. at 801~!ISSION R~SOLUTION NO. 437 /1 RESOLU'I'Io}~ OF TEE CITY com.nSSION OF 'J.'IU CIY 01" BOZ ,MAN, lli01<'l'ANi\, L>E- CLARIHG IT '1'0 DE 'rIm IlJTENTIOK OF T ~lE ~;I'1Y 0:" BOZ:@:' AN 'J'O AC~"2UIRE !i.ND EX- ERCISE AN OprrIOlJ Fon T2~ Pl:1LIJASE O? r(~;AL ES'llii'IIE, AS DESCRIBED IN TI-IIS RESOLUTIOl; , POR AI nrOR'l' PURPOSES, PUTWUAN'l' ':i'0 THE AU1l'HOHI'l'Y OF CE.APTER 420 (S'~~CTIOHS 5660.35 to 5668.40 INC:GUSIV:J:) REVISED PODITIOAL CODE OF I,'lOI\~~CANA 1935. I FJ.EA~.;DLE Viho rees, G. c. '/ia1 te has acquired certain options for a period of sixty (60) days from the 2nd day of November 1940, to purchase real estate in Gallatin County, Montana hereinafter s pecificall y d e3 cl"ibed, including wa tel' right represented by 250 shares of the stock of Spain-Ferris Di tch Company, a corpora tion, and has offered to assign said op tions to The C1 ty of Boz.eman at the price paiO. for the~ by the said G. C. ';1ai te and his necessary expenses incident to obtaining said options; and Vlhereas: Sat d land adjoins wha t is known as the Pondera Tract acquired and owned b:T The C1 ty of Boz eman for airpor t purpos es and the acquisi tion of the land in said options and hereinafter described b~r The C1 ty of Bozeman will in the opinion of the C1 ty Cor,JlTds sl on add e:rea tl y to the value and availabili ty of the said Pondera Tract for air- port purpos es and the Un1 tad States gov;::'rnmen t has informally indicated its intention to ~ expend a substantial sum of money in maldng said Pondera Tract and the land in said op- tions and hereinafter described sui table and available for use as an airport, if the ti tIe to said land and said options hereinafter described is acquired by The Oi ty of Bozeman; and I Whereas: '}'he C 1 ty Commis sian after fu 11 and careful inves t1ga tion and considera tion is of the opinion that the construction and establishment of such an airport would be very advantageous for file City of BozewBYl and its citizens; now, therefore, BE I'l: HESOIVED B~' rrTE COMMIS SI OE OF 'l'Illi CITY OP BOZBMAN:, See tion I That The Ci ty of Bozeman purchase from the said G. C. ~aite for the price he paid therfor, namely, the su...'Yl of' :;;50.:)0 and his actual necessa~l expenses incident to acquir- ing said option, w1b.i ch 31..11n of ,:~50. 00 is to apply upon the purchase price of ;1~5()OO. 00 ,. the option coverin'! tho following descri bed real property si tua. ted in Galla tin County, Sta te of Montana, towi t:. The !i:ss t lIalf of' the Sou theas t Quarter (E! of SE-~-) of Sec tion one (1), 'I'ownship One (1) South, Hange :B'ou l' (4) East, HPM, containing Eighty (80) acres, more or less; and Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SEi of mvt) , and the Sast Half of the Sou thwest Quarter (E! of S wt,) of See tion Six (6), (all of the foregoing cons ti tutinG the \i'lest Half (rv.~) of said Section Six (6) ), in TO\V11ship One (1) Sou th, Range Five (5) Eas t, MI1/f , containing 289.41 acres, more or less. Exc Iud! ng, however, any water risht or riehts appurtenant to said land or used in connection therewith or any :ps.rt thereof. I See tion II f1'ha t The C1 ty of Bozeman purchase from said G. C. Waite for the price he paid therfor, nanIel y the sum of :,i;50 .00 and his ac tual necessary expenses inGident to acquiring said opt! on, which Sll..'TI of ~~50. ~)J is to apply upon the purchase price, the entire purchase price to be :J~4270.00, the option coverinG the followinG described real propert:r si tua ted in the County of Gallatin, Sta te of Montana, to wi t : Resoln tion No. 487 -,,-,. tt-4 a . Lots One (Ii and Two (2), the South EaIf (s"~,) of the Northeast Quarter (nE-t) (s.hm4-) and the Southeast C2uarter (SE~) of See tion Six (6) , 'J'ovm - ship One South, (1-8) Range five east (5-E) containing 319.88 acres more or less located near Belgrade, State of Montana; tOGether wi th 250 slmr8s of stock in the Spain-Ferris Di tell Co., which represents the wa tor for the 11'1'11; a tlon of the above described premises. See tion 3 rrhat the action of the Ci ty J:i1anac;er in a greeing wi U~. Galla tin County, I.Iontnna, to purchase from said County, also for airport purposes, a trHct of 61.1 acres adjoining the I tracts hereinbefore described, for a total price of (>305.50 and whatever interest may accrue on said purchase price under the terms of cmid contrs1ct prior to full pa;7Yr1cnt, is hereby confirmed, ratified fmd approved. Said tract of 61.1 acres is slJ.bstantially described as follows: Lo t 1, less the Minnie Kraus tract, and all of the SE-!' of the F",J, ,.w",-, less the platted portion thereof to the ':i'own of 13 19rade, a 11 in See tion 1, rrwo. lSR4E, GCl lla tin Coun ty, 1.1on tana. Passed and adopted by the City Commission of Tile City of Bozem.an, Mon tana.. at a re!Ulur session of said CO:lmisslon held on the 8th day of November, 1940 ~~ - wa;'or NI'TEST: ~~ lerk of tne" i ty Cormnissi on------.-.--.- S ta te 0 f I,iaD tana ) )ss County of Galla tin) I, L. ..'j Shadoan.. Clerl<: of the Corrrrnission of The Cit7 of 130z onan do hereby certlfy ',-1. I tha t the foregoing COmr.1isslon Resolution No. 487, was published in the ti tIe and number ir1 the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circu1a t:1.on printed and publ:1.shed in said C1 ty in the issue of Novcn:ber 15th, 1940, anu that rhlc proof is on file in my office. IN "'fITN}I; SS Wlr~REOI" I l1ereun to set ;,,-y hand and affix the seal of my office this 21st day of November 1940. / ";7 .-;7 '-"J ./8. ~/~--- Cl erk of ---trte Gorum.:_:". sion I Resoln ti on Ho. 487 . . -.-...., --- .,_......